Cortex Framework: integration with Meta

This page describes the required configurations to bring data from Meta (Facebook and Instagram Ads) as a data source of the marketing workload of Cortex Framework Data Foundation.

Meta is a tech company that owns several popular online platforms. Cortex Framework integrates data Ads from Instagram and Facebook to analyze it, combine it with other data sources, and use AI to gain deeper insights and optimize your marketing strategy.

The following diagram describes how Meta marketing data is available through the marketing workload of Cortex Framework Data Foundation:

Meta data source

Figure 1. Meta marketing data source.

Configuration file

The config.json file configures the settings required to connect to data sources for transferring data from various workloads. This file contains the following parameters for Meta:

   "marketing": {
        "deployMeta": true,
        "Meta": {
            "deployCDC": true,
            "datasets": {
                "cdc": "",
                "raw": "",
                "reporting": "REPORTING_Meta"

The following table describes the value for each marketing parameter:

Parameter Meaning Default Value Description
marketing.deployMeta Deploy Meta true Execute the deployment for Meta's data source.
marketing.Meta.deployCDC Deploy CDC scripts for Meta true Generate Meta CDC processing scripts to run as DAGs in Cloud Composer.
marketing.Meta.datasets.cdc CDC dataset for Meta CDC dataset for Meta.
marketing.Meta.datasets.raw Raw dataset for Meta Raw dataset for Meta.
marketing.Meta.datasets.reporting Reporting dataset for Meta "REPORTING_Meta" Reporting dataset for Meta.

Data Model

This section describes the Data Model of Meta using the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). For a better view of the diagram, see the repository source.


Figure 2. Meta: Entity Relationship Diagram.

Base views

These are the blue objects in the ERD and are views on CDC tables with minimal transformations to unpack complex data structures. See scripts in src/marketing/src/Meta/src/reporting/ddls.

Reporting views

These are the green objects in the ERD and are reporting views that contain aggregate metrics. See scripts in src/marketing/src/Meta/src/reporting/ddls.

API connection

The ingestion templates in Cortex Framework for Meta use the Meta Marketing API to retrieve reporting attributes and metrics. The current templates use version v19.0.

Meta imposes a dynamic rate limit when querying the Marketing API. When the rate limit is reached, Source to Raw ingestion DAGs might not complete successfully. In such cases, you can see relevant error messages in the log, and the next execution of the DAGs would retroactively load any missing data.

Meta Marketing API has two tiers of access, Basic and Standard. Standard tier offers a much higher limit, and is recommended if you plan to use the Source to Raw ingestion extensively. For more details on these limits and how to attain a higher access tier, see Meta's documentation.

If you have Standard tier access, you can lower the value of next_request_delay_sec setting in src/Meta/src/raw/pipelines/config.ini for faster loading times.

API access and access token

The following steps are required in Meta Business Manager and Developer Console to successfully bring data from Meta into the Cortex Framework.

  1. Identify an App to use. You can create a new App that is connected to the Business account. Make sure your app is Business type.
  2. Set up App permissions. You must be assigned to the app as an Administrator before you can create tokens with it. See App roles documentation. Make sure you assign relevant assets (accounts) to your app.
  3. Create an access token. Access tokens are required to access Meta Marketing API, and they are always associated with an app and a user. You can either create the token with a system user, or with your own login.

    1. Create an Admin System User.
    2. Generate a token. Make sure to note down your token as soon as they are generated, as they are not be retrievable again once you leave the page.
    3. Grant the ads_read and business_management permissions to your token, to access the supported objects.
  4. Follow Cloud Composer documentation to enable Secret Manager in Cloud Composer. Then, create a secret named cortex_meta_access_token, and store the token you've generated in the previous step as content.

Cloud Composer connections permissions

Create the following connections in Cloud Composer. See more details in the Manage Airflow connections documentation.

