Collect Azure APP Service logs

Supported in:

This document explains how to export Azure APP Service logs to Google Security Operations using an Azure Storage Account. The parser transforms raw JSON formatted Azure App Service logs into a structured Unified Data Model (UDM). It extracts relevant fields from the raw logs, performs data cleaning and normalization, and maps the extracted information to corresponding UDM fields, ultimately outputting a UDM-compliant JSON object for each log entry.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have A Google SecOps instance.
  • Ensure that you have an active Azure tenant.
  • Ensure that you have privileged access to Azure.

Configure Azure Storage Account

  1. In the Azure console, search for Storage accounts.
  2. Click + Create.
  3. Specify values for the following input parameters:
    • Subscription: select the subscription.
    • Resource Group: select the resource group.
    • Region: select the region.
    • Performance: select the performance (Standard recommended).
    • Redundancy: select the redundancy (GRS or LRS recommended).
    • Storage account name: enter a name for the new storage account.
  4. Click Review + create.
  5. Review the overview of the account and click Create.
  6. From the Storage Account Overview page, select the Access keys submenu in Security + networking.
  7. Click Show next to key1 or key2.
  8. Click Copy to clipboard to copy the key.
  9. Save the key in a secure location for later use.
  10. From the Storage Account Overview page, select the Endpoints submenu in Settings.
  11. Click Copy to clipboard to copy the Blob service endpoint URL; for example, https://<storageaccountname>
  12. Save the endpoint URL in a secure location for later use.

Configure Log Export for Azure AD Sign-In Logs

  1. Sign in to the Azure Portal using your privileged account.
  2. Go to App Services and select the required app service in use.
  3. Select Monitoring > App Service Logs.
  4. Turn ON for Application Logging (blob).
  5. Select Storage under Web Service Logging.
  6. Select the Subscription and Storage Account.
  7. Define the Retention Period and Quota according to your requirements.
  8. Turn ON for Detailed error messages.
  9. Turn ON for Failed request tracing.
  10. Click Save.

Configure a feed in Google SecOps to ingest the Azure APP Service logs

  1. Go to SIEM Settings > Feeds.
  2. Click Add new.
  3. In the Feed name field, enter a name for the feed; for example, Azure APP Service Logs.
  4. Select Microsoft Azure Blob Storage as the Source type.
  5. Select Azure APP Service as the Log type.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Specify values for the following input parameters:

    • Azure URI: the blob endpoint URL.
        • Replace the following:
          • ENDPOINT_URL: the blob endpoint URL (https://<storageaccountname>
          • BLOB_NAME: the name of the blob (such as, <logname>-logs)
    • URI is a: select the URI TYPE according to log stream configuration (Single file | Directory | Directory which includes subdirectories).
    • Source deletion options: select the deletion option according to your preference.

    • Shared key: the access key to the Azure Blob Storage.

    • Asset namespace: the asset namespace.

    • Ingestion labels: the label to be applied to the events from this feed.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Review your new feed configuration in the Finalize screen, and then click Submit.

