Getting Started with Bigtable Instance Administrative Operations
Stay organized with collections
Save and categorize content based on your preferences.
This example is a very simple "Instance Admin" application, which illustrates how to:
- Create a production instance.
- List the existing instances.
- Get the metadata for an instance.
- List all the clusters in an instance.
- Delete an instance.
Run the example
This example uses the Cloud Bigtable C++ Client Library to communicate with Cloud Bigtable.
To run the example program, follow the instructions for the example on GitHub.
Include the Necessary Headers
The example uses the following headers:
#include "google/cloud/bigtable/admin/bigtable_instance_admin_client.h"
Define aliases
To make the example less verbose we define some aliases:
namespace cbt = ::google::cloud::bigtable;
namespace cbta = ::google::cloud::bigtable_admin;
using ::google::cloud::future;
using ::google::cloud::Location;
using ::google::cloud::Project;
using ::google::cloud::Status;
using ::google::cloud::StatusOr;
Connect to the Cloud Bigtable Instance Admin Endpoint.
Create an object of type bigtable_admin::BigtableInstanceAdminClient
to obtain information about Instances, Clusters, Application Profiles, and to change the IAM permissions in a Cloud Bigtable instance:
auto instance_admin = cbta::BigtableInstanceAdminClient(
See Also for more information about Cloud Bigtable instances, clusters, and nodes.
See Also for more information about Cloud Bigtable application profiles.
See Also for more information about access controls via IAM permissions on Cloud Bigtable.
Check if an Instance already exists
std::cout << "\nCheck Instance exists:\n";
auto const project = Project(project_id);
std::string const project_name = project.FullName();
StatusOr<google::bigtable::admin::v2::ListInstancesResponse> instances =
if (!instances) throw std::move(instances).status();
if (!instances->failed_locations().empty()) {
<< "The service tells us it has no information about these locations:";
for (auto const& failed_location : instances->failed_locations()) {
std::cerr << " " << failed_location;
std::cerr << ". Continuing anyway\n";
std::string const instance_name = cbt::InstanceName(project_id, instance_id);
auto is_instance =
[&instance_name](google::bigtable::admin::v2::Instance const& i) {
return == instance_name;
auto const& ins = instances->instances();
auto instance_exists =
std::find_if(ins.begin(), ins.end(), is_instance) != ins.end();
std::cout << "The instance " << instance_id
<< (instance_exists ? " already exists" : " does not exist")
<< "\n";
See Also
for another operation to query if an instance exists.
Create a Production Instance
Use BigtableInstanceAdminClient::CreateInstance()
to create a new instance:
std::cout << "\nCreating a PRODUCTION Instance: ";
// production instance needs at least 3 nodes
google::bigtable::admin::v2::Cluster c;
c.set_location(Location(project, zone).FullName());
google::bigtable::admin::v2::Instance in;
in.set_display_name("Sample Instance");
future<void> creation_done =
.CreateInstance(project_name, instance_id, std::move(in),
{{cluster_id, std::move(c)}})
future<StatusOr<google::bigtable::admin::v2::Instance>> f) {
auto instance = f.get();
if (!instance) {
std::cerr << "Could not create instance " << instance_id
<< "\n";
throw std::move(instance).status();
std::cout << "Successfully created instance: "
<< instance->DebugString() << "\n";
// Note how this blocks until the instance is created. In production code
// you may want to perform this task asynchronously.
std::cout << "DONE\n";
List Instances in a Project
Use BigtableInstanceAdminClient::ListInstances()
to list all the instances in the project:
std::cout << "\nListing Instances:\n";
instances = instance_admin.ListInstances(project_name);
if (!instances) throw std::move(instances).status();
if (!instances->failed_locations().empty()) {
<< "The service tells us it has no information about these locations:";
for (auto const& failed_location : instances->failed_locations()) {
std::cerr << " " << failed_location;
std::cerr << ". Continuing anyway\n";
for (auto const& instance : instances->instances()) {
std::cout << " " << << "\n";
std::cout << "DONE\n";
See Also
The gRPC API documentation for ListInstances has more details on when failed_locations
might be populated.
