Raccogliere i dati di Microsoft Windows AD

Supportato in:

Questo documento include le seguenti informazioni:

  • Architettura di deployment e passaggi di installazione, oltre a qualsiasi configurazione obbligatoria che produca log supportati dal parser di Google Security Operations per gli eventi di Microsoft Windows Active Directory. Per una panoramica dell'importazione dei dati di Google Security Operations, consulta Importazione dei dati in Google Security Operations.
  • Informazioni su come l'analizzatore sintattico mappa i campi nel log originale ai campi del modello di dati unificato di Google Security Operations.

In base all'architettura di deployment, configura l'agente BindPlane o l'agente NXLog per importare i log di Microsoft Windows Active Directory in Google Security Operations. Ti consigliamo di utilizzare l'agente BindPlane per inoltrare i log di Windows Active Directory a Google Security Operations.

Le informazioni in questo documento si applicano al parser con l'etichetta di importazione WINDOWS_AD. L'etichetta di importazione identifica l'analizzatore sintattico che normalizza i dati dei log non elaborati in formato UDM strutturato.

Prima di iniziare

Prima di configurare l'agente BindPlane o l'agente NXLog, completa le seguenti attività:

Configurare i server AD Microsoft Windows

  1. Su ogni server Microsoft Windows Active Directory, crea e configura uno script PowerShell per salvare i dati dei log in un file di output. L'agente BindPlane o NXLog legge il file di output.

    # Set the location where the log file will be written
    If (Test-Path -Path $OUTPUT_FILENAME) { Remove-Item -path $OUTPUT_FILENAME -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}
    # USER_CONTEXT: Gets all Active Directory users and their properties.
    Get-ADUser -Filter * -properties samAccountName | % { Get-ADUser $_.SamAccountName -properties * | ConvertTo-JSON -compress | Out-File -encoding utf8 $OUTPUT_FILENAME -Append }
    # ASSET_CONTEXT: Gets all Active Directory assets and their properties.
    Get-ADComputer -Filter * -properties samAccountName | % { Get-ADComputer $_.SamAccountName -properties * | ConvertTo-JSON -compress | Out-File -encoding utf8 $OUTPUT_FILENAME -Append }
  2. Sostituisci quanto segue :

    • Sostituisci il valore di $OUTPUT_FILENAME con la posizione del file di output.
    • Memorizza i dati in formato JSON.
    • Imposta la codifica su UTF-8.
    • Utilizza il parametro -Filter anziché -LDAPFilter quando chiami i cmdlet Get-ADUser e Get-ADComputer.
  3. Crea un'attività ricorrente che esegua lo script per recuperare e scrivere i dati nel file di output.

    1. Apri l'applicazione Utilità di pianificazione.
    2. Fai clic su Crea attività.
    3. Inserisci un nome e una descrizione per l'attività.
    4. Seleziona la casella di controllo Esegui con i privilegi più elevati per assicurarti che tutti i dati vengano recuperati.
    5. Nella scheda Trigger, definisci quando vuoi ripetere l'attività.
    6. Nella scheda Azione, aggiungi una nuova azione e specifica il percorso del file in cui è memorizzato lo script.

Esamina i dispositivi e le versioni supportati

Microsoft Windows Server viene rilasciato con le seguenti versioni: Foundation, Essentials, Standard e Datacenter. Lo schema degli eventi dei log generati da ogni versione non è diverso.

Lo Parser di Google Security Operations supporta i log delle seguenti versioni di server Microsoft Windows:

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012

Il parser di Google Security Operations supporta i log raccolti da NXLog Community Edition o Enterprise Edition.

Esamina i tipi di log supportati

Il parser di Google Security Operations analizzerà e normalizzerà i dati recuperati dal contesto utente e dal contesto della risorsa. Supporta i log generati con testo in lingua inglese e non supporta i log generati in lingue diverse dall'inglese.

Configura l'agente BindPlane

Ti consigliamo di utilizzare l'agente BindPlane per inoltrare i log di Windows Active Directory a Google Security Operations.

Dopo l'installazione, il servizio dell'agente BindPlane viene visualizzato come servizio observIQ nell'elenco dei servizi Windows.