Connection Name Purpose
meta_raw_dataflow For Meta Marketing API > BigQuery Raw Dataset
meta_cdc_bq For Raw dataset > CDC dataset transfer
meta_reporting_bq For CDC dataset > Reporting dataset transfer

Cloud Composer service account permissions

Grant Dataflow permissions to the service account used in Cloud Composer (as configured in the meta_raw_dataflow connection). See instructions in Dataflow documentation. The service account also requires Secret Manager Secret Accessor permission. See details in the access control documentation.

Request parameters

Directory src/Meta/config/request_parameters contains an API request specification file for each entity that is extracted from Meta Marketing API. Each request file contains a list of fields to fetch from Meta Marketing API, one field per row. See more information in Meta Marketing API Reference.

Ingestion settings

Control Source to Raw and Raw to CDC data pipelines through the settings in the file src/Meta/config/ingestion_settings.yaml. This section describes the parameters of each data pipeline.

Source to raw tables

This section has entries that control which entities are fetched by APIs and how. Each entry corresponds with one Meta Marketing API entity. Based on this configuration, Cortex Framework creates Airflow DAGs that run Dataflow pipelines to fetch data using Meta Marketing APIs.

File src/Meta/src/raw/pipelines/config.ini controls some behavior of the Cloud Composer DAG, and how Meta Marketing APIs are consumed. Find descriptions for each parameter in the file.

The following parameters control the settings for Source to Raw for each entry:

Parameter Description
base_table Table in Raw dataset where the fetched data is stored (for example, customer).
load_frequency How frequently a DAG for this runs to fetch data from Meta. For more information about possible values, see Airflow documentation.
object_endpoint API endpoint path (for example, campaigns for /{account_id}/campaigns endpoint).
entity_type Type of table (should be one of fact, dimension or addaccount).
object_id_column Columns (separated by comma) that form a unique record for this table. Only required when entity_type is fact.
breakdowns Optional: Breakdown columns (separated by comma) for insights endpoints. Only applicable when entity_type is fact.
action_breakdowns Optional: Action breakdown columns (separated by comma) for insights endpoints. Only applicable when entity_type is fact.
partition_details Optional: If you want this table to be partitioned for performance considerations. For more information, see Table Partition.
cluster_details Optional: If you want this table to be clustered for performance considerations. For more information, see Cluster Settings.

Raw to CDC tables

This section describes the entries that control how data is moved from Raw tables to CDC tables. Each entry corresponds with a raw table (which in turn corresponds with Meta API entity as mentioned).

The following parameters control the settings for Raw to CDC for each entry:

Parameter Description
base_table Table on which raw data has been replicated. A table with the same name in CDC dataset stores the raw data after CDC transformation (for example, campaign_insights).
row_identifiers Columns (separated by comma) that form a unique record for this table.
load_frequency How frequently a DAG for this entity runs to populate the CDC table. For more information about possible values, see Airflow documentation.
partition_details Optional: If you want this table to be partitioned for performance considerations. For more information, see Table Partition.
cluster_details Optional: If you want this table to be clustered for performance considerations. For more information, see Cluster Settings.

CDC table schema

For Meta, all fields are stored in string format in the raw layer. In the CDC layer, primitive types are converted to relevant business data types, and all complex types are stored in BigQuery JSON format.

To enable this conversion, directory src/Meta/config/table_schema contains one schema file for each entity specified in raw_to_cdc_tables section that explains how to properly translate each BigQueryraw table into CDC table.

Each schema file contains three columns:

  • SourceField: Field name of the raw table for this entity.
  • TargetField: Column name in the cdc table for this entity.
  • DataType: Data type of each cdc table field.

Reporting settings

You can configure and control how Cortex generates data for the Meta final reporting layer using the reporting settings file (src/Meta/config/reporting_settings.yaml). This file controls how reporting layer BigQuery objects (tables, views, functions or stored procedures ) are generated.

For more information, see Customizing reporting settings file.

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