Manage virtual machines on Distributed Cloud connected servers

This page describes how to manage virtual machines on Google Distributed Cloud connected servers running VM Runtime on Google Distributed Cloud. You must be familiar with VM Runtime on GDC before completing the steps on this page. For a list of supported guest operating systems, see Verified guest operating systems for VM Runtime on GDC.

To learn how virtual machines serve as an essential component of the Distributed Cloud connected platform, see Extending GKE Enterprise to manage on-premises edge VMs.

Distributed Cloud connected clusters support virtual machine webhooks. This allows Distributed Cloud connected to validate user requests made to the local Kubernetes API server. Rejected requests generate detailed information on the reason for rejection.

Configure Symcloud Storage

Google Distributed Cloud connected servers use Rakuten Symcloud Storage, as their storage solution. Symcloud Storage is a third-party solution that acts as a local storage abstraction layer on each Distributed Cloud connected node and makes its local storage available to workloads running on other Distributed Cloud connected nodes.

Symcloud Storage is deployed from Google Cloud Marketplace and is subject to the terms stated therein. Google provides limited support for using Symcloud Storage with Distributed Cloud connected and might engage the third-party provider for assistance. Software updates for Symcloud Storage are included in the Distributed Cloud connected software updates.

Configure your Google Distributed Cloud connected cluster as follows to enable Symcloud Storage for virtual machines:

  1. Create the robinio namespace with the following command:

    kubectl create ns robinio
  2. Obtain the Symcloud Storage license file and apply it to the cluster with the following command:

    kubectl apply LICENSE_FILE
  3. Verify that Symcloud Storage is up and running with the following command:

    kubectl apply LICENSE_FILE

    The command returns output similar to the following:

     Name:         robin
     Annotations:  <none>
     API Version:
     Kind:         RobinCluster
       Phase:             Ready
  4. Create the robin-block-immediate storage class by applying the following configuration to the cluster:

    kind: StorageClass
      name: robin-block-immediate
      faultdomain: host
      replication: "3"
      blocksize:   "512"
    provisioner: robin
    reclaimPolicy: Delete
    volumeBindingMode: Immediate
    allowVolumeExpansion: true
  5. Create the robin-snapshotclass volume snapshot class by applying the following configuration to the cluster:

    kind: VolumeSnapshotClass
      name: robin-snapshotclass
      labels: robin robin
      annotations: "true"
    driver: robin
    deletionPolicy: Delete

Enable VM Runtime on GDC support on Distributed Cloud connected

By default, VM Runtime on GDC virtual machine support is disabled on Distributed Cloud connected. To enable it, complete the steps in this section. The instructions in this section assume that you have a fully functioning Distributed Cloud connected cluster.

To enable the VM Runtime on GDC virtual machine subsystem, complete the following steps:

  1. Modify the VMRuntime custom resource with the following contents and apply it to your cluster:

    kind: VMRuntime
      annotations: "false" "true"
      enabled: true
        defaultStorageClass: robin-block-immediate
      defaultRecoveryStrategy: Reschedule
      nodeHeartbeatInterval: 15s
      nodeMonitorGracePeriod: 55s

    This process typically takes several minutes to complete.

  2. Use the following command to verify that the VMRuntime custom resource has been applied to your cluster:

    kubectl get vmruntime

    The command returns output similar to the following example:

    vmruntime   5m   true      true    true
  3. Modify the storageprofile for the robin-block-immediate storage class with the following contents and apply it to your cluster:

    kind: StorageProfile
      name: robin-block-immediate
      volumeMode: Block

Install the virtctl management tool

You need the virtctl client tool to manage virtual machines on your Distributed Cloud connected cluster. To install the tool, complete the following steps:

  1. Install the virtctl client tool as a kubectl plugin:

    export VERSION=v0.59.0-anthos1.28-gke.8
    gcloud storage cp gs://anthos-baremetal-release/virtctl/${VERSION}/linux-amd64/virtctl/usr/local/bin/virtctl
    cd /usr/local/bin
    sudo ln -s virtctl kubectl-virt
    sudo chmod a+x virtctl
    cd -
  2. Verify that the virt plugin is installed:

    kubectl plugin list

    If the plugin has been successfully installed, the command's output lists kubectl-virt as one of the plugins.