Get an Instance Metadata
Use BigtableInstanceAdminClient::GetInstance()
to retrieve the metadata of an instance:
std::cout << "\nGet Instance:\n";
auto instance = instance_admin.GetInstance(instance_name);
if (!instance) throw std::move(instance).status();
std::cout << "Instance details :\n" << instance->DebugString() << "\n";
List clusters in an Instance
Use BigtableInstanceAdminClient::ListClusters()
to list all the clusters in an instance (or all the clusters in a project):
std::cout << "\nListing Clusters:\n";
StatusOr<google::bigtable::admin::v2::ListClustersResponse> cluster_list =
if (!cluster_list) throw std::move(cluster_list).status();
if (!cluster_list->failed_locations().empty()) {
std::cout << "The Cloud Bigtable service reports that the following "
"locations are temporarily unavailable and no information "
"about clusters in these locations can be obtained:\n";
for (auto const& failed_location : cluster_list->failed_locations()) {
std::cout << failed_location << "\n";
std::cout << "Cluster Name List:\n";
for (auto const& cluster : cluster_list->clusters()) {
std::cout << "Cluster Name: " << << "\n";
std::cout << "DONE\n";
See Also
The bigtable_admin::BigtableInstanceAdminClient
class also has functions to create, update, delete, and retrieve the metadata of a Cluster.
See Also
The gRPC API documentation for ListClusters has more details on when failed_locations
might be populated.
Delete an instance
Finally, use BigtableInstanceAdminClient::DeleteInstance()
to delete an instance:
std::cout << "Deleting instance " << instance_id << "\n";
Status delete_status = instance_admin.DeleteInstance(instance_name);
if (!delete_status.ok()) throw std::runtime_error(delete_status.message());
std::cout << "DONE\n";
Put it all together
Here is the full example
#include "google/cloud/bigtable/admin/bigtable_instance_admin_client.h"
#include "google/cloud/bigtable/examples/bigtable_examples_common.h"
#include "google/cloud/bigtable/resource_names.h"
#include "google/cloud/bigtable/testing/cleanup_stale_resources.h"
#include "google/cloud/bigtable/testing/random_names.h"
#include "google/cloud/internal/getenv.h"
#include "google/cloud/internal/random.h"
#include "google/cloud/location.h"
#include "google/cloud/log.h"
#include "google/cloud/project.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
namespace {
using ::google::cloud::bigtable::examples::Usage;
void BigtableHelloInstance(std::vector<std::string> const& argv) {
if (argv.size() != 4) {
throw Usage{
"hello-instance <project-id> <instance-id> <cluster-id> <zone>"};
std::string const& project_id = argv[0];
std::string const& instance_id = argv[1];
std::string const& cluster_id = argv[2];
std::string const& zone = argv[3];
namespace cbt = ::google::cloud::bigtable;
namespace cbta = ::google::cloud::bigtable_admin;
using ::google::cloud::future;
using ::google::cloud::Location;
using ::google::cloud::Project;
using ::google::cloud::Status;
using ::google::cloud::StatusOr;
// Connect to the Cloud Bigtable admin endpoint.
