Integration with SAP

This page describes the integrating steps for SAP operational workloads (SAP ECC and SAP S/4 HANA) in the Cortex Framework Data Foundation. Cortex Framework can accelerate the integration of SAP data with BigQuery using predefined data processing templates with Dataflow pipelines through to BigQuery, while Cloud Composer schedules and monitors these Dataflow pipelines for getting insights from your SAP operational data.

The config.json file in the Cortex Framework Data Foundation repository configures the settings required to transfer data from any data source, including SAP. This file contains the following parameters for operational SAP workloads:

  "SAP": {
        "deployCDC": true,
        "datasets": {
            "cdc": "",
            "raw": "",
            "reporting": "REPORTING"
        "SQLFlavor": "ecc",
        "mandt": "100"

The following table describes the value for each SAP operational parameter:

Parameter Meaning Default Value Description
SAP.deployCDC Deploy CDC true Generate CDC processing scripts to run as DAGs in Cloud Composer.
SAP.datasets.raw Raw landing dataset - Used by the CDC process, this is where the replication tool lands the data from SAP. If using test data, create an empty dataset.
SAP.datasets.cdc CDC Processed Dataset - Dataset that works as a source for the reporting views, and target for the records processed DAGs. If using test data, create an empty dataset.
SAP.datasets.reporting Reporting Dataset SAP "REPORTING" Name of the dataset that is accessible to end users for reporting, where views and user-facing tables are deployed.
SAP.SQLFlavor SQL flavor for source system "ecc" s4 or ecc. For testing data, keep the default value (ecc).
SAP.mandt Mandant or Client "100" Default mandant or client for SAP. For testing data, keep the default value (100).
SAP.languages Language filter ["E","S"] SAP language codes (SPRAS) to use for relevant fields (such as names).
SAP.currencies Currency filter ["USD"] SAP target currency codes (TCURR) for currency conversion.

While there is not a minimum version of SAP that is required, the ECC models have been developed on the current earliest supported version of SAP ECC. Differences in fields between our system and other systems are expected, regardless of the version.

Data Model

This section describes the SAP (ECC and S/4 HANA) Data Models using the Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD).


Entity Relationship Diagram for SAP ECC

Figure 2. SAP ECC: Entity Relationship Diagram.


Entity Relationship Diagram for SAP S/4 HANA

Figure 2. SAP S/4 HANA: Entity Relationship Diagram.

Base views

These are the blue objects in the ERD and are views on CDC tables with no transforms other than some column name aliases. See scripts in src/SAP/SAP_REPORTING.

Reporting views

These are the green objects in the ERD and contain the relevant dimensional attributes used by the reporting tables. See scripts in src/SAP/SAP_REPORTING.

Utility or BQML view

These are the yellow objects in the ERD and contain the joined facts and dimensions specific type of view used for data analysis and reporting. See scripts on src/SAP/SAP_REPORTING.

Additional Tags

The color-coded tags on this ERD represent the following features of the reporting tables:

Tag Color Description
L Yellow This tag refers to a data element or attribute that specifies the language in which the data is stored or displayed.
S/4 Red This tag indicates that specific attributes are specific for SAP S/4 HANA (this object may not be in SAP ECC).
MANDT Purple This tag indicates that specific attributes contain the MANDT parameter (represents the client or client ID) to determine which client or company instance a specific data record belongs to.
EXT Red This tag indicates that specific objects are populated by DAGs or external datasets. This means that the marked entity or table is not directly stored in the SAP system itself, but it can be extracted and loaded into SAP using a DAG or other mechanism.
T Purple This tag indicates that specific attributes will automatically be materialized using the configured DAG.
S Red This tag indicates that the data within an entity or tables are influenced or affected by multiple currencies.

