Class SubscriberConnection (2.29.0)

A connection to the Cloud Pub/Sub service to receive events.

This interface defines pure-virtual functions for each of the user-facing overload sets in Subscriber. That is, all of Subscriber's overloads will forward to the one pure-virtual function declared in this interface. This allows users to inject custom behavior (e.g., with a Google Mock object) in a Subscriber object for use in their own tests.

To create a concrete instance that connects you to the real Cloud Pub/Sub service, see MakeSubscriberConnection().

The *Params nested classes

Applications may define classes derived from SubscriberConnection, for example, because they want to mock the class. To avoid breaking all such derived classes when we change the number or type of the arguments to the member functions we define lightweight structures to pass the arguments.


virtual Subscribe(SubscribeParams)

Defines the interface for Subscriber::Subscribe(ApplicationCallback)

Name Description
p SubscribeParams
Type Description
future< Status >

virtual ExactlyOnceSubscribe(ExactlyOnceSubscribeParams)

Defines the interface for Subscriber::Subscribe(ExactlyOnceApplicationCallback).

We use a different name for this function (as opposed to an overload) to simplify the use of mocks.

Name Description
p ExactlyOnceSubscribeParams
Type Description
future< Status >

virtual Pull()

Type Description
StatusOr< PullResponse >

virtual options()

Returns the configuration parameters for this object.

Type Description