Manage a repository

This document shows you how to do the following in Dataform:

Before you begin

  1. Create a repository.
  2. Optional: Connect your repository to a third-party Git repository.
  3. Create and initialize a development workspace in your repository.

Required roles

To get the permissions that you need to complete the tasks in this document, ask your administrator to grant you the following IAM roles:

  • Configure Dataform settings and manage the location of the Dataform core package: Dataform Admin (roles/dataform.admin) on repositories.
  • Update the Dataform core package and use version control in Dataform: Dataform Editor (roles/dataform.editor) on workspaces.

For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

You might also be able to get the required permissions through custom roles or other predefined roles.

Configure Dataform workflow settings

This section shows you how to edit the Dataform workflow processing settings for a specific repository.

You might want to edit the settings file to rename the schemas or add custom compilation variables to your repository.

About repository settings

Each Dataform repository contains a unique workflow settings file. The file contains the Google Cloud project ID and the schema in which Dataform publishes assets in BigQuery. Dataform uses default settings that you can override to best suit your needs by editing the settings file.

As of Dataform core 3.0.0, workflow settings are stored in the workflow_settings.yaml file by default. In earlier versions of Dataform core, workflow settings are stored in the dataform.json file. The Dataform core 3.0 workflow_settings.yaml file is backward compatible with the dataform.json file. You can continue to use the dataform.json file to store workflow settings. As a best practice, you should migrate your repository workflow settings to the workflow_settings.yaml format for future compatibility.

About workflow_settings.yaml

The workflow_settings.yaml file, introduced in Dataform core 3.0, stores Dataform workflow settings in the YAML format.

The following code sample shows a sample workflow_settings.yaml file:

  defaultProject: my-gcp-project-id
  defaultDataset: dataform
  defaultLocation: australia-southeast2
  defaultAssertionDataset: dataform_assertions

In the preceding code sample, the key-value pairs are described as follows:

  • defaultProject: Your BigQuery Google Cloud project ID.
  • defaultDataset: The BigQuery dataset in which Dataform creates assets, called dataform by default.
  • defaultLocation: Your default BigQuery dataset region. In this location, Dataform processes your code and stores executed data. This processing region has to match the location of your BigQuery datasets, but it does not need to match the Dataform repository region. For more information on BigQuery dataset locations, see Dataset locations.
  • defaultAssertionDataset: The BigQuery dataset in which Dataform creates views with assertion results, called dataform_assertions by default.

For more information about workflow_settings.yaml properties, see WorkflowSettings in GitHub.

You can access the properties defined in workflow_settings.yaml in your Dataform code as properties of the dataform.projectConfig object.

The following mappings from the workflow_settings.yaml options to the code-accessible dataform.projectConfig options apply:

  • defaultProject => defaultDatabase
  • defaultDataset => defaultSchema
  • defaultAssertionDataset => assertionSchema
  • projectSuffix => databaseSuffix
  • datasetSuffix => schemaSuffix
  • namePrefix => tablePrefix

The following code sample shows the dataform.projectConfig object referenced in a SELECT statement in a view:

  config { type: "view" }
  SELECT ${when(
    "table prefix is set!",
    "table prefix is not set!"

About dataform.json

The dataform.json file stores Dataform workflow settings in the JSON format.

The following code sample shows a sample dataform.json file:

    "warehouse": "bigquery",
    "defaultDatabase": "my-gcp-project-id",
    "defaultSchema": "dataform",
    "defaultLocation": "australia-southeast2",
    "assertionSchema": "dataform_assertions"

In the preceding code sample, the key-value pairs are described as follows:

  • warehouse: Pointer to BigQuery, where Dataform creates assets.
  • defaultDatabase: Your BigQuery Google Cloud project ID.
  • defaultSchema: The BigQuery dataset in which Dataform creates assets.
  • defaultLocation: Your default BigQuery dataset region. In this location, Dataform processes your code and stores executed data. This processing region has to match the location of your BigQuery datasets, but does not need to match the Dataform repository region. For more information on BigQuery dataset locations, see Dataset locations.
  • assertionSchema: The BigQuery dataset in which Dataform creates views with assertion results, called dataform_assertions by default.

You can access the properties defined in the dataform.json file in your project code as properties of the dataform.projectConfig object.

Configure schema names

To configure schema names, you need to edit the defaultDataset and defaultAssertionSchema properties in the workflow_settings.yaml file, or the defaultSchema and assertionSchema properties in the dataform.json file.

