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Enable Cloud Logging for your agent
Activate Cloud Logging for your agent. This is essential for capturing data and diagnosing problems in real conversations.
Collect Conversation IDs
When unexpected behavior occurs, collect the Dialogflow conversation IDs. These IDs, found in the Conversation History, provide a way to trace the execution path of a conversation and examine specific interactions.
API call gets permission denied
Category tags: API, Auth
response for API call.
Ensure you have set up (Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX), Dialogflow ES) authentication and roles correctly. In particular, ensure you have done the following:
- Created a service account and did not accidentally delete it.
- Provided the service account with a role that grants permission to call the desired method.
- Downloaded the service account private key file.
- Set the
environment variable to the private key file.
API call mentions unknown project
Category tags: API, Project
Dialogflow API has not been used in project 32555940559
error for API call.
Ensure you have done the following:
- Set the
environment variable (seePERMISSION_DENIED
). - Provided the correct project ID to the API call.
API call gets invalid authentication credentials error
Category tags: API, Auth
Request had invalid authentication credentials.
Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie
or other valid authentication credential.
response for API call.
This may be due to manually creating credentials with your client library while specifying a non-default region. See one of the following for guidance:
- Select a region with the API (Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX))
- Select a region with the API (Dialogflow ES)
API call response requests a switch to a different host
Category tags: API, Auth
Please switch to '' to access resources
located in 'REGION'
response for API call,
where REGION
is a specific region ID.
This happens when you specify the region in the request, but not the endpoint. See one of the following for guidance:
- Select a region with the API (Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX))
- Select a region with the API (Dialogflow ES)
Missing fields in the API call response
Category tags: API
Some fields are missing in the API response.
If you expect a numeric value for a specific field in the API response, the field may be absent from the response if the returned value is 0.
For more information on the default value behavior (including non-numeric values), see:
Unable to delete project because of lien
Category tags: Project
When trying to delete a Google Cloud project, you get a notification that the project cannot be deleted because it has liens, and one of the liens is related to Dialogflow ES.
Make sure that you no longer need the Dialogflow ES agent associated with the project. If you get a notification that the agent doesn't exist, this means that it has already been deleted.
Note that this link differs from the link in the Google Cloud project deletion dialog.
Use the
method of theagent
type.Get the lien name.
Use the gcloud alpha resource-manager liens list command, as described in the Listing liens on a project documentation.
Use the Try this API panel on the Method: liens.list page:
- Fill out the
field, as suggested in the parameter description. - Click Execute.
- Fill out the
Delete the lien.
Use the gcloud alpha resource-manager liens delete LIEN_NAME command, as described in the Removing liens from a project documentation.
Use the Try this API panel on the Method: liens.delete page:
- Fill out the
field with the lien name that you got at step 2. - Click Execute.
- Fill out the
Shut down the project.
Dialogflow CX webhook fails with deadline exceeded error
Category tags: Runtime
A webhook that was called from Dialogflow CX may fail with this error message:
Webhook call failed. Error: DEADLINE_EXCEEDED
This may happen because the webhook call exceeds the webhook timeout limit. These are possible reasons for the webhook call to exceed the timeout limit:
Trying to trigger an inexistent intent.
A cold start issue with the webhook backend (for example, Cloud Functions).
The webhook calls other services, increasing the response time.
No connection between agent and webhook backend (for example, misconfigured Load Balancer).
Organization policy preventing ingress traffic or Dialogflow methods from being run.
A webhook has a 5-second timeout limit by default. You can increase the webhook timeout limit when you create or edit the webhook resource, which would provide more time for the webhook to respond.
Console fails to set up project
Category tags: Console, Project
Failed to set up GCP project
error when creating an agent with the console.
You may not have permission to create Google Cloud projects. Check if you can create a Google Cloud project directly from the Google Cloud Console. If you are not able to create a project, follow the recommendations provided in the error message.