Prerequisites for SAP replication

  • Cortex Framework Data Foundation expects SAP tables to be replicated with the same field names and types as they are created in SAP.
  • As long as the tables are replicated with the same format, names of fields and granularity as in the source, there is no requirement to use a specific replication tool.
  • Table names need to be created in BigQuery in lowercase.
  • The list of tables used by SAP models are available and configurable in the CDC cdc_settings.yaml. If a table is not listed during deployment, the models depending on it would fail. Other models would deploy successfully.
  • Consider the following if you are using BigQuery Connector for SAP:
  • If you are not planning on deploying test data, and if you are planning on generating CDC DAG scripts during deployment, make sure table DD03L for SAP metadata is replicated from SAP in the source project. This table contains metadata about tables, like the list of keys, and is needed for the CDC generator and dependency resolver to work. This table also lets you to add tables not covered by the model to generate CDC scripts, like custom or Z tables.
  • If there is a minor differences in a table name some views might fail not finding a field, because SAP systems might have minor variations due to versions or add-on, and append structures into tables, or because some replication tools may have slightly different handling of special characters. Executing the deployment with turboMode : false is recommended to spot most failures in one attempt. For example:

    • Fields starting with _ (for example, _DATAAGING) have their _ removed.
    • Fields can't start with / in BigQuery.

    In this situation, you can adapt the failing view to select the field as it is landed by your replication tool of choice.

Replicating raw data from SAP

The purpose of the Data Foundation is to expose data and analytics models for reporting and applications. The models consume the data replicated from an SAP system using a preferred replication tool, like those listed in the Data Integration Guides for SAP.

Data from SAP system (either ECC or S/4 HANA) are replicated in raw form. The data is copied directly from SAP to BigQuery without any changes to its structure. It's essentially a mirror image of the tables in your SAP system. BigQuery uses lowercase table names for its data model. So, even though your SAP tables might have uppercase names (like MANDT), they are converted to lowercase (like mandt) in BigQuery.

Prerequisites for SAP replication

Consider the following prerequisites for SAP replication data with Cortex Framework Data Foundation

  • Data Integrity: Cortex Framework Data Foundation expects SAP tables to be replicated with identical field names, types, and data structures as they exist in SAP. As long as the tables are replicated with the same format, names of fields and granularity as in the source, there is no need to use a specific replication tool.
  • Table Naming: BigQuery table names must be created in lowercase.
  • Table Configuration: The list of tables used by SAP models is available and configurable in the CDC (Change Data Capture) cdc_settings.yaml file. If a table is not listed during deployment, the models depending on it would fail, although other non-dependent models would deploy successfully.
  • Specific Considerations BigQuery Connector for SAP:
  • Metadata Replication: If you aren't deploying test data and generating CDC DAG scripts during deployment, make sure table DD03L for SAP metadata is replicated from SAP in the source project. This table contains metadata about tables, such as the list of keys, and is needed for the CDC generator and dependency resolver to work. This table also lets you add tables not covered by the model, for example custom or Z tables, so CDC scripts could be generated.
  • Handling Minor Table Name Variations: If there is a minor differences in a table name, some views might fail not finding required fields, because SAP systems might have minor variations due to versions or add-on, or because some replication tools may have slightly different handling of special characters. We recommend to execute the deployment with turboMode : false to spot the most failures in one attempt. Some common issues include:

    • Fields starting with _ (for example, _DATAAGING) have their _ removed.
    • Fields can't start with / in BigQuery.

    In this situation, you can adjust the failing view to select the field as it is landed by your replication tool of choice.

Change Data Capture (CDC) processing

Choose one of the following CDC processing modes that Cortex Framework offers for replication tools to load records from SAP:

  • Append-always: Insert every change in a record with a timestamp and an operation flag (Insert, Update, Delete), so the last version can be identified.
  • Update when landing (merge or upsert): Create an updated version of a record on landing in the change data capture processed. It performs the CDC operation in BigQuery.

Cortex Framework Data Foundation supports both modes, although for append-always, it provides CDC processing templates. Some capabilities need to be commented out for update on landing. For example, OneTouchOrder.sql and all its dependent queries. The capability can be replaced with tables like CDPOS.

CDC processing

Figure 1. CDC processing.

Configure CDC templates for tools replicating in append-always mode

We strongly recommend configuring the cdc_settings.yaml according to your needs. Some default frequencies may result in unnecessary cost if the business doesn't require such level of data freshness. If using a tool that runs in append-always mode, Cortex Framework Data Foundation provides CDC templates to automate the updates and create a latest version of the truth or digital twin in the CDC processed dataset.

You can use the configuration in the file cdc_settings.yaml if you need to generate CDC processing scripts. See Set up CDC Processing for options. For test data, you can leave this file as a default.

