请务必完成 API 设置 Codelab,以设置 Google Cloud 项目并创建服务账号以调用 Cloud Channel API。
我们建议您在此 Codelab 中使用测试 Partner Sales Console。
为客户预配 Google Workspace 使用权涉及多个 API 调用。下图简要展示了为客户预配服务的步骤。
第 1 步:使用经过身份验证的凭据创建服务对象
本 Codelab 假定您使用的是 Cloud Channel API 的某个客户端库。
我们建议您使用 Google 客户端库进行集成。这些库提供符合语言习惯且因语言而异的接口,通过使用 RPC(而非 HTTP)提供更出色的性能,并为字段设置默认值。
如需安装 C++ 客户端库,请参阅设置 C++ 开发环境。
如果您使用的是 Visual Studio 2017 或更高版本,请打开 nuget 软件包管理器窗口并输入以下内容:
Install-Package Google.Cloud.Channel.V1
如果您使用 .NET Core 命令行界面工具来安装依赖项,请运行以下命令:
dotnet add package Google.Cloud.Channel.V1
go mod init YOUR_MODULE_NAME
go get cloud.google.com/go/channel/apiv1
如果您使用的是 Maven,请将以下代码添加到您的 pom.xml
文件中。如需详细了解 BOM,请参阅 Google Cloud Platform 库 BOM。
如果您使用的是 Gradle,请将以下代码添加到您的依赖项中:
implementation group: 'com.google.cloud', name: 'google-cloud-channel', version: '2.3.0'
如果您使用的是 VS Code、IntelliJ 或 Eclipse,则可以使用以下 IDE 插件将客户端库添加到您的项目中:
npm install --save @google-cloud/channel
composer require google/cloud-channel
pip install google-cloud-channel
gem install google-cloud-channel
Cloud Channel API 使用的身份验证类型需要满足以下条件:
- 服务账号及其对应的 JSON 密钥文件。
- 转销商网域超级用户,用于在服务账号的客户端上使用全网域授权功能进行模拟。
如果您缺少任何前提条件,请按照 API 设置 Codelab 中的说明操作。如需了解详情,请参阅适用于服务账号的 OAuth 2.0。
:您创建服务账号时生成的 JSON 密钥文件的路径。resellerAdminUser
:您的账号 ID,可在 Partner Sales Console 的“设置”页面中找到。customerDomain
:最终客户的域名。 如果您在测试合作伙伴销售控制台中运行此 Codelab,请确保网域遵循网域命名惯例。
using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Api.Gax; using Google.Cloud.Channel.V1; using Google.Type; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.Linq; namespace Codelab { class Program { /***************** REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ********************************/ private static readonly string jsonKeyFile = "path/to/json_key_file.json"; private static readonly string resellerAdminUser = "admin@yourresellerdomain.com"; private static readonly string accountId = "C012345"; private static readonly string customerDomain = "example.com"; /*******************************************************************************/ private static readonly string accountName = "accounts/" + accountId; private static CloudChannelServiceClient client; static void Main(string[] args) { // Set up credentials with user impersonation ICredential credential = GoogleCredential.FromFile(jsonKeyFile) .CreateScoped(CloudChannelServiceClient.DefaultScopes) .CreateWithUser(resellerAdminUser); // Create the API client client = new CloudChannelServiceClientBuilder { TokenAccessMethod = credential.GetAccessTokenForRequestAsync }.Build();
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" channel "cloud.google.com/go/channel/apiv1" "golang.org/x/oauth2/google" "google.golang.org/api/iterator" "google.golang.org/api/option" channelpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/channel/v1" "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/type/postaladdress" "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protojson" ) // ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### const jsonKeyFile = "path/to/json_key_file.json" const resellerAdminUser = "admin@yourresellerdomain.com" const accountID = "C012345" const customerDomain = "example.com" // ################################################################ const accountName = "accounts/" + accountID func main() { ctx := context.Background() // Set up credentials with user impersonation jsonKey, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(jsonKeyFile) jwt, _ := google.JWTConfigFromJSON(jsonKey, "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order") jwt.Subject = resellerAdminUser tokenSource := jwt.TokenSource(ctx) // Create the API client client, _ := channel.NewCloudChannelClient(ctx, option.WithTokenSource(tokenSource))
import com.google.api.gax.core.FixedCredentialsProvider; import com.google.api.gax.longrunning.OperationFuture; import com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials; import com.google.auth.oauth2.ServiceAccountCredentials; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.AdminUser; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistResponse; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.CloudChannelServiceClient; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.CloudChannelServiceSettings; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.CloudIdentityInfo; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.CommitmentSettings; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.CreateCustomerRequest; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.CreateEntitlementRequest; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.Customer; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.Entitlement; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.ListOffersRequest; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.Offer; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.OperationMetadata; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.Parameter; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.PaymentPlan; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.Period; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.PeriodType; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.RenewalSettings; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.Value; import