  1. Installa l'agente BindPlane su ogni server Windows Active Directory. Per ulteriori informazioni sull'installazione dell'agente BindPlane, consulta le istruzioni di installazione dell'agente BindPlane.
  2. Crea un file di configurazione per l'agente BindPlane con i seguenti contenuti.

        include: [ `FILE_PATH` ]
          - type: json_parser
        start_at: beginning
        channel: Directory Service
        raw: true
        endpoint: https://malachiteingestion-pa.googleapis.com
        creds: '{
        "type": "service_account",
        "project_id": "malachite-projectname",
        "private_key_id": `PRIVATE_KEY_ID`,
        "private_key": `PRIVATE_KEY`,
        "client_id": `CLIENT_ID`,
        "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
        "token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
        "client_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/`SERVICSERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME`%40malachite-`PROJECT_ID`.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
        "universe_domain": "googleapis.com"
      log_type: 'WINDOWS_AD'
      override_log_type: false
      raw_log_field: body
      customer_id: `CUSTOMER_ID`
            - filelog
            - windowseventlog/activedirectoryservice
          processors: [batch]
          exporters: [chronicle/activedirectory]
  3. Sostituisci quanto segue :

  4. Per avviare il servizio dell'agente observIQ, seleziona Servizi > Estensioni > il servizio observIQ > Avvia.

Configura NXLog

Il seguente diagramma mostra un'architettura in cui sono installati agenti NXLog per raccogliere e inviare eventi Microsoft Windows a Google Security Operations. Confronta queste informazioni con il tuo ambiente per assicurarti che questi componenti siano installati. Il tuo deployment potrebbe essere diverso da questa architettura e potrebbe essere più complesso.

Importazione del forwarder NXLog.

Se utilizzi l'agente NXLog anziché l'agente BindPlane, verifica quanto segue:

  • Su ogni server Microsoft Windows che esegue Active Directory viene creato e configurato uno script PowerShell per raccogliere i dati di USER_CONTEXT e ASSET_CONTEXT. Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta Configurare i server Microsoft Windows AD.
  • NXLog è installato su ogni server AD Microsoft Windows per inviare i dati al server Linux o Microsoft Windows Server centrale.
  • Il forwarder di Google Security Operations viene installato sul server Microsoft Windows Server o Linux centrale per inoltrare i dati dei log a Google Security Operations.

Configura NXLog

  1. Installa l'agente NXLog su ogni raccoglitore in esecuzione sul server Windows Active Directory. Questa applicazione inoltra i log al server Microsoft Windows o Linux centrale. Per saperne di più, consulta la documentazione di NXLog.
  2. Crea un file di configurazione per ogni istanza NXLog. Utilizza il modulo NXLog im_file per leggere il file e analizzare le righe in campi. Utilizza om_tcp per inoltrare i dati al server Microsoft Windows o Linux centrale.

    Di seguito è riportato un esempio di configurazione di NXLog. Sostituisci i valori <hostname> e <port> con le informazioni sul server Microsoft Windows o Linux centrale di destinazione. Nella sezione <Input in_adcontext> e nella proprietà File, aggiungi il percorso del file di log di output scritto dallo script PowerShell. Imposta sempre DirCheckInterval e PollInterval. Se non sono definiti, NXLog esamina i file ogni 1 secondo.

    define ROOT C:\Program Files\nxlog
    Moduledir   %ROOT%\modules
    CacheDir    %ROOT%\data
    Pidfile     %ROOT%\data\nxlog.pid
    SpoolDir    %ROOT%\data
    LogFile     %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log
    <Input in_adcontext>
        Module im_file
        File "<Path_of_the_output_file>"
        DirCheckInterval 3600
        PollInterval 3600
    <Output out_chronicle_adcontext>
        Module  om_tcp
    <Route ad_context_to_chronicle>
        Path in_adcontext => out_chronicle_adcontext
  3. Avvia il servizio NXLog in ogni sistema.

Configurare il forwarder su un server centrale

Per informazioni sull'installazione e sulla configurazione del forwarder su Linux, consulta Installare e configurare il forwarder su Linux. Per informazioni sull'installazione e sulla configurazione del forwarder su Microsoft Windows, vedi Installare e configurare il forwarder su Microsoft Windows.

  1. Configura il sistema con il fuso orario UTC.
  2. Installa il forwarder di Google Security Operations sul server Microsoft Windows o Linux centrale.
  3. Configura il forwarder di Google Security Operations per inviare i log a Google Security Operations. Di seguito è riportato un esempio di configurazione del forwarder:

      - syslog:
            enabled: true
            data_type: WINDOWS_AD
            batch_n_seconds: 10
            batch_n_bytes: 1048576
          connection_timeout_sec: 60

Riferimento alla mappatura dei campi: campi dei log del dispositivo ai campi UDM

Questa sezione descrive in che modo l'analizzatore sintattico mappa i campi dei log originali ai campi del modello di dati unificato.

Riferimento mappatura campi: WINDOWS_AD

La tabella seguente elenca i campi del log del tipo di log WINDOWS_AD e i relativi campi UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.entity_type If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then the metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to USER.