Session parameter reference shown in the response
Category tags: Console
Responses returned from Dialogflow include the parameter references
instead of the values of the parameters.
For example:
Hello, $session.params.customer_name
The parameters won't be resolved and the parameter reference will be shown if the parameter is not found in the current session, or if the parameter is not being used according to its type.
This issue may appear due to the parameter being used has not been included in the conversation, has a typo, or has a different type than the used type.
Console fails agent creation when API has not been enabled
Category tags: Console
Dialogflow API has not been enabled for the project. Code: FAILED_PRECONDITION
error when creating an agent with the console.
Follow the setup steps to enable the Dialogflow API.
When attempting to access console from organization account, receive service error
Category tags: Console
You don't have access to this service
error when attempting to access the console from your organization account.
Contact your organization's system administrator, and verify that your organization's settings provide access to the console.
If your organization's settings should allow access, and you migrated your account from a different organization, your account may have been flagged as restricted by Google. This is likely the problem if other users in your organization can access the console, but you cannot. Contact support to get assistance.
Cannot export agent in JSON format due to missing flow
Category tags: Console
Agent export as raw bytes completes successfully, but exporting the agent in JSON format fails with a similar error message to this:
Flow 'projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/agents/AGENT_ID/flows/FLOW_ID' does not exist in the agent
This issue can be caused by a test case that is referencing a flow that has been deleted.
To solve this issue, explore unused test cases to confirm if the flow referenced in the error message is being used in any test cases. Then delete the confirmed test cases.
Phone gateway connectivity
Category tags: Integration
When using phone gateway, you get a busy signal or the call drops.
There are quotas and limits for this feature. If you receive a busy signal or the call drops, you may have exceeded your quota.
error when trying to create a new phone number
Category tags: Integration
When trying to create a new phone number in Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX), Dialogflow ES, or Agent Assist, a RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED
error is returned.
This error means that you exceeded the limit of phone numbers per project. To create a new phone number, delete unused phone numbers associated with your project until you are below the limit.
If you created phone numbers in the Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX) Phone Gateway or Dialogflow ES Phone Gateway, you can delete them in the console. Note that deleting the agent without deleting the phone number doesn't delete the phone number associated with it.
Alternatively, you can use the API by performing the following steps.
Step 1. Identify all phone numbers associated with your project
To identify the phone numbers associated with your project, use the projects.phoneNumbers/list or projects.locations.phoneNumbers.list API method for all regions in which you may have created phone numbers.
For the
region, use the following command:curl -X GET \ -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H "X-Goog-User-Project:
PROJECT_ID " \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \ /locations/global/phoneNumbersFor other regions, you need to specify the region in two places:
curl -X GET \ -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H "X-Goog-User-Project:
PROJECT_ID " \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \ https://REGION_ID /locations/REGION_ID /phoneNumbers
Step 2. (Optional) Identify agents associated with the conversation profiles
Getting the Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX) agent ID associated with the phone number through the conversation profile could help you identify if the agent is still in use and if the phone number is still needed. You can do this by using the projects.conversationProfiles/get API method. You can find conversation profile IDs in the responses to the commands you ran in Step 1.
For the
region, use the following command:curl -X GET \ -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H "X-Goog-User-Project:
PROJECT_ID " \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \ /locations/global/conversationProfiles/CONVERSATION_PROFILE_ID For other regions, specify the region in two places:
curl -X GET \ -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H "X-Goog-User-Project:
PROJECT_ID " \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \ https://REGION_ID /locations/REGION_ID /conversationProfiles/CONVERSATION_PROFILE_ID
You can find the agent by its ID in the Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX) console by using the Search option on the View all agents page.
For Dialogflow ES, one project can be associated only with five agents maximum,
and one Dialogflow ES agent can be associated with one phone number. So you can
open the agent in the Dialogflow ES console through
If no agent is found, you can still delete the phone number if you are sure it's no longer needed.
