Migrate your databases by using a Percona XtraBackup physical file

You can migrate your MySQL databases to Cloud SQL by using physical database backup files created with the Percona XtraBackup for MySQL utility. Migrating with physical backup files offers increased data restoration speeds over migrations that use logical backup files. This makes them a great choice for moving big databases that contain multiple terabytes of data.

This migration flow involves the following tasks:

  1. Backing up your source MySQL instance and preparing the physical backup files by using the Percona XtraBackup for MySQL utility.

  2. Uploading your backup files to a Cloud Storage bucket.

  3. Creating and running the migration job in Database Migration Service.

    Depending on your scenario, you can create the destination instance on your own, or have Database Migration Service create the destination instance for you as a part of the migration job creation flow. For more information, see the Configure and run the migration job step.

  4. Promoting the migration job after the data is fully migrated.

Offline migrations

This guide describes migration scenarios for environments where you can ensure network connectivity between your source and destination database instances.

It is possible to perform a test migration where Database Migration Service doesn't connect to your source instance. Instead, Database Migration Service only reads the backup files you upload to the Cloud Storage bucket and replicates their contents to the Cloud SQL for MySQL destination. A migration flow that doesn't use network connectivity isn't recommended for production migrations, as Database Migration Service can't fully perform data validation.

If you want to try to perform an offline migration job, adjust the procedures in the following way:


This section lists limitations for the migrations that use Percona XtraBackup physical files:

  • Migrating to MySQL 5.6 or 8.4 with a physical backup file is not supported. See Known limitations.

  • Cross-version considerations:

    • You can only migrate within the same database major version, for example from MySQL 8.0.30 to MySQL 8.0.35, or MySQL 5.7.0 to MySQL 5.7.1.
    • You can't migrate from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0.

    • Migration is not supported to earlier database major or minor versions. For example, you can't migrate from MySQL 8.0 to 5.7 or from MySQL 8.0.36 to 8.0.16.

  • You must use Percona XtraBackup to backup up your data to the Cloud Storage bucket. Other backup utilities are not supported.

  • Database migration from a Percona XtraBackup physical file is only supported for on-premises or self-managed VM MySQL databases. Migration from Amazon Aurora or MySQL on Amazon RDS databases is not supported.

  • You can only migrate from a full backup. Other backup types, such as incremental or partial backups, are not supported.

  • Database migration does not include database users or privileges.

  • You must set the binary log format to ROW. If you configure the binary log to any other format, such as STATEMENT or MIXED, then replication might fail.

  • Any database with a table larger than 5 TB is not supported.

  • Cloud Storage limits the size of a file that you can upload to a bucket to 5 TB. If your Percona XtraBackup physical file exceeds 5 TB, then you must split the backup file into smaller files.

  • Make sure you upload the backup files to a dedicated Cloud Storage folder that doesn't contain any other files.

  • You must configure the innodb_data_file_path parameter with only one data file that uses the default data filename ibdata1. If your database is configured with two data files or has a data file with a different name, then you can't migrate the database using a Percona XtraBackup physical file. For example, a database configured with innodb_data_file_path=ibdata01:50M:autoextend is not supported for the migration.

  • The innodb_page_size parameter on your source instance must be configured with the default value 16384.

  • You can't migrate any plugins from your external database.


For homogenous migrations to Cloud SQL, Database Migration Service is offered at no additional charge. However, Cloud SQL and Cloud Storage pricing applies for network charges as well as Cloud SQL and Cloud Storage entities created for migration purposes.

In this document, you use the following billable components of Google Cloud:

  • Cloud Storage
  • Cloud SQL

To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage, use the pricing calculator. New Google Cloud users might be eligible for a free trial.

Before you begin

  1. Consider in which region you want to create the destination database. Database Migration Service is a fully-regional product, meaning all entities related to your migration (source and destination connection profiles, migration jobs, destination databases, storage buckets) must be saved in a single region.
  2. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  3. Enable the Database Migration Service, Compute Engine, and Cloud SQL Admin APIs.

    Enable the APIs

Required roles

To get the permissions that you need to perform homogeneous MySQL migrations by using physical backup files, ask your administrator to grant you the following IAM roles on your project:

For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

These predefined roles contain the permissions required to perform homogeneous MySQL migrations by using physical backup files. To see the exact permissions that are required, expand the Required permissions section:

Required permissions

The following permissions are required to perform homogeneous MySQL migrations by using physical backup files:

  • User account that performs the migration:
    • datamigration.*
    • resourcemanager.projects.get
    • resourcemanager.projects.list
    • cloudsql.instances.create
    • cloudsql.instances.get
    • cloudsql.instances.list
    • compute.machineTypes.list
    • compute.machineTypes.get
    • compute.projects.get
    • storage.buckets.create
    • storage.buckets.list

You might also be able to get these permissions with custom roles or other predefined roles.

Step 1. Consider your network connectivity requirements

There are different networking methods you can use to configure connectivity between your source and the Cloud SQL destination instances. Depending on which method you use, there might be additional steps you need to perform during the migration process.

Consider which connectivity method is right for your scenario before you proceed to the next steps, as your choice might impact the settings you need to use. For more information, see Configure connectivity.

Step 2. Prepare your source data

To prepare your data for migration, perform the following steps:

  1. Install the correct version of the Percona XtraBackup utility on your source instance. You must use a version of Percona XtraBackup that is equal to or later than your source instance version. For more information, see Server version and backup version comparison in the Percona XtraBackup documentation.
  2. Export and prepare the physical backup file of your source instance by using Percona XtraBackup. For complete information on using Percona XtraBackup, refer to the tool's documentation. You can also expand the following section for an example of recommended steps.

