Conversion workspace actions

Conversion workspaces let you fix conversion issues, modify your objects with the interactive editor, and apply converted schema to your destination database. This page provides an overview of all actions you can perform with conversion workspaces.

Remove objects from the source schema

Remove objects from the source schema to exclude them from conversion. You can later add removed objects if needed.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Conversion workspaces and select your workspace.

    Go to Conversion workspaces

  2. In the Oracle tab, next to the object you want to remove, select More > Remove.
  3. In the Remove object confirmation dialog, click Remove.
  4. Refresh your converted schema. Click Convert source. Database Migration Service now analyzes your changes and generates the updated PostgreSQL schema.

    You can inspect the converted schema in the Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL draft tab.

Add objects to the source schema

You can add objects previously removed from the source schema to add them to the conversion.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Conversion workspaces and select your workspace.

    Go to Conversion workspaces

  2. In the Oracle tab, click Add objects.
  3. In the Add objects section, use the source list to select all entities you want add to the source schema.

    You can use the Filter objects button to reduce the number of displayed objects. See Filter objects in the source schema view

  4. Click Add objects.
  5. Refresh your converted schema. Click Convert source. Database Migration Service now analyzes your changes and generates the updated PostgreSQL schema.

    You can inspect the converted schema in the Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL draft tab.

Pull source schema and code snapshot

You can pull schema and code from your source database into the conversion workspace at any moment. Pulling the source gives you an opportunity to add new, or update existing objects in the conversion.

Pulling updated database schema and code doesn't reset any custom mappings that exist in the conversion workspace unless you explicitly choose to remove custom mappings.

Additionally, pulling the source doesn't override SQL changes on your code objects. You can reset these changes directly at the object level.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Conversion workspaces and select your workspace.

    Go to Conversion workspaces

  2. Click Edit configuration > Pull source schema snapshot again.
  3. In the dialog box:
    1. (Optional) Select the Reset custom mapping to remove existing custom mappings and DDL modifications.
    2. Click Pull schema snapshot.

      Database Migration Service pulls the new snapshot from your source database.

  4. Refresh your converted schema. Click Convert source. Database Migration Service now analyzes your changes and generates the updated PostgreSQL schema.

    You can inspect the converted schema in the Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL draft tab.

Use custom conversion mappings

You can customize the conversion logic with a conversion mapping file. The conversion mapping file is a text file contains precise instructions (referred to as conversion directives) for how your Oracle objects should be converted into PostgreSQL objects.

Write a custom mapping file

To write your custom mapping files:

  1. Review the list of supported conversion directives.

  2. Use the example configuration file as a point of reference.

  3. Write your custom conversion mappings in a text editor and upload it to the conversion workspace.

Add custom mapping files

To add a custom conversion mapping file to your workspace, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Conversion workspaces and select your workspace.

    Go to Conversion workspaces

  2. On the conversion editor page, select Edit configuration > Customize mapping with a configuration file.
  3. In the Configuration file box, click Browse and use the system file picker to select your configuration file.
  4. Click Add file > Create mapping.

Remove custom mapping files

To remove a custom conversion mapping file from your workspace, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Conversion workspaces and select your workspace.

    Go to Conversion workspaces

  2. On the conversion editor page, select Edit configuration > Remove custom mapping.

Review conversion results

After you perform the source conversion, you can review the conversion results and possible issues for every individual converted object in the workspace editor area. You can also use Google Cloud CLI to save all results and issues in bulk to a text file.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Conversion workspaces.

    Go to Conversion workspaces

  2. Click the display name of the conversion workspace that you want to work with.

    Conversion workspace editor opens.

  3. Select the Oracle tab, and locate the object for which you want to review conversion results in the tree view table.

  4. Select the object. Use the SQL and Conversion issues tabs to review the conversion.

With Google Cloud CLI you can print all conversion results or issues to the terminal. Redirect the output to a file for more convenient bulk object reviews.

