Membuat rute dalam jaringan
Tetap teratur dengan koleksi
Simpan dan kategorikan konten berdasarkan preferensi Anda.
Contoh ini membuat rute baru dalam jaringan yang dipilih dengan memberikan nama tujuan dan next hop.
Contoh kode
Sebelum mencoba contoh ini, ikuti petunjuk penyiapan Python di panduan memulai Compute Engine menggunakan library klien.
Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat
dokumentasi referensi API
Python Compute Engine.
Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Compute Engine, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi.
Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, baca
Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
from typing import Any
from google.api_core.extended_operation import ExtendedOperation
from import compute_v1
def wait_for_extended_operation(
operation: ExtendedOperation, verbose_name: str = "operation", timeout: int = 300
) -> Any:
Waits for the extended (long-running) operation to complete.
If the operation is successful, it will return its result.
If the operation ends with an error, an exception will be raised.
If there were any warnings during the execution of the operation
they will be printed to sys.stderr.
operation: a long-running operation you want to wait on.
verbose_name: (optional) a more verbose name of the operation,
used only during error and warning reporting.
timeout: how long (in seconds) to wait for operation to finish.
If None, wait indefinitely.
Whatever the operation.result() returns.
This method will raise the exception received from `operation.exception()`
or RuntimeError if there is no exception set, but there is an `error_code`
set for the `operation`.
In case of an operation taking longer than `timeout` seconds to complete,
a `concurrent.futures.TimeoutError` will be raised.
result = operation.result(timeout=timeout)
if operation.error_code:
f"Error during {verbose_name}: [Code: {operation.error_code}]: {operation.error_message}",
print(f"Operation ID: {}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
raise operation.exception() or RuntimeError(operation.error_message)
if operation.warnings:
print(f"Warnings during {verbose_name}:\n", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
for warning in operation.warnings:
print(f" - {warning.code}: {warning.message}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
return result
def create_route(
project_id: str,
network: str,
route_name: str,
destination_range: str,
next_hop_gateway: str | None = None,
next_hop_ip: str | None = None,
next_hop_instance: str | None = None,
next_hop_vpn_tunnel: str | None = None,
next_hop_ilb: str | None = None,
) -> compute_v1.Route:
Create a new route in selected network by providing a destination and next hop name.
Note: The set of {next_hop_gateway, next_hop_ip, next_hop_instance, next_hop_vpn_tunnel,
next_hop_ilb} is exclusive, you and only specify one of those parameters.
project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you want to use.
network: name of the network the route will be created in. Available name formats:
* projects/{project_id}/global/networks/{network}
* global/networks/{network}
route_name: name of the new route.
destination_range: range of destination IPs this route should be applied to. E.g.
next_hop_gateway: name of the gateway the traffic should be directed to.
next_hop_ip: IP address the traffic should be directed to.
next_hop_instance: name of the instance the traffic should be directed to. Name format:
next_hop_vpn_tunnel: name of the VPN tunnel the traffic should be directed to. Name format:
next_hop_ilb: name of a forwarding rule of the Internal Load Balancer the traffic
should be directed to. Name format:
A new compute_v1.Route object.
excl_args = {
args_set = sum(1 if arg is not None else 0 for arg in excl_args)
if args_set != 1:
raise RuntimeError("You must specify exactly one next_hop_* parameter.")
route = compute_v1.Route() = route_name = network
route.dest_range = destination_range
if next_hop_gateway:
route.next_hop_gateway = next_hop_gateway
elif next_hop_ip:
route.next_hop_ip = next_hop_ip
elif next_hop_instance:
route.next_hop_instance = next_hop_instance
elif next_hop_vpn_tunnel:
route.next_hop_vpn_tunnel = next_hop_vpn_tunnel
elif next_hop_ilb:
route.next_hop_ilb = next_hop_ilb
route_client = compute_v1.RoutesClient()
operation = route_client.insert(project=project_id, route_resource=route)
wait_for_extended_operation(operation, "route creation")
return route_client.get(project=project_id, route=route_name)
Kecuali dinyatakan lain, konten di halaman ini dilisensikan berdasarkan Lisensi Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, sedangkan contoh kode dilisensikan berdasarkan Lisensi Apache 2.0. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Kebijakan Situs Google Developers. Java adalah merek dagang terdaftar dari Oracle dan/atau afiliasinya.
[[["Mudah dipahami","easyToUnderstand","thumb-up"],["Memecahkan masalah saya","solvedMyProblem","thumb-up"],["Lainnya","otherUp","thumb-up"]],[["Hard to understand","hardToUnderstand","thumb-down"],["Incorrect information or sample code","incorrectInformationOrSampleCode","thumb-down"],["Missing the information/samples I need","missingTheInformationSamplesINeed","thumb-down"],["Masalah terjemahan","translationIssue","thumb-down"],["Lainnya","otherDown","thumb-down"]],[],[],[]]