To configure the name of a schema, follow these steps:


  1. In your development workspace, in the Files pane, click the workflow_settings.yaml file.

  2. Edit the value of defaultDataset, defaultAssertionSchema, or both.

The following code sample shows a custom defaultDataset name defined in the workflow_settings.yaml file:

  defaultDataset: mytables


  1. In your development workspace, in the Files pane, click the dataform.json file.

  2. Edit the value of defaultSchema, assertionSchema, or both.

The following code sample shows a custom defaultSchema name defined in the dataform.json file:

  "defaultSchema": "mytables",

Create custom compilation variables

Compilation variables contain values that you can modify with compilation overrides in a release configuration or in a Dataform API request.

After you define a compilation variable in workflow_settings.yaml and add it to selected tables, you can modify its value in a release configuration or Dataform API compilation overrides to execute tables conditionally.

For more information about executing tables conditionally by using compilation variables, see Introduction to code lifecycle in Dataform.

To create a compilation variable that you can use across a repository, follow these steps:


  1. Go to your Dataform development workspace.
  2. In the Files pane, select the workflow_settings.yaml file.
  3. Enter the following code snippet:

    "vars": {

    Replace the following:

    • VARIABLE: a name for the variable
    • VALUE: the default value of the compilation variable

The following code sample shows the myVariableName compilation variable set to myVariableValue in the workflow_settings.yaml file:

  myVariableName: myVariableValue

The following code sample shows the workflow_settings.yaml file with the executionSetting compilation variable set to dev:

defaultProject: default_bigquery_database
defaultLocation: us-west1
defaultDataset: dataform_data,
executionSetting: dev


  1. Go to your Dataform development workspace.
  2. In the Files pane, select the dataform.json file.
  3. Enter the following code snippet:

    "vars": {

    Replace the following:

    • VARIABLE: a name for the variable
    • VALUE: with the default value of the compilation variable

The following code sample shows the myVariableName compilation variable set to myVariableValue in the dataform.json file:

  "vars": {
    "myVariableName": "myVariableValue"

The following code sample shows the dataform.json file with the executionSetting compilation variable set to dev:

"warehouse": "bigquery",
"defaultSchema": "dataform_data",
"defaultDatabase": "default_bigquery_database".
"vars": {
Add a compilation variable to a table

To add a compilation variable to a SQLX table definition file, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Dataform development workspace.
  2. In the Files pane, select a SQLX table definition file.
  3. In the file, enter a when clause in the following format:

    ${when(dataform.projectConfig.vars.VARIABLE === "SET_VALUE", "CONDITION")}

    Replace the following:

    • VARIABLE: the name of your variable—for example executionSetting
    • SET_VALUE: a value for the variable—for example, staging
    • CONDITION: a condition for execution of the table

The following code sample shows a table definition SQLX file with a when clause and the executionSetting variable that executes 10% of data in the staging execution setting:

  from ${ref("data")}
    dataform.projectConfig.vars.executionSetting === "staging",
    "where mod(farm_fingerprint(id) / 10) = 0",

The following code sample shows a view definition SQLX file with a when clause and the myVariableName variable:

  config { type: "view" }
  SELECT ${when(
    dataform.projectConfig.vars.myVariableName === "myVariableValue",
    "myVariableName is set to myVariableValue!",
    "myVariableName is not set to myVariableValue!"

Migrate workflow settings to workflow_settings.yaml

To ensure your workflow settings file is compatible with future Dataform core framework versions, you should migrate your workflow settings from the dataform.json file to the workflow_settings.yaml file.

The workflow_settings.yaml file replaces the dataform.json file.

If Dataform core is the only dependency package in your repository, then the workflow_settings.yaml file also replaces the package.json file. For more information about replacing the package.json file with the workflow_settings.yaml file, see Manage the Dataform core package.

The following table shows mapping of workflow settings properties from the dataform.json file to the workflow_settings.yaml file:

Property in dataform.json Property in workflow_settings.yaml Description
assertionSchema defaultAssertionDataset Required. The default dataset for assertions.
defaultDatabase defaultProject Required. The default Google Cloud project name.
defaultLocation defaultLocation Required. The default BigQuery location where Dataform will create tables. For more information on BigQuery locations, see Dataset locations.
defaultSchema defaultDataset Required. The default dataset.
databaseSuffix projectSuffix Optional. The suffix to append to all Google Cloud project references.
schemaSuffix datasetSuffix Optional. The suffix to append to all action datasets.
tablePrefix namePrefix Optional. The prefix to prepend to all action names.
vars vars Optional. User-defined variables that are made available to project code during compilation. An object containing a list of key: value pairs.
warehouse - Required in dataform.json. Must be set to bigquery. Not available in workflow_settings.yaml.
- dataformCoreVersion Not available in dataform.json. Installed in workflow_settings.yaml by default for new repositories. For more information, see Manage the Dataform core package.

