Collect Cloud Compute logs

Supported in:

This document explains how to configure Google Cloud Compute logs export to Google Security Operations using Cloud Storage. The parser extracts fields, normalizes the message field, and maps the extracted data to the Unified Data Model (UDM) schema for consistent security event representation. It handles various log formats, including syslog-like messages and key-value pairs, and categorizes events based on extracted fields like type and action.

Before You Begin

  • Ensure that you have a Google SecOps instance.
  • Ensure that Compute is set up and active in your Google Cloud environment.
  • Ensure that you have privileged access to Google Cloud.

Create a Google Cloud Storage Bucket

  1. Sign in to the Google Cloud console.
  2. Go to the Cloud Storage Buckets page.

    Go to Buckets

  3. Click Create.

  4. On the Create a bucket page, enter your bucket information. After each of the following steps, click Continue to proceed to the next step:

    1. In the Get started section, do the following:

      1. Enter a unique name that meets the bucket name requirements; for example, compute-logs.
      2. To enable hierarchical namespace, click the expander arrow to expand the Optimize for file oriented and data-intensive workloads section, and then select Enable Hierarchical namespace on this bucket.

        1. To add a bucket label, click the expander arrow to expand the Labels section.
        2. Click Add label, and specify a key and a value for your label.
    2. In the Choose where to store your data section, do the following:

      1. Select a Location type.

        1. Use the location type menu to select a Location where object data within your bucket will be permanently stored.
        1. To set up cross-bucket replication, expand the Set up cross-bucket replication section.
    3. In the Choose a storage class for your data section, either select a default storage class for the bucket, or select Autoclass for automatic storage class management of your bucket's data.

    4. In the Choose how to control access to objects section, select not to enforce public access prevention, and select an access control model for your bucket's objects.

    5. In the Choose how to protect object data section, do the following:

      1. Select any of the options under Data protection that you want to set for your bucket.
      2. To choose how your object data will be encrypted, click the expander arrow labeled Data encryption, and select a Data encryption method.
  5. Click Create.

Configure Google Cloud Compute Logs Export

  1. In the Google Cloud Console, go to Logging > Log Router.
  2. Click Create Sink.
  3. Provide the following details:

    • Sink Name: Provide a meaningful name; for example, Compute-Logs-Sink.
    • Sink Destination: Select Cloud Storage .
    • Sink Destination: Select Cloud Storage and enter the bucket URI; for example, gs://<your-bucket-name>/compute-logs.
    • Log Filter: Set filters to capture Google Cloud Compute logs as follows:

      • Log name and type:

      • Network-related fields (like IP addresses, ports):

        jsonPayload.connection.dest_ip="*" OR jsonPayload.connection.src_ip="*"
      • Instance details:

      • Security-related details:

        jsonPayload.rule_details.action="ALLOW" OR jsonPayload.rule_details.action="BLOCK"
  4. Click Create.

Configure Permissions for Cloud Storage

  1. Go to IAM > IAM & Admin > Service Accounts.
  2. Find the Cloud Logging service account; for example,
  3. Provide it with roles/storage.admin role on the bucket.

Configure a feed in Google SecOps to ingest Google Cloud Compute logs

  1. Go to SIEM Settings > Feeds.
  2. Click Add new.
  3. In the Feed name field, enter a name for the feed; for example, Google Cloud Compute Logs.
  4. Select Google Cloud Storage as the Source type.
  5. Select GCP Compute as the Log type.
  6. Click Get Service Account as the Chronicle Service Account.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Specify values for the following input parameters:

    • Storage Bucket URI: Google Cloud storage bucket URL in gs://my-bucket/<value> format.
    • URI Is A: Select Directory which includes subdirectories.
    • Source deletion options: select deletion option according to your preference.

    • Asset namespace: the asset namespace.

    • Ingestion labels: the label applied to the events from this feed.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Review your new feed configuration in the Finalize screen, and then click Submit.