Create a Cloud Storage bucket for virtual machine images

Complete the steps in this section to create a Cloud Storage bucket for your virtual machine images. If you already have an established image repository, skip this section.

  1. Complete the steps in Create buckets to create a bucket.

  2. Configure a service account and a key to for accessing the bucket with the following commands:

    export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
    gcloud iam service-accounts create image-access
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
      --member="serviceAccount:image-access@${PROJECT_ID}" \
      --role="roles/storage.objectViewer" \
    gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ./image-access-gcr.json \
  3. Create a secret in the cluster for accessing the bucket. If your bucket is public, skip this step. This secret must exist in the same namespace as your virtual machine disks. You must create a secret in each affected namespace.

    kubectl create secret generic gcs-image-sa --from-file=creds-gcp.json=./image-access-gcr.json -n NAMESPACE

    Replace CLUSTER_ID with the name of the target namespace.

  4. Store your images in the bucket.

Create a virtual machine disk from a virtual machine image

Complete the steps in this section to create a virtual machine disk from a virtual machine image.

Create a disk from an image stored in Cloud Storage

Create a virtual machine disk from a virtual machine stored in your Cloud Storage bucket by applying the following configuration to your cluster:

 kind: VirtualMachineDisk
   name: DISK_NAME
   namespace: NAMESPACE
       url: gs://{PROJECT_ID}-vm-images/IMAGE_FILE
       secretRef: gcs-image-sa
   size: DISK_SIZE
   storageClassName: robin-block-immediate

Replace the following:

  • DISK_NAME: the name of this virtual machine disk.
  • NAMESPACE: the target namespace.
  • IMAGE_FILE: the name of virtual machine image file.
  • DISK_SIZE: the desired disk size. This must be larger than the virtual-size value of the virtual machine image file. You can find this value with the command qemu-img info DISK_SIZE.

If you don't specify a storageClassName value, the default value specified in the VMRuntime resource is used.

Create a disk from an existing disk image

Create a virtual machine disk from an existing virtual machine disk or image file on your cluster as follows.

  1. Create the target disk by applying the following configuration to your cluster:

    kind: VirtualMachineDisk
      name: IMAGE_DISK_NAME
      namespace: NAMESPACE
          name: EXISTING_DISK_NAME
      size: DISK_SIZE
      storageClassName: robin-block-immediate

    Replace the following:

    • IMAGE_DISK_NAME: the name of this virtual machine disk.
    • NAMESPACE: the target namespace.
    • EXISTING_DISK_NAME: the name of the existing virtual machine disk.
    • DISK_SIZE: the desired disk size. This must be equal to or larger than the size of the existing disk or image file.

    You can obtain the size of your existing disk or image file using the qemu-img tool as follows:

    qemu-img info EXISTING_DISK_NAME

    If you don't specify a storageClassName value, the default value specified in the VMRuntime resource is used.

  2. Create a new disk from your existing image file by applying the following configuration to your cluster:

    kind: VirtualMachineDisk
      name: DISK_NAME
      namespace: NAMESPACE
          name: IMAGE_DISK_NAME
      size: DISK_SIZE
      storageClassName: robin-block-immediate

    Replace the following:

    • IMAGE_DISK_NAME: the name of the virtual machine disk you created in the previous step.
    • NAMESPACE: the target namespace.
    • DISK_SIZE: the desired disk size. Must be equal to the size of the virtual machine disk you created in the previous step.
  3. Resize the target disk to the desired size using the following command:

    kubectl edit gdisk DISK_NAME -n NAMESPACE

    Replace the following:

    • DISK_NAME: the name of the virtual machine disk you created in the previous step.
    • NAMESPACE: the target namespace.
  4. Modify the spec.size value in the configuration of the disk and apply it to your cluster.

