Set access control list (ACL)

Set the access control list (ACL) for a document or a project.

Code sample


For more information, see the Document AI Warehouse Node.js API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Document AI Warehouse, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
 * project_id = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID'
 * location = 'YOUR_PROJECT_LOCATION' // Format is 'us' or 'eu'
 * policyRole = 'YOUR_REQUESTED_ROLE',
 * policyMember = 'YOUR_REQUESTED_MEMBER',
 * user_id = 'user:YOUR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID' # Format is ""
 * document_id = 'YOUR_DOCUMENT_ID'

//Import service client from google cloud
const {DocumentServiceClient} = require('@google-cloud/contentwarehouse').v1;

const apiEndpoint =
  location === 'us'
    ? ''
    : `${location}`;

// Create client
const serviceClient = new DocumentServiceClient({apiEndpoint: apiEndpoint});

// Set access control policies on project or document level.
async function setACL() {
  //Initialize request argument(s)
  const request = {};
  request.policy = {
    bindings: [
        role: policyRole,
        members: [policyMember],
  if (documentId !== 'YOUR_DOCUMENT_ID') {
    // Full document resource name, e.g.:
    // projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/documents/{document_id}
    request.resource = `projects/${projectId}/locations/${location}/documents/${documentId}`;
    request.requestMetadata = {userInfo: {id: userId}};
  } else {
    // Full document resource name, e.g.: projects/{project_id}
    request.resource = `projects/${projectId}`;
    request.projectOwner = true;

  // Make Request
  const response = serviceClient.setAcl(request);

  // Print Response
    result => console.log(`Success! Response: \n${JSON.stringify(result)}`),
    error => console.log(`Failed! Response: \n${error}`)

For more information, see the Document AI Warehouse Python API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Document AI Warehouse, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any

from import contentwarehouse

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# project_number = 'YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER'
# location = 'YOUR_PROJECT_LOCATION' # Format is 'us' or 'eu'
# document_id = 'YOUR_DOCUMENT_ID'
# user_id = 'user:YOUR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID' # Format is ""
# policy = "Policy in JSON format"

def set_acl(
    project_number: str,
    location: str,
    policy: dict[str, list[dict[str, Any]]],
    user_id: str,
    document_id: str = "",
) -> None:
    """Sets access control policies on project or document level.

        project_number: Google Cloud project number.
        location: Google Cloud project location.
        policy: ACL policy to set, in JSON format.
        user_id: user:YOUR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID.
        document_id: Record id in Document AI Warehouse.
    # Create a client
    client = contentwarehouse.DocumentServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    # Set document acl if document id is specified
    # else set acl on project level
    if document_id:
        request = contentwarehouse.SetAclRequest(
            # The full resource name of the document, e.g.:
            # projects/{project_number}/locations/{location}/documents/{document_id}
            resource=client.document_path(project_number, location, document_id),
        request = contentwarehouse.SetAclRequest(
            # The full resource name of the project, e.g.:
            # projects/{project_number}

    request.policy = policy

    # Make the request
    response = client.set_acl(request=request)

    # Print response

What's next

To search and filter code samples for other Google Cloud products, see the Google Cloud sample browser.