Date Changes
2025-01-30 Enhancement:
- Mapped "association_op", "action_source", and "sso_token_success" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "connection_from_name" to "".
- Mapped "connection_from_type" to "principal.resource.resource_type".
- Mapped "connection_from_object_id" to "principal.resource.product_object_id".
- Mapped "connection_to_name" to "".
- Mapped "connection_to_type" to "target.resource.resource_type".
- Mapped "connection_to_object_id" to "target.resource.product_object_id".
2024-05-20 Enhancement:
- Added "gsub" to parse the unparsed invalid JSON logs.
- When "data.initiated_by.username" is present, then set "metadata.event_type" to "USER_UNCATEGORIZED".
2024-01-10 Bug-Fix:
- Removed "gsub" to parse the logs which contain the "false" keyword.
2023-11-21 Enhancement:
- Added "gsub" to remove the unwanted characters from the logs.
2023-10-31 Enhancement:
- Added a gsub function to parse dropped logs.
2023-10-16 Enhancement:
- Handled unparsed JSON logs.
2023-04-11 Enhancement:
- Handled unparsed JSON logs.
2023-02-20 Newly created parser.