com.google.gson.Gson; import com.google.type.PostalAddress; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; // ... public class Codelab { /***************** REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ********************************/ public static final String JSON_KEY_FILE = "path/to/json_key_file.json"; public static final String RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = "admin@yourresellerdomain.com"; public static final String ACCOUNT_ID = "C012345"; public static final String CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = "example.com"; /*******************************************************************************/ public static final String ACCOUNT_NAME = "accounts/" + ACCOUNT_ID; private static CloudChannelServiceClient client; private static final Gson gson = new Gson(); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { // Set up credentials with user impersonation FileInputStream jsonKeyFileStream = new FileInputStream(JSON_KEY_FILE); GoogleCredentials credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.fromStream(jsonKeyFileStream) .createScoped("https://www.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order") .createDelegated(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER); // Create the API client CloudChannelServiceSettings serviceSettings = CloudChannelServiceSettings.newBuilder() .setCredentialsProvider(FixedCredentialsProvider.create(credentials)) .build(); client = CloudChannelServiceClient.create(serviceSettings);
const {JWT} = require('google-auth-library'); const {grpc} = require('google-gax'); const {CloudChannelServiceClient} = require('@google-cloud/channel'); // ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### const jsonKeyFile = 'path/to/json_key_file.json'; const resellerAdminUser = 'admin@yourresellerdomain.com'; const accountId = 'C012345'; const customerDomain = 'example.com'; // ################################################################ const accountName = `accounts/${accountId}`; // Set up credentials with user impersonation const authClient = new JWT({ keyFile: jsonKeyFile, scopes: ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order'], subject: resellerAdminUser, }); const sslCreds = grpc.credentials.combineChannelCredentials( grpc.credentials.createSsl(), grpc.credentials.createFromGoogleCredential(authClient) ); // Create the API client const client = new CloudChannelServiceClient({sslCreds});
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Google\Auth\Credentials\ServiceAccountCredentials; use Google\Cloud\Channel; // ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### $JSON_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json'; $RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = 'admin@yourresellerdomain.com'; $ACCOUNT_ID = 'C012345'; $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = 'example.com'; // ################################################################ $ACCOUNT_NAME = 'accounts/' . $ACCOUNT_ID; // Set up credentials with user impersonation $credentials = new ServiceAccountCredentials( 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order', /* $scope */ $JSON_KEY_FILE, /* $keyFile */ $RESELLER_ADMIN_USER /* $sub */ ); // Create the API client $client = new Channel\V1\CloudChannelServiceClient([ 'credentials' => $credentials ]);
from google.cloud import channel from google.oauth2 import service_account ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### JSON_KEY_FILE = "path/to/json_key_file.json" RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = "admin@yourresellerdomain.com" ACCOUNT_ID = "C012345" CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = "example.com" ################################################################ ACCOUNT_NAME = "accounts/" + ACCOUNT_ID # Set up credentials with user impersonation credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( JSON_KEY_FILE, scopes=["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order"]) credentials_delegated = credentials.with_subject(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER) # Create the API client client = channel.CloudChannelServiceClient(credentials=credentials_delegated)
require 'google-cloud-channel' ################## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ################################ JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json' RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = 'admin@yourresellerdomain.com' ACCOUNT_ID = 'C012345' CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = 'example.com' ################################################################################ ACCOUNT_NAME = "accounts/#{ACCOUNT_ID}" # Set up credentials with user impersonation credentials = Google::Auth::ServiceAccountCredentials.make_creds( json_key_io: File.open(JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE), scope: 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order' ) credentials.sub = RESELLER_ADMIN_USER # Create the API client CLIENT = Google::Cloud::Channel::cloud_channel_service do |config| config.credentials = credentials end
