Toolbox - Convert external annotations to Document format

Convert external annotations to the Document format used by Document AI Workbench for training.

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Code sample


For more information, see the Document AI Python API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Document AI, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

from import converter

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# This sample will convert external annotations to the Document.json format used by Document AI Workbench for training.
# To process this the external annotation must have these type of objects:
#       1) Type
#       2) Text
#       3) Bounding Box (bounding boxes must be 1 of the 3 optional types)
# This is the bare minimum requirement to convert the annotations but for better accuracy you will need to also have:
#       1) Document width & height
# Bounding Box Types:
#   Type 1:
#       bounding_box:[{"x":1,"y":2},{"x":2,"y":2},{"x":2,"y":3},{"x":1,"y":3}]
#   Type 2:
#       bounding_box:{ "Width": 1, "Height": 1, "Left": 1, "Top": 1}
#   Type 3:
#       bounding_box: [1,2,2,2,2,3,1,3]
#   Note: If these types are not sufficient you can propose a feature request or contribute the new type and conversion functionality.
# Given a folders in gcs_input_path with the following structure :
# gs://path/to/input/folder
#   ├──test_annotations.json
#   ├──test_config.json
#   └──test.pdf
# An example of the config is in sample-converter-configs/Azure/form-config.json
# location = "us",
# processor_id = "my_processor_id"
# gcs_input_path = "gs://path/to/input/folder"
# gcs_output_path = "gs://path/to/input/folder"

def convert_external_annotations_sample(
    location: str,
    processor_id: str,
    project_id: str,
    gcs_input_path: str,
    gcs_output_path: str,
) -> None:

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