Reference Lists

Supported in:

A reference list is a generic list of values which can be used to analyze your data. For more information on reference lists, see the following:

Configuring list type

The behavior of a list depends on the list type, which must be configured at list creation time. See the sections below for an explanation of the list types. List type can be changed as long as the following restrictions are met:

  • The list must not be used by any rules. If rules use this list, you must update the rules to remove the list usage. When fetching or viewing a list, you can see a list of rules that currently use the list, to know what rules you need to update.
  • The list must pass the size restrictions for the new type.
  • The list content must pass validations for the new type. For example, if you are changing a list type to CIDR, the content lines must all be valid CIDR ranges.

String reference lists

The default type for a reference list is STRING. All values in the reference list are treated as case sensitive strings, and Google Security Operations will check if a field exactly matches any line in the reference list.

Comments begin with double forward slashes, //, and continue to the end of the line. Comments can start on their own line, or can be inline with list content. Anything contained in a comment is ignored during evaluation.

String reference lists support basic escaping: anything after a back slash (\) will be escaped to itself. (e.g.\/->/). You can use escaping if you need to include a double forward slash in a list line, as seen in the example below.

Example list content:

// This is a new line comment.

hostname-3 // This is an inline comment.

// The following line uses escaping and evaluates to:
// double forward // slash and back slash \
double forward \/\/ slash and back slash \\

Restrictions for string lists:

  • Maximum list size: 6MB
  • Maximum length of any single list content line: 5000 characters

Using a STRING list for integers

You can't use an integer list to filter on numeric values, but you can use a STRING reference list for this purpose: Store the integer values in a STRING reference list, and use strings.concat in the UDM search or rule to convert the UDM field of type int into a string before checking whether it is in the reference list.


Your port_list contents:


Use strings.concat to check for values in port_list:

strings.concat($e.principal.port , "") in %port_list

not strings.concat($e.principal.port , "") in %port_list

Special reference list types

The following list types let you do more complex matching on list content, beyond exact string equality.

Regex lists

If list type is REGEX, Google Security Operations interprets the list lines as regex and checks if a field matches any regex in the list.

All regexes in a REGEX list follow re2 library regex syntax. The one exception is that there is an escape sequence for forward slash: \/ escapes to /. After handling this, the regex lines are sent as-is to our regex engine, which handles other escape characters and other standard regex features.

Comments begin with double forward slashes, //, and continue to the end of the line. Comments can start on their own line, or can be inline with list content. If you want a regex to contain //, you can use /{2} or \/\/.

The following is an example of regex reference list content:

// This is a new line comment in a regex reference list.
http:\/\/google\.com // This is an inline comment.

// The line below is a potential problem. Everything after double forward slash is
// a comment, and is ignored.

The above reference list content parses into the regex content below:


Regex lists have the following size restrictions:

  • Maximum list size: 0.1MB
  • Maximum number of lines: 100
  • Maximum length of each content line: 5000 characters

CIDR lists

If list type is CIDR, Google Security Operations interprets the list lines as Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) ranges and checks if a field is within any of the ranges in the list. A single CIDR list can mix and match both IPv4 ranges and IPv6 ranges (e.g. and 2001:db8::/32), as specified in RFC 4632 and RFC 4291.

Comments begin with double forward slashes, //, and continue to the end of the line. Comments can start on their own line, or can be inline with list content.

The following is an example CIDR reference list content:

// This is a comment // This is an inline comment.

CIDR lists have the following size restrictions:

  • Maximum list size: 0.1MB
  • Maximum number of lines: 150
  • Maximum length of each content line: 5000 characters

For Community blogs on managing rules, see: