This page describes how to implement common use cases using the Cloud Quotas API. This API lets you programmatically adjust quotas and automate quota adjustments in your Google Cloud projects, folders, or organization.
To learn more, see the Cloud Quotas API overview and reference.
Cloud Quotas has the following limitations:
In most cases, quota increase adjustments must be made at the project-level. A limited number of products support organization-level quota increase adjustments. To see if a Google Cloud product supports organization-level quota increase adjustments, refer to the documentation for that product.
You can request quota decrease adjustments for project-, organization-, and folder-level quotas.
Track usage and request an increase when usage is over 80%
This example tracks quota usage with Cloud Monitoring and then requests an increase when the usage is over 80%.
Call the
resource for your service to determine the currentquotaValue
. The service in this example
:GET projects/
PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/services/
with the project number for your project.To find the CPUs per project and the applicable locations, look through the
response for theCPUS-per-project-region
quota ID. ThequotaValue
is 20."quotaInfos": [ ... { "name": "projects/
PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/services/", "quotaId": "CPUS-per-project-region", "metric": "", "containerType": "PROJECT", "dimensions": [ "region" ], "dimensionsInfo": [ { "dimensions": [], "details": { "quotaValue": 20, "resetValue": 20 }, "applicableLocations": [ "us-central1", "us-central2", "us-west1", "us-east1" ] } ] }, ... ]Call the Cloud Monitoring API to find the quota usage. In the following example, the region
has been specified. Supported quota metrics are listed underserviceruntime
`{ "name": "projects/
PROJECT_NUMBER " "filter": "metric.type=\"\" AND metric.labels.quota_metric=\"\" AND resource.type=\"consumer_quota\" AND resource.label.location=\"us-central1\" ", "interval": { "startTime": "2023-11-10T18:18:18.0000Z", "endTime": "2023-11-17T18:18:18.0000Z" }, "aggregation": { "alignmentPeriod": "604800s", // 7 days "perSeriesAligner": "ALIGN_MAX", "crossSeriesReducer": "REDUCE_MAX" } }To determine your usage, handle the response from the Cloud Monitoring API. Compare the value from Cloud Monitoring to the
in earlier steps to determine the usage.In the following example response the usage value in Cloud Monitoring is 19 in the
region. ThequotaValue
for all regions is 20. The usage is greater than 80% of the quota, and a quota preference update can be initiated.time_series { metric { labels { key: "quota_metric" value: "" } type: "" } resource { type: "consumer_quota" labels { key: "project_id" value: "
PROJECT_ID " } labels { key: "location" value: "us-central1" } } metric_kind: GAUGE value_type: INT64 points { interval { start_time { seconds: "2023-11-10T18:18:18.0000Z" } end_time { seconds: "2023-11-17T18:18:18.0000Z" } } value { int64_value: 19 } } }To avoid duplicated quota preferences, call
first to check if there are any pending requests. Thereconciling=true
flag calls pending requests.GET projects/
PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/quotaPreferences?
with the project number for your project.Call
to increase the quota value for regionus-central1
. In the following example, a new preferred value of 100 has been specified.The field
is set totrue
. This tells the system to create aQuotaPreference
resource where none exists with the provided name.PATCH projects/
PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/quotaPreferences/compute_googleapis_com-cpus-us-central1?allowMissing=true { "service": "", "quotaId": "CPUS-per-project-region", "quotaConfig": { "preferredValue": 100 }, "dimensions": { "region": "us-central1" }, "justification": "JUSTIFICATION ", "contactEmail": "EMAIL " }Replace the following:
: The unique identifier for your project.JUSTIFICATION
: An optional string that explains your request.EMAIL
: An email address that can be used as a contact, in case Google Cloud needs more information before additional quota can be granted.
to check the status of the quota preference change:GET projects/
PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/quotaPreferences/compute_googleapis_com-cpus-us-central1Replace
with the project number for your project.While Google Cloud evaluates the requested quota value, the reconciling status of your quota is set to
.Sometimes Google Cloud approves part of your increase request instead of approving the full increase. If the request is partially approved, the quota preference includes a
field. ThestateDetail
field describes the partially approved state. ThegrantedValue
field shows the adjustment that was made to partially fulfill your request.To see if the granted value is the final value approved, look at the
field. If your request is still undergoing evaluation, thereconciling
field is set totrue
. If thereconciling
field is set tofalse
or is omitted, the granted value is the final value approved.In the following example, the requested quota value is 100 and the
field indicates that the request is undergoing review."name": "projects/
PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/quotaPreferences/compute_googleapis_com-cpus-us-central1", "service": "", "quotaId": "CPUS-per-project-region", "quotaConfig": { "preferredValue": 100, "grantedValue": 50, "traceId": "123acd-345df23", "requestOrigin": "ORIGIN_UNSPECIFIED" }, "dimensions": { "region": "us-central1" }, "reconciling": true, "createTime": "2023-01-15T01:30:15.01Z", "updateTime": "2023-01-16T02:35:16.01Z"After the quota preference has been processed, the
field is set tofalse
. ThegrantedValue
is the same as thepreferredValue
. The preferred quota is fully granted.When Google Cloud denies or partially approves a customer request, the granted quota value can still be less than the preferred value.
Decrease a quota
The following example decreases the number of TPUs to 10 in each region.
Get the quota ID and the current quota value with a
call:GET projects/
PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/services/
with the project number for your project.Look through the response fields to find a
entry forV2-TPUS-per-project-region
."quotaInfos": [ ... { "name": "projects/
PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/services/", "quotaId": "V2-TPUS-per-project-region", "metric": "", "containerType": "PROJECT", "dimensions": [ "region" ], "dimensionsInfo": [ { "dimensions": [], "details": { "quotaValue": 20, "resetValue": 20 }, "applicableLocations": [ "us-central1", "us-central2", "us-west1", "us-east1" ] } ] }, ... ]In this response the quota ID is
, and the currentquotaValue
is 20.Reduce TPU quota in each region to 10 with a
. Set thepreferredValue
to 10.POST projects/
PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/quotaPreferences?quotaPreferenceId=compute_googleapis_com-Tpu-all-regions { "quotaConfig": { "preferredValue": 10 }, "dimensions": [], "service": "", "quotaId": "V2-TPUS-per-project-region", "justification": "JUSTIFICATION ", "contactEmail": "EMAIL " }Replace the following:
: The unique identifier for your project.JUSTIFICATION
: An optional string that explains your request.EMAIL
: An email address that can be used as a contact, in case Google Cloud needs more information before additional quota can be granted.
Confirm the new quota value with a
call that defines the quota ID asV2-TPUS-per-project-region
.GET projects/
PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/services/
with the project number for your project.The following is an example response, the
is 10 and it is applicable in all regions."name": "projects/
PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/services/", "quotaId": "V2-TPUS-per-project-region", "metric": "", "containerType": "PROJECT", "dimensions": [ "region" ], "dimensionsInfo": [ { "dimensions": [], "details": { "value": 10, }, "applicableLocations": [ "us-central1", "us-central2", "us-west1", "us-east1" ] } ]
Copy quota preferences to another project
The following example copies all quota preferences from one project to another. It's written in Java, but you can use any programming language.
on the source project with no filter:GET projects/
PROJECT_NUMBER1 /locations/global/quotaPreferencesPROJECT_NUMBER1 is the project number for the source project. The response contains all quota preferences for the source project.
For each quota preference in the response, call
and define the following fields:name
- The updated name field is taken from the response, and the source project number (PROJECT_NUMBER1) is replaced with the destination project number (PROJECT_NUMBER2).service
- These fields can be taken directly from the response as is.
for (QuotaPreference srcPreference : listResponse.getQuotaPreferences()) { QuotaPreference.Builder targetPreference = QuotaPreference.newBuilder() .setName(srcPreference.getName().replace("
PROJECT_NUMBER1 ", "PROJECT_NUMBER2 ")) .setService(srcPreference.getService()) .setQuotaId(srcPreference.getQuotaId()) .setJustification(srcPreference.getJustification()) .setContactEmail(srcPreference.getContactEmail()) .setQuotaConfig( QuotaConfig.newBuilder().setPreferredValue(srcPreference.getQuotaConfig().getPreferredValue())) .putAllDimensions(srcPreference.getDimensionsMap()); UpdateQuotaPreferenceRequest updateRequest = UpdateQuotaPreferenceRequest.newBuilder() .setQuotaPreference(targetPreference) .setAllowMissing(true) .build(); cloudQuotas.updateQuotaPreference(updateRequest); }Call
to verify the status of the quota preferences for the destination project:GET projects/
PROJECT_NUMBER2 /locations/global/quotaPreferencesReplace
with the project number for your destination project.