Make all required changes to the DAG templates according your instance of Airflow or Cloud Composer. For more information, see Gathering Cloud Composer settings.

Optional: If you want to add and process tables individually after deployment, you can modify the cdc_settings.yaml file to process only the tables you need and re-execute the specified module calling src/SAP_CDC/cloudbuild.cdc.yaml directly.

Set up CDC processing

During deployment, you can choose to merge changes in real time using a view in BigQuery or scheduling a merge operation in Cloud Composer (or any other instance of Apache Airflow). Cloud Composer can schedule the scripts to process the merge operations periodically. Data is updated to its latest version every time the merge operations execute, however, more frequent merge operations translate into higher costs. Customize the scheduled frequency according your business needs. For more information, see scheduling supported by Apache Airflow.

The following example script shows an extract from the configuration file:

    - base_table: adrc
      load_frequency: "@hourly"
    - base_table: adr6
      target_table: adr6_cdc
      load_frequency: "@daily"

This configuration sample file does the following:

  1. Create a copy from SOURCE_PROJECT_ID.REPLICATED_DATASET.adrc into TARGET_PROJECT_ID.DATASET_WITH_LATEST_RECORDS.adrc, if the latter does not exist.
  2. Create a CDC script in the specified bucket.
  3. Create a copy from SOURCE_PROJECT_ID.REPLICATED_DATASET.adr6 into TARGET_PROJECT_ID.DATASET_WITH_LATEST_RECORDS.adr6_cdc, if the latter does not exist.
  4. Create a CDC script in the specified bucket.

If you want to create DAGs or runtime views to process changes for tables that exist in SAP and are not listed in the file, add them to this file before deployment. This works as long as the table DD03L is replicated in the source dataset and the schema of the custom table is present in that table. For example, the following configuration creates a CDC script for custom table zztable_customer and a runtime view to scan changes in real time for another custom table called zzspecial_table:

    - base_table: zztable_customer
      load_frequency: "@daily"
    - base_table: zzspecial_table
      load_frequency: "RUNTIME"

Sample generated template

The following template generates the processing of changes. Modifications, such as the name of the timestamp field, or additional operations, can be modify at this point:

  MERGE `${target_table}` T
     SELECT *
     FROM `${base_table}`
        recordstamp > (
            SELECT IF(
                MAX(recordstamp) IS NOT NULL,
                TIMESTAMP("1940-12-25 05:30:00+00"))
            FROM `${target_table}` )
  ) S
  ON ${p_key}
  WHEN MATCHED AND S.operation_flag='D' AND S.is_deleted = true THEN
  WHEN NOT MATCHED AND S.operation_flag='I' THEN
    INSERT (${fields})
  WHEN MATCHED AND S.operation_flag='U' THEN

Alternatively, if your business requires near-real time insights and the replication tool supports it, the deployment tool accepts the option RUNTIME. This means a CDC script won't be generated. Instead, a view would scan and fetch the latest available record at runtime for immediate consistency.

Directory structure for CDC DAGs and Scripts

The Cloud Storage bucket structure for SAP CDC DAGs expects the SQL files to be generated in /data/bq_data_replication, as the following example. You can modify this path prior to deployment. If you don't have an environment of Cloud Composer available yet, you can create one afterwards and move the files into the DAG bucket.

with airflow.DAG("CDC_BigQuery_${base table}",
                template_searchpath=['/home/airflow/gcs/data/bq_data_replication/'], ##example
                schedule_interval="${load_frequency}") as dag:
    start_task = DummyOperator(task_id="start")
    copy_records = BigQueryOperator(
        bigquery_conn_id="sap_cdc_bq", ## example
    stop_task = DummyOperator (task_id="stop")
    start_task >> copy_records >> stop_task

The scripts that process data in Airflow or Cloud Composer are purposefully generated separately from the Airflow-specific scripts. This lets you port those scripts to another tool of choice.

