Change log for EXCHANGE_MAIL

Date Changes
2024-06-18 Enhancement:
- Mapped "schema-version" to "additional.fields".
2024-03-22 Enhancement:
- Changed mapping of "OriginalFromAddress" from "target.user.email_addresses" to "principal.user.email_addresses".
- Added support for new pattern of CSV logs.
- Mapped "sender-address", "column20", and "from_mail" to "principal.user.email_addresses".
- Mapped "column13" and "to_mail" to "target.user.email_addresses".
2024-03-18 Enhancement:
- Added support for new pattern of JSON logs.
- Mapped "Hostname" to "principal.hostname" and "principal.asset.hostname".
- Mapped "ProcessID" to "".
- Mapped "SourceName" to "principal.resource.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "Message" to "security_result.description".
- Mapped "Category" to "security_result.category_details".
- Mapped "Severity" to "security_result.severity".
- Mapped "SeverityValue" to "security_result.severity_details".
- Mapped "Keywords", "ThreadID", "Task", "RecordNumber", "Channel" and "EventID" to "security_result.detection_fields".
2024-03-01 Enhancement:
- Added support for new pattern of syslog logs.
- Mapped "AgentDevice", "AgentLogFile", "AgentLogFormat", "AgentLogProtocol", "PluginVersion", and "sc-substatus" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "client-ip" and "original-client-ip" to "principal.ip" and "principal.asset.ip".
- Mapped "client-hostname" to "principal.hostname" and "principal.asset.hostname".
- Mapped "server-ip" and "original-server-ip" to "target.ip" and "target.asset.ip".
- Mapped "server-hostname" to "target.hostname" and "target.asset.hostname".
- When "has_principal" is "true", then set "metadata.event_type" to "STATUS_UPDATE".
- When "event_type" is "GENERIC_EVENT" and "has_principal_email" or "has_target_email" is "true", then set "metadata.event_type" to "USER_UNCATEGORIZED".
2024-02-15 Enhancement
- Added CSV block to parse CSV logs.
- Mapped "Coloumn2" and "Coloumn25" to "principal.ip" and "principal.assest.ip".
- Mapped "Coloumn3" to "principal.hostname" and "principal.assest.hostname".
- Mapped "Coloumn4" to "target.ip" and "target.assest.ip".
- Mapped "Coloumn5" to "target.hostname" and "target.assest.hostname".
- Added new Grok at "Coloumn6" patterns to retrieve "EventReceivedTime" and "client_submit_time".
- Mapped "Coloumn9" to "metadata.product_event_type".
- Mapped "Coloumn10" to "intermediary.resource.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "Coloumn12","Coloumn8","Coloumn7","Coloumn15","Coloumn24" and "Coloumn28" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "Coloumn13" to "".
- Mapped "Coloumn16" to "target.resource.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "Coloumn19" to "".
- Mapped "Coloumn20" to "".
- Mapped "Coloumn22" to "sec_result.description".
- Mapped "Coloumn26" to "target.ip" and "target.assest.ip".
- Mapped "Coloumn29" to "metadata.product_log_id".
- Mapped "Coloumn30" to "metadata.product_version".
- Added new date match filter to parse "EventReceivedTime".
- Replaced Grok pattern with CSV blocks.
2024-02-08 Enhancement:
- Added a new Grok pattern to parse new type of logs of format SYSLOG + KV.
- Mapped "version" to "metadata.product_version".
- Mapped "sec_result_desc" to "".
2023-12-17 Enhancement
- Added new Grok patterns to parse new type of logs of format SYSLOG + KV.
- Mapped "MailboxDatabaseGuid", "Mailboxes", "StoreObjectIds", "DeliveryLatency" to "security_result.detection_fields".
- Mapped "client_submit_time", "event_source", "AttachCount", "network_id" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "sec_result_desc" to "security_result.description".
- Mapped "product_event_type" to "metadata.product_event_type".
- Mapped "msg_id" to "".
- Mapped "guid" to "metadata.product_log_id".
- Mapped "internal_msgid" to "intermediary.resource.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "recipients" to "target.user.email_addresses".
- Mapped "recipients_status","recipents_count" to "target.resource.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "msg_size" to "network.sent_bytes".
2023-11-20 Enhancement
- Added new Grok patterns to parse new type of logs of format SYSLOG + Key-Value.
- Mapped "host" to "event.idm.read_only_udm.principal.hostname".
- Mapped "email_address" to "event.idm.read_only_udm.principal.user.email_addresses".
- Mapped "ProxiedClientHostname" to "event.idm.read_only_udm.intermediary.hostname".
- Mapped "ProxyHop1", "MessageValue", "IncludeInSla", "Microsoft_Exchange_Transport_MailRecipient_RequiredTlsAuthLevel", "IsSmtpResponseFromExternalServer", "SlaExclusionReason", "MsgRecipCount", "FirstForestHop", "PrioritizationReason", and "TransportTrafficSubType" to "event.idm.read_only_udm.security_result.detection_fields".
- Mapped "DeliveryPriority" to "event.idm.read_only_udm.security_result.priority".
- Mapped "ProxiedClientIPAddress" to "event.idm.read_only_udm.intermediary.ip".
- Mapped "version" from "TransportTrafficSubType" to "event.idm.read_only_udm.metadata.product_version".
- If "", "", and either "event.idm.read_only_udm.principal.hostname" or "event.idm.read_only_udm.principal.ip" are present, then set "event.idm.read_only_udm.metadata.event_type" to "EMAIL_TRANSACTION".
2023-10-20 Enhancement
- Added a Grok pattern to parser logs with non-integer "session_id".
- Mapped "AccountForest", "DeliveryPriority", "IsProbe", "PersistProbeTrace", "ProbeType" to "security_result.detection_fields".
2023-06-16 Enhancement
Added grok to parse failing logs.
- Mapped "product_id" to "metadata.product_log_id".
- Mapped "OriginalFromAddress" to "principal.user.email_addresses".
- Mapped "E2ELatency", "P2RecipStat", "FromEntity", "ToEntity" to "sec_result.detection_fields".
- Wrote Grok pattern to parse failing logs.
2022-11-25 ENHANCEMENT
- Handled unparsed logs by writing grok and mapping fields.
- Added condition check for date field.
- Mapped severity to security_result.severity.
- Mapped "sessionid" to "network.session_id".
- Mapped "u_path" to "target.url".
2022-06-14 - Modified the code to parse, mapped "EMAIL From" to and "RCPT To" to
- Mapped "sequence-number" to additional.filed as key/value pair.
2022-05-02 Bug - Modified the code to support 24hr time format for the "EventReceivedTime" field.
Added regexp condition for email address parsing error.