    Sample recommended steps for creating and preparing physical backup files by using Percona XtraBackup

    Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

    • TARGET_DIR with the path where you want to save the output backup file.
    • USERNAME with a user that has the BACKUP_ADMIN privilege on the source instance.
    • PASSWORD with the password for the USERNAME account.
    1. Perform a full physical backup of your source instance. Run the following command:
        xtrabackup --backup \
          --target-dir=TARGET_DIR \
          --user=USERNAME \
    2. When the backup file is ready, use the --prepare command to ensure file consistency. Run the following command:
        xtrabackup --prepare --target-dir=TARGET_DIR
  3. Create your bucket to store the backup files. Make sure you use the same region as the one where you intend to create your destination Cloud SQL for MySQL instance.

    Database Migration Service is a fully-regional product, meaning that all entities related to your migration (source and destination connection profiles, migration jobs, destination databases, storage buckets for backup files) must be saved in a single region.

  4. Upload the backup files to your Cloud Storage bucket. Make sure you upload the backup files to a dedicated Cloud Storage folder that doesn't contain any other files. See Upload objects from a file system in the Cloud Storage documentation.
  5. Create the source connection profile for your source database instance.


    To create a source connection profile, follow these steps:

    1. Go to the Connection profiles page in the Google Cloud Console.
    2. Click Create profile.
    3. On the Create a connection profile page, from the Database engine drop-down menu, select MySQL
    4. In the Connection profile name field, enter a human-readable name for your connection profile. This value is displayed in the connection profile list.
    5. Keep the auto-generated Connection profile ID.
    6. Enter a Hostname or IP address.
      • If the source database is hosted in Google Cloud, or if a reverse SSH tunnel is used to connect the destination database to the source database, then specify the private (internal) IP address for the source database. This address will be accessible by the Cloud SQL destination. For more information, see Configure connectivity using VPC peering.

        For other connectivity methods, such as IP allowlist, provide the public IP address.

    7. Enter the Port that's used to access the host. The default MySQL default port is 3306.
    8. Enter a username and password for the destination database. The user account must have the required privileges to access your data. For more information, see Configure your source database.
    9. In the Connection profile region section of the page, select the region where you want to save the connection profile.
    10. Optional: If the connection is made over a public network (by using IP allowlists), then we recommend using SSL/TLS encryption for the connection between the source and destination databases.

      There are three options for the SSL/TLS configuration that you can select from the Secure your connection section of the page:

      1. None: The Cloud SQL destination instance connects to the source database without encryption.
      2. Server-only authentication: When the Cloud SQL destination instance connects to the source database, the instance authenticates the source, ensuring that the instance is connecting to the correct host securely. This prevents person-in-the-middle attacks. For server-only authentication, the source doesn't authenticate the instance.

        To use server-only authentication, you must provide the x509 PEM-encoded certificate of the certificate authority (CA) that signed the external server's certificate.

      3. Server-client authentication: When the destination instance connects to the source, the instance authenticates the source and the source authenticates the instance.

        Server-client authentication provides the strongest security. However, if you don't want to provide the client certificate and private key when you create the Cloud SQL destination instance, you can still use server-only authentication.

        To use server-client authentication, you must provide the following items when you create the destination connection profile:

        • The certificate of the CA that signed the source database server's certificate (the CA certificate).
        • The certificate used by the instance to authenticate against the source database server (the client certificate).
        • The private key associated with the client certificate (the client key).
    11. Click Create. Your connection profile is now created.


    This sample uses the optional --no-async flag so that all operations are performed synchronously. This means that some commands might take a while to complete. You can skip the --no-async flag to run commands asynchronously. If you do, you need to use the gcloud database-migration operations describe command to verify if your operation is successful.

    Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

    • CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID with a machine-readable identifier for your connection profile.
    • REGION with the identifier of the region where you want to save the connection profile.
    • HOST_IP_ADDRESS with the IP address where Database Migration Service can reach your source database instance. This value can vary depending on which connectivity method you use for your migration.
    • PORT_NUMBER with the port number where your source database accepts incoming connections. The default MySQL port is 3306.
    • USERNAME with the name of the database user account you want Database Migration Service to connect as to your source database instance.
    • PASSWORD with the password for the database user account.
    • (Optional) CONNECTION_PROFILE_NAME with a human-readable name for your connection profile. This value is displayed in the Google Cloud console.

    Execute the following command:

    Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

    gcloud database-migration connection-profiles \
    create mysql CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID \
      --no-async \
      --region=REGION \
      --host=HOST_IP_ADDRESS \
      --port=PORT_NUMBER \
      --username=USERNAME \
      --password=PASSWORD \

    Windows (PowerShell)

    gcloud database-migration connection-profiles `
    create mysql CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID `
      --no-async `
      --region=REGION `
      --host=HOST_IP_ADDRESS `
      --port=PORT_NUMBER `
      --username=USERNAME `
      --password=PASSWORD `

    Windows (cmd.exe)

    gcloud database-migration connection-profiles ^
    create mysql CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID ^
      --no-async ^
      --region=REGION ^
      --host=HOST_IP_ADDRESS ^
      --port=PORT_NUMBER ^
      --username=USERNAME ^
      --password=PASSWORD ^

    You should receive a response similar to the following:

    Waiting for connection profile [CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID]
    to be created with [OPERATION_ID]
    Waiting for operation [OPERATION_ID] to complete...done.
    Created connection profile CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID [OPERATION_ID]

Step 3. Configure and run the migration job

When you migrate with Percona XtraBackup, you might want to create the Cloud SQL destination instance on your own, or have Database Migration Service create it for you. For more information, see Migration job creation overview.

