Quotas and limits

This document lists the quotas and system limits that apply to Cloud DNS. Quotas specify the amount of a countable, shared resource that you can use, and they are defined by Google Cloud services such as Cloud DNS. System limits are fixed values that cannot be changed.

Google Cloud uses quotas to help ensure fairness and reduce spikes in resource use and availability. A quota restricts how much of a Google Cloud resource your Google Cloud project can use. Quotas apply to a range of resource types, including hardware, software, and network components. For example, quotas can restrict the number of API calls to a service, the number of load balancers used concurrently by your project, or the number of projects that you can create. Quotas protect the community of Google Cloud users by preventing the overloading of services. Quotas also help you to manage your own Google Cloud resources.

The Cloud Quotas system does the following:

  • Monitors your consumption of Google Cloud products and services
  • Restricts your consumption of those resources
  • Provides a way to request changes to the quota value

In most cases, when you attempt to consume more of a resource than its quota allows, the system blocks access to the resource, and the task that you're trying to perform fails.

Quotas generally apply at the Google Cloud project level. Your use of a resource in one project doesn't affect your available quota in another project. Within a Google Cloud project, quotas are shared across all applications and IP addresses.

There are also system limits on Cloud DNS resources. System limits can't be changed.


To change a quota, see requesting additional quota.

This table highlights important global quotas for Cloud DNS resources in each project. For other quotas, see the Quotas page in the Google Cloud console.

Item Description
Read limit for a minute for a region The maximum number of API requests that an IAM user can make to the Cloud DNS API within a one-minute time period. This quota is only for API calls. There are no quotas for DNS query processing.
DNSSEC keys per managed zone The maximum number of DNSSEC keys per managed zone.
Managed zones per project The maximum allowed number of managed zones in the project.
Managed zones per VPC network The maximum allowed number of managed zones which can be attached to a VPC network.
Policy resources per project The maximum number of DNS server policies per project.
Networks per response policy The maximum allowed number of VPC networks per response policy.
Items per routing policy The maximum allowed number of items per routing policy.
GKE clusters per managed zone The maximum allowed number of Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters to which a privately scoped zone can be attached.
GKE clusters per policy The maximum allowed number of GKE clusters per policy.
Managed zones per GKE cluster The maximum allowed number of managed zones which can be attached to a GKE cluster.
Resource record additions per change The maximum allowed number of ResourceRecordSets you can add per ChangesCreateRequest.
Resource record deletions per change The maximum allowed number of ResourceRecordSets you can delete per ChangesCreateRequest.
Resource record sets per managed zone The maximum allowed number of ResourceRecordSets per zone in the project.
Resource records per resource record set The maximum allowed number of ResourceRecords per ResourceRecordSet. Each delegation (resource record sets of type NS) can have up to eight name servers.
Response policies per project The maximum allowed number of response policies per project.
Response policy rule write limit for a minute for a region The maximum number of response policy rules that can be written per minute for a region.
Response policy rules per batch action The maximum number of response policy management actions per batch per minute.
Response policy rules per policy The maximum number of response policy rules that that you can create for a policy.
Target name servers per forwarding policy The maximum allowed number of target name servers per forwarding policy.
Target name servers per managed zone The maximum allowed number of target name servers per managed forwarding zone.
Total size of resource record set data (in bytes) per change The maximum allowed size for total rrdata in one ChangesCreateRequest in bytes.
VPC networks per managed zone The maximum allowed number of VPC networks to which a privately scoped zone can be attached.
VPC networks per policy The maximum allowed number of VPC networks per Cloud DNS server policy.
Write limit for a minute for a region The maximum number of DNS writes per region per minute. This quota is used for any write operation that creates, modifies, or deletes a DNS record.


Unlike quotas, where you can request additional quota, limits cannot generally be increased unless specifically noted.

API usage

The number of API requests (queries) per day is governed at the project level. All API requests count against this limit, including those made from the Google Cloud CLI and through the Google Cloud console.

Resource limits

Item Limit
To request an update to these limits, contact Cloud Customer Care.
Number of peering zones per network 1,000
Name servers per delegation 8
Additions per change 1,000
Deletions per change 1,000
Resource record data size per change 100,000 bytes
Number of label combinations 1,000
Number of rules per response policy 10,000
Number of items per routing policy 100
Number of managed zones bound to a VPC network 10,000
Largest size of a DNS response (UDP) 1,440 bytes
Largest size of a DNS response (TCP) 65,533 bytes
These limits cannot be increased.
Maximum query rate per VPC network per zone 100,000 queries in a ten-second (10s) period in a Google Cloud zone, for example us-central1-a
Number of response policies per VPC network 1
Number of labels per managed zone 64 labels and 128 bytes per key or value
Number of forwarding targets in a forwarding zone 50
Number of forwarding targets in an alternative name server 50

Name server limits

Cloud DNS assigns every public managed zone to one of five name server shards. Shards are the letter before the number in an authoritative name server name, so ns-cloud-e1 through ns-cloud-e4 are the E shard.

