Polling operasi yang berjalan lama

Untuk melakukan polling operasi, panggil metode get_long_running_operation() berulang kali hingga operasi selesai. Gunakan backoff di antara setiap permintaan polling, seperti 10 detik.

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Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat dokumentasi referensi API Python Document AI.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Document AI, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, baca Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

from time import sleep

from google.api_core.client_options import ClientOptions
from google.cloud import documentai  # type: ignore
from google.longrunning.operations_pb2 import GetOperationRequest  # type: ignore

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# location = "YOUR_PROCESSOR_LOCATION"  # Format is "us" or "eu"
# operation_name = "YOUR_OPERATION_NAME"  # Format is "projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/operations/{operation_id}"

def poll_operation_sample(location: str, operation_name: str) -> None:
    # You must set the `api_endpoint` if you use a location other than "us".
    opts = ClientOptions(api_endpoint=f"{location}-documentai.googleapis.com")
    client = documentai.DocumentProcessorServiceClient(client_options=opts)

    request = GetOperationRequest(name=operation_name)

    while True:
        # Make GetOperation request
        operation = client.get_operation(request=request)
        # Print the Operation Information

        # Stop polling when Operation is no longer running
        if operation.done:

        # Wait 10 seconds before polling again

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Untuk menelusuri dan memfilter contoh kode untuk produk Google Cloud lainnya, lihat Google Cloud browser contoh.