Get a list of conversion results

gcloud CLI displays conversion results in the terminal in the form of Data Definition Language (DDL) statements. To save conversion results to a file, execute the following command:

  gcloud database-migration conversion-workspaces describe-ddls \
  --region=REGION_ID \


  • CONVERSION_WORKSPACE_ID with the conversion workspace identifier. For information on how to retrieve conversion workspace identifiers, see View conversion workspace details.
  • REGION_ID with the name of the region where the conversion workspace is located.
  • OUTPUT_FILE_PATH with the path where to the text file where you want to save the output.


    gcloud database-migration conversion-workspaces describe-issues \
    my-conversion-workspace \
    --region=us-central1 \
    > ./my-conversion-issues.txt


    Your schema conversion results are saved in a text format where the first line says DDLs and subsequent lines are occupied by SQL statements:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION mockschema.func_test_datatype(str1 VARCHAR(65000))
      LANGUAGE plpgsql
      AS $$
          str2 VARCHAR(100);
            INTO STRICT
            WHERE employees.employee_id = CAST(FUNC_TEST_DATATYPE.str1 as DECIMAL)
          RAISE NOTICE '%', concat('Input : ', FUNC_TEST_DATATYPE.str1, ' Output : ', str2);
          RETURN 0;
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE greetings AS BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('Hello World!'); END;

Get a list of conversion issues

To save conversion issues to a file, execute the following command:

  gcloud database-migration conversion-workspaces describe-issues \
  --region=REGION_ID \


  • CONVERSION_WORKSPACE_ID with the conversion workspace identifier. For information on how to retrieve conversion workspace identifiers, see View conversion workspace details.
  • REGION_ID with the name of the region where the conversion workspace is located.
  • OUTPUT_FILE_PATH with the path where to the text file where you want to save the output.


  gcloud database-migration conversion-workspaces describe-issues \
  my-conversion-workspace \
  --region=us-central1 \
  > ./my-conversion-issues.txt


All the conversion issues contained in your workspace are saved in a text format where the first line contains column headers and each subsequent line contains a separate conversion issue:

  SCHEMA1  EMPLOYEES          TABLE             DDL         ERROR           500         unable to parse DDL.
  SCHEMA1  EMPLOYEES          TABLE             CONVERT     WARNING         206         no conversion done.
  SCHEMA1  STORED_PROCEDURE1  STORED_PROCEDURE  DDL         ERROR           500         invalid DDL.
  SCHEMA1  SYNONYM1           SYNONYM           CONVERT     WARNING         206         synonym warning message.

Fix conversion issues

Database Migration Service might not be able to automatically convert your entire source. For most Oracle objects, you can use the conversion editor directly in Database Migration Service to adjust the generated SQL. For others, you might need to change the object directly in your source database and then pull the source snapshot again.

For a complete list of objects that Database Migration Service supports for editing directly in the conversion workspace, see Editable Oracle objects.

To fix issues encountered with objects that aren't supported in the workspace editor, perform one of the following:

  1. Review the conversion results and identify possible issues.

    You can use the Google Cloud console for reviewing individual objects or gcloud CLI for reviewing all objects in bulk.

  2. In the Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL tab, use the SQL editor to update the generated code.
  3. Test your schema to verify Database Migration Service can correctly apply your code to the destination database.

To fix issues encountered with objects that aren't supported in the workspace editor, perform one of the following:

Update faulty objects in your source
For some issues, you might need to change the Oracle statement directly in your source database. Do the following:
  1. Update the schema and code directly in your source database.
  2. Pull the updated sources to Database Migration Service.
  3. Convert the sources again and check if the issues persist.
Provide additional mappings with a conversion mapping file

You can use a conversion mapping file to provide precise definitions for how Database Migration Service should convert certain PostgreSQL objects. To use a conversion mapping file, do the following:

  1. Write a conversion mapping file.
  2. Add your configuration file to the workspace.
Try removing the object from the sources tab
Database Migration Service lets you convert . To unblock the conversion process, you can decide to look closer at the faulty object at a later time. Remove the object from the sources tab.

Test your schema in the destination

Before you apply the schema to the destination database, you can first perform a test run to proactively check for possible issues. To perform the test, Database Migration Service creates a temporary database. The test run doesn't impact your destination Cloud SQL instance.