CDC fields required for MERGE operations

Specify the following parameters for the automated generation of CDC batch processes:

  • Source project + dataset: Dataset where the SAP data is streamed or replicated. For the CDC scripts to work by default, the tables need to have a timestamp field (called recordstamp) and an operation field with the following values, all set during replication:
    • I: for Insert.
    • U: for Update.
    • D: for Deletion.
  • Target project + dataset for the CDC processing: The script generated by default generates the tables from a copy of the source dataset if they don't exist.
  • Replicated tables: Tables for which the scripts need to be generated
  • Processing frequency: Following the Cron notation, how frequently the DAGs are expected to run:
  • Target Cloud Storage bucket where the CDC output files are copied.
  • Connection's name: The name of the connection used by Cloud Composer.
  • (Optional) Name of the target table: Available if the result of the CDC processing remains in the same dataset as the target.

Performance optimization for CDC tables

For certain CDC datasets, you might want to take advantages of BigQuery table partitioning, table clustering, or both. This choice depends on the following factors:

  • Size and data of the table.
  • Columns available in the table.
  • Need for real-time data with views.
  • Data materialized as tables.

By default, CDC settings don't apply table partitioning or table clustering. The choice is yours to configure it based on what works best for you. To create tables with partitions or clusters, update the cdc_settings.yaml file with relevant configurations. For more information, see Table Partition and Cluster Settings.

  1. This feature only applies when a dataset in cdc_settings.yaml is configured for replication as a table (for example, load_frequency = "@daily"), and not defined as a view (load_frequency = "RUNTIME").
  2. A table can be both, a partitioned table as well as a clustered table.

If you are using a replication tool that allows partitions in the raw dataset, like the BigQuery Connector for SAP, setting time-based partitions in the raw tables is recommended. The type of partition works better if it matches the frequency for CDC DAGs in the cdc_settings.yaml configuration. For more information, see Design considerations for SAP data modeling in BigQuery.

Optional: Configuring the SAP Inventory Module

Cortex Framework SAP Inventory module includes InventoryKeyMetrics and InventoryByPlant views that provide key insights about your inventory. These views are backed by monthly and weekly snapshots tables using specialized DAGs. Both can be run at the same time and won't interfere with each other.

To update either or both snapshot tables, follow these steps:

  1. Update SlowMovingThreshold.sql and StockCharacteristicsConfig.sql to define slow moving threshold and stock characteristics for different material types, based on your requirements.

  2. For initial load or full refresh, run Stock_Monthly_Snapshots_Initial and Stock_Weekly_Snapshots_Initial DAGs.

  3. For subsequent refreshes, schedule or run the following DAGs:

    • Monthly and weekly updates:
      • Stock_Monthly_Snapshots_Periodical_Update
      • Stock_Weekly_Snapshots_periodical_Update
    • Daily Update:
      • Stock_Monthly_Snapshots_Daily_Update
      • Stock_Weekly_Snapshots_Update_Daily
  4. Refresh the intermediate StockMonthlySnapshots and StockWeeklySnapshots views, followed by InventoryKeyMetrics and InventoryByPlants views, respectively, to expose the refreshed data.

Optional: Configuring Product Hierarchy Texts view

The Product Hierarchy Texts view flattens materials and their product hierarchies. The resulting table can be used to feed the Trends add-on a list of terms to retrieve Interest Over Time. Configure this view with the following steps:

  1. Adjust the levels of the hierarchy and the language in file prod_hierarchy_texts.sql, under the markers for ## CORTEX-CUSTOMER.
  2. If your product hierarchy contains more levels, you might need to add an additional SELECT statement similar to the Common Table Expression h1_h2_h3.

    There might be additional customizations depending on the source systems. We recommend getting the business users or analysts involved early in the process to help spot these.

Optional: Configuring hierarchy flattening views

Starting with release v6.0, Cortex Framework supports hierarchy flattening as Reporting views. This is a major improvement over the legacy hierarchy flattener as it now flattens the entire hierarchy, better optimizes for S/4 by utilizing S/4 specific tables instead of legacy ECC tables, and also significantly improves performance.

Summary of Reporting Views

Find the following views related to hierarchy flattening:

Type of hierarchy Table containing flattened hierarchy only Views for visualizing flattened hierarchy P&L integration logic using this hierarchy
Financial Statement Version (FSV) fsv_glaccounts FSVHierarchyFlattened ProfitAndLossOverview
Profit Center profit_centers ProfitCenterHierarchyFlattened ProfitAndLossOverview_ProfitCenterHierarchy
Cost Center cost_centers CostCenterHierarchyFlattened ProfitAndLossOverview_CostCenterHierarchy

Consider the following when using hierarchy flattening views:

  • The flattened hierarchy only views are functionally equivalent to the tables generated by the legacy hierarchy flattener solution.
  • The overview views are not deployed by default as they are meant to showcase BI logic only. Find their source code under the src/SAP/SAP_REPORTING directory.

