Cómo copiar versiones de procesadores en varios proyectos

En esta página, se incluyen los pasos para copiar las versiones del procesador entrenado de Document AI de un proyecto a otro, junto con el esquema del conjunto de datos y las muestras del procesador de origen al de destino. Estos pasos automatizan el proceso de importar la versión del procesador, implementarla y configurarla como la versión predeterminada en el proyecto de destino.

Antes de comenzar

  • Obtén un Google Cloud ID de proyecto.
  • Tener el ID de procesador de Document AI
  • Tener Cloud Storage
  • Usa Python: Notebook de Jupyter (Vertex AI).
  • Necesitas permisos para otorgar acceso a la cuenta de servicio en los proyectos de origen y de destino.

Procedimiento paso a paso

El procedimiento se describe en los siguientes pasos.

Paso 1: Identifica la cuenta de servicio asociada con el notebook de Vertex AI

!gcloud config list account


account = example@automl-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com

Your active configuration is: [default]

Paso 2: Otorga los permisos necesarios a la cuenta de servicio

En el Google Cloud proyecto que es el destino previsto para la migración, agrega la cuenta de servicio que se adquirió en el paso anterior como principal y asigna los dos siguientes roles:

  • Administrador de Document AI
  • Administrador de almacenamiento

Consulta Otorga roles a cuentas de servicio y Claves de encriptación administradas por el cliente (CMEK) para obtener más información.


Para que la migración funcione, la cuenta de servicio que se usa para ejecutar este notebook debe tener lo siguiente:

  • Roles en los proyectos de origen y destino para crear el bucket del conjunto de datos o crearlo si no existe, así como permisos de lectura y escritura para todos los objetos
  • Rol de editor de Document AI en el proyecto de origen, como se describe en Cómo importar una versión del procesador

Descarga una clave JSON para la cuenta de servicio, de modo que puedas autenticarla y autorizarla como cuenta de servicio. Para obtener más información, consulta Claves de cuentas de servicio.


  1. Ve a la cuenta de servicio.
  2. Selecciona la cuenta de servicio que se usará para realizar esta tarea.
  3. Ve a la pestaña Claves, haz clic en Add Key y, luego, elige Crear clave nueva.
  4. Selecciona el tipo de clave (preferentemente JSON).
  5. Haz clic en Create y descarga el archivo en una ruta de acceso específica. processor-version-migrate-2

  6. Actualiza la ruta de acceso en la variable service_account_key en el siguiente fragmento.


from google.oauth2 import service_account
from google.cloud import storage

# Authenticate the service account
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(

# pass this credentials variable to all client initializations
# storage_client = storage.Client(credentials=credentials)
# docai_client = documentai.DocumentProcessorServiceClient(credentials=credentials)

Paso 3: Importa bibliotecas

import time
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from google.cloud.documentai_v1beta3.services.document_service import pagers
from google.api_core.client_options import ClientOptions
from google.api_core.operation import Operation
from google.cloud import documentai_v1beta3 as documentai
from google.cloud import storage
from tqdm import tqdm

Paso 4: Ingresa los detalles

  • source_project_id: Proporciona el ID del proyecto de origen.
  • source_location: Proporciona la ubicación del procesador de origen (us o eu).
  • source_processor_id: Proporciona el Google Cloud ID del procesador de Document AI.
  • source_processor_version_to_import: Proporciona el Google Cloud ID de la versión del procesador de Document AI para la versión entrenada.
  • migrate_dataset: Proporciona este valor como True o False. Si quieres migrar el conjunto de datos del procesador de origen al procesador de destino, proporciona True; de lo contrario, proporciona False. El valor predeterminado es False.
  • source_exported_gcs_path: Proporciona la ruta de acceso de Cloud Storage para almacenar archivos JSON.
  • destination_project_id: Proporciona el ID del proyecto de destino.
  • destination_processor_id: Proporciona el Google Cloud ID del procesador de IA de documentos, ya sea "" o processor_id, del proyecto de destino.
source_project_id = "source-project-id"
source_location = "processor-location"
source_processor_id = "source-processor-id"
source_processor_version_to_import = "source-processor-version-id"
migrate_dataset = False  # Either True or False
source_exported_gcs_path = (
destination_project_id = "< destination-project-id >"
# Give an empty string if you wish to create a new processor
destination_processor_id = ""

