Set up Database Center

Grant IAM permissions

Before members of your team can use Database Center, they need Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions. This step is typically performed by an administrator.

Permission levels determine the resources that Database Center users can view. To let users access all resources for your organization, we recommend that you grant organization-level permissions.

To grant IAM permissions using the Google Cloud CLI, choose one of the following options:

  • Grant permissions at the organization level:

    gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding ${ORGANIZATION_NUMBER} --member=''
    gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding ${ORGANIZATION_NUMBER} --member='' --role='roles/databasecenter.viewer'
  • Grant permissions at the folder level:

    gcloud resource-manager folders add-iam-policy-binding ${CONSUMER_FOLDER} --member='' --role='roles/databasecenter.viewer'
    gcloud resource-manager folders add-iam-policy-binding ${CONSUMER_FOLDER}
    --member='' --role='roles/databasecenter.viewer'
  • Grant permissions at the project level:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${CONSUMER_PROJECT} --member='' --role='roles/databasecenter.viewer'
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${CONSUMER_PROJECT} --member='' --role='roles/databasecenter.viewer'

Enable Security Command Center

To gain access to security-related health issues in Database Center, enable Security Command Center at your preferred pricing tier:

  1. To gain access to basic security issues, enable Security Command Center Standard. To gain access to all health issues supported by Security Command Center, enable Security Command Center Premium.

    For more information about Security Command Center tiers and pricing, see Security Command Center pricing.

    For more information about the security issues supported in Database Center, see Limitations.

  2. Activate Security Command Center.

Enable the Recommender API

Enable the Recommender API.

Enable the API

Enable Index Advisor

To enable Index Advisor for Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instances, run the following Google Cloud CLI command:

gcloud sql instances patch INSTANCE_NAME --database-flags=cloudsql.enable_index_advisor=on

To enable Index Advisor for Cloud SQL for MySQL instances, run the following Google Cloud CLI command:

gcloud sql instances patch INSTANCE_NAME --database-flags=cloudsql.enable_index_advisor=on, performance_schema=on

Replace INSTANCE_NAME with your instance's name.

Enable Database Center

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Database Center page.

    Database Center

  2. Select a project.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • In the page banner, click Explore the rest of Gemini in Databases.
    • At the end of the page, click Explore Gemini in Databases.

    The Enable Gemini in Databases dialog is displayed.

  4. Click Enable.

To enable Gemini in Databases, you must have the roles/billing.admin Identity and Access Management (IAM) role.

What's next