smp_io module


TIPCommon.smp_io.read_content(siemplify, file_name, db_key, default_value_to_return=None, identifier=None)

Read the content of a ConnectorStream object. If the object contains no data or doesn't exist, return a default value.

siemplify obj

An instance of the SDK SiemplifyConnectorExecution class.

file_name str

The name of the file to be validated (when the platform uses files).

db_key str

The name of the key to be validated (when the platform uses a database).

default_value_to_return dict/list/str

The default value set when new file and key are created. If no value is supplied, an internal default value of {} (dict) is set as the new default value.

identifier str

The connector's identifier attribute.



The content inside the DataStream object. The content passes through json.loads before returning.


TIPCommon.smp_io.read_ids(siemplify, default_value_to_return=None, identifier=None, ids_file_name='ids.json', db_key='ids')

Read IDs from a ConnectorStream object. If the object contains no data or doesn't exist, return a default value.

siemplify obj

An instance of the SDK SiemplifyConnectorExecution class.

ids_file_name sttr

The filename where IDs should be saved when a FileStream object has been created.

db_key str

The key name where IDs should be saved when a FileStream object has been created.

default_value_to_return dict/list/str

The default value to be set in case when new file and key are created. If no value is supplied, an internal default value [] (list) is set as the new default value.

identifier str

The connector's identifier attribute.



List of IDs inside the DataStream object. The content passes through json.loads before returning.


TIPCommon.smp_io.read_ids_by_timestamp(siemplify, offset_in_hours=72, default_value_to_return=None, convert_to_milliseconds=False, cast_keys_to_integers=False, offset_is_in_days=False, identifier=None, ids_file_name='ids.json', db_key='ids')

Read IDs from a ConnectorStream object. If the object contains no data or doesn't exist, return a default value.

siemplify obj

An instance of the SDK SiemplifyConnectorExecution class.

offset_in_hours int

The time limit (offset value) of the ID in hours.

convert_to_milliseconds bool

Transform each ID's timestamp (Unix) from seconds to milliseconds.

cast_keys_to_integers bool

Cast the keys to integers.

offset_is_in_days bool

If the offset supplied to this method is in days, set the parameter to True for converting the offset days into hours.

ids_file_name str

The filename where IDs should be saved when a FileStream object has been created.

db_key str

The key name where IDs should be saved when a FileStream object has been created.

default_value_to_return dict/list/str

The default value to be set in case when new file and key are created.

identifier str

The connector's identifier attribute.



List of IDs inside the DataStream object. The content passes through json.loads before returning.


TIPCommon.smp_io.write_content(siemplify, content_to_write, file_name, db_key, default_value_to_set=None, identifier=None)

Write content into a ConnectorStream object.

siemplify obj

An instance of the SDK SiemplifyConnectorExecution class.

content_to_write dict/list/str

The content to be written to the dedicated data stream.

file_name str

The name of the file.

db_key str

The name of the key.

default_value_to_set dict/list/str

The default value set when new file and key are created.

identifier str

The connector's identifier attribute.




TIPCommon.smp_io.write_ids(siemplify, ids, default_value_to_set=None, stored_ids_limit=1000, identifier=None, ids_file_name='ids.json', db_key='ids')

Writes the last 1000 IDs into a ConnectorStream object.

siemplify obj

An instance of the SDK SiemplifyConnectorExecution class.

ids list/str

The IDs to be written to the dedicated data stream.

stored_ids_limit int

The number of recent IDs from the existing IDs which will be written.

ids_file_name str

The filename where IDs should be saved when a FileStream object has been created.

db_key str

The key name where IDs should be saved when a FileStream object has been created.

default_value_to_set dict/list/str

The default value set when new file and key are created.

identifier str

The connector's identifier attribute.




TIPCommon.smp_io.write_ids_with_timestamp(siemplify, ids, default_value_to_set=None, identifier=None, ids_file_name='ids.json', db_key='ids')

Write IDs into a ConnectorStream object with a timestamp.

siemplify obj

An instance of the SDK SiemplifyConnectorExecution class.

ids list/str

The IDs to be written to the dedicated data stream.

ids_file_name str

The filename where IDs should be saved when a FileStream object has been created.

db_key str

The key name where IDs should be saved when a FileStream object has been created.

default_value_to_set dict/list/str

The default value to be set in case when new file and key are created.

identifier str

The connector's identifier attribute.



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