Cloud Channel API

The Cloud Channel API enables Google Cloud partners to have a single unified resale platform and APIs across all of Google Cloud including GCP, Workspace, Maps and Chrome.


The Service name is needed to create RPC client stubs.

Retrieves data generated by CloudChannelReportsService.RunReportJob.
Lists the reports that RunReportJob can run.
Begins generation of data for a given report.

ActivateEntitlement Activates a previously suspended entitlement.
CancelEntitlement Cancels a previously fulfilled entitlement.
ChangeOffer Updates the Offer for an existing customer entitlement.
ChangeParameters Change parameters of the entitlement.
ChangeRenewalSettings Updates the renewal settings for an existing customer entitlement.
CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExist Confirms the existence of Cloud Identity accounts based on the domain and if the Cloud Identity accounts are owned by the reseller.
CreateChannelPartnerLink Initiates a channel partner link between a distributor and a reseller, or between resellers in an n-tier reseller channel.
CreateChannelPartnerRepricingConfig Creates a ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig.
CreateCustomer Creates a new Customer resource under the reseller or distributor account.
CreateCustomerRepricingConfig Creates a CustomerRepricingConfig.
CreateEntitlement Creates an entitlement for a customer.
DeleteChannelPartnerRepricingConfig Deletes the given ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig permanently.
DeleteCustomer Deletes the given Customer permanently.
DeleteCustomerRepricingConfig Deletes the given CustomerRepricingConfig permanently.
GetChannelPartnerLink Returns the requested ChannelPartnerLink resource.
GetChannelPartnerRepricingConfig Gets information about how a Distributor modifies their bill before sending it to a ChannelPartner.
GetCustomer Returns the requested Customer resource.
GetCustomerRepricingConfig Gets information about how a Reseller modifies their bill before sending it to a Customer.
GetEntitlement Returns the requested Entitlement resource.
ImportCustomer Imports a Customer from the Cloud Identity associated with the provided Cloud Identity ID or domain before a TransferEntitlements call.
ListChannelPartnerLinks List ChannelPartnerLinks belonging to a distributor.
ListChannelPartnerRepricingConfigs Lists information about how a Reseller modifies their bill before sending it to a ChannelPartner.
ListCustomerRepricingConfigs Lists information about how a Reseller modifies their bill before sending it to a Customer.
ListCustomers List Customers.
ListEntitlementChanges List entitlement history.
ListEntitlements Lists Entitlements belonging to a customer.
ListOffers Lists the Offers the reseller can sell.
ListProducts Lists the Products the reseller is authorized to sell.

Lists the following:

  • Offers that you can purchase for a customer.

Lists the following:

  • SKUs that you can purchase for a customer
  • SKUs that you can upgrade or downgrade for an entitlement.
ListSkuGroupBillableSkus Lists the Billable SKUs in a given SKU group.
ListSkuGroups Lists the Rebilling supported SKU groups the account is authorized to sell.
ListSkus Lists the SKUs for a product the reseller is authorized to sell.
ListSubscribers Lists service accounts with subscriber privileges on the Cloud Pub/Sub topic created for this Channel Services account.
ListTransferableOffers List TransferableOffers of a customer based on Cloud Identity ID or Customer Name in the request.
ListTransferableSkus List TransferableSkus of a customer based on the Cloud Identity ID or Customer Name in the request.
LookupOffer Returns the requested Offer resource.
ProvisionCloudIdentity Creates a Cloud Identity for the given customer using the customer's information, or the information provided here.
QueryEligibleBillingAccounts Lists the billing accounts that are eligible to purchase particular SKUs for a given customer.
RegisterSubscriber Registers a service account with subscriber privileges on the Cloud Pub/Sub topic for this Channel Services account.
StartPaidService Starts paid service for a trial entitlement.
SuspendEntitlement Suspends a previously fulfilled entitlement.
TransferEntitlements Transfers customer entitlements to new reseller.
TransferEntitlementsToGoogle Transfers customer entitlements from their current reseller to Google.
UnregisterSubscriber Unregisters a service account with subscriber privileges on the Cloud Pub/Sub topic created for this Channel Services account.
UpdateChannelPartnerLink Updates a channel partner link.
UpdateChannelPartnerRepricingConfig Updates a ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig.
UpdateCustomer Updates an existing Customer resource for the reseller or distributor.
UpdateCustomerRepricingConfig Updates a CustomerRepricingConfig.

Retrieves data generated by CloudChannelReportsService.RunReportJob.
Lists the reports that RunReportJob can run.
Begins generation of data for a given report.