To migrate workflow settings to workflow_settings.yaml, follow these steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Dataform page.

    Go to Dataform

  2. Select a repository, and then select a workspace.

  3. In the Files pane, click addAdd, and then click Create file.

  4. In the Add a file path field, enter workflow_settings.yaml.

  5. Click Create file.

  6. In the workflow_settings.yaml file, add the settings from your dataform.json file, mapped to the YAML format.

  7. In the Files pane, click the More menu next to dataform.json, and then click Delete.

  8. To confirm deletion of dataform.json, click Delete.

The following code sample shows workflow settings defined in a dataform.json file:

  "warehouse": "bigquery",
  "defaultDatabase": "dataform-demos",
  "defaultLocation": "US",
  "defaultSchema": "dataform",
  "assertionSchema": "dataform_assertions"
  "vars": {
    "environmentName": "development"

The following code sample shows the preceding dataform.json file converted to workflow_settings.yaml:

defaultProject: dataform-demos
defaultLocation: US
defaultDataset: dataform
defaultAssertionDataset: dataform_assertions
    environmentName: "development"

Manage the Dataform core package

This section shows you how to manage the Dataform core framework dependency package and update it to the latest version.

Dataform core is the open source Dataform framework for developing workflows with SQL, SQLX, and JavaScript. As a best practice, always use the latest available version of the Dataform core framework. For information about releases of the Dataform core framework, see Dataform releases on GitHub.

Manage Dataform core package location

When you initialize the first workspace in a repository, Dataform automatically sets Dataform core as a dependency package. As of Dataform core 3.0.0, Dataform installs the Dataform core package in the workflow_settings.yaml file by default. In earlier versions of Dataform core, Dataform core was set in the package.json file.

In Dataform core 3.0.0 and later, if Dataform core is the only package in your repository, then you should set it in the workflow_settings.yaml file. For repositories created with earlier versions of Dataform core, move the Dataform core package to workflow_settings.yaml.

The package.json file is required to install additional packages in Dataform. If your repository uses additional packages, set the Dataform core package in package.json so that all packages are set in one place. If your repository doesn't have the package.json file, create the package.json file and move the Dataform core package to install additional packages.

Move Dataform core to workflow_settings.yaml

For repositories created with versions of Dataform core earlier than 3.0.0, if you don't have dependency packages other than Dataform core, then you should move the Dataform core package from the package.json file to the workflow_settings.yaml file, and delete the redundant package.json file.

To migrate the Dataform core package from the package.json file to the workflow_settings.yaml file, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Dataform page.

    Go to Dataform

  2. Select a repository, and then select a workspace.

  3. In the Files pane, select the workflow_settings.yaml file.

  4. In the workflow_settings.yaml file, add the Dataform core package in the following format:

    dataformCoreVersion: "VERSION"

    Replace VERSION with the latest version of Dataform, for example, 3.0.0.

  5. In the Files pane, click the More menu next to the package.json file, and then click Delete.

  6. To confirm deletion of the dataform.json file, click Delete.

  7. Click Install packages.

Move Dataform core to package.json

The package.json file is required to install additional packages in a repository. If your repository uses additional packages, then you should store all packages, including the Dataform core package, in the package.json file.

If your repository doesn't contain the package.json file because the Dataform core package is set in the workflow_settings.yaml file, you must create the package.json file to install additional packages, and then move the Dataform core package from the workflow_settings.yaml file to the newly created the package.json file.

To create the package.json file and move the Dataform core package, follow these steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Dataform page.

    Go to Dataform

  2. Select a repository, and then select a workspace.

  3. In the Files pane, click addAdd, and then click Create file.

  4. In the Add a file path field, enter package.json.

  5. Click Create file.

  6. In the package.json file, add the Dataform core package in the following format:

        "dependencies": {
            "@dataform/core": "VERSION"

    Replace VERSION with the latest version of Dataform, for example, 3.0.0.

  7. Click Install packages.

  8. In the Files pane, select workflow_settings.yaml.

  9. In the workflow_settings.yaml file, delete the dataformCoreVersion property.

Update Dataform core

Always test new package versions in a non-production environment before deploying in your production environment.

To update the Dataform core dependency package, follow these steps:

  1. Look up the latest version of @dataform/core on the Dataform releases page on GitHub.

  2. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Dataform page.

    Go to Dataform

  3. Select a repository, and then select a workspace.

  4. In the Files pane, select the package.json file or the workflow_settings.yaml file.

    The location where the Dataform core dependency package is set depends on your version of Dataform core and your use of packages. For more information, see Manage Dataform core package location.

