Mapping changes in Cisco ASA firewall parser

This document describes the changes made in the Cisco ASA default parser on 2022-09-28.

The Cisco ASA default parser update on 2022-09-28, contains the following changes:

  • Uses the logs as defined in the official Cisco documentation.
  • Uses the log version 9.16.

Because of these changes, the log formats of some events might be different. For example, in Cisco ASA software version 9.16, event 713061 includes the source_address and dest_address log fields. The Cisco ASA default parser parses these fields. In other Cisco ASA software versions, event 713061 includes the following log fields: local_proxy_addr, remote_proxy_addr, action, and src_tunnel_group. The previous parser version, parses these alternate fields.

The following table lists the field mapping changes between the Cisco ASA default parser updated on 2022-09-28 and prior versions. The field names that appear in the following table are field names that appear in the default parser version 2022-09-28. If a corresponding field name is not available, the table lists the field name used in the previous version of the parser.

Message IDs Fields Mapping in previous parser version Mapping in default parser version 2022-09-28
106014 src_fwuser principal.user.userid None
dst_fwuser target.user.userid None
106020 bytes network.sent_bytes network.received_bytes
106016 protocol network.ip_protocol None
106017 protocol network.ip_protocol None
106023 src_fwuser principal.user.userid None
dst_fwuser target.user.userid None
106100 src_fwuser principal.user.userid None
dst_fwuser target.user.userid None
106102 src_fwuser principal.user.userid None
dst_fwuser target.user.userid None
111008 src_fwuser principal.user.userid target.user.userid
111009 src_fwuser principal.user.userid target.user.userid
113008 action security_result.action None
113005 src_ip target.ip principal.ip
dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
113010 src_ip target.ip principal.ip
113022 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
113039 dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
302013 duration network.session_duration None
bytes network.sent_bytes None
302014 duration network.session_duration None
bytes network.sent_bytes None
302015 duration network.session_duration None
bytes network.sent_bytes None
302016 duration network.session_duration None
bytes network.sent_bytes None
metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_CONNECTION" metadata.event_type is set to "GENERIC_EVENT"
302023, 302024, 302025 summary security_result.action_details security_result.summary
303002 action security_result.action None
filename target.file.full_path about.labels.key/value
user_name principal.user.userid target.user.userid
304001 idfw_user principal.user.userid about.labels.key/value
313008 protocol network.ip_protocol None
313005 action security_result.action None
313009 user target.user.userid about.labels.key/value
400051 metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_CONNECTION" metadata.event_type is set to "GENERIC_EVENT"
401004 action security_result.action None
src_ip target.ip principal.ip
src_ip (An additional "src_ip" field that exists only in the default parser.) principal.ip None
410001 action_details security_result.action_details None
bytes network.sent_bytes None
412001 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
414001 protocol network.ip_protocol None
src_file_full_path target.file.full_path src.file.full_path
src_ip target.ip principal.ip
metadata.event_type is set to "GENERIC_EVENT" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
419002 protocol network.ip_protocol None
metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_CONNECTION" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
500004 action security_result.action None
metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_CONNECTION" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
602303, 602304 action_details security_result.action security_result.action_details
605004, 605005 reason security_result.summary None
target_service network.application_protocol target.application
dst_port principal.port None
607001 protocol network.ip_protocol None
611101, 611102 reason security_result.summary None
710002 action security_result.action None
application_protocol network.application_protocol None
710003 action security_result.action None
application_protocol network.application_protocol None
710005 action security_result.action None
application_protocol network.application_protocol None
710006 action security_result.action None
application_protocol network.application_protocol None
710007 application_protocol network.application_protocol None
713024 src_ip target.ip principal.ip
dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
713025 src_ip target.ip principal.ip
dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
dst_tunnel_group target.user.group_identifiers None
713034 dst_tunnel_group target.user.group_identifiers None
dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
dst_ip (An additional "dst_ip" field that exists only in the default parser.) target.ip None
713035 dst_ip1 principal.ip target.ip
metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_CONNECTION" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
713041 dst_tunnel_group target.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
713049 dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
713050 src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
action security_result.action None
reason security_result.summary None
713066 src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
713061 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
local_proxy_addr principal.ip None
remote_proxy_addr target.ip None
action security_result.action None
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
713068 src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
reason security_result.summary None
metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
713121 src_ip principal.ip None
713122 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
713130 dst_tunnel_group target.user.group_identifiers None
dst_fwuser target.user.userid None
dst_ip target.ip None
713172 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
713184 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
dst_tunnel_group target.user.group_identifiers None
dst_fwuser target.user.userid None
src_ip principal.ip None
713187 metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_CONNECTION" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
action security_result.action None
713202 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
713221 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
713222 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
713224 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
713225 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
group_name principal.user.group_identifiers target.user.group_identifiers
dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