第 2 步:从优惠列表中选择优惠
PagedEnumerable<ListOffersResponse, Offer> offers = client.ListOffers(new ListOffersRequest { Parent = accountName }); // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, // but this is not a recommended model for your production integration string sampleOffer = "Google Workspace Business Standard"; PaymentPlan samplePlan = PaymentPlan.Commitment; Offer selectedOffer = offers.FirstOrDefault( o => o.Sku.MarketingInfo.DisplayName == sampleOffer && o.Plan.PaymentPlan == samplePlan); Console.WriteLine("=== Selected offer"); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(selectedOffer));
var selectedOffer *channelpb.Offer req := &channelpb.ListOffersRequest{ Parent: accountName, } it := client.ListOffers(ctx, req) // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another and // is not a recommended model for your production integration. for { offer, err := it.Next() if err == iterator.Done { break } if offer.Sku.MarketingInfo.DisplayName == "Google Workspace Business Standard" && offer.Plan.PaymentPlan == channelpb.PaymentPlan_COMMITMENT { selectedOffer = offer break } } fmt.Println("=== Selected offer") fmt.Println(protojson.Format(selectedOffer))
ListOffersRequest request = ListOffersRequest.newBuilder().setParent(ACCOUNT_NAME).build(); // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, // but this is not a recommended model for your production integration String sampleSkuName = "Google Workspace Business Standard"; String samplePlan = "COMMITMENT"; CloudChannelServiceClient.ListOffersPagedResponse response = client.listOffers(request); Offer selectedOffer = Offer.newBuilder().build(); Iterator<Offer> iterator = response.iterateAll().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Offer offer = iterator.next(); String skuName = offer.getSku().getMarketingInfo().getDisplayName(); String offerPlan = offer.getPlan().getPaymentPlan().name(); if (skuName.equals(sampleSkuName) && offerPlan.equals(samplePlan)) { selectedOffer = offer; break; } } System.out.println("=== Selected offer"); System.out.println(gson.toJson(selectedOffer));
const [offers] = await client.listOffers({ parent: accountName, }); // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, // but this is not a recommended model for your production integration const selectedOffer = offers.find(o => { return ( o.sku.marketingInfo.displayName === 'Google Workspace Business Standard' && o.plan.paymentPlan === 'COMMITMENT' ); }); console.log('=== Selected offer'); console.info(selectedOffer);
$offers = $client->listOffers($ACCOUNT_NAME /* parent */); // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, // but this is not a recommended model for your production integration $sampleSku = 'Google Workspace Business Standard'; $samplePlan = Channel\V1\PaymentPlan::COMMITMENT; foreach ($offers as $offer) { if ($offer->getSku()->getMarketingInfo()->getDisplayName() == $sampleSku && $offer->getPlan()->getPaymentPlan() == $samplePlan) { $selectedOffer = $offer; break; } } print '=== Selected offer' . PHP_EOL; print $selectedOffer->serializeToJsonString() . PHP_EOL;
request = channel.ListOffersRequest(parent=ACCOUNT_NAME) offers = client.list_offers(request) # For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects # the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual # plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, # but this is not a recommended model for your production integration sample_offer = "Google Workspace Business Standard" sample_plan = "PaymentPlan.COMMITMENT" selected_offer = None for offer in offers: if offer.sku.marketing_info.display_name == sample_offer and \ str(offer.plan.payment_plan) == sample_plan: selected_offer = offer break print("=== Selected offer") print(selected_offer)
# For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects # the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual # plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, # but this is not a recommended model for your production integration request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListOffersRequest.new({ parent: ACCOUNT_NAME }) offers = CLIENT.list_offers(request) sample_offer = 'Google Workspace Business Standard' sample_plan = :COMMITMENT offer = offers.detect { |offer| offer.sku.marketing_info.display_name == sample_offer && offer.plan.payment_plan == sample_plan } puts("=== Selected offer") puts(offer.inspect)
第 3 步:为 Google Workspace 创建客户
了解客户是否拥有 Cloud Identity
只有在客户没有现有 Cloud Identity 或您已经为其转销 Google Workspace 产品的情况下,您才能为客户预配 Google Workspace 产品。
如果客户有 Cloud Identity 身份,您必须转移客户及其权限。
使用 accounts.checkCloudIdentityAccountsExist
// Determine if customer already has a cloud identity CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest request = new CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest { Parent = accountName, Domain = customerDomain }; CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistResponse response = client.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExist(request); if (response.CloudIdentityAccounts.Count > 0) { throw new Exception(@"Cloud identity already exists. Customer must be transferred. Out of scope for this codelab"); }
