Confidential Space token claims

This document describes the items that are present in Confidential Space attestation tokens, as defined in the well-known endpoint for Confidential Space. The tokens are JSON web tokens (JWT).

Default attestation tokens are located in /run/container_launcher/attestation_verifier_claims_token on a Confidential Space image, and can also be requested from the launcher's HTTP server.

For more information about tokens and retrieving them, see Use resources outside of Google Cloud.

Example token

The following is an example of an encoded default attestation token generated in the Confidential Space 240500 image. Newer images might contain additional fields. You can use to decode it (the signature is redacted):


The following is an example of a decoded token:

  "alg": "HS256",
  "kid": "12345",
  "typ": "JWT"
  "aud": "",
  "dbgstat": "disabled-since-boot",
  "eat_profile": "",
  "exp": 1721330075,
  "google_service_accounts": [
  "hwmodel": "GCP_AMD_SEV",
  "iat": 1721326475,
  "iss": "",
  "nbf": 1721326475,
  "oemid": 11129,
  "secboot": true,
  "sub": "",
  "submods": {
    "confidential_space": {
      "monitoring_enabled": {
        "memory": false
      "support_attributes": [
    "container": {
      "args": [
        "daemon off;"
      "env": {
        "NGINX_VERSION": "1.27.0",
        "NJS_RELEASE": "2~bookworm",
        "NJS_VERSION": "0.8.4",
        "PATH": "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
        "PKG_RELEASE": "2~bookworm"
      "image_digest": "sha256:67682bda769fae1ccf5183192b8daf37b64cae99c6c3302650f6f8bf5f0f95df",
      "image_id": "sha256:fffffc90d343cbcb01a5032edac86db5998c536cd0a366514121a45c6723765c",
      "image_reference": "",
      "restart_policy": "Never"
    "gce": {
      "instance_id": "INSTANCE_ID",
      "instance_name": "INSTANCE_NAME",
      "project_id": "PROJECT_ID",
      "project_number": "PROJECT_NUMBER",
      "zone": "us-central1-a"
  "swversion": [

The items within the token are further explained in the following sections.

Token items

The following table describes the high-level items in an attestation token. These items are compliant with the OpenID Connect 1.0 specification.

well-known endpoint values Description
claims_supported See Supported claims.
id_token_signing_alg_values_supported The signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the token. Confidential Space supports the RS256 algorithm.

The HTTPS scheme that Confidential Space uses as its issuer identifier.

The value is


The path to the public keys used to verify the token signature. You can publish these keys in a Cloud Storage bucket.

You can find the jwks_uri keys in

An example value is

response_types_supported The list of supported Confidential Space response types. Confidential Space supports id_token.
scopes_supported The OAuth 2.0 scope values that the Confidential VM instance supports. Confidential Space supports openid only.
subject_types_supported The subject identifier types that Confidential Space supports. Confidential Space supports public.

Supported claims

The following table describes the top-level supported claims in the attestation token.

Claim Type Description
aud String The audience. For the default token (which is fetched every hour by the launcher within Confidential VM), the audience is For custom tokens, the audience is echoed from the audience in the token request. The maximum length is 512 bytes.
dbgstat String The debug status for the hardware. In production images, the value is disabled-since-boot. In debug images, the value is enabled.
eat_nonce String or string array One or more nonces for the attestation token. The values are echoed from the token options sent in the custom token request. Each nonce must be between 10 to 74 bytes inclusive. A maximum of six nonces are allowed.
exp Int, Unix timestamp The expiration time on or after which the token must not be accepted for processing. The value is a JSON number that represents the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T0:0:0Z as measured in UTC until the expiry time.
google_service_accounts String array The validated service accounts that are running the Confidential Space workload.
hwmodel String

The unique identifier for the hardware token.

Current values are GCP_AMD_SEV, GCP_AMD_SEV_ES, and GCP_SHIELDED_VM.

iat Int, Unix timestamp The time when the JWT was issued. The value is a JSON number that represents the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T0:0:0Z as measured in UTC until the issue time.
iss String The issuer of the token, which is set to
nbf Int, Unix timestamp The time before which the JWT cannot be used for processing.
oemid Uint64 The Google Private Enterprise Number (PEN), which is 11129.
secboot Boolean Whether Secure Boot is enabled, which ensures that the firmware and operating system were authenticated during the VM boot process. This value is always true.
sub String The subject, which is the fully qualified virtual machine ID for the Confidential VM. For example, This format is known as the instance's selfLink.
submods Array An array of various claims. See Submod claims.
swname String

The name of the approved operating system for the VM.

Values are CONFIDENTIAL_SPACE or GCE. The CONFIDENTIAL_SPACE value is only for hardened images that passed all validation.

swversion String array

The version of the operating system. The value is a string array that contains only one value.

The version follows the format YYYYMM##, where ## is a counter for the number of images released before the image being used in the same month.

Submods claims

The following table describes the submods claims in the attestation token.

Claim Type Description
confidential_space.support_attributes String array Can be USABLE, STABLE, and LATEST. For more information, see Confidential Space image lifecycle.
confidential_space.monitoring_enabled Object array Shows what kind of system monitoring is enabled. The value can be {"memory":false} or {"memory":true}.
container Object See Workload container claims.
gce Object See Compute Engine claims.

Workload container claims

The following table describes the container claims in the attestation token. For more information about these claims, see Attestation assertions.

Claim Type Description
args String array The full argv the container is invoked with. This claim includes the container's entrypoint path and any additional command-line arguments.
cmd_override String array The CMD commands and parameters used in the workload image.
env Object array The environment variables and their values that have been explicitly passed to the container.
env_override Object array The overwritten environment variables in the container.
image_digest String The image digest of the workload container.
image_id String The image ID of the workload container.
image_reference String The location of the workload container running in Confidential Space.
image_signatures Object array See Container image signature claims.
restart_policy String The restart policy of the container launcher when the workload stops. Valid values are Always, OnFailure, and Never. Default is Never.

Compute Engine claims

The following table describes the gce claims in the attestation token.

Claim Type Description
instance_id String The VM instance ID.
instance_name String The VM instance name.
project_id String The project ID for the project that the VM is running in.
project_number String The project number for the project that the VM is running in.
zone String The Compute Engine zone where the Confidential VM is running.

Container image signature claims

The following table describes the image_signature claims in the attestation token.

Claim Type Description
key_id String

The hexadecimal fingerprint of the public key. To get the fingerprint, you can run the following command:

$ openssl pkey -pubin -in public_key.pem -outform DER | openssl sha256

Where public_key.pem is your public key in PEM format.

signature String The base64-encoded signature for a payload that's associated with the signed container and that follows the Simple Signing format.
signature_algorithm String

The algorithm used to sign the key. One of the following:

  • RSASSA_PSS_SHA256 (RSASSA-PSS with a SHA-256 digest)
  • RSASSA_PKCS1V15_SHA256 (RSASSA-PKCS1 v1_5 with a SHA-256 digest)
  • ECDSA_P256_SHA256 (ECDSA on the P-256 Curve with a SHA-256 digest)

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