Auto data quality overview

This document describes Dataplex automatic data quality, which lets you define and measure the quality of your data. You can automate the scanning of data, validate data against defined rules, and log alerts if your data doesn't meet quality requirements. You can manage data quality rules and deployments as code, improving the integrity of data production pipelines.

You can get started by using Dataplex data profiling rule recommendations, or by building custom rules in the Google Cloud console. Dataplex provides monitoring, troubleshooting, and Cloud Logging alerting that's integrated with Dataplex auto data quality.

Conceptual model

A data quality scan applies quality rules to table data to report results.

A data scan is a Dataplex job that samples data from BigQuery and Cloud Storage and infers various types of metadata. To measure the quality of a table using auto data quality, you create a DataScan object of type data quality. The scan runs on only one BigQuery table. The scan uses resources in a Google tenant project, so you don't need to set up your own infrastructure.

Creating and using a data quality scan consists of the following steps:

  1. Define data quality rules
  2. Configure rule execution
  3. Analyze data quality scan results
  4. Set up monitoring and alerting
  5. Troubleshoot data quality failures

Rule definition

Data quality rules associated with a data quality scan define data expectations. You can create data quality rules in the following ways:

Predefined rules

Dataplex supports two categories of predefined rules: row-level or aggregate.


For row-level category rules, the expectation is applied against each data row. Each row independently passes or fails the condition. For example, column_A_value < 1.

Row-level checks require you to specify a passing threshold. When the percentage of rows passing the rule falls below the threshold value, the rule fails.


For aggregate rules, the expectation is applied against a single value aggregated across the entire data. For example, Avg(someCol) >= 10. To pass, the check must evaluate to the boolean true. Aggregate rules don't provide an independent pass or fail count for each row.

For both of the rule categories, you can set the following parameters:

  • The column to which the rule applies.
  • A dimension from a set of predefined dimensions.

The following table lists the supported row-level and aggregate rule types:

Rule type
(Name in Google Cloud console)
Row-level or aggregate rule Description Supported column types Rule-specific parameters
(Range Check)
Row-level Check if the value is between min and max. All numeric, date, and timestamp type columns. Required:
  • Passing threshold percentage
  • mean, min, or max values: Specify at least one value.
  • Enable strict min: If enabled, the rule check uses ">" instead of ">=".
  • Enable strict max: If enabled, the rule check uses "<" instead of "<=".
  • Enable ignore null: If enabled, null values are ignored in the rule check.
(Null check)
Row-level Validate that column values are not NULL. All supported column types. Required:
  • Passing threshold percentage.
(Set check)
Row-level Check if the values in a column are one of the specified values in a set. All supported column types, except Record and Struct. Required:
  • Set of string values to check against.
  • Passing threshold percentage.
  • Enable ignore null: If enabled, null values are ignored in the rule check.
(Regular expression check)
Row-level Check the values against a specified regular expression. String Required:
  • Regular expression pattern used to check.
  • Passing threshold percentage.
  • Note: Google Standard SQL provides regular expression support using the re2 library; See that documentation for its regular expression syntax.
  • Enable ignore null: If enabled, null values are ignored in the rule check.
(Uniqueness Check)
Aggregate Check if all the values in a column are unique. All supported column types, except Record and Struct. Required:
  • Column and dimension from the supported parameters.
  • Enable ignore null: If enabled, null values are ignored in the rule check.
(Statistic check)
Aggregate Check if the given statistical measure matches the range expectation. All supported numeric column types. Required:
  • mean, min, or max values: Specify at least one value.
  • Enable strict min: If enabled, the rule check uses ">" instead of ">=".
  • Enable strict max: If enabled, the rule check uses "<" instead of "<=".

Supported custom SQL rule types

SQL rules provide flexibility to expand the validation with custom logic. These rules come in the following types.

Rule type Row-level or aggregate rule Description Supported column types Rule-specific parameters Example
Row condition Row-level

Specify an expectation for every row by defining a SQL expression in a WHERE clause. The SQL expression should evaluate to true (pass) or false (fail) per row. Dataplex computes the percentage of rows that pass this expectation and compares this value against the passing threshold percentage to determine the success or failure of the rule.

The expression can include a reference to another table, for example, to create referential integrity checks.

All columns Required:
  • SQL condition to use
  • Passing threshold percentage
  • Dimension
  • Column to associate this rule with.
grossWeight <= netWeight
Table condition
(aggregate SQL expression)

These rules are executed once per table. Provide a SQL expression that evaluates to boolean true (pass) or false (fail).

The SQL expression can include a reference to another table using expression subqueries.