A new managed zone of a domain, for example domain.example.tld, cannot be assigned to a shard if any of the following already exists on the same shard:

  • A managed zone with the same DNS name, such as domain.example.tld
  • A subdomain of the DNS name, such as sub.domain.example.tld
  • A parent domain of the DNS name, such as example.tld

Because of these restrictions, the following limitations apply to public managed zones:

  • You can create a maximum of five zones with the exact same DNS name.
  • For any parent domain, you can create a maximum of five levels of subdomains.

This limit applies to all projects and users in Google Cloud. Non-delegated subdomains and delegations hosted on other DNS services don't count against this limit. Before Cloud DNS creates a fifth zone with the same DNS name and prevents anyone else from using that DNS name, it requires you to verify the domain ownership with a TXT record.

Multiple subdomains of the same parent domain, for example domain.example.tld and otherdomain.example.tld, can be assigned to the same shard. However, Cloud DNS might pick any available shard after considering the limitation. If you create such subdomains in each shard, you cannot create a zone for the parent domain example.tld.

You can avoid this issue by always creating managed zones for the parent domains before creating zones for their subdomains.

If the child domains are already blocking all shards, follow these steps to free a shard for the parent domain:

  1. Check the name servers for every subdomain zone to determine its shard.
  2. Find the shard (X) with the fewest (or least important) managed zones.
  3. Export zones in shard X (and change their delegations) to another DNS service.
  4. After TTLs expire for the original delegations, delete the managed zones for shard X subdomains.
  5. Create the managed zone for the parent domain; it is assigned to shard X.
  6. Restore the deleted managed zones for the subdomains, restoring subdomains before any of their own sub-subdomains. They are in new shards, so they all need updated delegations.

Check limits

You can run the following command to look up the limits for your project. The following example shows the total limits for the various types of objects in the my-project project. The totalRrdataSizePerChange quota is measured in bytes and the combined total of both the additions and deletions for a change.

gcloud dns project-info describe my-project

Even though these are limits, Google Cloud tracks them internally as quotas, so they are labeled as quotas in the output.

id: my-project,
kind: "dns#project",
number: "123456789012",
    kind: dns#quota,
    managedZones: 10000,
    resourceRecordsPerRrset: 10000,
    rrsetAdditionsPerChange: 3000,
    rrsetDeletionsPerChange: 3000,
    rrsetsPerManagedZone: 10000,
    totalRrdataSizePerChange: 100000,
    labelSets: 1000

You can find the name of your default project and additional projects at the top of the Home page in the Google Cloud console.

Manage quotas

Cloud DNS enforces quotas on resource usage for various reasons. For example, quotas protect the community of Google Cloud users by preventing unforeseen spikes in usage. Quotas also help users who are exploring Google Cloud with the free tier to stay within their trial.

All projects start with the same quotas, which you can change by requesting additional quota. Some quotas might increase automatically based on your use of a product.


To view quotas or request quota increases, Identity and Access Management (IAM) principals need one of the following roles.

Task Required role
Check quotas for a project One of the following:
Modify quotas, request additional quota One of the following:
  • Project Owner (roles/owner)
  • Project Editor (roles/editor)
  • Quota Administrator (roles/servicemanagement.quotaAdmin)
  • A custom role with the serviceusage.quotas.update permission

Check your quota


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Quotas page.

    Go to Quotas

  2. To search for the quota that you want to update, use the Filter table. If you don't know the name of the quota, use the links on this page instead.


Using the Google Cloud CLI, run the following command to check your quotas.

Replace PROJECT_ID with your own project ID.

    gcloud dns project-info describe PROJECT_ID

Errors when exceeding your quota

If you exceed a quota with a gcloud command, gcloud outputs a quota exceeded error message and returns with the exit code 1.

If you exceed a quota with an API request, Google Cloud returns the following HTTP status code: 413 Request Entity Too Large.

Request additional quota

To adjust most quotas, use the Google Cloud console. For more information, see Request a quota adjustment.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Quotas page.

    Go to Quotas

  2. On the Quotas page, select the quotas that you want to change.
  3. At the top of the page, click Edit quotas.
  4. For Name, enter your name.
  5. Optional: For Phone, enter a valid phone number.
  6. Submit your request. Quota requests take 24 to 48 hours to process.

Resource availability

Each quota represents a maximum number for a particular type of resource that you can create, if that resource is available. It's important to note that quotas do not guarantee resource availability. Even if you have available quota, you can't create a new resource if it is not available.

For example, you might have sufficient quota to create a new regional, external IP address in the us-central1 region. However, that is not possible if there are no available external IP addresses in that region. Zonal resource availability can also affect your ability to create a new resource.

Situations where resources are unavailable in an entire region are rare. However, resources within a zone can be depleted from time to time, typically without impact to the service level agreement (SLA) for the type of resource. For more information, review the relevant SLA for the resource.