Change log for INFOBLOX_DHCP

Date Changes
2024-04-19 Enhancement:
- Added conditonal check for "dhcpServerIp".
- Mapped "syslogIp" to "network_dhcp.ciaddr".
2024-01-10 - Mapped "status" to "additional.fields".
2023-04-26 - Reverted a previous check-in as it was breaking DHCP aliasing
2022-08-05 - Modified "event_type" from "GENERIC_EVENT" to "USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS" to reduce generic percentage.
2022-07-06 Enhancement:
- Handled the dropped logs and mapped them to valid event_types.
- Dropped logs had following eventType, which are now handled:
"forward map", "Reverse", "Forward", "Removed", "Processed", "Dynamic", "Lease", "Unable", "reverse map", "bind", "map update", "parse_option_buffer", "Added","DDNS", "ICMP","update-security" ,"update","notify","general","LPF", "Sending".
- Also, following "process" were dropped earlier are now handled:
"netauto_discovery", "ntpd".
- Other condition checks like "msg1" containing "DNS update latency|pool|syslog|declaration|write|Consortium|reserved|duplicate|leases|visit|disconnected" are handled.
- Added new code block to handle "forward map" and "reverse map" and made them parse.
- Changed event type from "GENERIC_EVENT" to "STATUS_UPDATE" wherever possible.
2022-04-13 Newly created default parser.