UDM Mapping Table

Log field UDM mapping Logic
addr read_only_udm.principal.ip Merged into the principal IP address list if the field is not empty or "?".
jsonPayload.connection.dest_ip Merged into the target IP address list if the field exists.
jsonPayload.connection.dest_port Converted to string, then to integer and mapped if no errors occur during conversion.
jsonPayload.connection.protocol Converted to string, then to integer. Used to determine the IP protocol (TCP, UDP, etc.) using a lookup table and mapped if no errors occur during conversion.
jsonPayload.connection.src_ip read_only_udm.principal.ip Merged into the principal IP address list if the field exists.
jsonPayload.connection.src_port read_only_udm.principal.port Converted to string, then to integer and mapped if no errors occur during conversion.
jsonPayload.dest_instance.project_id Conditionally mapped if jsonPayload.dest_vpc.project_id exists.
jsonPayload.dest_instance.region Conditionally mapped if jsonPayload.dest_vpc.project_id exists.
jsonPayload.dest_instance.vm_name Conditionally mapped if jsonPayload.dest_vpc.project_id exists. Conditionally mapped if jsonPayload.dest_vpc.project_id exists.
jsonPayload.dest_vpc.project_id Used as a condition to map related fields.
jsonPayload.dest_vpc.subnetwork_name Conditionally mapped if jsonPayload.dest_vpc.project_id exists.
jsonPayload.instance.project_id Conditionally mapped if jsonPayload.instance.project_id exists.
jsonPayload.instance.region Conditionally mapped if jsonPayload.instance.project_id exists.
jsonPayload.instance.vm_name Conditionally mapped if jsonPayload.instance.project_id exists. Conditionally mapped if jsonPayload.instance.project_id exists.
jsonPayload.message read_only_udm.metadata.product_event_type, read_only_udm.principal.application,,, read_only_udm.principal.hostname,, read_only_udm.security_result.description, read_only_udm.principal.process.file.full_path Parsed and mapped to different fields based on grok patterns and conditional logic.
jsonPayload.rule_details.action read_only_udm.security_result.action Used to determine the security result action (ALLOW/BLOCK) and mapped.
jsonPayload.rule_details.direction Used to determine the network direction (INBOUND/OUTBOUND/UNKNOWN_DIRECTION) and mapped.
jsonPayload.rule_details.priority read_only_udm.security_result.priority_details Converted to string and mapped if no errors occur during conversion.
jsonPayload.rule_details.reference read_only_udm.security_result.rule_labels.value Mapped to the rule label value.
jsonPayload.src_instance.project_id read_only_udm.principal.resource.product_object_id Conditionally mapped if jsonPayload.src_vpc.project_id exists.
jsonPayload.src_instance.region Conditionally mapped if jsonPayload.src_vpc.project_id exists.
jsonPayload.src_instance.vm_name Conditionally mapped if jsonPayload.src_vpc.project_id exists. Conditionally mapped if jsonPayload.src_vpc.project_id exists.
jsonPayload.src_vpc.project_id Used as a condition to map related fields.
jsonPayload.src_vpc.subnetwork_name Conditionally mapped if jsonPayload.src_vpc.project_id exists.
jsonPayload.vpc.project_id Conditionally mapped if jsonPayload.vpc.project_id exists.
jsonPayload.vpc.subnetwork_name Conditionally mapped if jsonPayload.vpc.project_id exists.
logName read_only_udm.security_result.category_details Mapped directly.
resource.labels.instance_id read_only_udm.principal.resource.product_object_id, read_only_udm.principal.asset_id Conditionally mapped. If type is "PROCTITLE", it's used to construct the asset ID.
resource.labels.location Conditionally mapped if the field exists.
resource.labels.project_id read_only_udm.metadata.product_deployment_id Conditionally mapped if the field exists. Conditionally mapped if the field exists.
resource.type read_only_udm.metadata.event_type Used to determine the event type and mapped.
timestamp read_only_udm.metadata.event_timestamp Mapped directly.
type read_only_udm.metadata.product_event_type, read_only_udm.metadata.event_type, read_only_udm.extensions.auth.type Used to determine the event type, product event type, and authentication type and mapped accordingly.
read_only_udm.metadata.event_type The logic sets the event type based on the "type" field and other conditions. If no specific match is found, it defaults to "GENERIC_EVENT".
read_only_udm.metadata.log_type Constant value "GCP_COMPUTE".
read_only_udm.metadata.vendor_name Constant value "Google Cloud Platform".
read_only_udm.metadata.product_name Constant value "Google Cloud Platform".
read_only_udm.security_result.rule_labels.key Constant value "Reference". Conditionally set to "VPC_NETWORK" if jsonPayload.instance.project_id or jsonPayload.dest_vpc.project_id exists. Conditionally set to "GOOGLE_CLOUD_PLATFORM" if jsonPayload.instance.project_id, jsonPayload.dest_vpc.project_id, or jsonPayload.src_vpc.project_id exists.
read_only_udm.principal.administrative_domain Mapped from the "Account Domain" field extracted from the "kv_data" field.
read_only_udm.principal.user.user_display_name Mapped from the "Account Name" field extracted from the "kv_data" field. Mapped from the "Object Name" field extracted from the "kv_data" field. Mapped from the "Object Type" field extracted from the "kv_data" field. Mapped from the "Process ID" field extracted from the "kv_data" field. Mapped from the "Security ID" field extracted from the "kv_data" field. Mapped from the "auid" field.




  • Mapped "file" to "principal.file.names".
  • Mapped "function" to "principal.resource.attribute.labels".
  • Mapped "line" to "principal.resource.attribute.labels".
  • Mapped "timestamp" to "event_timestamp".


Bug Fix:

  • Added mapping for "asset_id" to facilitate search in UI: "asset:resource.labels.instance_id" is mapped to "principal.asset_id"



  • Added mapping for the following new fields: jsonPayload.Message as syslog.
  • Process Name to principal.application.
  • Process ID to
  • Account Domain to principal.administrative_domain.
  • Account Name to principal.user.user_display_name.
  • Object Name to
  • Object Type to target.resource.type.
  • Security ID to target.user.windows_sid.
  • addr to principal.ip.
  • auid to network.session_id.
  • Mapped "LINUX - %{type}" for linux logs and "WINDOWS event log" for windows log to metadata.product_event_type.
  • pid to
  • acct to target.user.userid.
  • exe to target.process.command_line.
  • file_path to principal.process.file.full_path.
  • Changed mapping of desc from metadata.description to security_result.description.



  • Added mapping for the following new fields:
  • jsonPayload.message as syslog.
  • to
  • resource.labels.location to
  • resource.labels.project_id to metadata.product_deployment_id.
  • resource.labels.instance_id to principal.resource.product_object_id.

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