Each of these approaches requires you to follow a slightly different set of procedures. Use the drop-down menu to show the procedures relevant for your scenario:

  • If you want Database Migration Service to create the destination database for you, select Migrate to a new destination instance.
  • If you want to migrate to a destination database created outside Database Migration Service, select Migrate to an existing destination instance.

  • When you migrate to a new destination instance, Database Migration Service creates the destination Cloud SQL for MySQL instance for you during the migration job creation flow.

    Step 3a. Create the migration job to a new destination instance

    To create a migration job to a new destination instance, follow these steps:


    Define settings for the migration job

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Migration jobs page.

      Go to Migration jobs

    2. Click Create migration job.

      The migration job configuration wizard page opens. This wizard contains multiple panels that walk you through each configuration step.

      You can pause the creation of a migration job at any point by clicking SAVE & EXIT. All of the data that you enter up to that point is saved in a draft migration job. You can finish your draft migration job later.

    3. On the Get started page, enter the following information:
      1. Migration job name

        This is a human-readable name for your migration job. This value is displayed in the Google Cloud console.

      2. Migration job ID

        This is a machine-readable identifier for your migration job. You use this value to work with migration jobs by using Database Migration Service Google Cloud CLI commands or API.

      3. From the Source database engine list, select MySQL.

        The Destination database engine field is populated automatically and can't be changed.

      4. Select the region where you save the migration job.

        Database Migration Service is a fully-regional product, meaning all entities related to your migration (source and destination connection profiles, migration jobs, destination databases) must be saved in a single region. Select the region based on the location of the services that need your data, such as Compute Engine instances or App Engine apps, and other services. After you choose the destination region, this selection can't be changed.

    4. Click Save and continue.

    Specify information about the source connection profile

    1. On the Define a source page, perform the following steps:
      1. From the Source connection profile drop-down menu, select the connection profile for your source database.
      2. In the Customize full dump configuration section, click Edit configuration.
      3. In the Edit full dump configuration panel, from the Full dump method drop-down menu, select Physical based.
      4. In the Provide your folder click Browse, and then select the folder where you uploaded your full dump file (step 3 in the Prepare your source data section).
      5. Click Save.
    2. Click Save and continue.

    Configure and create the destination Cloud SQL instance

    1. On the Define a destination page, from the Type of destination instance drop-down menu, select New instance. Define all the relevant settings:
      1. In the Destination Instance ID field, provide an identifier for the Cloud SQL instance or use the auto-generated identifier.

        Don't include sensitive or personally identifiable information in the identifier. There's no need to include the project ID in the instance name. This is done automatically where appropriate (for example, in the log files).

      2. In the Password field, provide an alphanumeric password for the destination Cloud SQL instance. This is the password for the root administrator account in the instance.

        You can either enter the password manually or click Generate to have Database Migration Service create one for you automatically.

      3. From the Database version drop-down menu, choose the database version for the destination instance.

        Click Show minor versions to view all minor versions. Learn more about cross-version migration support.

      4. Select the Cloud SQL for MySQL edition for your destination instance. There are two options available: Cloud SQL for MySQL Enterprise edition and Cloud SQL for MySQL Enterprise Plus edition.

        Cloud SQL for MySQL editions come with different sets of features, available machine types, and pricing. Make sure you consult the Cloud SQL documentation to choose the edition that is appropriate for your needs. For more information, see Introduction to Cloud SQL for MySQL editions.

      5. The Region menu shows the same region you selected on the Get started page.

        If you are configuring your instance for high availability, select Multiple zones (Highly available). You can select both the primary and the secondary zone. The following conditions apply when the secondary zone is used during instance creation:

        • The zones default to Any for the primary zone and Any (different from primary) for the secondary zone.
        • If both the primary and secondary zones are specified, they must be different zones.
      6. In the Connections section, choose whether to add a public or a private IP address for your destination instance. You can configure your instance to have both types of IP addresses, but at least one type is required for the migration. Select one of the following:
        • If you want to migrate by using VPC peering or a reverse SSH tunnel, select Private IP.
          • To enable private IP connectivity, make sure you meet all the additional networking requirements.

            Expand this section for full private IP requirements.

          • Select the associated VPC network to peer. If you plan on connecting to the migration source by using VPC peering, then choose the VPC where the instance resides.
          • If a managed service network was never configured for the selected VPC, you can choose to either select an IP range and click Connect or use an automatically selected IP range and click Allocate & Connect.
        • If you want to migrate over the Internet by using an IP allowlist, select Public IP.

          Optionally, under Public IP click the Authorized networks field, and either authorize a network or a proxy to connect to the Cloud SQL instance. Networks are only authorized with the addresses that you provide. See Configure public IP in the Cloud SQL documentation.

        You configure the migration job connectivity in a later step. To learn more about available networking methods, see Configure connectivity.

    2. Select the machine type for the Cloud SQL instance. The disk size must be equal to or greater than the source database size. Learn more about MySQL machine types.
    3. For Cloud SQL for MySQL Enterprise Plus edition: Select the Enable data cache checkbox if you want to use the data cache feature in your destination database.

      Data cache is an optional feature available for Cloud SQL for MySQL Enterprise Plus edition instances that adds a high-speed local solid state drive to your destination database. This feature can introduce additional costs to your Cloud SQL. For more information on data cache, see Data cache overview in Cloud SQL documentation.