List pending quota requests
To list all pending quota preference requests for a project, call
with the filter reconciling=true
GET projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/quotaPreferences?reconciling=true
with the project number for your
The response for this request returns the latest pending quota preference. Because Cloud Quotas API is a declarative API, the latest quota preference is what the system tries to fulfill.
An example response looks similar to the following:
"quotaPreferences": [ { "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/quotaPreferences/compute_googleapis_com-cpus-us-central1", "service": "", "quotaId": "CPUS-per-project-region", "quotaConfig": { "preferredValue": 100, "grantedValue": 30, "traceId": "123acd-345df23", "requestOrigin": "ORIGIN_UNSPECIFIED" }, "dimensions": { "region": "us-central1" }, "reconciling": true, "createTime": "2023-01-15T01:30:15.01Z", "updateTime": "2023-01-16T02:35:16.01Z" }, { "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/quotaPreferences/compute_googleapis_com-cpus-cross-regions", "service": "", "quotaId": "CPUS-per-project-region", "quotaConfig": { "preferredValue": 10, "grantedValue": 5, "traceId": "456asd-678df43", "requestOrigin": "ORIGIN_UNSPECIFIED" }, "reconciling": true, "createTime": "2023-01-15T01:35:15.01Z", "updateTime": "2023-01-15T01:35:15.01Z" } ]
Request group quota increases
To request increases for a group of quotas in a new project, store the preferred quotas for the new project in a CSV file with the following values: service name, quota ID, preferred quota value, dimensions.
For each row in the CSV file, read the contents into the fields serviceName
, preferredValue
, and dimensionMap
CreateQuotaPreferenceRequest request = CreateQuotaPreferenceRequest.newBuilder() .setParent("projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global") .setQuotaPreferenceId(buildYourOwnQuotaPreferenceId(serviceName, quotaId, dimensionMap)) .setQuotaPreference( QuotaPreference.newBuilder() .setService(serviceName) .setQuotaId(quotaId) .setJustification(justification) .setContactEmail(contactEmail) .setQuotaConfig(QuotaConfig.newBuilder().setPreferredValue(preferredValue)) .putAllDimensions(dimensionMap)) .build(); cloudQuotas.createQuotaPreference(request);
with the project number for your
Because the target project is new, it is safe to call the
method as you read and assign the fields. Alternatively,
you can call the UpdateQuotaPreference
method with allow_missing
set to true
The method buildYourOwnQuotaPreferenceId
builds a quota preference ID
from service name, quota ID, and a map of dimensions according to your naming
scheme. Alternatively, you can choose not to set quota preference ID. A quota
preference ID is generated for you.
Request adjustments on quotas that have no usage
For quotas that don't already have quota usage and that have service-specific
dimensions such as vm_family
, it is possible that those quotas might not
be visible in the Google Cloud console. You may need to use the
Cloud Quotas API instead.
For example, you might clone a project and know ahead of time that you need to
increase the value for
This value only appears in the Google Cloud console for GPU families that you have
already used. To use the Cloud Quotas API to request an increase to
NVIDIA_H100 GPUs in us-central1
, you could send a request like the following:
POST projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/quotaPreferences?quotaPreferenceId=compute_googleapis_com-gpus-us-central1-NVIDIA_H100 {
"service": "",
"quotaId": "GPUS-PER-GPU-FAMILY-per-project-region",
"quotaConfig": { "preferredValue": 100 },
"dimensions": { "region": "us-central1", "gpu_family": "NVIDIA_H100" },
"justification": "JUSTIFICATION ",
"contactEmail": "EMAIL "
Replace the following:
: The unique identifier for your project.JUSTIFICATION
: An optional string that explains your request.EMAIL
: An email address that can be used as a contact, in case Google Cloud needs more information before additional quota can be granted.
