Quotas and limits

This document lists the quotas that apply to Dataplex.

A quota restricts how much of a shared Google Cloud resource your Google Cloud project can use, including hardware, software, and network components. Therefore, quotas are a part of a system that does the following:

  • Monitors your use or consumption of Google Cloud products and services.
  • Restricts your consumption of those resources, for reasons that include ensuring fairness and reducing spikes in usage.
  • Maintains configurations that automatically enforce prescribed restrictions.
  • Provides a means to request or make changes to the quota.

In most cases, when a quota is exceeded, the system immediately blocks access to the relevant Google resource, and the task that you're trying to perform fails. In most cases, quotas apply to each Google Cloud project and are shared across all applications and IP addresses that use that Google Cloud project.

There are also limits on Dataplex resources. These limits are unrelated to the quota system. Limits cannot be changed unless otherwise stated.

Dataplex enforces quotas on the number of API requests during a specific period of time and the number of resources that can be created in a project. Quotas protect you from unforeseen spikes in usage and overloaded services. Learn more about why quotas are enforced.

Your quota needs might increase the more that you use Dataplex. If a quota is too low to meet your needs, or you expect an upcoming increase in usage, you can proactively request a quota increase.

Quotas for requests

The Dataplex API enforces quotas for Dataplex Catalog resource management and search requests at different levels, regardless of their origination. This includes the requests originating from API calls directly, client libraries, Google Cloud CLI, and Google Cloud console.

The following quotas apply to Dataplex requests:

Quota Default
Read requests for entries and aspects per project per region per minute 6000
Write requests for entries and aspects per project per region per minute 1500
Read requests for aspect types, entry types, and entry groups per project per user per minute 100
Read requests for aspect types, entry types, and entry groups per project per minute 200
Write requests for aspect types, entry types, and entry groups per project per user per minute 10
Write requests for aspect types, entry types, and entry groups per project per minute 20
Search requests per project per user per minute 900
Search requests per project per minute 1200
Search requests per organization per minute 2400
Search requests per organization per hour 14400

For every Dataplex request that is listed in the following table, quota is enforced at both the per-project and per-project-per-user levels.

Quota Examples
Read requests for resource management Get a lake, list zones
Write requests for resource management Create a lake, delete an asset
Get requests for metadata Get an entity, get a partition
List requests for metadata List entities, list partitions
Write requests for metadata Update an entity, delete a partition
Read requests for task and job resources Get a task, list jobs
Write requests for task and job resources Create a task, cancel a job
Set IAM policy requests Set an IAM policy

Quotas for resources

Resource quota is enforced at per-project level for the following resource types: lake, zone, asset, on-demand task, recurring task. You can check your current usage of Dataplex quota on the Quotas page in the Google Cloud console.

Request a quota increase

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Quotas page.

    Go to Quotas

    The page displays a list of quotas.

  2. Select the quotas you want to modify and click Edit quotas.

  3. Enter the new quota for the quota you selected.

  4. Click Submit request.

To increase or decrease most quotas, use the Google Cloud console. For more information, see Request a higher quota.

Quota dependencies

Your Dataplex usage might involve other Google Cloud products. For example, data discovery requires invoking Cloud Storage and/or BigQuery APIs to interact with the underlying resources. These products have project-level quotas, which include quotas that apply to Dataplex use.

Quota pages of other products that you might use with Dataplex:

This list is not exhaustive.


The following limits apply to Dataplex Catalog and search:

Limit Value
Size of a request for entry and aspect 2 MB
Length of an entry ID 4000 characters
Length of a fully qualified name in an entry 4000 characters
Length of the entry source display name in an entry 500 characters
Length of the entry source description in an entry 2000 characters
Length of the entry source resource in an entry 4000 characters
Length of the entry source system in an entry 64 characters
Length of the entry source platform in an entry 64 characters
Length of the entry source labels in an entry 128 characters for each key and value
Size of the JSON content in an aspect 120 KB
Total size of an entry 5 MB
Maximum number of aspects in an entry 10,000
Length of the display name of entry type, aspect type, and entry group 256
Length of the description of entry type, aspect type, and entry group 1024
Maximum number of required aspect types in an entry type 20
Maximum number of enum values in an aspect type template 1024
Maximum number of items in Dataplex search results 500