    4. Specify the storage type for the Cloud SQL instance. You can choose either a solid-state drive (SSD) or a hard disk drive (HDD).
    5. Specify the storage capacity (in GBytes) for the Cloud SQL instance.

      Make sure the instance has enough storage capacity to handle the data from your source database. You can increase this capacity at any time, but you can't decrease it.

    6. (Optional) Configure data encryption options or resource labels for your destination instance.

      Expand this section to see the optional steps.

      Click Show optional configurations, and then:

      1. Specify whether you want to manage the encryption of the data that's migrated from the source to the destination. By default, your data is encrypted with a key that's managed by Google Cloud. If you want to manage your encryption, then you can use a customer-managed encryption key (CMEK). To do so:

        1. Select the Use a customer-managed encryption key (CMEK) checkbox.
        2. From the Select a customer-managed key menu, select your CMEK.

        If you don't see your key, then click Enter key resource name to provide the resource name of the key that you want to use. Example key resource name: projects/my-project-name/locations/my-location/keyRings/my-keyring/cryptoKeys/my-key.

      2. Add any necessary flags to be applied to the database server. If possible, make sure that the database flags on the created destination Cloud SQL instance are the same as those on the source database. Learn more about supported database flags for MySQL.
      3. Add any labels that are specific to the Cloud SQL instance.

        Labels help organize your instances. For example, you can organize labels by cost center or environment. Labels are also included in your bill so you can see the distribution of costs across your labels.

    7. Click Create destination and continue. Database Migration Service is now creating your Cloud SQL destination instance. This process can take several minutes.

    Set up connectivity between the source and destination database instances

    From the Connectivity method drop-down menu, select a network connectivity method. This method defines how the newly created Cloud SQL instance will connect to the source database. Current network connectivity methods include IP allowlist, reverse SSH tunnel, and VPC peering.

    If you want to use...Then...
    The IP allowlist network connectivity method, You need to specify the outgoing IP address of your destination instance. If the Cloud SQL instance you created is a high availability instance, include the outgoing IP addresses for both the primary and the secondary instance.
    The reverse SSH tunnel network connectivity method, You need to select the Compute Engine VM instance that will host the tunnel.

    After specifying the instance, Google will provide a script that performs the steps to set up the tunnel between the source and destination databases. You'll need to run the script in the Google Cloud CLI.

    Run the commands from a machine that has connectivity to both the source database and to Google Cloud.

    The VPC peering network connectivity method, You need to select the VPC network where the source database resides. The Cloud SQL instance will be updated to connect to this network.

    After you select and configure network connectivity, click Configure and continue.

    Create the migration job

    On the Test and create migration job, verify the settings for the migration job. At this point, testing the migration job will fail, because the service account associated with the Cloud SQL destination instance doesn't have the necessary permissions.

    Perform one of the following actions before testing the job in order to validate job the configuration:

    • If you want to test your migration job by using the Google Cloud console after you assign the permissions to the destination instance service account, click Save and exit. This action saves your migration job as draft. You can come back to this screen later, test your migration job and run it.
    • If you want to test your migration job by using Google Cloud CLI after you assign the permissions to the destination instance service account,click Create. With Google Cloud CLI, you can test a migration job that is created but not yet started.


    1. Create the destination connection profile.
      When you migrate to a new destination instance with Google Cloud CLI, you create the destination instance and the connection profile in a single action.
      Run the following command (click the link to expand):

      gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create cloudsql

      This sample uses the optional --no-async flag so that all operations are performed synchronously. This means that some commands might take a while to complete. You can skip the --no-async flag to run commands asynchronously. If you do, you need to use the gcloud database-migration operations describe command to verify if your operation is successful.

      Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

      • CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID with a machine-readable identifier for your connection profile.
      • DATABASE_VERSION with the MySQL version that you want to use in the destination instance. Database versions are specified as strings that include both the major, and the minor version. For example: MYSQL_8_0, MYSQL_8_0_32, MYSQL_8_0_36.

        For all possible MySQL versions, see the --database-version flag reference.

      • (Optional) EDITION By default, new instances you create with Google Cloud CLI use Cloud SQL for MySQL Enterprise Plus edition. If you plan to use Cloud SQL for MySQL Enterprise Plus edition, make sure your region is supported for that edition. See Cloud SQL for MySQL Enterprise Plus edition region support.

        You can change your edition by using the --edition flag with one of the following values:

        • enterprise-plus for the Cloud SQL for MySQL Enterprise Plus edition
        • enterprise for the Cloud SQL for MySQL Enterprise edition
      • TIER with the name of the Cloud SQL machine type you want to use. Machine types are specified as strings that follow the Cloud SQL convention, for example db-n1-standard-1, db-perf-optimized-N-2. For a full list of available machine types and their identifiers for use with Google Cloud CLI, see Machine types in Cloud SQL for MySQL documentation.

        Instances created with Google Cloud CLI by default use the Cloud SQL for MySQL Enterprise Plus edition that has different machine types available. If you want to use a machine type that is available only in the Cloud SQL for MySQL Enterprise edition, use the optional --edition=enterprise flag to specify the edition.

      • REGION with the identifier of the region where you want to save the connection profile.

        By default, new instances you create with Google Cloud CLI use Cloud SQL for MySQL Enterprise Plus edition. If you plan to use Cloud SQL for MySQL Enterprise Plus edition, make sure your region is supported for that edition. See Cloud SQL for MySQL Enterprise Plus edition region support. You can change the edition by using the optional --edition flag.