Paso 5: Ejecuta el código

import time
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from google.cloud.documentai_v1beta3.services.document_service import pagers
from google.api_core.client_options import ClientOptions
from google.api_core.operation import Operation
from google.cloud import documentai_v1beta3 as documentai
from google.cloud import storage
from tqdm import tqdm

source_project_id = "source-project-id"
source_location = "processor-location"
source_processor_id = "source-processor-id"
source_processor_version_to_import = "source-processor-version-id"
migrate_dataset = False # Either True or False
source_exported_gcs_path = (
destination_project_id = "< destination-project-id >"
# Give empty string if you wish to create a new processor
destination_processor_id = ""

exported_bucket_name = source_exported_gcs_path.split("/")[2]
exported_bucket_path_prefix = "/".join(source_exported_gcs_path.split("/")[3:])
destination_location = source_location

def sample_get_processor(project_id: str, processor_id: str, location: str)->Tuple[str, str]:
    This function returns Processor Display Name and Type of Processor from source project

        project_id (str): Project ID
        processor_id (str): Document AI Processor ID
        location (str): Processor Location

        Tuple[str, str]: Returns Processor Display name and type
    client = documentai.DocumentProcessorServiceClient()
        f"Fetching processor({processor_id}) details from source project ({project_id})"
    name = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/processors/{processor_id}"
    request = documentai.GetProcessorRequest(
    response = client.get_processor(request=request)
    print(f"Processor Name: {response.name}")
    print(f"Processor Display Name: {response.display_name}")
    print(f"Processor Type: {response.type_}")
    return response.display_name, response.type_

def sample_create_processor(project_id: str, location: str, display_name: str, processor_type: str)->documentai.Processor:
    """It will create Processor in Destination project

        project_id (str): Project ID
        location (str): Location fo processor
        display_name (str): Processor Display Name
        processor_type (str): Google Cloud Document AI Processor type

        documentai.Processor: Returns details abouts newly created processor

    client = documentai.DocumentProcessorServiceClient()
    request = documentai.CreateProcessorRequest(
            "type_": processor_type,
            "display_name": display_name,
    print(f"Creating Processor in project: {project_id} in location: {location}")
    print(f"Display Name: {display_name} & Processor Type: {processor_type}")
    res = client.create_processor(request=request)
    return res

def initialize_dataset(project_id: str, processor_id: str, location: str)-> Operation:
    """It will configure dataset for target processor in destination project

        project_id (str): Project ID
        processor_id (str): DocuemntAI Processor ID
        location (str): Processor Location

        Operation: An object representing a long-running operation

    # opts = ClientOptions(api_endpoint=f"{location}-documentai.googleapis.com")
    client = documentai.DocumentServiceClient()  # client_options=opts
    dataset = documentai.types.Dataset(
    request = documentai.types.UpdateDatasetRequest(dataset=dataset)
        f"Configuring Dataset in  project: {project_id} for processor: {processor_id}"
    response = client.update_dataset(request=request)
    return response

def get_dataset_schema(project_id: str, processor_id: str, location: str)->documentai.DatasetSchema:
    """It helps to fetch processor schema

        project_id (str): Project ID
        processor_id (str): DocumentAI Processor ID
        location (str): Processor Location

        documentai.DatasetSchema: Return deails about Processor Dataset Schema

    # Create a client
    processor_name = (
    client = documentai.DocumentServiceClient()
    request = documentai.GetDatasetSchemaRequest(
        name=processor_name + "/dataset/datasetSchema"
    # Make the request
    print(f"Fetching schema from source processor: {processor_id}")
    response = client.get_dataset_schema(request=request)
    return response

def upload_dataset_schema(schema: documentai.DatasetSchema)->documentai.DatasetSchema:
    """It helps to update the schema in destination processor

        schema (documentai.DatasetSchema): Document AI Processor Schema details & Metadata

        documentai.DatasetSchema: Returns Dataset Schema object

    client = documentai.DocumentServiceClient()
    request = documentai.UpdateDatasetSchemaRequest(dataset_schema=schema)
    print("Updating Schema in destination processor")
    res = client.update_dataset_schema(request=request)
    return res

def store_document_as_json(document: str, bucket_name: str, file_name: str)->None:
    """It helps to upload data to Cloud Storage and stores as a blob

        document (str): Processor response in json string format
        bucket_name (str): Cloud Storage bucket name
        file_name (str): Cloud Storage blob uri

    print(f"\tUploading file to Cloud Storage gs://{bucket_name}/{file_name}")
    storage_client = storage.Client()
    process_result_bucket = storage_client.get_bucket(bucket_name)
    document_blob = storage.Blob(
        name=str(Path(file_name)), bucket=process_result_bucket
    document_blob.upload_from_string(document, content_type="application/json")

def list_documents(project_id: str, location: str, processor: str, page_size: Optional[int]=100, page_token: Optional[str]="")->pagers.ListDocumentsPager:
    """This function helps to list the samples present in processor dataset

        project_id (str): Project ID
        location (str): Processor Location 
        processor (str): DocumentAI Processor ID
        page_size (Optional[int], optional): The maximum number of documents to return. Defaults to 100.
        page_token (Optional[str], optional): A page token, received from a previous ListDocuments call. Defaults to "".