All columns Required:
  • SQL condition to use
  • Dimension
  • Column to associate this rule with

Simple aggregate example:
avg(price) > 100

Using an expression subquery to compare values across a different table:
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `example_project.example_dataset.different-table`) < COUNT(*)

SQL assertion Aggregate

An assertion rule uses a data quality query to find rows that fail one or more conditions specified in the query. Provide a SQL statement that is evaluated to return rows that match the invalid state. If the query returns any rows, the rule fails.

Omit the trailing semicolon from the SQL statement.

The SQL statement can include a reference to another table using expression subqueries.

All columns Required:
  • SQL statement to check invalid state
  • Dimension
  • Column to associate this rule with.

Simple aggregate example to make sure that discount_pct is not greater than 100:
SELECT * FROM example_project.example_dataset.table WHERE discount_pct > 100

Using an expression subquery to compare values across a different table:
SELECT * FROM `example_project.example_dataset.different-table` WHERE gross_weight > (SELECT avg(gross_weight) FROM `example_project.example_dataset.different-table`)

For example rules, see auto data quality sample rules.

For SQL functions supported, see GoogleSQL reference.


Dimensions let you aggregate the results of multiple data quality rules for monitoring and alerting. You must associate every data quality rule with a dimension. Dataplex supports the following dimensions:

  • Freshness
  • Volume
  • Completeness
  • Validity
  • Consistency
  • Accuracy
  • Uniqueness

Typed input in rules

All value parameters are passed as string values to the API. Dataplex requires inputs to follow the BigQuery specified format.

Binary-typed parameters can be passed as a base64-encoded string.

Type Supported formats Examples
Binary Base64 encoded value YXBwbGU=
Timestamp YYYY-[M]M-[D]D[( |T)[H]H:[M]M:[S]S[.F]] [time_zone]
OR YYYY-[M]M-[D]D[( |T)[H]H:[M]M:[S]S[.F]][time_zone_offset]
2014-09-27 12:30:00.45-08
Date YYYY-M[M]-D[D] 2014-09-27
Time [H]H:[M]M:[S]S[.DDDDDD] 12:30:00.45
DateTime YYYY-[M]M-[D]D [[H]H:[M]M:[S]S[.DDDDDD]] 2014-09-27 12:30:00.45

Data reference parameter

When you create a custom SQL rule, you can refer to a data source table and all of its precondition filters by using the data reference parameter ${data()} in the rule, instead of explicitly mentioning the source table and its filters. Dataplex interprets the parameter as a reference to the source table and its filters. Examples of precondition filters include row filters, sampling percents, and incremental filters.

For example, say that you have a data source table called my_project_id.dim_dataset.dim_currency. You want to run an incremental data quality scan that scans only on new daily data. A row filter that filters for today's entries, transaction_timestamp >= current_date(), is applied on the table.

A custom SQL rule to find rows with discount_pct for today looks like this:

discount_pct IN (SELECT discount_pct FROM my_project_id.dim_dataset.dim_currency WHERE transaction_timestamp >= current_date())

If you use the data reference parameter, you can simplify the rule. Replace the mention of the table and its precondition filters with the ${data()} parameter:

discount_pct IN (SELECT discount_pct FROM ${data()})

Dataplex interprets the ${data()} parameter as a reference to the data source table with today's entries, my_project_id.dim_dataset.dim_currency WHERE transaction_timestamp >= current_date(). In this example, the data reference parameter refers only to the incremental data.

The ${data()} parameter is case sensitive.

When you use an alias within a subquery to refer to columns in the source table, either use the data reference parameter to refer to the source table, or omit the table reference. Don't refer to the columns in the source table by using a direct table reference in the WHERE clause.


  • Use the data reference parameter to refer to the source table:

    discount_pct IN (
    SELECT discount_pct FROM
    `my_project_id.dim_dataset.dim_currency` AS temp-table
    temp-table.transaction_timestamp = ${data()}.timestamp
  • Omit the table reference:

    discount_pct IN (
    SELECT discount_pct FROM
    `my_project_id.dim_dataset.dim_currency` AS temp-table
    temp-table.transaction_timestamp = timestamp

Not recommended:

  • Don't use a direct table reference to refer to columns in the source table:

    discount_pct IN (
    SELECT discount_pct FROM
    `my_project_id.dim_dataset.dim_currency` AS temp-table
    temp-table.transaction_timestamp = `my_project_id.dim_dataset.dim_currency`.timestamp

Rule execution

You can schedule data quality scans to run at a specific interval, or you can run a scan on demand. To manage data quality scans, you can use the API or the Google Cloud console.

