Building data visualization

This page walks you through how to get started using the data visualization builder.


The following steps ensure you can access the data visualization builder:

Use data visualization

  1. Open the Google Cloud Contact Center as a Service and select your project where Conversational Insights is enabled.
  2. Click Insights > Data Visualization.

Filter your data

When building your data visualization, you can specify the portion of your data to display. Follow these steps to filter your data.

  1. Within the Conversational Insights console, click Data Visualization.
  2. Enter a date range to select which data to analyze.
  3. Select a filter to identify the agent ID or primary topic to view.

Add metrics

You must select the metrics to use for your analysis. You can view these metrics on either vertical axis of your chart. Follow these steps to select your y-axis metrics.

  1. Within Data Visualization, click Add metric for one position of your y-axis and select a metric.
  2. To view a comparison of two metrics over time, click Add metric for the other position of your y-axis and select another metric.
  3. To group the data on your chart, click Select grouping and choose a category.

Data visualization automatically displays a chart when you add a metric. It automatically adjusts the chart to apply an additional metric and a grouping.