        pagers.ListDocumentsPager: Returns all details about documents present in Processor Dataset
    client = documentai.DocumentServiceClient()
    dataset = (
    request = documentai.types.ListDocumentsRequest(
    print(f"Listingll  documents/Samples present in processor: {processor}")
    operation = client.list_documents(request)
    return operation

def get_document(project_id: str, location: str, processor: str, doc_id: documentai.DocumentId)->documentai.GetDocumentResponse:
    """It will fetch data for individual sample/document present in dataset

        project_id (str): Project ID
        location (str): Processor Location
        processor (str): Document AI Processor ID
        doc_id (documentai.DocumentId): Document identifier

        documentai.GetDocumentResponse: Returns data related to doc_id

    client = documentai.DocumentServiceClient()
    dataset = (
    request = documentai.GetDocumentRequest(dataset=dataset, document_id=doc_id)
    operation = client.get_document(request)
    return operation

def import_documents(project_id: str, processor_id: str, location: str, gcs_path: str)->Operation:
    """It helps to import samples/docuemnts from Cloud Storage path to processor via API call

        project_id (str): Project ID
        processor_id (str): Document AI Processor ID
        location (str): Processor Location
        gcs_path (str): Cloud Storage path uri prefix 

        Operation: An object representing a long-running operation

    client = documentai.DocumentServiceClient()
    dataset = (
    request = documentai.ImportDocumentsRequest(
                "dataset_split": "DATASET_SPLIT_TRAIN",
                "batch_input_config": {
                    "gcs_prefix": {"gcs_uri_prefix": gcs_path + "train/"}
                "dataset_split": "DATASET_SPLIT_TEST",
                "batch_input_config": {
                    "gcs_prefix": {"gcs_uri_prefix": gcs_path + "test/"}
                "dataset_split": "DATASET_SPLIT_UNASSIGNED",
                "batch_input_config": {
                    "gcs_prefix": {"gcs_uri_prefix": gcs_path + "unassigned/"}
        f"Importing Documents/samples from {gcs_path} to corresponding tran_test_unassigned sections"
    response = client.import_documents(request=request)
    return response

def import_processor_version(source_processor_version_name: str, destination_processor_name: str)->Operation:
    """It helps to import processor version from source processor to destanation processor

        source_processor_version_name (str): source processor name in this format projects/{project}/locations/{location}/processors/{processor}
        destination_processor_name (str): destination processor name in this format projects/{project}/locations/{location}/processors/{processor}

        Operation: An object representing a long-running operation

    from google.cloud import documentai_v1beta3

    # provide the source version(to copy) processor details in the following format
    client = documentai_v1beta3.DocumentProcessorServiceClient()
    # provide the new processor name in the parent variable in format 'projects/{project_number}/locations/{location}/processors/{new_processor_id}'
    import google.cloud.documentai_v1beta3 as documentai

    op_import_version_req = (

    print("Importing processor from source to destination")
    print(f"\tSource: {source_processor_version_name}")
    print(f"\tDestination: {destination_processor_name}")
    # copying the processor
    operation = client.import_processor_version(request=op_import_version_req)
    print("Waitin for operation to complete...")
    return operation

def deploy_and_set_default_processor_version(
    project_id: str, location: str, processor_id: str, processor_version_id: str
    """It helps to deploy to imported processor version and set it as default version

        project_id (str): Project ID
        location (str): Processor Location
        processor_id (str): Document AI Processor ID
        processor_version_id (str): Document AI Processor Version ID

    # Construct the resource name of the processor version
    processor_name = (
    default_processor_version_name = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/processors/{processor_id}/processorVersions/{processor_version_id}"

    # Initialize the Document AI client
    client_options = ClientOptions(api_endpoint=f"{location}-documentai.googleapis.com")
    client = documentai.DocumentProcessorServiceClient(client_options=client_options)