Else, if the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then the metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to ASSET.
ObjectGuid entity.user.product_object_id If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the ObjectGuid log field value is not empty, then the ObjectGuid log field is mapped to the entity.user.product_object_id UDM field.

Else, if the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the ObjectGuid log field value is not empty, then the ObjectGuid log field is mapped to the entity.asset.product_object_id UDM field.
whenCreated metadata.creation_timestamp If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the whenCreated log field value is not empty, then when_created is extracted from the whenCreated log field using a Grok pattern, and mapped to the entity.asset.attribute.creation_time UDM field.

Else, if the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the whenCreated log field value is not empty, then when_created is extracted from the whenCreated log field using a Grok pattern, and mapped to the metadata.creation_timestamp UDM field. Else, timestamp tz_left tz_right is extracted from the whenCreated log field using a Grok pattern, and mapped to the entity.asset.attribute.creation_time UDM field.
DisplayName entity.user.user_display_name If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the DisplayName log field value is not empty, then the DisplayName log field is mapped to the entity.user.user_display_name UDM field.
GivenName entity.user.first_name If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the GivenName log field value is not empty, then the GivenName log field is mapped to the entity.user.first_name UDM field.
SamAccountName entity.user.userid If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the SamAccountName log field value is not empty, then the SamAccountName log field is mapped to the entity.user.userid UDM field.

If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then the SamAccountName log field is mapped to the entity.asset.asset_id UDM field.
EmployeeID entity.user.employee_id If the EmployeeID log field value is not empty, then the EmployeeID log field is mapped to the entity.user.employee_id UDM field.

Else the employeeID.0 log field is mapped to the entity.user.employee_id UDM field.
Title entity.user.title If the Title log field value is not empty, then the Title log field is mapped to the entity.user.title UDM field.
Surname entity.user.last_name If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the Surname log field value is not empty, then if the sn log field is mapped to the entity.user.last_name UDM field.

Else ifSurname log field value is not empty, then the Surname log field is mapped to the entity.user.last_name UDM field.
Company entity.user.company_name If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the Company log field value is not empty, then the Company log field is mapped to the entity.user.company_name UDM field.
City entity.user.personal_address.city If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the City log field value is not empty, then the City log field is mapped to the entity.user.personal_address.city UDM field.
Department entity.user.department If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the Department log field value is not empty, then the Department log field is mapped to the entity.user.department UDM field.
entity.user.email_addresses If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the EmailAddress log field value is not empty, then the EmailAddress log field is mapped to the entity.user.email_addresses UDM field.

Else, if the mail log field value is not empty, then the mail log field is mapped to the entity.user.email_addresses UDM field.
HomePhone entity.user.phone_numbers If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the HomePhone log field value is not empty, then the HomePhone log field is mapped to the entity.user.phone_numbers UDM field.

Else if the telephoneNumber log field value is not empty, then the telephoneNumber log field is mapped to the entity.user.phone_numbers UDM field.
If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the MobilePhone log field value is not empty, then the MobilePhone log field is mapped to the entity.user.phone_numbers UDM field.
StreetAddress entity.user.personal_address.name If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the StreetAddress log field value is not empty, then the StreetAddress log field is mapped to the entity.user.personal_address.name UDM field.
State entity.user.personal_address.state If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the State log field value is not empty, then the State log field is mapped to the entity.user.personal_address.state UDM field.
Country entity.user.personal_address.country_or_region If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the Country log field value is not empty, then the Country log field is mapped to the entity.user.personal_address.country_or_region UDM field.
Office entity.user.office_address.name If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the Office log field value is not empty, then the Office log field is mapped to the entity.user.office_address.name UDM field.
HomeDirectory entity.file.full_path If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the HomeDirectory log field value is not empty, then the HomeDirectory log field is mapped to the entity.file.full_path UDM field.
entity.user.managers.user_display_name If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the Manager log field value is not empty, then manager_name is extracted from the Manager log field using a Grok pattern, and mapped to the entity.user.managers.user_display_name UDM field.
entity.user.windows_sid If the SID.Value log field value is not empty, then the SID.Value field is mapped to the entity.user.windows_sid UDM field.

Else, if the objectSid log field value is not empty, then the objectSid field is mapped to the entity.user.windows_sid UDM field.

If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the Manager log field value is not empty, then if Manager matches the regular expression pattern (S-\d-(\d+-){1,14}\d+), then the Manager log field is mapped to the entity.user.managers.windows_sid UDM field. Else, the Manager log field is mapped to the entity.user.managers.userid UDM field.
relations.relationship If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the MemberOf log field value is not empty, then for index in MemberOf, the relations.relationship UDM field is set to MEMBER.

