Create a guest policy (legacy)

Use guest policies to maintain consistent software configurations across Linux and Windows virtual machines (VM) instances.

To set up a guest policy on a set of VMs, complete the following steps:

  1. Assign the required permissions to users.
  2. Set up your VM.
  3. Configure the guest policy JSON or YAML file.
  4. Create the guest policy.

Before you begin

  • Review OS Config quotas.
  • If you haven't already, then set up authentication. Authentication is the process by which your identity is verified for access to Google Cloud services and APIs. To run code or samples from a local development environment, you can authenticate to Compute Engine by selecting one of the following options:

    Select the tab for how you plan to use the samples on this page:


    1. After installing the Google Cloud CLI, initialize it by running the following command:

      gcloud init

      If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.

    2. Set a default region and zone.


    To use the REST API samples on this page in a local development environment, you use the credentials you provide to the gcloud CLI.

      After installing the Google Cloud CLI, initialize it by running the following command:

      gcloud init

      If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.

    For more information, see Authenticate for using REST in the Google Cloud authentication documentation.


  • For targeted VMs, the guest policy updates each time the agent checks in with the service. This check happens every 10 to 15 minutes.
  • There are no compliance dashboards, notifications, or alerting services available with this legacy OS guest policies. VMs that are not running the OS Config agent don't report failure. For best results, use this feature with the OS inventory management service or any other compliance monitoring tool.
  • A software recipe, with a specific name, only runs once when you create a guest policy. To rerun a software recipe, you must do the following:

    1. Rename the software recipe.
    2. Delete and recreate the guest policy using the renamed software recipe.


Because you can use guest policies to install and manage software packages on a VM, the creation and management of guest policies is equivalent to granting remote code execution access on a VM.

When you set up guest policies, IAM permissions are used to control access to the policy resource and activities are audit logged. However, users can still run code on the VM which poses a potential security risk. To mitigate this, we recommend that you provide only the required access to each user.

Owners of a project have full access to create and manage policies. For all other users, you need to grant permissions. You can grant one of the following granular roles:

  • GuestPolicy Admin (roles/osconfig.guestPolicyAdmin). Contains permissions to create, delete, update, get, and list guest policies.
  • GuestPolicy Editor (roles/osconfig.guestPolicyEditor). Contains permissions to get, update, and list guest policies.
  • GuestPolicy Viewer (roles/osconfig.guestPolicyViewer). Contains permissions for read-only access to get and list guest policies.

For example, to grant a user administrator access to guest policies, run the following command:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
    --member \
    --role roles/osconfig.guestPolicyAdmin

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the project ID.
  • USER_ID: the user's Google Workspace username.

Set up your VM

To use guest policies, you need to set up VM Manager.

Configure a guest policy yaml or JSON file

You must provide guest policy specifications by using either a JSON or YAML file. To view sample configurations, see example guest policy YAML files.

The YAML or JSON file contains the following two main sections:


You can assign guest policies to all the VMs in your project or you can use the assignment key in your JSON or YAML file to target a specific group of VMs.

For example, you can target a group of VMs by using any of the following characteristics:

To assign a guest policy using operating system information, the OS Configuration agent must send operating system information to the guest attributes endpoint for the VM. To ensure privacy, by default, operating system information for VMs is unavailable. To group VMs by operating system information, you must ensure that the guest attributes and OS Inventory Management services are enabled. To enable these services, see Set up your VM.

Guest policy configurations are automatically applied to all new VMs that match the assignment.

Required configuration

The required configuration can be accomplished by using any or a combination of the following tasks:

Example guest policy YAML files

Example 1

Install the package my-package which must be kept up to date on the following VM instances: my-instance-1 and my-instance-2.

  - zones/us-east1-c/instances/my-instance-1
  - zones/us-east1-c/instances/my-instance-2
- name: "my-package"
  desiredState: UPDATED

For more information about assigning guest policies for packages, see the Package JSON representation reference document.

Example 2

Install the Cloud Monitoring agent, using the yum package manager, on all VM instances that have either of the following instance name prefixes: test-instance- or dev-instance-.

  - "test-instance-"
  - "dev-instance-"
- name: "stackdriver-agent"
  desiredState: INSTALLED
  manager: YUM
- yum:
    id: google-cloud-monitoring
    displayName: "Google Cloud Monitoring Agent Repository"

For more information about assigning guest policies for pacakage repositories, see the PackageRepository JSON representation reference document.

Example 3

Install my-package and remove bad-package-1 and bad-package-2 from instances with a specific set of labels. Also add repositories for the apt and yum package managers.

  # Assign to VM instances where `(label.color=red AND label.env=test) OR (label.color=blue AND label.env=test)`
  - labels:
      color: red
      env: test
  - labels:
      color: blue
      env: test
- name: "my-package"
  desiredState: INSTALLED
- name: "bad-package-1"
  desiredState: REMOVED
- name: "bad-package-2"
  desiredState: REMOVED
  manager: APT  # Only apply this to systems with APT.
- apt:  # Only apply this to systems with APT.
    uri: ""
    archiveType: DEB
    distribution: cloud-sdk-stretch
    - main
- yum:  # Only apply this to systems with YUM.
    id: google-cloud-sdk
    displayName: "Google Cloud SDK"

Example 4

Install software from an MSI hosted on Cloud Storage to all instances in us-east1-b and us-east1-d.

  - us-east1-b
  - us-east1-d
- name: "swr-msi-gcs"
  desiredState: INSTALLED
  - id: "the-msi"
      bucket: "my-bucket"
      object: "executable.msi"  # full URI gs://my-bucket/executable.msi#nnnnn
      generation: 1546030865175603
  - msiInstallation:
      artifactId: "the-msi"

For more information about configuring recipe policies, see the SoftwareRecipe JSON representation reference document.

Example 5

Install software by running an inline script on all VM instances that meet the following requirements:

  • Operating system: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
  • Label: color=red
  - osShortName: rhel
    osVersion: "7"
  - labels:
      color: red
- name: recipe-runscript
  desiredState: INSTALLED
  - scriptRun:
      script: |-
        touch /TOUCH_FILE

For more information about configuring recipe policies, see the SoftwareRecipe JSON representation reference document.

Example 6

Installs application on all Windows instances using an executable installer that has the following instance name prefix: test-instance-.

  - "test-instance-"
  - osShortName: WINDOWS
- name: windows-install-exe-example
  desiredState: INSTALLED
  - id: installer
      bucket: my-bucket
      generation: '1597013478912389'
      object: MyApp.Installer.x64.exe
  - fileExec:
      artifactId: installer
      - /S # Installation must be silent

For more information about configuring recipe policies, see the SoftwareRecipe JSON representation reference document.

Create a guest policy

When you create a guest policy, the name of the guest policy must meet the following naming requirements:

  • Contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens
  • Start with a letter
  • End with a number or a letter
  • Be between 1 and 63 characters
  • Each policy ID must be unique within a project

Use one of the following methods to create a guest policy.


Use the os-config guest-policies create command to create a guest policy.

gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies create POLICY_ID \

Replace the following:

  • POLICY_ID: the name for the guest policy that you want to create.
  • FILE: JSON or YAML file that contains the guest policy specifications. To view sample configurations, see Example guest policy YAML files.


In the API, create a POST request to the projects.guestPolicies.create method.


 For more information, see Guest policy JSON

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: your project ID.
  • POLICY_ID: the name for your guest policy.

To view sample configurations, see example guest policy YAML files.


To troubleshoot a guest policy, see Debugging a guest policy.

What's next?