Step 3. Delete unused phone numbers
To delete phone numbers that are no longer needed, use the projects.phoneNumbers/delete or projects.locations.phoneNumbers.delete API method. You can find phone number IDs in the response to the commands you ran in Step 1.
For the
region, use the following command:curl -X DELETE \ -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H "X-Goog-User-Project:
PROJECT_ID " \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \ For other regions, specify the region:
curl -X DELETE \ -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \ -H "X-Goog-User-Project:
PROJECT_ID " \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \ https://REGION_ID
Dialogflow CX Messenger no response
Category tags: Integration
No agent response for Dialogflow CX Messenger interactions.
If you are not seeing any responses from Dialogflow CX Messenger, make sure that billing is enabled on the project and the Dialogflow API is enabled on the project. See the setup instructions.
Parameter value matched while not being an entity synonym
Category tags: NLU
General case: A parameter value is extracted at runtime, even though the entity corresponding to the parameter doesn't contain the matched value as a synonym.
A more specific case: After a synonym has been deleted from an entity and the agent has been retrained, this synonym is still extracted as a parameter value for this entity.
Use the search option to check if the matched value may be present in the agent as an implicit entity (Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX), Dialogflow ES). Find all the intents that have annotations with this parameter and entity.
Fix the annotations by making sure that none of these annotations are applied to the text representing the undesired matched value.
Test the agent at runtime to verify if the issue is resolved.
If the issue persists, make sure that Automatic expansion and Fuzzy matching options are unchecked in the advanced entity settings and test the agent again.
Voice bot skips some responses
Category tags: Text-to-Speech
For an agent designed for both text and voice, the voice bot does not read some of the responses.
If at least one output audio text response is defined for a particular conversation turn, make sure that the output audio text option is consistently present throughout the agent's fulfillment and webhook responses at all steps for this conversation turn.
SSML tags don't take effect
Category tags: Text-to-Speech
SSML tags are defined in the agent fulfillment, but the voice bot reads the synthesized text without SSML effects.
Make sure that only one <speak></speak>
pair is present per one response card
in the Dialogflow console or per one response message object if responses are
supplied via the API or webhook.
Voice agent pronounces zero as letter O
Category tags: Text-to-Speech
For an agent designed for voice, the voice agent reads zeroes as letter O instead of zero.
- Change Agent says to use Output audio text dialogue option.
- Check SSML checkbox.
- Surround your text with an SSML tag:
<speak> <say-as interpret-as='verbatim'>YOUR_TEXT</say-as> </speak>
- Save.
For example, credit card numbers zeroes will be spelled as zeroes.
<speak> <say-as interpret-as='verbatim'>5177 7702 8500 4578</say-as> </speak>
Unexpected synthesized pronunciation
Category tags: Text-to-Speech
Synthesized pronunciation of agent responses (for example, proper names, acronyms) is not as expected.
To guarantee particular pronunciations for not commonly known words, use the SSML say-as or phoneme tag in agent responses.
Reached the maximum allowed state machine execution steps
Category tags: Runtime
Received the following error message in the Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX) console or in the logs when sending runtime requests to the agent:
You have reached the maximum allowed state machine execution steps. You may consider simplifying your agent/flow design. Current execution steps are: [<array_of_objects>]
The array in the error message contains a list of execution steps for the request. The list may be incomplete if the number of steps is too large.
This error message usually indicates that the number of transitions for a single conversation turn is too large. A common example is transitioning to the same page, which creates an infinite loop.
To solve the issue:
- Copy the JSON array from the error message.
- (Optional) Format the copied array as pretty JSON for better readability. If the error message is truncated, search for the last "Step" object, delete the incomplete step object and the preceding comma, and add a closing array bracket before validating and prettifying the JSON.
- Look at the
values for each step. In the case of infinite loop, the"TriggeredTransitionRouteId"
fields have repeating values for most of the steps. - Modify your agent design to remove the infinite loop transitions or to reduce the number of transitions for a single conversation turn.