ActivateEntitlement Activates a previously suspended entitlement.
AssignChannelPartner Assigns a channel partner to an Entitlement resource.
CancelEntitlement Cancels a previously fulfilled entitlement.
ChangeOffer Updates the Offer for an existing customer entitlement.
ChangeParameters Change parameters of the entitlement.
Updates the plan for an existing customer entitlement.
Updates the quantity for existing seat-based entitlements.
ChangeRenewalSettings Updates the renewal settings for an existing customer entitlement.
Updates the SKU for an existing customer entitlement.
CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExist Confirms the existence of Cloud Identity accounts based on the domain and if the Cloud Identity accounts are owned by the reseller.
CreateChannelPartnerLink Initiates a channel partner link between a distributor and a reseller, or between resellers in an n-tier reseller channel.
CreateChannelPartnerRepricingConfig Creates a ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig.
CreateCustomer Creates a new Customer resource under the reseller or distributor account.
CreateCustomerRepricingConfig Creates a CustomerRepricingConfig.
CreateEntitlement Creates an entitlement for a customer.
CreateOpportunity Creates a new Opportunity resource for a deal submission process.
DeleteChannelPartnerRepricingConfig Deletes the given ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig permanently.
DeleteCustomer Deletes the given Customer permanently.
DeleteCustomerRepricingConfig Deletes the given CustomerRepricingConfig permanently.
GetChannelPartnerLink Returns the requested ChannelPartnerLink resource.
GetChannelPartnerRepricingConfig Gets information about how a Distributor modifies their bill before sending it to a ChannelPartner.
GetCustomer Returns the requested Customer resource.
GetCustomerRepricingConfig Gets information about how a Reseller modifies their bill before sending it to a Customer.
GetEntitlement Returns the requested Entitlement resource.
GetOpportunity Returns the requested Opportunity resource.
ImportCustomer Imports a Customer from the Cloud Identity associated with the provided Cloud Identity ID or domain before a TransferEntitlements call.
ListChannelPartnerLinks List ChannelPartnerLinks belonging to a distributor.
ListChannelPartnerRepricingConfigs Lists information about how a Reseller modifies their bill before sending it to a ChannelPartner.
ListCustomerRepricingConfigs Lists information about how a Reseller modifies their bill before sending it to a Customer.
ListCustomers List Customers.
ListEntitlementChanges List entitlement history.
ListEntitlements Lists Entitlements belonging to a customer.
ListOffers Lists the Offers the reseller can sell.
ListProducts Lists the Products the reseller is authorized to sell.
ListProvisionableCloudIdentityTypes Returns the Google Workspace customer types you can create for the given domain, and shows if this requires a transfer.

Lists the following:

  • Offers that you can purchase for a customer.

Lists the following:

  • SKUs that you can purchase for a customer
  • SKUs that you can upgrade or downgrade for an entitlement.
ListSkuGroupBillableSkus Lists the Billable SKUs in a given SKU group.
ListSkuGroups Lists the Rebilling supported SKU groups the account is authorized to sell.
ListSkus Lists the SKUs for a product the reseller is authorized to sell.
ListSubscribers Lists service accounts with subscriber privileges on the Cloud Pub/Sub topic created for this Channel Services account.
ListTransferableOffers List TransferableOffers of a customer based on Cloud Identity ID or Customer Name in the request.
ListTransferableSkus List TransferableSkus of a customer based on the Cloud Identity ID or Customer Name in the request.
LookupOffer Returns the requested Offer resource.
ProvisionCloudIdentity Creates a Cloud Identity for the given customer using the customer's information, or the information provided here.
QueryEligibleBillingAccounts Lists the billing accounts that are eligible to purchase particular SKUs for a given customer.
QueryOpportunities Query Opportunitys associated with a specific Partner.
RegisterSubscriber Registers a service account with subscriber privileges on the Cloud Pub/Sub topic for this Channel Services account.
StartPaidService Starts paid service for a trial entitlement.
SuspendEntitlement Suspends a previously fulfilled entitlement.
TransferEntitlements Transfers customer entitlements to new reseller.
TransferEntitlementsToGoogle Transfers customer entitlements from their current reseller to Google.
UnregisterSubscriber Unregisters a service account with subscriber privileges on the Cloud Pub/Sub topic created for this Channel Services account.
UpdateChannelPartnerLink Updates a channel partner link.
UpdateChannelPartnerRepricingConfig Updates a ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig.
UpdateCustomer Updates an existing Customer resource for the reseller or distributor.
UpdateCustomerRepricingConfig Updates a CustomerRepricingConfig.
UpdateOpportunity Updates an existing Opportunity resource.


CancelOperation Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation.
DeleteOperation Deletes a long-running operation.
GetOperation Gets the latest state of a long-running operation.
ListOperations Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request.
WaitOperation Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at most a specified timeout, returning the latest state.