For more information, see also the descriptions of Dimension precedence and Combining dimensions.
Get quota info for a service specific dimension
GPU family is a service specific dimension. The following example request uses the
quota ID to get the QuotaInfo
GET projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/services/
with the project number for your
This is an example response. For each unique gpu_family
key, the quotaValue
and applicableLocations
is different:
"name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/services/", "quotatName": "CPUS-per-project-region", "metric": "", "isPrecise": true, "quotaDisplayName": "GPUs per GPU family", "metricDisplayName": "GPUs", "dimensions": [ "region", "gpu_family" ], "dimensionsInfo": [ { "dimensions": { "region": "us-central1", "gpu_family": "NVIDIA_H200" }, "details": { "quotaValue": 30, "resetValue": 30, }, "applicableLocations": [ "us-central1" ] }, { "dimensions": { "region": "us-central1" } "details": { "quotaValue": 100, "resetValue": 100, }, "applicableLocations": [ "us-central1" ] }, { "dimensions": { "gpu_familly": "NVIDIA_H100" } "details": { "quotaValue": 10, }, "applicableLocations": [ "us-central2", "us-west1", "us-east1" ] } { "dimensions": [], "details": { "quotaValue": 50, "resetValue": 50, }, "applicableLocations": [ "us-central1", "us-central2", "us-west1", "us-east1" ] } ]
Create a quota preference for a service specific dimension
The following example demonstrates how to create a quota for a given region and
GPU family with a preferred value of 100. The target location is specified in the
map of dimensions with the key region
, and the target GPU family with the key
The following CreateQuotaPreference
example specifies a GPU family of
and a region of us-central1
POST projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/quotaPreferences?quotaPreferenceId=compute_googleapis_com-gpus-us-central1-NVIDIA_H100 { "service": "", "quotaId": "GPUS-PER-GPU-FAMILY-per-project-region", "quotaConfig": { "preferredValue": 100 }, "dimensions": {"region": "us-central1", "gpu_family": "NVIDIA_H100"}, "justification": "JUSTIFICATION ", "contactEmail": ""
Replace the following:
: The unique identifier for your project.JUSTIFICATION
: An optional string that explains your request.EMAIL
: An email address that can be used as a contact, in case Google Cloud needs more information before additional quota can be granted.
Update a quota preference for a service specific dimension
The following sample code gets the current value for the dimension
{"region" : "us-central1"; gpu_family:"NVIDIA_H100"},
and then sets the preferred value to double the value. It's written in Java, but you
can use any programming language.
// Get the current quota value for the target dimensions Map<String, String> targetDimensions = Maps.createHashMap("region", "us-central1", "gpu_family", "NVIDIA_H100"); long currentQuotaValue = 0; QuotaInfo quotaInfo = cloudQuotas.GetQuotaInfo( "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/services/" + serviceName + "quotaInfos/" + quotaId; for (dimensionsInfo : quotaInfo.getDimensionsInfoList()) { If (targetDimensions.entrySet().containsAll(dimensionsInfo.getDimensionsMap().entrySet()) { currentQuotaValue = dimensionsInfo.getDetails().getValue(); break; }) } // Set the preferred quota value to double the current value for the target dimensions QuotaPreference.Builder targetPreference = QuotaPreference.newBuilder() .setName(buildYourOwnQuotaPreferenceId(serviceName, quotaId, targetDimensions)) .setService(serviceName) .setQuotaId(quotaId) .setJustification(justification) .setContactEmail(contactEmail) .setQuotaConfig(QuotaConfig.newBuilder().setPreferredValue(currentQuotaValue * 2)) .putAllDimensions(targetDimensions)); UpdateQuotaPreferenceRequest updateRequest = UpdateQuotaPreferenceRequest.newBuilder() .setQuotaPreference(targetPreference) .setAllowMissing(true) .build(); cloudQuotas.updateQuotaPreference(updateRequest);
with the unique identifier for
your project.
What's next
About the Cloud Quotas API
Cloud Quotas API reference
Understand quotas