Else, if the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the ManagedBy log field value is not empty, then the relations.relationship UDM field is set to ADMINISTERS.

If the PrimaryGroup log field value is not empty, then group_name is extracted from the PrimaryGroup log field using a Grok pattern, if the group_name extracted field value is not empty, then the relations.relationship UDM field is set to MEMBER.
relations.entity.group.group_display_name If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the MemberOf log field value is not empty, then for index in MemberOf, group_name is extracted from the index using a Grok pattern and mapped to the relations.entity.group.group_display_name UDM field. If the PrimaryGroup log field value is not empty, then group_name is extracted from the PrimaryGroup log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the relations.entity.group.group_display_name UDM field.
relations.entity_type If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the MemberOf log field value is not empty, then for index in MemberOf, the relations.entity_type UDM field is set to GROUP.

Else, if the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the ManagedBy log field value is not empty, then the relations.entity_type UDM field is set to ASSET.

If the PrimaryGroup log field value is not empty, then group_name is extracted from the PrimaryGroup log field using a Grok pattern, if the group_name extracted field value is not empty, then the relations.entity_type UDM field is set to GROUP.
relations.direction If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the MemberOf log field value is not empty, then for index in MemberOf, the relations.direction UDM field is set to UNIDIRECTIONAL.

Else, if the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the ManagedBy log field value is not empty, then the relations.direction UDM field is set to UNIDIRECTIONAL.

If the PrimaryGroup log field value is not empty, then group_name is extracted from the PrimaryGroup log field using a Grok pattern, if the group_name extracted field value is not empty, then the relations.direction UDM field is set to UNIDIRECTIONAL.
relations.entity.user.user_display_name If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the ManagedBy log field value is not empty, then user_name is extracted from the ManagedBy log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the relations.entity.user.user_display_name UDM field.
proxyAddresses entity.user.group_identifiers If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then for index in proxyAddresses the index is mapped to entity.user.group_identifiers UDM field.
entity.user.attribute.labels[Bad Password Count] If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the badPwdCount log field value is not empty, then the entity.user.attribute.labels.key UDM field is set to Bad Password Count and the badPwdCount log field is mapped to the entity.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field.
LastBadPasswordAttempt entity.user.last_bad_password_attempt_time If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the LastBadPasswordAttempt log field value is not empty, then last_bad_password_attempt is extracted from the LastBadPasswordAttempt log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the entity.user.last_bad_password_attempt_time UDM field.

Else, if the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then last_bad_password_attempt is extracted from the LastBadPasswordAttempt log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the entity.user.last_bad_password_attempt_time UDM field.
AccountExpirationDate entity.user.account_expiration_time If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the AccountExpirationDate log field value is not empty, then account_expiration_date is extracted from the AccountExpirationDate log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the entity.user.account_expiration_time UDM field.

Else, if the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the AccountExpirationDate log field value is not empty, then account_expiration_date is extracted from the AccountExpirationDate log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the entity.user.account_expiration_time UDM field.
PasswordLastSet entity.user.last_password_change_time If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the PasswordLastSet log field value is not empty, then password_last_set is extracted from the PasswordLastSet log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the entity.user.last_password_change_time UDM field.

Else, if the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the PasswordLastSet log field value is not empty, then password_last_set is extracted from the PasswordLastSet log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the entity.user.last_password_change_time UDM field.
PasswordNotRequired entity.user.attribute.labels[Password Not Required] If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the PasswordNotRequired log field value is not empty, then the PasswordNotRequired log field is mapped to the entity.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field.

If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the PasswordNotRequired log field value is not empty, then the PasswordNotRequired log field is mapped to the entity.asset.attribute.labels.value UDM field.
ServicePrincipalNames entity.user.attribute.labels[Service Principal Names] If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if ServicePrincipalNames log field value is not empty, then for index in ServicePrincipalNames the index is mapped to the entity.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field.

Else, if the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if ServicePrincipalNames log field value is not empty, then for index in ServicePrincipalNames, if index is equal to 0, then the index is mapped to the entity.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field.
AccountLockoutTime entity.user.account_lockout_time If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the AccountLockoutTime log field value is not empty, then account_lockout_time is extracted from the AccountLockoutTime log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the entity.user.account_lockout_time UDM field.

Else, if the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the AccountLockoutTime log field value is not empty, then account_lockout_time is extracted from the AccountLockoutTime log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the entity.user.account_lockout_time UDM field.
whenChanged entity.asset.attribute.last_update_time If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then when_changed is extracted from the whenChanged log field using a Grok pattern, if whenChanged is not empty, then when_changed is mapped to the entity.asset.attribute.last_update_time UDM field.