auto instance_admin = cbta::BigtableInstanceAdminClient(
std::cout << "\nCheck Instance exists:\n";
auto const project = Project(project_id);
std::string const project_name = project.FullName();
StatusOr<google::bigtable::admin::v2::ListInstancesResponse> instances =
if (!instances) throw std::move(instances).status();
if (!instances->failed_locations().empty()) {
<< "The service tells us it has no information about these locations:";
for (auto const& failed_location : instances->failed_locations()) {
std::cerr << " " << failed_location;
std::cerr << ". Continuing anyway\n";
std::string const instance_name = cbt::InstanceName(project_id, instance_id);
auto is_instance =
[&instance_name](google::bigtable::admin::v2::Instance const& i) {
return == instance_name;
auto const& ins = instances->instances();
auto instance_exists =
std::find_if(ins.begin(), ins.end(), is_instance) != ins.end();
std::cout << "The instance " << instance_id
<< (instance_exists ? " already exists" : " does not exist")
<< "\n";
// Create instance if it does not exist
if (!instance_exists) {
std::cout << "\nCreating a PRODUCTION Instance: ";
// production instance needs at least 3 nodes
google::bigtable::admin::v2::Cluster c;
c.set_location(Location(project, zone).FullName());
google::bigtable::admin::v2::Instance in;
in.set_display_name("Sample Instance");
future<void> creation_done =
.CreateInstance(project_name, instance_id, std::move(in),
{{cluster_id, std::move(c)}})
future<StatusOr<google::bigtable::admin::v2::Instance>> f) {
auto instance = f.get();
if (!instance) {
std::cerr << "Could not create instance " << instance_id
<< "\n";
throw std::move(instance).status();
std::cout << "Successfully created instance: "
<< instance->DebugString() << "\n";
// Note how this blocks until the instance is created. In production code
// you may want to perform this task asynchronously.
std::cout << "DONE\n";
std::cout << "\nListing Instances:\n";
instances = instance_admin.ListInstances(project_name);
if (!instances) throw std::move(instances).status();
if (!instances->failed_locations().empty()) {
<< "The service tells us it has no information about these locations:";
for (auto const& failed_location : instances->failed_locations()) {
std::cerr << " " << failed_location;
std::cerr << ". Continuing anyway\n";
for (auto const& instance : instances->instances()) {
std::cout << " " << << "\n";
std::cout << "DONE\n";
std::cout << "\nGet Instance:\n";
auto instance = instance_admin.GetInstance(instance_name);
if (!instance) throw std::move(instance).status();
std::cout << "Instance details :\n" << instance->DebugString() << "\n";
std::cout << "\nListing Clusters:\n";
StatusOr<google::bigtable::admin::v2::ListClustersResponse> cluster_list =
if (!cluster_list) throw std::move(cluster_list).status();
if (!cluster_list->failed_locations().empty()) {
std::cout << "The Cloud Bigtable service reports that the following "
"locations are temporarily unavailable and no information "
"about clusters in these locations can be obtained:\n";
for (auto const& failed_location : cluster_list->failed_locations()) {
std::cout << failed_location << "\n";
std::cout << "Cluster Name List:\n";
for (auto const& cluster : cluster_list->clusters()) {
std::cout << "Cluster Name: " << << "\n";
std::cout << "DONE\n";
std::cout << "Deleting instance " << instance_id << "\n";
Status delete_status = instance_admin.DeleteInstance(instance_name);
if (!delete_status.ok()) throw std::runtime_error(delete_status.message());
std::cout << "DONE\n";
void RunAll(std::vector<std::string> const& argv) {
namespace examples = ::google::cloud::bigtable::examples;
namespace cbta = ::google::cloud::bigtable_admin;
if (!argv.empty()) throw Usage{"auto"};
if (!examples::RunAdminIntegrationTests()) return;
auto const project_id =
auto const zone_a =
auto generator = google::cloud::internal::DefaultPRNG(std::random_device{}());
cbta::MakeBigtableInstanceAdminConnection(), project_id);
auto const instance_id =
auto const cluster_id = instance_id + "-c1";
std::cout << "\nRunning the BigtableHelloInstance() example" << std::endl;
BigtableHelloInstance({project_id, instance_id, cluster_id, zone_a});
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) try {
google::cloud::bigtable::examples::Example example({
{"auto", RunAll},
{"hello-instance", BigtableHelloInstance},
return example.Run(argc, argv);
} catch (std::exception const& ex) {
std::cerr << ex.what() << "\n";
return 1;