Manage virtual machines on Distributed Cloud connected racks

This page describes how to manage virtual machines on Google Distributed Cloud connected racks running VM Runtime on Google Distributed Cloud. You must be familiar with VM Runtime on GDC before completing the steps on this page. For a list of supported guest operating systems, see Verified guest operating systems for VM Runtime on GDC.

Virtual machine workloads are supported on legacy ("Config 1" and "Config 2") rack hardware, but not on any superseding rack hardware configurations.

To learn how virtual machines serve as an essential component of the Distributed Cloud connected platform, see Extending GKE Enterprise to manage on-premises edge VMs.

Distributed Cloud connected clusters support virtual machine webhooks. This allows Distributed Cloud connected to validate user requests made to the local Kubernetes API server. Rejected requests generate detailed information on the reason for rejection.

Enable VM Runtime on GDC support on Distributed Cloud connected

By default, VM Runtime on GDC virtual machine support is disabled on Distributed Cloud connected. To enable it, complete the steps in this section. The instructions in this section assume that you have a fully functioning Distributed Cloud connected cluster.

  1. Modify the VMRuntime custom resource with the following contents and apply it to your cluster:

    kind: VMRuntime
      name: vmruntime
      # Enable Anthos VM Runtime support
      enabled: true
      # vmImageFormat defaults to "raw" if not set
      vmImageFormat: "raw"
      # Set node grace period to 55 seconds; required for upgrading to 1.7.0
        defaultRecoveryStrategy: Reschedule
        nodeHeartbeatInterval: 15s
        nodeMonitorGracePeriod: 55s

    Do not change the value of the vmImageFormat parameter. Distributed Cloud connected does not support any other virtual disk formats.

    This process typically takes several minutes to complete.

    Do not change the value of the vmImageFormat parameter. Distributed Cloud connected does not support any other virtual disk formats.

    This process typically takes several minutes to complete.

  2. Use the following command to verify that the VMRuntime custom resource has been applied to your cluster:

    kubectl get vmruntime -o yaml

    The command returns output similar to the following example:

     - apiVersion:
       kind: VMRuntime
         name: vmruntime
         enabled: true
         vmImageFormat: raw
       ready: true
  3. Use the following command to verify that VM Runtime on GDC virtual machine support has been enabled on your cluster:

    kubectl get pods -n vm-system

    The command returns output showing the VM Runtime on GDC subsystem Pods running on your cluster, similar to the following example:

    NAME                                                READY   STATUS         RESTARTS        AGE
    cdi-apiserver-6c76c6cf7b-n68wn                      1/1     Running        0               132m
    cdi-deployment-f78fd599-vj7tv                       1/1     Running        0               132m
    cdi-operator-65c4df9647-fcb9d                       1/1     Running        0               134m
    cdi-uploadproxy-7765ffb694-6j7bf                    1/1     Running        0               132m
    macvtap-fjfjr                                       1/1     Running        0               134m
    virt-api-77dd99dbbb-bs2fb                           1/1     Running        0               132m
    virt-api-77dd99dbbb-pqc27                           1/1     Running        0               132m
    virt-controller-5b44dbbbd7-hc222                    1/1     Running        0               132m
    virt-controller-5b44dbbbd7-p8xkk                    1/1     Running        0               132m
    virt-handler-n76fs                                  1/1     Running        0               132m
    virt-operator-86565697d9-fpxqh                      2/2     Running        0               134m
    virt-operator-86565697d9-jnbt7                      2/2     Running        0               134m
    vm-controller-controller-manager-7844d5fb7b-72d8m   2/2     Running        0               134m
    vmruntime-controller-manager-845649c847-m78r9       2/2     Running        0               175m

Install the virtctl management tool

You need the virtctl client tool to manage virtual machines on your Distributed Cloud connected cluster. To install the tool, complete the following steps:

  1. Install the virtctl client tool as a kubectl plugin:

    export VERSION=v0.59.0-anthos1.28-gke.8
    gcloud storage cp gs://anthos-baremetal-release/virtctl/${VERSION}/linux-amd64/virtctl/usr/local/bin/virtctl
    cd /usr/local/bin
    sudo ln -s virtctl kubectl-virt
    sudo chmod a+x virtctl
    cd -
  2. Verify that the virt plugin is installed:

    kubectl plugin list

    If the plugin has been successfully installed, the command's output lists kubectl-virt as one of the plugins.

Provision a virtual machine on Distributed Cloud connected

This section provides configuration examples that illustrate how to provision a Linux virtual machine and a Windows virtual machine on a Distributed Cloud connected cluster with the Symcloud Storage abstraction layer.

Note that you cannot create a virtual machine on a Distributed Cloud connected cluster directly by using the kubectl virt command because Distributed Cloud connected does not provide file system storage to virtual machines.

Before completing the steps in this section, you must first complete the steps in Configure Distributed Cloud connected for Symcloud Storage. If you later disable Symcloud Storage on the cluster, virtual machines configured to use Symcloud Storage will fail.

Provision a Linux virtual machine on Distributed Cloud connected

The following example illustrates how to provision a Linux virtual machine with Symcloud Storage running Ubuntu Server 22.04. The installation source is the Ubuntu Server 22.04 ISO disc image.

