Change log for GCP_CLOUDAUDIT

Date Changes
2024-03-06 - Added mapping of "protoPayload.request.New Data" and "protoPayload.request.Original Data" raw log fields.
- Added mapping for fields of "protoPayload.request.service.metadata.annotations" and "protoPayload.request.service.spec.template.metadata.annotations" object.
- Added mapping for fields of "protoPayload.response.spec.template" object.
2024-02-28 - Added mapping of "protoPayload.request.metadata.resourceVersion" raw log field.
- Change mapping of "protoPayload.metadata.projectMetadataDelta" and "protoPayload.request.action" raw log field.
2024-01-31 - Added additional field mapping for "GroupsService.UpdateGroup" MethodName.
2024-01-17 - Added mapping of "protoPayload.metadata.datasetChange.bindingDeltas" raw log field block.
- Added additional field mapping of "io.k8s.certificates.v1.certificatesigningrequest", "UpdateCryptoKeyVersion", "", "UpdateEventThreatDetectionSettings", "SetIamPolicy" and "beta.compute.images.setIamPolicy" MethodName.
- Removed duplicate mapping of "security_result.action" UDM field.
2023-12-13 - Changed mapping of "target.application" UDM field for Kubernetes Engine events.
2023-11-29 - Added mapping of "securityContext.capabilities.add", "securityContext.seccompProfile.type" and "spec.Containers.shareProcessNamespace" raw log fields.
- Added mapping of "membershipDelta" raw log block.
- Added support of "SelfSubjectAccessReviews" MethodName.
- Added mappings of the raw log fields which were mapped to the deprecated field "noun.labels".
2023-11-09 - Added mapping of "" log field.
- Added support for the "clusterroles.create" MethodName.
- Added support for the "daemonsets.create" MethodName.
- Align 'principal/target.hostname' and 'principal/target.asset.hostname' mapping.
2023-10-18 - Added mapping of "" log field.
2023-08-28 - Updated "metadata.event_type" for "DisableServiceAccount" and "EnableServiceAccount" MethodName.
2023-07-26 - Updated "metadata.event_type" for "v1.compute.disks.insert" MethodName.
- Updated mapping of "protoPayload.status.code" log field.
2023-07-12 Added support for the "" MethodName.
2023-06-14 Updated the parser to include "parse_network_http_user_agent" to use "Parsed User Agent" and "User Agent".
2023-05-02 Added mapping for "protoPayload.request.action" log field of
methodName "v1.compute.securityPolicies.patchRule" and set value of
"security_result.action" UDM field based on the "protoPayload.request.action"
log field.
2023-04-12 Promoted GCP_CLOUDAUDIT parser to default.
For the field mapping reference, see