      • (Optional) CONNECTION_PROFILE_NAME with a human-readable name for your connection profile. This value is displayed in the Google Cloud console.
      • Networking configuration

        By default, new instances you create with Google Cloud CLI have a public IP address assigned, and are configured to use public IP connectivity. You can use other connectivity methods. For more information, see Configure connectivity.

        You don't need to use additional flags if you want to use public IP connectivity. If you want to use private IP connectivity with VPC Network Peering or a reverse-SSH tunnel, make sure you meet the following additional network requirements for enabling private IP connectivity and include additional flags in your command.

        Expand this section for full private IP requirements.

        Include the following additional flags if you want to use private IP connectivity (with VPC Network Peering or with a reverse-SSH tunnel on a Compute Engine VM):

        • --no-enable-ip-v4: (Optional) To not assign a public IP address to your destination instance. You can have both a public and a private IP address assigned to your destination instance, but you might not want a public IP address if you use private IP connectivity.
        • --private-network: To assign a private IP address to your destination instance, specify the name of the Virtual Private Cloud where you want to have a private IP address assigned.

      Execute the following command:

      Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

      gcloud database-migration connection-profiles \
      create mysql CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID \
        --no-async \
        --region=REGION \
        --database-version=DATABASE_VERSION \
        --tier=TIER \

      Windows (PowerShell)

      gcloud database-migration connection-profiles `
      create mysql CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID `
        --no-async `
        --region=REGION `
        --database-version=DATABASE_VERSION `
        --tier=TIER `

      Windows (cmd.exe)

      gcloud database-migration connection-profiles ^
      create mysql CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID ^
        --no-async ^
        --region=REGION ^
        --database-version=DATABASE_VERSION ^
        --tier=TIER ^

      You should receive a response similar to the following:

      Waiting for connection profile [CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID]
      to be created with [OPERATION_ID]
      Waiting for operation [OPERATION_ID] to complete...done.
      Created connection profile CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID [OPERATION_ID]
    2. Complete the network configuration setup.

      Depending on what network connectivity you want to use, there might be additional steps you need to follow before you create the migration job.

    3. Create the migration job.
      Run the following command (click the link to expand):

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs create

      This sample uses the optional --no-async flag so that all operations are performed synchronously. This means that some commands might take a while to complete. You can skip the --no-async flag to run commands asynchronously. If you do, you need to use the gcloud database-migration operations describe command to verify if your operation is successful.

      Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

      • MIGRATION_JOB_ID with a machine-readable identifier for your migration job. You use this value to work with migration jobs by using Database Migration Service Google Cloud CLI commands or API.
      • REGION with the region identifier where you want to save the migration job.
      • MIGRATION_JOB_NAME with a human-readable name for your migration job. This value is displayed in Database Migration Service in the Google Cloud console.
      • SOURCE_CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID with a machine-readable identifier of the source connection profile.
      • DESTINATION_CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID with a machine-readable identifier of the destination connection profile.
      • MIGRATION_JOB_TYPE with the type of your migration job. Two values are allowed: ONE_TIME or CONTINUOUS. For more information, see Types of migration.
      • PATH_TO_THE_FOLDER_IN_STORAGE_BUCKET_WITH_PHYSICAL_BACKUP_FILES with the path to your physical backup files stored in a folder in a Cloud Storage bucket. Use the following format: gs://<bucket_name>/<path_to_backup_file_folder>.
      • Networking configuration

        If you use private IP connectivity with VPC Network Peering or a reverse-SSH tunnel, add the following flags to your command:

        Private IP connectivity with VPC Network Peering
        Use the --peer-vpc flag to specify the name of the network you want to peer with.
        Reverse-SSH tunnel on a Compute Engine VM
        Use the following flags to provide networking details for the Compute Engine: --vm-ip, --vm-port, --vpc. You can also use the optional --vm flag to specify the name of the VM.

        For more usage examples, see Google Cloud CLI examples.

      Execute the following command:

      Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs \
      create MIGRATION_JOB_ID \
        --no-async \
        --region=REGION \
        --display-name=MIGRATION_JOB_NAME \

      Windows (PowerShell)

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs `
      create MIGRATION_JOB_ID `
        --no-async `
        --region=REGION `
        --display-name=MIGRATION_JOB_NAME `

      Windows (cmd.exe)

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs ^
      create MIGRATION_JOB_ID ^
        --no-async ^
        --region=REGION ^
        --display-name=MIGRATION_JOB_NAME ^

      You should receive a response similar to the following:

      Waiting for migration job [MIGRATION_JOB_ID]
      to be created with [OPERATION_ID]
      Waiting for operation [OPERATION_ID] to complete...done.
      Created migration job MIGRATION_JOB_ID [OPERATION_ID]

    Step 3b. Grant the required permissions to the Cloud SQL instance service account

    When you create the migration job to a new instance, Database Migration Service also creates the destination Cloud SQL instance for you. Before you can run the migration, you need to assign Cloud Storage permissions for the instance's service account.

    To grant the Cloud Storage permissions to the service account associated with your destination instance, follow these steps:

    1. Find the service account email address for your Cloud SQL instance on the Cloud SQL instance detail page. This address uses the following format: <project-identifier>@gcp-sa-cloud-sql.iam.gserviceaccount.com. See View instance information in the Cloud SQL documentation.
    2. Add the Storage Object Viewer (roles/storage.objectViewer) IAM role to the service account. For information on how to manage access with Identity and Access Management, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations in the IAM documentation.