  1. Create a VirtualMachineDisk resource with the following contents for the Ubuntu Server installation disc image, and then apply it to your cluster:

    kind: VirtualMachineDisk
      name: ubuntu-iso-disk
      size: 20Gi
      storageClassName: robin
      diskType: cdrom
  2. Create a VirtualMachineDisk resource with the following contents for the virtual machine's virtual hard disk, and then apply it to your cluster:

    kind: VirtualMachineDisk
      name: "ubuntu-main-disk"
      size: 200Gi
      storageClassName: robin
  3. Create a VirtualMachineType resource with the following contents that specifies the virtual machine's configuration, and then apply it to your cluster:

    kind: VirtualMachineType
      name: small-2-20
        vcpus: 2
        capacity: 20Gi
  4. Create a VirtualMachine resource with the following contents that instantiates and starts the virtual machine on the cluster, and then apply it to your cluster:

    kind: VirtualMachine
      labels: ubu-vm
      name: ubu-vm #  Propagate the virtual machine name to the VMI
      osType: Linux
        virtualMachineTypeName: small-2-20
        - name: eth0
          networkName: my-network
          default: true
        - virtualMachineDiskName: ubuntu-main-disk
          boot: true
        - virtualMachineDiskName: ubuntu-iso-disk

    You must also configure the following features on your cluster:

  5. Install Ubuntu Server on the virtual machine:

    1. Wait for the importer Pod to download the Ubuntu Server installation disc image.
    2. Check the status of the virtual machine:

      kubectl get gvm VM_NAME

      Replace VM_NAME with the name of the virtual machine—ubu-vm in this example.

    3. Log on to the virtual machine using either SSH or Remote Desktop.

    4. Complete the Ubuntu Linux installation steps.

  6. Clean up:

    1. Stop the virtual machine:

      kubectl virt stop VM_NAME

      Replace VM_NAME with the name of the virtual machine—ubu-vm in this example.

    2. Edit the virtual machine's YAML file to remove the reference to the installation disc image:

      kubectl edit gvm VM_NAME

      Replace VM_NAME with the name of the virtual machine—ubu-vm in this example.

    3. Start the virtual machine:

      kubectl virt start VM_NAME

      Replace VM_NAME with the name of the virtual machine—ubu-vm in this example.

    4. Delete the VirtualMachineDisk resource for the installation disc image:

      kubectl delete virtualmachinedisk ubuntu-iso-disk

Provision a Windows virtual machine on Distributed Cloud connected

The following example illustrates how to provision a Windows virtual machine with Symcloud Storage. The steps are similar to provisioning a Linux virtual machine, with the addition of the virtio driver disk image, which is required for installing Windows.

  1. Obtain a licensed copy of Windows and its installation media image.

  2. Create a VirtualMachineDisk resource with the following contents for the Windows installation disc image, and then apply it to your cluster:

    kind: VirtualMachineDisk
      name: windows-iso-disk
      namespace: default
      size: 5Gi
      storageClassName: robin
      diskType: cdrom
          url: WINDOWS_ISO_URL

    Replace NAT_GATEWAY with the full URL to the target Windows installation ISO disc image.

  3. Create a VirtualMachineDisk resource with the following contents for the virtio driver, and then apply it to your cluster:

    kind: VirtualMachineDisk
      name: windows-virtio-driver
      namespace: default
      size: 1Gi
      storageClassName: robin
      diskType: cdrom
  4. Create a VirtualMachineDisk resource with the following contents for the virtual machine's virtual hard disk, and then apply it to your cluster:

    kind: VirtualMachineDisk
      name: windows-main-disk
      namespace: default
      size: 15Gi
      storageClassName: robin
  5. Create a VirtualMachineType resource with the following contents that specifies the virtual machine's configuration, and then apply it to your cluster:

    kind: VirtualMachineType
      name: small-2-20
        vcpus: 2
        capacity: 20Gi
  6. Create a VirtualMachine resource with the following contents that instantiates and starts the virtual machine on the cluster, and then apply it to your cluster:

    kind: VirtualMachine
      labels: win-vm
      name: win-vm #  Propagate the virtual machine name to the VMI
      osType: Windows
        virtualMachineTypeName: my-vmt
        - name: eth0
          networkName: my-network
          default: true
        - virtualMachineDiskName: windows-main-disk
          boot: true
        - virtualMachineDiskName: windows-iso-disk
        - virtualMachineDiskName: win-virtio-driver

    You must also configure the following features on your cluster:

  7. Install Windows on the virtual machine:

    1. Wait for the importer Pod to download the Windows installation disc image.
    2. Check the status of the virtual machine:

      kubectl get gvm VM_NAME

      Replace VM_NAME with the name of the virtual machine—win-vm in this example.

    3. Complete the Windows installation by following the steps in Connect to Windows VM and complete OS install.

  8. Clean up:

    1. Stop the virtual machine:

      kubectl virt stop VM_NAME

      Replace VM_NAME with the name of the virtual machine—win-vm in this example.

    2. Complete the steps in Detach the ISO image and drivers disk.

Manage virtual machines running on Distributed Cloud connected

For instructions about managing virtual machines running on Distributed Cloud connected, see the following VM Runtime on GDC documentation:

To manage virtual machines running on Distributed Cloud connected, you must first Configure kubectl connectivity.

Disable VM Runtime on GDC on Distributed Cloud connected

Follow the steps in this section to disable VM Runtime on GDC on Distributed Cloud connected. Before you can disable VM Runtime on GDC on Distributed Cloud connected, you must stop and delete all the virtual machines on your Distributed Cloud connected cluster as described in Delete a VM.

To disable VM Runtime on GDC on Distributed Cloud connected, modify the VMRuntime custom resource by setting the enabled spec parameter to false as follows, and then apply it to your cluster:

kind: VMRuntime
  name: vmruntime
  # Disable Anthos VM Runtime
  enabled: false
  # vmImageFormat defaults to "raw" if not set
  vmImageFormat: "raw"

What's next