group_name principal.user.group_identifiers target.user.group_identifiers
user_name principal.user.userid target.user.userid
dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
713235 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
713257 metadata.event_type is set to "GENERIC_EVENT" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
713259 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
group_name principal.user.group_identifiers target.user.group_identifiers
user_name principal.user.userid target.user.userid
dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
713273 src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
src_fwuser principal.user.userid None
reason security_result.summary None
713236 metadata.event_type is set to "GENERIC_EVENT" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_ip principal.ip None
reason security_result.summary None
713903, 713904 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_ip principal.ip None
reason security_result.summary None
713073, 713074, 713075, 713076 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
group_name principal.user.group_identifiers target.user.group_identifiers
src_fwuser principal.user.userid None
dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
713119 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
group_name principal.user.group_identifiers target.user.group_identifiers
src_fwuser principal.user.userid None
dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
713120 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
src_fwuser principal.user.userid None
746016 hostname None
746016 action security_result.action None
746016 metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_DNS" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
746016 network.application_protocol is set to "DNS" network.application_protocol not set
734003 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
734001 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
725013 cipher_name network.tls.cipher is set to "%{cipher}"
725007 action security_result.action None
725006 action security_result.action None
protocol network.ip_protocol None
722055 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
reason security_result.summary None
722051 reason security_result.summary None
722041 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
722037 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
722036 received_bytes network.sent_bytes network.received_bytes
metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
reason security_result.summary None
722034 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
protocol network.ip_protocol None
722033 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
protocol network.ip_protocol None
722032 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
protocol network.ip_protocol None
722030 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
received_bytes network.sent_bytes network.received_bytes
722031 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
received_bytes network.sent_bytes network.received_bytes
722029 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
reason security_result.summary None
722022 reason security_result.summary None
722023 protocol network.ip_protocol None
721018 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
user_name principal.user.userid target.user.userid
721016 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED"
dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
user_name principal.user.userid target.user.userid
717055 metadata.event_type is set to "GENERIC_EVENT" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
trustpoint_name "" is set to "%{cert_id}" about.labels
serial_number "" is set to "%{serial_number}" about.labels
subject_name "" is set to "%{subject}" about.labels
issuer "" is set to "%{issuer_name}" about.labels
716059 group_name principal.user.group_identifiers target.user.group_identifiers
user_name principal.user.userid target.user.userid
dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
716039 action security_result.action None
reason security_result.summary None
716002 action security_result.action None
reason security_result.summary None
713905 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
reason security_result.summary None
714011 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
reason security_result.summary None
715001 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
reason security_result.summary None
715065 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
reason security_result.summary None
715080 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
reason security_result.summary None
715076 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
reason security_result.summary None
715049 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
reason security_result.summary None
715048 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
reason security_result.summary None
715047 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
reason security_result.summary None
715038 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "GENERIC_EVENT"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
reason security_result.summary None
715075 dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
group_name principal.user.group_identifier target.user.group_identifier
715036 src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
715028 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "GENERIC_EVENT"
dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
715027 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "GENERIC_EVENT"
dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
715009 metadata.event_type is set to "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
715027 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "GENERIC_EVENT"
dst_ip principal.ip target.ip
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
714004 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
714005 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
714006 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
714002 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
714003 metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED" metadata.event_type is set to "STATUS_UPDATE"
src_tunnel_group principal.user.group_identifiers None
src_ip principal.ip None
Common sysloghost

If [cisco_message_number] in ["113022", "113023", "304006"] sysloghost" is set to "principal.hostname"

If [cisco_message_number] in ["313001", "611101", "611102"] sysloghost is set to dst.ip

If [cisco_message_number] in ["746014", "746015", "746016"] sysloghost is set to "src_ip"

In all other cases, sysloghost is mapped to intermediary.hostname.

If the log does not contain source IP/hostname and the syslog header contains IP/hostname then the syslog header IP/hostname is mapped with the intermediary.IP/hostname and principal.hostname. In all other cases, sysloghost is mapped only with intermediary.ip/hostname.