    Step 3c. (Optional) Test the migration job

    Before you run the migration job, you can perform a test operation to check if Database Migration Service can reach all the necessary source and destination entities. With gcloud CLI, you can test migration jobs that are created, but not yet started.


    In the Google Cloud console, you can only test draft migration jobs that you create in the migration job creation wizard. If you didn't save your job as a draft, but fully created it in the wizard, you can only perform the test by using Google Cloud CLI.

    To test a draft migration job, follow these steps:

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Migration jobs page.

      Go to Migration jobs

    2. In the Drafts tab, click the display name of the migration job that you want to finish creating.

      The migration job creation wizard opens.

    3. On the Test and create migration job page, click Test job. Database Migration Service now checks whether your destination instance has all the required permissions and can connect to the source database.
    4. When the test finishes, click Create.

      The migration job is now created and ready to be started.


    Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

    • MIGRATION_JOB_ID with your migration job identifier.

      If you don't know the identifier, you can use the gcloud database-migration migration-jobs list command to list all migration jobs in a given region and view their identifiers.

    • REGION with the identifier of the region where your connection profile is saved.

    Execute the following command:

    Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

    gcloud database-migration migration-jobs \
    verify MIGRATION_JOB_ID \

    Windows (PowerShell)

    gcloud database-migration migration-jobs `
    verify MIGRATION_JOB_ID `

    Windows (cmd.exe)

    gcloud database-migration migration-jobs ^
    verify MIGRATION_JOB_ID ^


    The action is performed in an asynchronous manner. As such, this command returns an Operation entity that represents a long-running operation:

    done: false
      '@type': type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.clouddms.v1.OperationMetadata
      apiVersion: v1
      createTime: '2024-02-20T12:20:24.493106418Z'
      requestedCancellation: false
      target: MIGRATION_JOB_ID
      verb: verify
    name: OPERATION_ID

    To see if your operation is successful, you can query the returned operation object, or check the status of the migration job:

    Step 3d. Start the migration job

    When your migration job is fully created (that is, it isn't saved in a draft state), you can start it at any time to begin migrating data.

    To start a migration job, perform the following steps:


    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Migration jobs page.

      Go to Migration jobs

    2. In the Jobs tab, click the display name of the migration job that you want to start.

      The migration job details page opens.

    3. Click Start.
    4. In the dialog, click Start.


    Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

    • MIGRATION_JOB_ID with your migration job identifier.

      If you don't know the identifier, you can use the gcloud database-migration migration-jobs list command to list all migration jobs in a given region and view their identifiers.

    • REGION with the identifier of the region where your connection profile is saved.

    Execute the following command:

    Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

    gcloud database-migration migration-jobs \
    start MIGRATION_JOB_ID \

    Windows (PowerShell)

    gcloud database-migration migration-jobs `
    start MIGRATION_JOB_ID `

    Windows (cmd.exe)

    gcloud database-migration migration-jobs ^
    start MIGRATION_JOB_ID ^


    The action is performed in an asynchronous manner. As such, this command returns an Operation entity that represents a long-running operation:

    done: false
      '@type': type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.clouddms.v1.OperationMetadata
      apiVersion: v1
      createTime: '2024-02-20T12:20:24.493106418Z'
      requestedCancellation: false
      target: MIGRATION_JOB_ID
      verb: start
    name: OPERATION_ID

    To see if your operation is successful, you can query the returned operation object, or check the status of the migration job:

  • To migrate to an existing destination instance, you first need to create and configure your destination instance.

    Step 3a. Prepare your destination instance

    To configure your destination Cloud SQL instance, perform the following steps:

    1. Create your Cloud SQL for MySQL destination instance. Make sure you use enough compute and memory resources to cover your migration needs. See Create an instance in Cloud SQL documentation.

      Depending on what connectivity method you want to use for your migration, you might need to add a public or a private IP address to your destination instance. For more information on connectivity methods, see Configure connectivity.

    2. Grant the Cloud Storage permissions to the service account associated with your destination instance. This account is created after you create the destination instance.
      1. Find the service account email address for your Cloud SQL instance on the Cloud SQL instance detail page. This address uses the following format: <project-identifier>@gcp-sa-cloud-sql.iam.gserviceaccount.com. See View instance information in the Cloud SQL documentation.
      2. Add the Storage Object Viewer (roles/storage.objectViewer) IAM role to the service account. For information on how to manage access with Identity and Access Management, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations in the IAM documentation.
    3. Create a destination connection profile for your Cloud SQL instance.


      You don't need to create the destination connection profile. When you create a migration job in the Google Cloud console, you use the destination instance identifier and Database Migration Service manages the connection profile for you.

      Proceed to the Create and run migration job section.


      This sample uses the optional --no-async flag so that all operations are performed synchronously. This means that some commands might take a while to complete. You can skip the --no-async flag to run commands asynchronously. If you do, you need to use the gcloud database-migration operations describe command to verify if your operation is successful.

      Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

      • CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID with a machine-readable identifier for your connection profile.
      • REGION with the identifier of the region where you want to save the connection profile.
      • DESTINATION_INSTANCE_ID with the instance identifier of your destination instance.
      • (Optional) CONNECTION_PROFILE_NAME with a human-readable name for your connection profile. This value is displayed in the Google Cloud console.