UDM Mapping Table

Log Field UDM Mapping Logic
AppRoleInstance read_only_udm.principal.resource.product_object_id Direct mapping
AppRoleName Direct mapping
AppVersion read_only_udm.principal.resource.attribute.labels.value Direct mapping
Category read_only_udm.metadata.product_event_type Direct mapping
CIp Direct mapping
CIp Direct mapping
ClientCity Direct mapping
ClientCountryOrRegion read_only_udm.principal.location.country_or_region Direct mapping
ClientIP read_only_udm.principal.asset.ip Direct mapping
ClientIP read_only_udm.principal.ip Direct mapping
ClientStateOrProvince read_only_udm.principal.location.state Direct mapping
ClientType read_only_udm.additional.fields.value.string_value Direct mapping
ComputerName read_only_udm.principal.asset.hostname Direct mapping
ComputerName read_only_udm.principal.hostname Direct mapping
Cookie read_only_udm.principal.resource.attribute.labels.value Direct mapping
CsBytes Renamed from CsBytes
CsHost read_only_udm.additional.fields.value.string_value Direct mapping
CsMethod Direct mapping
CsUriQuery read_only_udm.principal.resource.attribute.labels.value Direct mapping
CsUriStem read_only_udm.additional.fields.value.string_value Direct mapping
CsUriStem Direct mapping
CsUsername read_only_udm.principal.user.user_display_name Direct mapping
EventIpAddress read_only_udm.principal.asset.ip Direct mapping
EventIpAddress read_only_udm.principal.ip Direct mapping
EventPrimaryStampName read_only_udm.additional.fields.value.string_value Direct mapping
EventStampName read_only_udm.additional.fields.value.string_value Direct mapping
EventStampType read_only_udm.additional.fields.value.string_value Direct mapping
Host read_only_udm.principal.asset.hostname Direct mapping
Host read_only_udm.principal.hostname Direct mapping
IKey Direct mapping
Instance read_only_udm.additional.fields.value.string_value Direct mapping
Name read_only_udm.additional.fields.value.string_value Direct mapping
Protocol read_only_udm.additional.fields.value.string_value Direct mapping
Protocol Mapped to HTTP if Protocol is HTTP/1.1
Referer Direct mapping
ResourceGUID Renamed from ResourceGUID
SDKVersion read_only_udm.additional.fields.value.string_value Direct mapping
SDKVersion read_only_udm.principal.resource.attribute.labels.value Direct mapping
SPort read_only_udm.principal.port Renamed from SPort
ScBytes Renamed from ScBytes
ScStatus Renamed from ScStatus
TimeTaken read_only_udm.additional.fields.value.string_value Direct mapping
Type read_only_udm.additional.fields.value.string_value Direct mapping
User read_only_udm.principal.user.userid Direct mapping
UserAddress read_only_udm.principal.asset.ip Extracted from UserAddress if it's a valid IP address
UserAddress read_only_udm.principal.ip Extracted from UserAddress if it's a valid IP address
UserAgent Direct mapping
UserDisplayName read_only_udm.principal.user.user_display_name Direct mapping
category read_only_udm.metadata.product_event_type Direct mapping
level read_only_udm.security_result.severity Uppercased and renamed from level
location Direct mapping
operationName read_only_udm.additional.fields.value.string_value Direct mapping read_only_udm.additional.fields.value.string_value Direct mapping read_only_udm.security_result.summary Direct mapping
record.time read_only_udm.metadata.event_timestamp Parsed as RFC 3339 timestamp
resourceId Direct mapping
resourceId Renamed from resourceId
read_only_udm.metadata.event_type Determined based on the presence of principal, target, and Protocol. Set to NETWORK_HTTP if principal, target, and Protocol=HTTP are present. Set to NETWORK_CONNECTION if principal and target are present. Set to STATUS_UPDATE if only principal is present. Otherwise, set to GENERIC_EVENT.




  • Mapped properties.XForwardedHost to principal.hostname and principal.asset.hostname.
  • Mapped properties_category to additional.fields.
  • Mapped properties.roleInstance to principal.resource.product_object_id.
  • Mapped properties.message to security_result.summary.



  • Added support to parse the new format of unparsed JSON logs.



  • Mapped metadata.product_name and metadata.vendor_name to AZURE_APP_SERVICE.



  • Added support for JSON logs, when they are not in an array format.
  • Mapped properties.ScSubStatus to additional.fields.
  • Mapped properties.ScWin32Status to additional.fields.



  • Mapped properties.User to principal.user.userid.
  • Mapped properties.UserDisplayName to principal.user.user_display_name.
  • Mapped properties.UserAddress to principal.ip.
  • Mapped properties.Protocol, ClientBrowser, ClientModel, ClientOS, OperationId, ParentId, and ItemCount to additional.fields.
  • Mapped CsUriQuery, SDKVersion, and Cookie to principal.resource.attribute.labels.
  • Mapped SessionId to network.session_id.
  • Mapped Message to security_result.summary.
  • Mapped SeverityLevel to security_result.severity_details.



  • Mapped record.AppRoleInstance to principal.resource.product_object_id.
  • Mapped record.AppRoleName to
  • Mapped record.ClientCity to
  • Mapped record.ClientCountryOrRegion to principal.location.country_or_region.
  • Mapped record.ClientStateOrProvince to principal.location.state.
  • Mapped record.ClientIP to principal.ip.
  • Mapped Result to security_result.summary.
  • Mapped UserAgent to network.http.user_agent.
  • Mapped Referer to network.http.referral_url.
  • Mapped record.ResourceGUID to target.resource.product_object_id.
  • If record.ResourceGUID is not present, then mapped record.resourceId to target.resource.product_object_id.
  • If record.ResourceGUID is present, then mapped record.resourceId to additional.fields.
  • Mapped record.Type to additional.fields.
  • Mapped record.ClientType to additional.fields.
  • Mapped record.SDKVersion to additional.fields.
  • Mapped record.Name to additional.fields.
  • Mapped record.Instance to additional.fields.
  • Mapped record.TimeTaken to additional.fields.
  • Mapped record.Cookie to additional.fields.
  • Mapped record.AppVersion to principal.resource.attribute.labels.
  • Mapped record.IKey to target.resource.attribute.labels.
  • Mapped record.Category to metadata.product_event_type.
  • Mapped CsUriStem to target.url.
  • Changed mapping of CsBytes from network.received_bytes to network.sent_bytes.
  • Changed mapping of ScBytes from network.sent_bytes to network.received_bytes.


  • Newly created parser.

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