When you run a data quality scan, Dataplex creates a job. As part of the specification of a data quality scan, you can specify the scope of a job to be one of the following:

Full Table
Each job validates the entire table.
Each job validates incremental data. To determine increments, provide a Date / Timestamp column in the table that can be used as a marker. Typically, this is the column on which the table is partitioned.

Filter data

Dataplex can filter data to be scanned for data quality by using a row filter. Creating a row filter lets you focus on data within a specific time period or specific segment, such as a certain region. Using filters can reduce execution time and cost, for example, filtering out data with a timestamp before a certain date.

Sample data

Dataplex lets you specify a percentage of records from your data to sample for running a data quality scan. Creating data quality scans on a smaller sample of data can reduce execution time and the cost relative to querying the entire dataset.

Data quality scan results

The results of your data quality scans are available in Dataplex. You can also review and analyze the scan results by using the following methods:

  • Export results to BigQuery

    You can export the scan results to a BigQuery table for further analysis. To customize reporting, you can connect the BigQuery table data to a Looker dashboard. You can build an aggregated report by using the same results table across multiple scans.

  • Publish results in the Google Cloud console

    You can publish the data quality scan results to the source table's BigQuery and Data Catalog pages in the Google Cloud console. The latest scan results are available on the Data Quality tab for the source table.

  • Review data quality scores

    Each scan result provides data quality scores that indicate the percentage of rules that passed. The scores are reported at the overall job level, the column level (if the rule is evaluated against a column), and the dimension level. Use the data quality scores to normalize data quality across tables or columns, track trends, and identify data that doesn't meet quality requirements.

For more information, see View the data quality scan results.

Monitoring and alerting

You can monitor and get alerts about data quality scans by using the following methods:

  • Set alerts in Cloud Logging

    You can monitor the data quality jobs using the data_scan and data_quality_scan_rule_result logs in the Logs Explorer.

    For each data quality job, the data_scan log with the data_scan_type field set to DATA_QUALITY contains the following information:

    • Data source used for the data scan.
    • Job execution details, such as creation time, start time, end time, and job state.
    • Result of the data quality job: pass or fail.
    • Dimension level pass or fail.

    Every succeeded job contains a data_quality_scan_rule_result log with the following detailed information about each rule in that job:

    • Configuration information, such as rule name, rule type, evaluation type, and dimension.
    • Result information, such as pass or failure, total row count, passing row count, null row count, and evaluated row count.

    The information in the logs is available through the API and Google Cloud console. You can use this information to set up alerts. For more information, see Set alerts in Logging.

  • Send email notification reports

    You can send email notification reports to alert people about the status and results of a data quality job. Notification reports are available for the following scenarios:

    • The data quality score is lower than a specified target score
    • The job failed
    • The job finished

    You configure notification reports when you create a data quality scan.

Troubleshoot data quality failures

When a rule fails, Dataplex produces a query to get the failed records. Run this query to see the records that did not match your rule. For more information, see Troubleshoot a data quality failure.


  • Data quality scan results aren't published to Data Catalog as tags.
  • Rule recommendations aren't supported in the gcloud CLI.
  • The choice of dimensions is fixed to one of the predefined seven dimensions.
  • The number of rules per data quality scan is limited to 1000.
  • Data quality scores that are reported at the column level are supported only in the API.


  • Dataplex uses the premium processing SKU to charge for auto data quality. For more information, see Dataplex pricing.

  • Publishing auto data quality results to Catalog is not yet available. When it becomes available, it'll be charged at the same rate as Catalog metadata storage pricing. See Pricing for more details.

  • Dataplex premium processing for auto data quality is billed per second with a one-minute minimum.

  • There are no charges for failed data quality scans.

  • The charge depends on the number of rows, the number of columns, the amount of data that you've scanned, the data quality rule configuration, the partitioning and clustering settings on the table, and the frequency of the gscan.

  • There are several options to reduce the cost of auto data quality scans:

  • To separate data quality charges from other charges in Dataplex premium processing SKU, on the Cloud Billing report, use the label goog-dataplex-workload-type with value DATA_QUALITY.

  • To filter aggregate charges, use the following labels:

    • goog-dataplex-datascan-data-source-dataplex-entity
    • goog-dataplex-datascan-data-source-dataplex-lake
    • goog-dataplex-datascan-data-source-dataplex-zone
    • goog-dataplex-datascan-data-source-project
    • goog-dataplex-datascan-data-source-region
    • goog-dataplex-datascan-id
    • goog-dataplex-datascan-job-id

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