      Execute the following command:

      Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

      gcloud database-migration connection-profiles \
      create mysql CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID \
        --no-async \
        --cloudsql-instance=DESTINATION_INSTANCE_ID \
        --region=REGION \

      Windows (PowerShell)

      gcloud database-migration connection-profiles `
      create mysql CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID `
        --no-async `
        --cloudsql-instance=DESTINATION_INSTANCE_ID `
        --region=REGION `

      Windows (cmd.exe)

      gcloud database-migration connection-profiles ^
      create mysql CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID ^
        --no-async ^
        --cloudsql-instance=DESTINATION_INSTANCE_ID ^
        --region=REGION ^

      You should receive a response similar to the following:

      Waiting for connection profile [CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID]
      to be created with [OPERATION_ID]
      Waiting for operation [OPERATION_ID] to complete...done.
      Created connection profile CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID [OPERATION_ID]

    Step 3b. Create and run the migration job


    Define settings for the migration job

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Migration jobs page.

      Go to Migration jobs

    2. Click Create migration job.

      The migration job configuration wizard page opens. This wizard contains multiple panels that walk you through each configuration step.

      You can pause the creation of a migration job at any point by clicking SAVE & EXIT. All of the data that you enter up to that point is saved in a draft migration job. You can finish your draft migration job later.

    3. On the Get started page, enter the following information:
      1. Migration job name

        This is a human-readable name for your migration job. This value is displayed in the Google Cloud console.

      2. Migration job ID

        This is a machine-readable identifier for your migration job. You use this value to work with migration jobs by using Database Migration Service Google Cloud CLI commands or API.

      3. From the Source database engine list, select MySQL.

        The Destination database engine field is populated automatically and can't be changed.

      4. Select the region where you save the migration job.

        Database Migration Service is a fully-regional product, meaning all entities related to your migration (source and destination connection profiles, migration jobs, destination databases) must be saved in a single region. Select the region based on the location of the services that need your data, such as Compute Engine instances or App Engine apps, and other services. After you choose the destination region, this selection can't be changed.

    4. Click Save and continue.

    Specify information about the source connection profile

    1. On the Define a source page, perform the following steps:
      1. From the Source connection profile drop-down menu, select the connection profile for your source database.
      2. In the Customize full dump configuration section, click Edit configuration.
      3. In the Edit full dump configuration panel, from the Full dump method drop-down menu, select Physical based.
      4. In the Provide your folder click Browse, and then select the folder where you uploaded your full dump file (step 4 in the Prepare your source data section).
      5. Click Save.
    2. Click Save and continue.

    Select the destination Cloud SQL instance

    1. From the Type of destination instance menu, select Existing instance.
    2. In the Select destination instance section, select your destination instance.
    3. Review the information in the Instance details section, and click Select and continue.
    4. To migrate to an existing destination database, Database Migration Service demotes the target instance and converts it to a replica. To signify that the demotion can be safely performed, in the confirmation window, enter the destination instance identifier.
    5. Click Confirm and continue.

    Set up connectivity between the source and destination database instances

    From the Connectivity method drop-down menu, select a network connectivity method. This method defines how the newly created Cloud SQL instance will connect to the source database. Current network connectivity methods include IP allowlist, reverse SSH tunnel, and VPC peering.

    If you want to use...Then...
    The IP allowlist network connectivity method, You need to specify the outgoing IP address of your destination instance. If the Cloud SQL instance you created is a high availability instance, include the outgoing IP addresses for both the primary and the secondary instance.
    The reverse SSH tunnel network connectivity method, You need to select the Compute Engine VM instance that will host the tunnel.

    After specifying the instance, Google will provide a script that performs the steps to set up the tunnel between the source and destination databases. You'll need to run the script in the Google Cloud CLI.

    Run the commands from a machine that has connectivity to both the source database and to Google Cloud.

    The VPC peering network connectivity method, You need to select the VPC network where the source database resides. The Cloud SQL instance will be updated to connect to this network.

    After you select and configure network connectivity, click Configure and continue.

    Test, create, and run the migration job

    On this final step, review the summary of the migration job settings, source, destination, and connectivity method, and then test the validity of the migration job setup. If any issues are encountered, then you can modify the migration job's settings. Not all settings are editable.

    1. On the Test and create migration job page, click Test job.

      If the test fails, then you can address the problem in the appropriate part of the flow, and return to re-test. For information troubleshooting a failing migration job test, see Diagnose issues for MySQL.

    2. When the migration job test finishes, click Create and start job.

      Your migration is now in progress. When you start the migration job, Database Migration Service begins the full dump, briefly locking the source database.


    To configure and run your migration, perform the following steps:

    1. Create the migration job.
      Run the following command (click the link to expand):

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs create

      This sample uses the optional --no-async flag so that all operations are performed synchronously. This means that some commands might take a while to complete. You can skip the --no-async flag to run commands asynchronously. If you do, you need to use the gcloud database-migration operations describe command to verify if your operation is successful.

      Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

      • MIGRATION_JOB_ID with a machine-readable identifier for your migration job. You use this value to work with migration jobs by using Database Migration Service Google Cloud CLI commands or API.
      • REGION with the region identifier where you want to save the migration job.
      • MIGRATION_JOB_NAME with a human-readable name for your migration job. This value is displayed in Database Migration Service in the Google Cloud console.
      • SOURCE_CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID with a machine-readable identifier of the source connection profile.
      • DESTINATION_CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID with a machine-readable identifier of the destination connection profile.
      • MIGRATION_JOB_TYPE with the type of your migration job. Two values are allowed: ONE_TIME or CONTINUOUS. For more information, see Types of migration.
      • PATH_TO_THE_FOLDER_IN_STORAGE_BUCKET_WITH_PHYSICAL_BACKUP_FILES with the path to your physical backup files stored in a folder in a Cloud Storage bucket. Use the following format: gs://<bucket_name>/<path_to_backup_file_folder>.
      • Networking configuration

        If you use private IP connectivity with VPC Network Peering or a reverse-SSH tunnel, add the following flags to your command:

        Private IP connectivity with VPC Network Peering
        Use the --peer-vpc flag to specify the name of the network you want to peer with.
        Reverse-SSH tunnel on a Compute Engine VM
        Use the following flags to provide networking details for the Compute Engine: --vm-ip, --vm-port, --vpc. You can also use the optional --vm flag to specify the name of the VM.

