Class Polling (4.10.0)

public static class Polling

Helper methods for polling scenarios.


object > Polling






PollRepeatedlyAsync<TResponse>(Func<DateTime?, Task<TResponse>>, Predicate<TResponse>, IClock, IScheduler, PollSettings, CancellationToken)

public static Task<TResponse> PollRepeatedlyAsync<TResponse>(Func<DateTime?, Task<TResponse>> pollAction, Predicate<TResponse> completionPredicate, IClock clock, IScheduler scheduler, PollSettings pollSettings, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Asynchronously repeatedly calls the specified polling action, delaying between calls, until a given condition is met in the response.

Name Description
pollAction FuncDateTimeTask

The poll action, typically performing an RPC. The value passed to the action is the overall deadline, so that the RPC settings can be adjusted accordingly. A null value indicates no deadline.

completionPredicate Predicate

The test for whether to return the response (true) or continue polling (false). Must not be null.

clock IClock

The clock to use for determining deadlines. Must not be null.

scheduler IScheduler

The scheduler to use for delaying between calls. Must not be null.

pollSettings PollSettings

The poll settings, controlling timeouts, call settings and delays.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

The cancellation token used to cancel delays, if any.

Type Description

A task representing the asynchronous operation. The result of the task will be the completed response.

Type Parameter
Name Description

The response type.

PollRepeatedly<TResponse>(Func<DateTime?, TResponse>, Predicate<TResponse>, IClock, IScheduler, PollSettings, CancellationToken)

public static TResponse PollRepeatedly<TResponse>(Func<DateTime?, TResponse> pollAction, Predicate<TResponse> completionPredicate, IClock clock, IScheduler scheduler, PollSettings pollSettings, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Repeatedly calls the specified polling action, delaying between calls, until a given condition is met in the response.

Name Description
pollAction FuncDateTime

The poll action, typically performing an RPC. The value passed to the action is the overall deadline, so that the RPC settings can be adjusted accordingly. A null value indicates no deadline.

completionPredicate Predicate

The test for whether to return the response (true) or continue polling (false). Must not be null.

clock IClock

The clock to use for determining deadlines. Must not be null.

scheduler IScheduler

The scheduler to use for delaying between calls. Must not be null.

pollSettings PollSettings

The poll settings, controlling timeouts, call settings and delays.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

The cancellation token used to cancel delays, if any.

Type Description

The completed response.

Type Parameter
Name Description

The response type.

Type Description

The timeout specified in the poll settings expired.