  1. Make sure your dedicated migration user has the CREATEDB permission. For more information, see Create and configure your destination Cloud SQL instance.

  2. In the Google Cloud console, go to Conversion workspaces.

    Go to Conversion workspaces

  3. Click the display name of the conversion workspace that you want to work with.

    Conversion workspace editor opens.

  4. Click Apply to destination > Test (recommended).

    The wizard for applying schema to destination database appears.

  5. In the Define destination section, select the connection profile that points to your destination database.

  6. Click Define and continue.

  7. In the Select objects and test application section, select the schemas of database entities you want to test for your destination database.

    You can use the Filter objects button to reduce the number of displayed objects. See Filter objects in the source schema view.

  8. Click Test application.

    You can review the application status in the Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL tab.

Apply schema to destination

When the schema you would like to use in the destination database is converted according to your requirements and mappings, you can apply the results to the destination database. Applying schema in the destination doesn't alter any data on the source database.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Conversion workspaces.

    Go to Conversion workspaces

  2. Click the display name of the conversion workspace that you want to work with.

    Conversion workspace editor opens.

  3. Click Apply to destination > Apply.

    The wizard for applying schema to destination database appears.

  4. In the Define destination section, select the connection profile that points to your destination database.

  5. Click Define and continue.

  6. In the Review objects and apply conversion to destination section, select the schemas of database entities you want to create in your destination database.

    You can use the Filter objects button to reduce the number of displayed objects. See Filter objects in the source schema view.

  7. Click Apply to destination.

    You can review the application status in the Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL tab.

Create a migration job from the conversion editor

You can create a migration job that uses your conversion workspace directly from the conversion editor interface.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Conversion workspaces.

    Go to Conversion workspaces

  2. Click the display name of the conversion workspace that you want to work with.

    Conversion workspace editor opens.

  3. Click Create migration job.

  4. Proceed with the standard migration job steps, as outlined in Create a migration job.

Filter objects in the source schema view

Database schemas often contain thousands of objects, making it challenging to partition conversion work. When you add objects from the schema snapshot to the source schema view, you can use filters to limit the number of displayed objects. Filters let you add objects in a more granular fashion and focus on converting a select subset of your schema.

Use the filtered view when you add objects to the source schema view:

  1. In the Filter field, use one of the following filtering methods:
  2. From the Properties list, select one of the following auto-suggested options:
    1. Object name to filter the objects by a name, for example, ADMIN.
    2. Object type to filter the objects by several types, such as Function or Table.
    3. Conversion status to filter the objects by the conversion status, such as Action required or No issues.

      You can combine filter properties with logical operators.

  3. Enter your query. For example: type=table.

    For more information on the filtering syntax, see Supported filtering syntax.

  4. Select the objects that you want to add to the source schema view.

Supported filtering syntax

You can filter objects by name with basic free text search, or use a dedicated type property. Both approaches support the Google API formal specification for filtering, meaning you can use literals with wildcards, as well as logical and comparison operators.

Use free text to filter the objects by name. This approach is case-sensitive and supports wildcards.


The *JOB* query uses wildcards to search for entities that contain the JOB substring. The filtered view returns some tables and one stored procedure:

Screenshot of example results for filtering objects by name.
Filter by using the type property

You can filter objects by all standard types supported in Database Migration Service.

The type property supports the following literals with the equality (=) and inequality (!=) operators: database, schema, table, column, index, sequence, stored_procedure, function, view, synonym, materialized_view, udt, constraint, database_package, trigger, and event_trigger.


The type=table filter returns only tables present in your schema:

Screenshot of example results for filtering objects by type property.
Combine filtering conditions

You can specify multiple conditions by combining them with logical operators.

For example, to search exclusively for tables whose names contain the JOB or EMPLOYEE substrings, use this query:

  type=table AND (*JOB* OR *EMPLOYEE*)

As a result, the filter displays all matching tables:

Screenshot of example results for filtering objects by a combination of
  type and name properties.