Configure resource location restrictions

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This page shows how to configure resource location restrictions to ensure that your data stored by Cloud Composer is kept within the locations you specify.

How location restrictions work

Location restrictions for Cloud Composer are determined based on the organizational policy that is applied to the project where the Cloud Composer environment is created. This policy is assigned either within the project or is inherited from the organization.

With location restrictions enabled, it is not possible to create an environment in a region that is prohibited by the policy. If a region is listed in the Deny list, or is not listed in the Allow list, then you cannot create environments in this region.

To enable the creation of environments, the policy must allow the whole region and not a specific zone within this region. For example, the europe-west3 region must be allowed by the policy in order to create Cloud Composer environments in this region.

Cloud Composer checks location restrictions at:

  • Environment creation.
  • Environment upgrade, if any additional resources are created during the operation.
  • Environment update, for older environments that do not enforce location restrictions on Cloud Composer dependencies.

In addition to checking the location restrictions, Cloud Composer does the following:

  • Stores user-customized Airflow images in regional Artifact Registry repositories.
  • If the US multi-region is explicitly prohibited by the policy, Cloud Build use is disabled. In this case, user-customized Airflow images are built in your GKE cluster.

Install a Python dependency to a private IP environment with resource location restrictions

If you set resource location restrictions for your project, then Cloud Build cannot be used to install Python packages. As a consequence, direct access to repositories on the public internet is disabled.

To install Python dependencies in a Private IP environment when your location restrictions do not allow the US multi-region, use one of the following options:

  • Use a private PyPI repository hosted in your VPC network.

  • Use a proxy server in your VPC network to connect to a PyPI repository on the public internet. Specify the proxy address in the /config/pip/pip.conf file in the Cloud Storage bucket.

  • If your security policy permits access to your VPC network from external IP addresses, you can configure Cloud NAT.

  • Store the Python dependencies in the dags folder in the Cloud Storage bucket, to install them as local libraries. This might not be a good option if the dependency tree is large.

Restrict locations for Cloud Composer logs

If your Cloud Composer logs contain sensitive data, you might want to redirect Cloud Composer logs to a regional Cloud Storage bucket. To do so, use a log sink. After you redirect logs to a Cloud Storage bucket, your logs are not sent to Cloud Logging.


  1. Create a new Cloud Storage bucket.

    gcloud storage buckets create gs://BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION


    • LOCATION with the region where the environment is located.
    • BUCKET_NAME with the name of the bucket. For example, composer-logs-us-central1-example-environment.
  2. Create a new log sink.

    gcloud logging sinks create \
    composer-log-sink-ENVIRONMENT_NAME \ \
    --log-filter "resource.type=cloud_composer_environment AND \
    resource.labels.environment_name=ENVIRONMENT_NAME AND \


    • ENVIRONMENT_NAME with the name of the environment.
    • BUCKET_NAME with the name of the bucket.
    • LOCATION with the region where the environment is located.
  3. The output of the previous command contains the service account number. Grant the Storage Object Creator role to this service account:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
    --member="" \
    --role='roles/storage.objectCreator' \


    • PROJECT_ID with the Project ID.
    • SA_NUMBER with the service account number provided by the gcloud logging sinks create command on the previous step.
  4. Exclude the logs for your environment from Monitoring.

    gcloud logging sinks update _Default \
    --add-exclusion name=ENVIRONMENT_NAME-exclusion,filter=\
    "resource.type=cloud_composer_environment AND \
    resource.labels.environment_name=ENVIRONMENT_NAME AND \


    • ENVIRONMENT_NAME with the name of the environment.
    • LOCATION with the region where the environment is located.

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