  5. Update the Dataform core dependency package with the latest version:


        "dependencies": {
            "@dataform/core": "VERSION"

    Replace VERSION with the latest version of Dataform, for example, 3.0.0. To prevent issues with package installation, explicitly specify the Dataform core package version. Don't use other dependencies options of the package.json file, for example, >version.


    dataformCoreVersion: "VERSION"

    Replace VERSION with the latest version of Dataform, for example, 3.0.0.

  6. Click Install packages.

  7. Commit the changes.

  8. Push the changes to your repository.

The following code sample shows the @dataform/core dependency updated to the 3.0.0 version in the package.json file:

    "dependencies": {
        "@dataform/core": "3.0.0"

Version control your code

This section shows you how to use version control in Dataform to keep track of development.

Dataform uses Git to keep track of each change made to the files inside a repository.

In a Dataform repository, you interact directly with the Git repository.

In a connected repository, you interact with the tracking branch of the remote repository that you configured while connecting the repository.

Dataform displays version control options based on the status of changes in your development workspace. For example, Dataform displays the commit option only when there are uncommitted local changes in your workspace. When the files in your workspace are an exact copy of your default or tracking branch, Dataform displays the Workspace is up to date status.

Dataform displays the following version control options:

Commit X change(s)
Commit the X number of local changes in your workspace or selected changed files. Dataform displays the uncommitted changes.
Push to default branch
Push your committed changes to your default branch. This option is available in a Dataform repository if you have no uncommitted changes in your workspace.
Push to your-branch-name
Push your committed changes to your-branch-name. This option is available in a repository connected to a third-party Git repository if you have no uncommitted changes in your workspace.
Pull from default branch
Update your workspaces with recent changes from your default branch. This option is available in a Dataform repository if you have no uncommitted or unpushed committed changes in your workspace.
Pull from your-branch-name
Update your workspace with recent changes from your-branch-name. This option is available in a repository connected to a third-party Git repository if you have no uncommitted or unpushed committed changes in your workspace.
Revert to last commit
Restore the files in your workspace to their state from your last commit.

Pull changes

If your development workspace is out of sync with your repository, Dataform displays the Pull option. To pull changes from your repository to your development workspace, follow these steps:

  1. On the Dataform page, select a repository.
  2. In the Development workspaces tab, select a development workspace.
  3. On the development workspace page, do the following:
    1. If you are in a Dataform repository, click Pull from default branch.
    2. If you are in a repository connected to a third-party Git repository, click Pull from your-branch-name.

Commit changes

After you make a change in a development workspace, Dataform displays the Commit option. You can commit all local changes or selected files.

In the New commit dialog, Dataform displays the uncommitted changes.

To commit changes from your development workspace to your repository, follow these steps:

  1. On the Dataform page, select a repository.
  2. On the repository page, select a development workspace.
  3. On the development workspace page, click Commit.
  4. In the New commit pane, do the following:

    1. In the Add a commit message field, enter a description for your commit.
    2. Select the changed files that you want to commit.

      If you don't select any files, Dataform commits all local changes. You can filter changed files by file state, filename, and path.

    3. Click Commit All changes, or Commit X changes.

      The button name depends on your selection of files to commit.

Push changes

Dataform displays the Push option after you commit changes. To push changes from your development workspace to your repository, follow these steps:

  1. On the Dataform page, select a repository.
  2. On the repository page, select a development workspace.
  3. Commit changes.
  4. On the development workspace page, do the following:
    1. If you are in a Dataform repository, click Push to default branch.
    2. If you are in a repository connected to a third-party Git repository, click Push to your-branch-name.

Revert uncommitted changes

To revert uncommitted changes, follow these steps:

  1. On the Dataform page, select a repository.
  2. On the repository page, select a development workspace.
  3. Above the Files pane, click the More menu, and then select Revert to last commit.

Resolve merge conflicts

A merge conflict can happen when a local change in your development workspace is incompatible with a change that has been made to the default tracking branch of your repository. Merge conflicts usually occur when multiple users simultaneously edit the same file.

You encounter a merge conflict usually when you pull from a branch after a different user has pushed a conflicting change to the same branch. You need to resolve a merge conflict manually by editing the affected file.

The following code sample shows a merge conflict displayed in a SQLX file:

    <<<<<<< HEAD
    SELECT 1 as CustomerOrders
    SELECT 1 as Orders
    >>>>>>> refs/heads/main

To resolve a merge conflict, follow these steps:

  1. In your development workspace, in the Files pane, select an affected file.
  2. Edit the file with your chosen changes.
  3. Commit changes.
  4. Optional: Push changes.

What's next