Cortex Framework: integration with CM360

This page describes the required configurations to bring data from Campaign Manager 360 as a data source of the marketing workload of Cortex Framework Data Foundation.

Campaign Manager 360 (CM360) is a web-based advertising management platform offered by Google specifically designed for advertisers and agencies. It functions as a central hub to manage and optimize all your digital advertising campaigns across various channels. Cortex Framework provides the tools and platform to analyze CM360 data, combine it with data from other marketing channels, and use AI to gain deeper insights and optimize your overall marketing strategy.

The following diagram describes how CM360 data is available through the marketing workload of Cortex Framework Data Foundation:

CM360 data source

Figure 1. CM360 data source.

Configuration file

The config.json file configures the settings required to connect to data sources for transferring data from various workloads. This file contains the following parameters for CM360:

   "marketing": {
        "deployCM360": true,

        "CM360": {
            "deployCDC": true,
            "dataTransferBucket": "",
            "datasets": {
                "cdc": "",
                "raw": "",
                "reporting": "REPORTING_CM360"

The following table describes the value for each marketing parameter:

Parameter Meaning Default Value Description
marketing.deployCM360 Deploy CM360 true Execute the deployment for CM360 data source.
marketing.CM360.deployCDC Deploy CDC scripts for CM360 true Generate CM360 CDC processing scripts to run as DAGs in Cloud Composer.
marketing.CM360.dataTransferBucket Bucket with Data Transfer Service results - Bucket where DTv2 files are stored.
marketing.CM360.datasets.cdc CDC dataset for CM360 CDC dataset for CM360.
marketing.CM360.datasets.raw Raw dataset for CM360 Raw dataset for CM360.
marketing.CM360.datasets.reporting Reporting dataset for CM360 "REPORTING_CM360" Reporting dataset for CM360.

Data Model

This section describes the CM360 Data Model using the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). For a better view of the diagram, see the repository source.


Figure 2. CM360: Entity Relationship Diagram.

Base views

These are the blue objects in the ERD and are views on CDC tables with no transforms other than some column name aliases. See scripts in src/marketing/src/CM360/src/reporting/ddls.

Reporting views

These are the green objects in the ERD and are reporting views that contain aggregate metrics. See scripts in src/marketing/src/CM360/src/reporting/ddls.

DTv2 Files storage

DTv2 (Data Transfer Version 2) files are a specific format used by CM360 to deliver campaign performance data. Set up the data transfer process by following the Data Transfer V2.0 documentation in order to use CM360 with Cortex Framework.

Create or add a Cloud Storage bucket for storing your DTv2 files from CM360. Ensure the files under the bucket are readable by the service account running DAGs in Cloud Composer. For more information, see Create storage buckets.

Cloud Composer connections

Create the following connections in Cloud Composer. For more details, see the Manage Airflow connections documentation.

Connection Name Purpose
cm360_raw_dataflow For CM360 DTv2 files > BigQuery Raw Dataset
cm360_cdc_bq For Raw dataset > CDC dataset transfer
cm360_reporting_bq For CDC dataset > Reporting dataset transfer

Cloud Composer service account permissions

Grant Dataflow permissions to the service account used in Cloud Composer (as configured in the cm360_raw_dataflow connection). See instructions in Dataflow documentation.

Ingestion settings

Control Source to Raw and Raw to CDC data pipelines through the settings in the file src/CM360/config/ingestion_settings.yaml. This section describes the parameters of each data pipeline.

Source to raw tables

This section describes how entries that control which files from DTv2 are processed. Each entry corresponds with files associated with one entity. Based on this configuration, Cortex Framework creates Airflow DAGs that run Dataflow pipelines to process data from the DTv2 files.

The following parameters control the settings for Source to Raw for each entry:

Parameter Description
base_table Table in Raw dataset where the data for an entity is stored (for example, 'Clicks' data).
load_frequency How frequently a DAG for this entity runs to populate the CDC table. For more information about possible values, see Airflow documentation.
file_pattern Based filename patterns that correspond to an entity.
schema_file Schema file in src/table_schema directory that maps DTv2 fields to destination table's column names and data types.
partition_details Optional: If you want this table to be partitioned for performance considerations. For more information, see Table Partition.
cluster_details Optional: If you want this table to be clustered for performance considerations. For more information, see Cluster Settings.

Raw to CDC tables

This section has entries that control how data is moved from raw tables to CDC tables. Each entry corresponds with a raw table (which in turn corresponds with the DTv2 entity as mentioned above.)

The following parameters control the settings for Raw to CDC for each entry:

Parameter Description
base_table Table in CDC dataset where the raw data after CDC transformation is stored (for example, customer).
load_frequency How frequently a DAG for this entity runs to populate the CDC table. For more information about possible values, see Airflow documentation.
row_identifiers List of columns (separated by comma) that forms a unique record for this table.
partition_details Optional: If you want this table to be partitioned for performance considerations. For more information, see Table Partition.
cluster_details Optional: If you want this table to be clustered for performance considerations. For more information, see Cluster Settings.
Reporting settings

You can configure and control how Cortex Framework generates data for the CM360 final reporting layer using the reporting settings file (src/CM360/config/reporting_settings.yaml). This file controls how reporting layer BigQuery objects (tables, views, functions or stored procedures) are generated.

For more information, see Customizing reporting settings file.

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