Configuring Hierarchy Flattening

Based on the hierarchy you are working with, the following input parameters are required:

Type of hierarchy Required parameter Source field (ECC) Source field (S4)
Financial Statement Version (FSV) Chart of account ktopl nodecls
Hierarchy name versn hryid
Profit center Class of the set setclass setclass
Organizational Unit: Controlling Area or additional key for the set. subclass subclass
Cost Center Class of the set setclass setclass
Organizational Unit: Controlling Area or additional key for the set. subclass subclass

If you're unsure about the exact parameters, ask a Finance or Controlling SAP consultant.

After the parameters are collected, update the ## CORTEX-CUSTOMER comments within each of the corresponding directories, based on your requirements:

Type of Hierarchy Code location
Financial Statement Version (FSV) src/SAP/SAP_REPORTING/local_k9/fsv_hierarchy
Profit Center src/SAP/SAP_REPORTING/local_k9/profitcenter_hierarchy
Cost Center src/SAP/SAP_REPORTING/local_k9/costcenter_hierarchy

If applicable, make sure to update the ## CORTEX-CUSTOMER comments within the relevant reporting views under src/SAP/SAP_REPORTING directory well.

Solution Details

The following source tables are used for hierarchy flattening:

Type of Hierarchy Source Tables (ECC) Source Tables (S4)
Financial Statement Version (FSV)
  • fagl_011pc
  • fagl_011zc
  • ska1
  • hrrp_node
  • hrrp_directory
  • ska1
Profit Center
  • setheader
  • setnode
  • setleaf
  • sethanahier0106
Cost Center
  • setheader
  • setnode
  • setleaf
  • sethanahier0101

Visualizing the hierarchies

Cortex's SAP hierarchy flattener solution flattens the entire hierarchy. If you would like to create a visual representation of the hierarchy loaded that is comparable to what SAP shows in the UI, query one of the views for visualizing flattened hierarchies with IsLeafNode=True condition.

Migrating from the legacy hierarchy flattener solution

To migrate from the legacy hierarchy flattening solution prior to Cortex v6.0, replace the tables as the following table shows. Make sure to check field names for accuracy, as some field names have been slightly modified. For example, prctr in cepc_hier is now profitcenter in profit_centers table.

Type of hierarchy Replace this table: With:
Financial Statement Version (FSV) ska1_hier fsv_glaccounts
Profit Center cepc_hier profit_centers
Cost Center csks_hier cost_centers

Optional: Configuring the SAP Finance Module

Cortex Framework SAP Finance module includes FinancialStatement, BalanceSheet and ProfitAndLoss views that provide key financial insights.

To update these Finance tables, follow these steps:

For initial load

  1. After deployment, ensure your CDC dataset is properly populated (run any CDC DAGs as required).
  2. Ensure Hierarchy Flattening Views are properly configured for the types of hierarchies you are using (FSV, Cost Center, and Profit Center).
  3. Run financial_statement_initial_load DAG.

  4. If deployed as tables (recommended), refresh the following in order by running their corresponding DAGs:

    1. Financial_Statements
    2. BalanceSheets
    3. ProfitAndLoss

For periodical refresh

  1. Ensure Hierarchy Flattening Views are properly configured and refreshed up to date for the types of hierarchies you are using (FSV, Cost Center, and Profit Center).
  2. Schedule or run financial_statement_periodical_load DAG.

  3. If deployed as tables (recommended), refresh the following in order by running their corresponding DAGs:

    1. Financial_Statements
    2. BalanceSheets
    3. ProfitAndLoss

To visualize the data from these tables, refer to the following Overview views:

  • ProfitAndLossOverview.sql if you are using FSV Hierarchy.
  • ProfitAndLossOverview_CostCenter.sql if you are using Cost Center Hierarchy.
  • ProfitAndLossOverview_ProfitCenter.sql if you are using Profit Center Hierarchy.

What's next?