        For more usage examples, see Google Cloud CLI examples.

      Execute the following command:

      Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs \
      create MIGRATION_JOB_ID \
        --no-async \
        --region=REGION \
        --display-name=MIGRATION_JOB_NAME \

      Windows (PowerShell)

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs `
      create MIGRATION_JOB_ID `
        --no-async `
        --region=REGION `
        --display-name=MIGRATION_JOB_NAME `

      Windows (cmd.exe)

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs ^
      create MIGRATION_JOB_ID ^
        --no-async ^
        --region=REGION ^
        --display-name=MIGRATION_JOB_NAME ^

      You should receive a response similar to the following:

      Waiting for migration job [MIGRATION_JOB_ID]
      to be created with [OPERATION_ID]
      Waiting for operation [OPERATION_ID] to complete...done.
      Created migration job MIGRATION_JOB_ID [OPERATION_ID]
    2. Demote your Cloud SQL destination instance.
      Run the following command (click the link to expand):

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs demote-destination

      Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

      • MIGRATION_JOB_ID with your migration job identifier.

        If you don't know the identifier, you can use the gcloud database-migration migration-jobs list command to list all migration jobs in a given region and view their identifiers.

      • REGION with the identifier of the region where your connection profile is saved.

      Execute the following command:

      Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs \
      demote-destination MIGRATION_JOB_ID \

      Windows (PowerShell)

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs `
      demote-destination MIGRATION_JOB_ID `

      Windows (cmd.exe)

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs ^
      demote-destination MIGRATION_JOB_ID ^


      The action is performed in an asynchronous manner. As such, this command returns an Operation entity that represents a long-running operation:

      done: false
        '@type': type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.clouddms.v1.OperationMetadata
        apiVersion: v1
        createTime: '2024-02-20T12:20:24.493106418Z'
        requestedCancellation: false
        target: MIGRATION_JOB_ID
        verb: demote-destination
      name: OPERATION_ID

      To see if your operation is successful, you can query the returned operation object, or check the status of the migration job:

    3. (Optional) Perform a migration job test
      You can run a check to verify if Database Migration Service can reach all the necessary source and destination entities. Run the following command (click the link to expand):

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs verify

      Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

      • MIGRATION_JOB_ID with your migration job identifier.

        If you don't know the identifier, you can use the gcloud database-migration migration-jobs list command to list all migration jobs in a given region and view their identifiers.

      • REGION with the identifier of the region where your connection profile is saved.

      Execute the following command:

      Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs \
      verify MIGRATION_JOB_ID \

      Windows (PowerShell)

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs `
      verify MIGRATION_JOB_ID `

      Windows (cmd.exe)

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs ^
      verify MIGRATION_JOB_ID ^


      The action is performed in an asynchronous manner. As such, this command returns an Operation entity that represents a long-running operation:

      done: false
        '@type': type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.clouddms.v1.OperationMetadata
        apiVersion: v1
        createTime: '2024-02-20T12:20:24.493106418Z'
        requestedCancellation: false
        target: MIGRATION_JOB_ID
        verb: verify
      name: OPERATION_ID

      To see if your operation is successful, you can query the returned operation object, or check the status of the migration job:

    4. Start the migration job.
      Run the following command (click the link to expand):

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs start

      Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

      • MIGRATION_JOB_ID with your migration job identifier.

        If you don't know the identifier, you can use the gcloud database-migration migration-jobs list command to list all migration jobs in a given region and view their identifiers.

      • REGION with the identifier of the region where your connection profile is saved.

      Execute the following command:

      Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs \
      start MIGRATION_JOB_ID \

      Windows (PowerShell)

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs `
      start MIGRATION_JOB_ID `

      Windows (cmd.exe)

      gcloud database-migration migration-jobs ^
      start MIGRATION_JOB_ID ^


      The action is performed in an asynchronous manner. As such, this command returns an Operation entity that represents a long-running operation:

      done: false
        '@type': type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.clouddms.v1.OperationMetadata
        apiVersion: v1
        createTime: '2024-02-20T12:20:24.493106418Z'
        requestedCancellation: false
        target: MIGRATION_JOB_ID
        verb: start
      name: OPERATION_ID

      To see if your operation is successful, you can query the returned operation object, or check the status of the migration job:

      When you start the migration job, your destination Cloud SQL instance is put into a read-only mode where it is fully managed by Database Migration Service. You can promote it to a standalone instance when your data is fully migrated.

      Note: You can monitor the migration progress, as well as your destination instance health with Database Migration Service observability features. See [Migration job metrics](/database-migration/docs/mysql/migration-job-metrics).

Step 4. (Optional) Stop the migration

You can stop and delete your migration job at any point if you want to cancel the data migration process. You can manage the migration job in the Google Cloud console or with Google Cloud CLI.

Step 5. Finalize the migration

When the migration job completes successfully, finalize the migration job by performing one of the following steps:

  • For one-time migrations: Migration job status changes to Complete. No further actions required, you can clean up the migration job and connection profile resources.

  • For continuous migrations: Promote the migration job to switch your application to the new database instance.