    # Deploy the processor version
    operation = client.deploy_processor_version(name=default_processor_version_name)
    print(f"Deploying processor version: {operation.operation.name}")
    print("Waiting for operation to complete...")
    result = operation.result()
    print("Processor version deployed")
    # Set the deployed version as the default version
    request = documentai.SetDefaultProcessorVersionRequest(
    operation = client.set_default_processor_version(request=request)
    print(f"Setting default processor version: {operation.operation.name}")
    print(f"Default processor version set {default_processor_version_name}")

def main(destination_processor_id: str, migrate_dataset: bool = False)->None:
    """Entry function to perform Processor Migration from Source Project to Destination project

        destination_processor_id (str): Either empty string or processor id in desination project
    # Checking processor id of destination project
    if destination_processor_id == "":
        # Fetching Processor Display Name and Type of Processor from source project
        display_name, processor_type = sample_get_processor(
            source_project_id, source_processor_id, source_location
        # Creating Processor in Destination project
        des_processor = sample_create_processor(
            destination_project_id, destination_location, display_name, processor_type
        destination_processor_id = des_processor.name.split("/")[-1]
        # configuring dataset for target processor in destination project
        r = initialize_dataset(
            destination_project_id, destination_processor_id, destination_location
    # fetching processor schema from source processor
    exported_schema = get_dataset_schema(
        source_project_id, source_processor_id, source_location
    exported_schema.name = f"projects/{destination_project_id}/locations/{destination_location}/processors/{destination_processor_id}/dataset/datasetSchema"
    # Copying schema from source processor to desination processor 
    import_schema = upload_dataset_schema(exported_schema)
    if migrate_dataset == True: # to migrate dataset from source to destination processor
        print("Migrating Dataset from source to destination processor")
        # Fetching/listing the samples/JSONs present in source processor dataset
        results = list_documents(source_project_id, source_location, source_processor_id)
        document_list = results.document_metadata
        while len(document_list) != results.total_size:
            page_token = results.next_page_token
            results = list_documents(
        print("Exporting Dataset...")
        for doc in tqdm(document_list):
            doc_id = doc.document_id
            split_type = doc.dataset_type
            if split_type == 3:
                split = "unassigned"
            elif split_type == 2:
                split = "test"
            elif split_type == 1:
                split = "train"
                split = "unknown"
            file_name = doc.display_name
            # fetching/downloading data for individual sample/document present in dataset
            res = get_document(
                source_project_id, source_location, source_processor_id, doc_id
            output_file_name = (
            # Converting Document AI Proto object to JSON string
            json_data = documentai.Document.to_json(res.document)
            # Uploading JSON data to specified Cloud Storage path
            store_document_as_json(json_data, exported_bucket_name, output_file_name)

        print(f"Importing dataset to {destination_processor_id}")
        gcs_path = source_exported_gcs_path.strip("/") + "/"
        project = destination_project_id
        location = destination_location
        processor = destination_processor_id
        # importing samples/docuemnts from Cloud Storage path to destination processor
        res = import_documents(project, processor, location, gcs_path)
        print(f"Waiting for {len(document_list)*1.5} seconds")
        time.sleep(len(document_list) * 1.5)
        print("\tSkipping Dataset Migration actions like, exporting source dataset to Cloud Storage and importing dataset to destination processor")

    # Checking for source processor version, if id provided then it will be imported to destination processor
    if source_processor_version_to_import != "":
        print(f"Importing Processor Version {source_processor_version_to_import}")
        source_version = f"projects/{source_project_id}/locations/{source_location}/processors/{source_processor_id}/processorVersions/{source_processor_version_to_import}"
        destination_version = f"projects/{destination_project_id}/locations/{destination_location}/processors/{destination_processor_id}"
        # source_version = f"projects/{source_project_id}/locations/us/processors/a82fc086440d7ea1/processorVersions/f1eeed93aad5e317"  # Data for testing
        # Importing processor version from source processor to destanation processor
        operation = import_processor_version(source_version, destination_version)
        name = operation.metadata.common_metadata.resource
        destination_processor_version_id = name.split("/")[-1]
        # deploying newly imported processor version and set it as default version in desination project

main(destination_processor_id, migrate_dataset)
print("Process Completed!!!")

Paso 6: Revisa los detalles del resultado

Ve al proyecto de destino y verifica la creación del procesador, la disponibilidad del conjunto de datos y la versión nueva del procesador como la versión predeterminada.