Else, timestamp and timezone is extracted from whenChanged log field using a Grok pattern and tz_left and tz_right is extracted from the timezone using a Grok pattern and timestamp tz_left tz_right is mapped to entity.asset.attribute.creation_time UDM field.
DNSHostName entity.asset.hostname If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the DNSHostName log field value is not empty, then the DNSHostName log field is mapped to the entity.asset.hostname UDM field.
countryCode entity.asset.location.country_or_region If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the countryCode log field value is not empty, then the countryCode log field is mapped to the entity.asset.location.country_or_region UDM field.
entity.asset.platform_software.platform If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the OperatingSystem log field value is not empty, then if the OperatingSystem log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)windows, then the entity.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to WINDOWS.

Else, if the OperatingSystem log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)mac or the OperatingSystem log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)osx, then the entity.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to MAC.

Else, if the OperatingSystem log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)linux, then the entity.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to LINUX.
OperatingSystemVersion entity.asset.platform_software.platform_version If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the OperatingSystem log field value is not empty, then if the OperatingSystemVersion log field value is not empty, then OperatingSystem - OperatingSystemVersion is mapped to the entity.asset.platform_software.platform_version UDM field.

Else if the OperatingSystemVersion log field value is not empty, then the OperatingSystemVersion log field is mapped to the entity.asset.platform_software.platform_version UDM field.
OperatingSystemServicePack entity.asset.platform_software.platform_patch_level If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the OperatingSystemServicePack log field value is not empty, then the OperatingSystemServicePack log field is mapped to the entity.asset.platform_software.platform_patch_level UDM field.
IPv4Address entity.asset.ip If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the IPv4Address log field value is not empty, then the IPv4Address log field is mapped to the entity.asset.ip UDM field.
IPv6Address entity.asset.ip If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the IPv6Address log field value is not empty, then the IPv6Address log field is mapped to the entity.asset.ip UDM field.
Location entity.asset.location.name If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the Location log field value is not empty, then the Location log field is mapped to the entity.asset.location.name UDM field.
ObjectCategory entity.asset.category If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the ObjectCategory log field value is not empty, then object_category is extracted from the ObjectCategory log field using a Grok pattern, and mapped to the entity.asset.category UDM field.
PasswordExpired entity.asset.attribute.labels[Password Expired] If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the PasswordExpired log field value is not empty, then the PasswordExpired log field is mapped to the entity.asset.attribute.labels.value UDM field.

If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the PasswordExpired log field value is not empty, then the PasswordExpired log field is mapped to the entity.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field.
PasswordNeverExpires entity.asset.attribute.labels[Password Never Expires] If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the PasswordNeverExpires log field value is not empty, then the PasswordNeverExpires log field is mapped to the entity.asset.attribute.labels.value UDM field.

If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the PasswordNeverExpires log field value is not empty, then the PasswordNeverExpires log field is mapped to the entity.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field.
entity.user.attribute.labels[Last Logon] If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the lastLogon log field value is not equal to 0, then the entity.user.attribute.labels.key UDM field is set to Last Logon and the lastLogon log field is mapped to the entity.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field.

If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the lastLogon log field value is not equal to 0, then the entity.asset.attribute.labels.key UDM field is set to Last Logon and the lastLogon log field is mapped to the entity.asset.attribute.labels.value UDM field.
lastLogoff entity.asset.attribute.labels[Last Logoff] If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer, then if the lastLogoff log field value does not contain one of the following values, then the lastLogoff log field is mapped to the entity.asset.attribute.labels.value UDM field.
  • "0"
  • 0
LastLogonDate entity.user.last_login_time If the ObjectClass log field value is equal to user or is empty, then if the LastLogonDate log field value is not empty, then last_logon_date is extracted from the LastLogonDate log field using a Grok pattern, and mapped to the entity.user.last_login_time UDM field.

Else if the ObjectClass log field value is equal to computer,then if the LastLogonDate log field value is not empty, then last_logon_date is extracted from the LastLogonDate log field using a Grok pattern, and mapped to the entity.user.last_login_time UDM field.
HomePage entity.url If the HomePage log field value is not empty, then the HomePage log field is mapped to the entity.url UDM field.
entity.administrative_domain If the CanonicalName log field value is not empty, then domain_name is extracted from the CanonicalName log field using a Grok pattern, and mapped to the entity.administrative_domain UDM field.
metadata.vendor_name The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to Microsoft.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Windows Active Directory.
Description metadata.description The Description log field is mapped to the metadata.description UDM field.

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