Import your Google Cloud resources into Terraform state

Terraform can import existing infrastructure. This allows you to take resources you've created by some other means and bring them under Terraform management.

You can import the state for any Google Cloud resource.

Terraform supports multiple ways to import resources:

The import command takes two arguments—the resource address and ID. The resource address is an identifier that points to a resource instance within a configuration. The ID is an identifier that identifies a resource in Google Cloud that is being imported. Format for the ID differs based on resource type and is documented for each resource supported by the provider. We recommend using the full identifier, which includes the project ID when supported.

  • Identify the resource address to be imported.

    resource "google_storage_bucket" "sample" {
     name          = "my-bucket"
     project       = "sample-project"
     location      = "US"
     force_destroy = true

    For a sample resource such as Cloud Storage bucket defined earlier, this is google_storage_bucket.sample.

  • To identify the resource ID format, see the provider import documentation for the google_storage_bucket resource. In this case, it is of the form project/name, so the resource ID for the preceding sample is sample-project/my-bucket.

  • Construct the import statement by using the resource address and ID, as follows:

    terraform import google_storage_bucket.sample sample-project/my-bucket


    terraform import google_storage_bucket.sample sample-project/my-bucket
    google_storage_bucket.sample: Importing from ID "sample-project/my-bucket"...
    google_storage_bucket.sample: Import prepared!
    Prepared google_storage_bucket for import
    google_storage_bucket.sample: Refreshing state... [id=sample-project/my-bucket]
    Import successful!
    The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in
    your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.

Import resources within modules

Modules encapsulate one or more resources within a Terraform configuration. Because importing requires a resource address, each resource within a module has to be imported individually.

  • Identify the resources within a module to be imported.

    module "gcs_bucket" {
     source  = "terraform-google-modules/cloud-storage/google//modules/simple_bucket"
     version = "~> 3.4"
     name       = "my-bucket"
     project_id = "sample-project"
     location   = "us-east1"

    To identify resource addresses, you can inspect module contents. Alternatively, apply the configuration and use the errors surfaced by the provider. For example:

    terraform apply
    module.gcs_bucket.google_storage_bucket.bucket: Creating...
    │ Error: googleapi: Error 409: Your previous request to create the named bucket succeeded and you already own it., conflict
    │   with module.gcs_bucket.google_storage_bucket.bucket,

    By using the preceding log, you can identify the resource address that needs to be imported as module.gcs_bucket.google_storage_bucket.bucket.

  • To identify the resource ID format, see the provider import documentation for the google_storage_bucket resource. In this case, it is of the form project/name. The name can be identified from the plan output.


    module.gcs_bucket.google_storage_bucket.bucket will be created
    + resource "google_storage_bucket" "bucket" {
        + name                        = "my-bucket"
        + project                     = "sample-project"

    For the preceding sample, the resource ID is sample-project/my-bucket.

  • Construct the import statement by using the resource address and ID, as follows:

    terraform import module.gcs_bucket.google_storage_bucket.bucket sample-project/my-bucket


    terraform import module.gcs_bucket.google_storage_bucket.bucket sample-project/my-bucket
    module.gcs_bucket.google_storage_bucket.bucket: Importing from ID "sample-project/my-bucket"...
    module.gcs_bucket.google_storage_bucket.bucket: Import prepared!
    Prepared google_storage_bucket for import
    module.gcs_bucket.google_storage_bucket.bucket: Refreshing state... [id=sample-project/my-bucket]
    Import successful!
    The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in
    your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.

Import resources in bulk with a configuration-driven import block

Terraform version 1.5 lets you add an import block to your Terraform configuration. This allows import operations to be previewed during the plan operation and executed using the apply operation.

You can also do automatic code generation for imported resources instead of writing the code manually.

The import block takes two parameters:

  • id: The provider-defined resource ID of the cloud resource to be imported.

    For the accepted provider-defined resource ID, see the Import section for the resource in Hashicorp's Google provider documentation. For example, projects/{project}/global/networks/{name} is a resource ID for a VPC network, as shown on the google_compute_network reference page.

  • to: The Terraform resource address to be created. Usually in the form RESOURCE TYPE.NAME.

Here’s an example of an import block for a Virtual Private Cloud network:

import {
  # Provider-defined resource ID of the cloud resource to be imported
  id = "projects/PROJECT_ID/global/networks/my-network"

  # Terraform resource address to be created
  to = google_compute_network.my_network

If you have manually created your resource block, execute terraform plan to preview the import operation.

If you want Terraform to generate the resource blocks for you, use the -generate-config-out flag to specify the file to generate configuration.

For example:

 terraform plan

After reviewing the generated code, run the terraform apply operation to import the configuration to the Terraform state.

Import resources created after doing a bulk export

Bulk export lets you export Google Cloud resources as Terraform configurations and import Terraform state for those resources so that you can manage your deployment in Terraform.

Before you begin

  • Prepare Cloud Shell.

    Launch Cloud Shell, and set the default Google Cloud project where you want to generate Terraform code for the deployed resources.

    You only need to run this command once per project, and you can run it in any directory.


    Environment variables are overridden if you set explicit values in a Terraform configuration file.

  • In Cloud Shell, install the command-line interface (CLI) for Config Connector.

    gcloud components install config-connector

    Config Connector lets you use Google Cloud's Terraform bulk-export tool.

    If you see ERROR: (gcloud.components.install) You cannot perform this action because the Google Cloud CLI component manager is disabled for this installation, run the following command instead:

    sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk-config-connector
  • Enable the Cloud Asset API.

    gcloud services enable

Generate Terraform code for your resources

  1. If you haven't done so already, create the directory where you want to output the project's configuration.

  2. Run the gcloud beta resource-config bulk-export command to output the project's entire configuration to the OUTPUT_DIRECTORY path:

    gcloud beta resource-config bulk-export \
       --path=OUTPUT_DIRECTORY \
       --project=PROJECT_ID \

Create Terraform modules from the generated code

Run the gcloud beta resource-config terraform generate-import command, pointing to the content in the output directory:

gcloud beta resource-config terraform generate-import OUTPUT_DIRECTORY

This command generates Terraform modules and an import script:

  • The file. This file points to all of the modules from the sub-resources. The content of this file looks like this:

    provider "google" {
     project = "PROJECT_ID"
    module "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY-projects-PROJECT_ID-ComputeFirewall" {
     source = "./OUTPUT_DIRECTORY/projects/PROJECT_ID/ComputeFirewall"
    module "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY-projects-PROJECT_ID-ComputeBackendService-global" {
     source = "./OUTPUT_DIRECTORY/projects/PROJECT_ID/ComputeBackendService/global"

    ...and so on.

  • An executable shell script called something like The shell script contains a list of terraform import commands:

    # Terraform Import Script generated by gcloud cli
    terraform import module.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY-projects-PROJECT_ID-ComputeFirewall.google_compute_firewall.allow_ssh projects/PROJECT_ID/global/firewalls/allow-ssh

    ...and so on.

    The terraform import commands are for importing the modules created by the generate-import command into the Terraform state.

Import the modules into the Terraform state

  1. Initialize it:

    terraform init
  2. Run the script:



    Importing from ID
    Import prepared!
     Prepared google_compute_instance for import
    Refreshing state...
    Import successful!
    The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in
    your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.

Next steps