Regular expression match is too broad
Category tags: Regex
Received an error Regular expression match is too broad
when creating
a regexp entity (Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX)
, Dialogflow ES).
Consider the following approach:
- Use
in the regular expression to indicate the beginning and the end of text respectively. - Use the regexp entity with a required parameter (Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX), Dialogflow ES)
- Define the required parameter prompts to ask the end-user to provide only the entity value without any surrounding words.
Undesired non-alphanumerics inserted by speech recognition
Category tags: Speech-to-Text
When trying to match alphanumerics, undesired non-alphanumerics characters (spaces, dashes, and so on.) are inserted by the speech recognizer, which results in the entity not being matched.
- If you use system entities for matching numbers, consider using regexp entities (Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX) , Dialogflow ES) instead.
- Follow all the recommendations from the section Inaccurate alphanumerics speech recognition by regexp entities.
- For matching numbers via telephony integrations, consider a DTMF option in addition to voice recognition.
Empty transcripts for voice inputs
Category tags: Speech-to-Text
Dialogflow responses for voice inputs return empty transcripts. The requests are handled as no input or no match.
Listen to the audio recording to confirm that it contains speech.
Make sure that speech adaptation is enabled in the agent settings (Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX), Dialogflow ES).
If enabling speech adaptation doesn't help, experiment with the following speech models in a non-production setup and use the one that renders the best results:
For languages other than English, find the supported speech models in the Speech-to-Text supported languages documentation.
The way to specify a speech model depends on how you set up interactions with Dialogflow.
For API requests, provide the model name in the
field inInputAudioConfig
(Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX) , Dialogflow ES).If you use Phone Gateway (Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX) , Dialogflow ES), you can update the speech model in the conversation profile that was created by Dialoflow when you enabled the integration:
Retrieve the conversation profile ID:
- Use the
method to retrieve all conversation profiles linked to your project. - Find the conversation profile you'd like to update and copy the
field value.
For Dialogflow CX Phone Gateway, the conversation profile display name can be found in the integration settings. For Dialogflow ES Phone Gateway, the conversation profile display name corresponds to the agent name in which integration was enabled.
If you have multiple conversation profiles with the same display name, verify the agent ID in the
field from theconversationProfiles.list
method response.- Use the
Use the
API method to update themodel
field inSpeechToTextConfig
For Contact Center AI integrations, check with your telephony integrator on how to update the speech model for the integration or for individual requests.
Blank screen with error 'File size exceeds 2MB' when comparing agent versions
Category tags: Console
When trying to compare two different agent versions, the screen turns blank with the error message:
File size exceeds 2MB
This issue is due to one of the files exceeding 2MB in size.
To compare agent versions where one of the files exceeds 2MB in size, it is recommended to use the API method compareVersion.
Inaccurate alphanumerics speech recognition by regexp entities
Category tags: Speech-to-Text, Regex
Received inaccurate transcripts for voice inputs of alphanumerics designed to be matched to a regexp entity (Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX) , Dialogflow ES).
- Make sure that speech adaptation is enabled in the agent settings (Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX), Dialogflow ES).
- Make sure that at least one entity entry follows all the regex entry requirements (Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX), Dialogflow ES).
- For specific patterns, use the most specific regular expressions.
For example, for an alphanumeric that starts with two letters followed
by five digits, use
instead of[a-zA-Z0-9]{7}
. - Make sure that your regexp entity allows for matching non-alphanumerics
(spaces, dashes, and so on.) that may be inserted by the speech recognizer.
To meet the requirement #2 from this list, create multiple entity entries:
one entry to satisfy the requirements #2 of this list
and another one to account for non-alphanumeric.
For example, to match five digits and allow for non-alphanumerics:
- Make sure that your agent follows the parameter definition requirement (Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX), Dialogflow ES).
- Make sure that your agent follows the training phrases annotation
(Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX),
Dialogflow ES).
Example for Dialogflow ES