Create an empty disk

Create an empty virtual machine disk by applying the following configuration to your cluster:

 kind: VirtualMachineDisk
   name: DISK_NAME
   namespace: NAMESPACE
   size: DISK_SIZE
   storageClassName: robin-block-immediate

Replace the following:

  • DISK_NAME: the name of this virtual machine disk.
  • NAMESPACE: the target namespace.
  • DISK_SIZE: the desired disk size in gibibytes. This must be larger than the virtual-size value of the virtual machine image file. You can find this value with the command qemu-img info DISK_SIZE.

If you don't specify a storageClassName value, the default value specified in the VMRuntime resource is used.

Configure virtual networking

Follow the steps in Networking to configure the virtual networking for your virtual machines.

Create a virtual machine

Complete the steps in this section to create a virtual machine on your Distributed Cloud connected server deployment. The instructions in this section are examples meant to illustrate configurations for different scenarios. For detailed information on configuring virtual machines, see Create a VM with specific CPU and memory resources using VM Runtime on GDC.

Create a virtual machine from a bootable disk image

To create a virtual machine from a bootable disk image, apply the following configuration to your cluster:

 kind: VirtualMachine
   name: my-virtual-machine
   namespace: my-vm-namespace
   osType: Linux/Windows
   guestEnvironment: {} // comment out this line to enable guest environment for access management
   autoRestartOnConfigurationChange: true 
       vcpus: 6
       capacity: 8Gi
      - name: eth0
        networkName: network-410
     - virtualMachineDiskName: my-boot-disk
       boot: true
     - virtualMachineDiskName: my-data-disk

Replace the following:

  • DISK_NAME: the name of this virtual machine disk.
  • NAMESPACE: the target namespace.

Create a virtual machine from an ISO optical disc image

To create a virtual machine from an ISO optical disc image, complete the steps in Create a Windows VM from ISO image in Google Distributed Cloud.

Create a virtual machine with GPU support

Complete the steps described on this page to create a virtual machine configured to meet your business requirements, then complete the steps in Configure a virtual machine to use GPU resources.

Access a virtual machine

Complete the steps in this section to access a virtual machine running on your Distributed Cloud connected server deployment.

Obtain access credentials

Complete the steps in this section to obtain the credentials necessary to access your virtual machine using the Linux guest environment feature.

  1. Enable the Linux guest environment for the target virtual machine by applying the following configuration to your cluster:

    kind: VirtualMachine
     name: my-virtual-machine
     namespace: my-vm-namespace
     osType: Linux
     guestEnvironment: {}
     autoRestartOnConfigurationChange: true 
  2. Generate an file containing an SSH key pair with the following command:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa
  3. Create a VirtualMachineAccessRequest resource by applying the following configuration to your cluster:

    kind: VirtualMachineAccessRequest
     name: RESOURCE_NAME
     namespace: NAMESPACE
      vm: VM_NAME
      user: USER_NAME
        key: RSA_KEY
        ttl: 2h

Replace the following:

  • RESOURCE_NAME: a descriptive name for this virtual machine access request resource.
  • NAMESPACE: the target namespace.
  • VM_NAME: the name of the target virtual machine.
  • USER_NAME: the name of the user to whom access is being granted.
  • RSA_KEY: the contents of the file you generated in the previous step.
  1. Check the status of the access request with the following command:

    kubectl get vmar

    When the command returns a Configured status, proceed to the next step.

  2. Access the virtual machine with SSH or Remote Desktop:

    • If the virtual machine is connected to your local network, you can access it directly.
    • If the virtual machine is connected to the Pod network, you must create a load balancer service to access the required ports.

Start, restart, or stop a virtual machine

Use the following commands to start, restart, or stop a virtual machine:

  • Start a virtual machine: kubectl virt start vmVM_NAME-nNAMESPACE
  • Restart a virtual machine: kubectl virt restart vmVM_NAME-nNAMESPACE
  • Stop a virtual machine: kubectl virt stop vmVM_NAME-nNAMESPACE

Replace the following:

  • VM_NAME: the name of the target virtual machine.
  • NAMESPACE: the target namespace.

What's next