// Determine if customer already has a cloud identity req := &channelpb.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest{ Parent: accountName, Domain: customerDomain, } res, _ := client.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExist(ctx, req) // checkCloudIdentityAccountsExist always returns an array if len(res.CloudIdentityAccounts) > 0 { log.Fatal(`Cloud identity already exists; customer must be transferred [out-of-scope of this codelab]`) }
// Determine if customer already has a cloud identity CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest request = CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest.newBuilder() .setParent(ACCOUNT_NAME) .setDomain(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .build(); CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistResponse response = client.checkCloudIdentityAccountsExist(request); if (response.getCloudIdentityAccountsCount() > 0) { throw new Exception( "Cloud identity already exists. " + "Customer must be transferred. " + "Out of scope for this codelab"); }
// Determine if customer already has a cloud identity const [ cloudIdentityAccounts, ] = await client.checkCloudIdentityAccountsExist({ parent: accountName, domain: customerDomain, }); if (cloudIdentityAccounts.length > 0) { throw new Error( 'Cloud identity already exists; ' + 'customer must be transferred ' + '[out-of-scope of this codelab]' ); }
// Determine if customer already has a cloud identity $response = $client->checkCloudIdentityAccountsExist( $ACCOUNT_NAME /* parent */, $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN /* domain */ ); if (count($response->getCloudIdentityAccounts()) > 0) { throw new Error('Cloud identity already exists; \ customer must be transferred \ [out-of-scope of this codelab]' ); }
# Determine if customer already has a cloud identity request = channel.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest( parent=ACCOUNT_NAME, domain=CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) response = client.check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist(request) if response.cloud_identity_accounts: raise Exception( "Cloud identity already exists. Customer must be transferred." + "Out of scope for this codelab")
# Determine if customer already has a cloud identity request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest .new({ parent: ACCOUNT_NAME, domain: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }) response = CLIENT.check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist(request) if response.cloud_identity_accounts.count > 0 raise 'Cloud identity already exists. Customer must be transferred.'\ 'Out of scope for this codelab' end
// Create the Customer resource CreateCustomerRequest request = new CreateCustomerRequest { Parent = accountName, Customer = new Customer { OrgDisplayName = "Acme Corp", OrgPostalAddress = new PostalAddress { AddressLines = { "1800 Amphibious Blvd" }, PostalCode = "94045", RegionCode = "US" }, Domain = customerDomain, // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. CorrelationId = "CRMID012345" } }; Customer customer = client.CreateCustomer(request); Console.WriteLine("=== Created customer with id " + customer.Name); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(customer));
// Create the Customer resource req := &channelpb.CreateCustomerRequest{ Parent: accountName, Customer: &channelpb.Customer{ OrgDisplayName: "Acme Corp", OrgPostalAddress: &postaladdress.PostalAddress{ AddressLines: []string{"1800 Amphibious Blvd"}, PostalCode: "94045", RegionCode: "US", }, Domain: customerDomain, // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. CorrelationId: "CRMID012345", // Distributors need to pass the following value // ChannelPartnerId: channelPartnerLinkId }, } customer, _ := client.CreateCustomer(ctx, req) fmt.Println("=== Created customer with id " + customer.Name) fmt.Println(protojson.Format(customer))
// Create the Customer resource PostalAddress postalAddress = PostalAddress.newBuilder() .addAddressLines("1800 Amphibious Blvd") .setPostalCode("94045") .setRegionCode("US") .build(); CreateCustomerRequest request = CreateCustomerRequest.newBuilder() .setParent(ACCOUNT_NAME) .setCustomer( Customer.newBuilder() .setOrgDisplayName("Acme Corp") .setOrgPostalAddress(postalAddress) .setDomain(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. .setCorrelationId("CRMID012345") // Distributors need to pass the following field // .setChannelPartnerId(channelPartnerLinkId) .build()) .build(); Customer customer = client.createCustomer(request); System.out.println("=== Created customer with id " + customer.getName()); System.out.println(gson.toJson(customer));
// Create the Customer resource let [customer] = await client.createCustomer({ parent: accountName, customer: { orgDisplayName: 'Acme Corp', orgPostalAddress: { addressLines: ['1800 Amphibious Blvd'], postalCode: '94045', regionCode: 'US', }, domain: customerDomain, // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. correlationId: "CRMID012345", // Distributors need to pass the following field // channelPartnerId: channelPartnerLinkId }, }); console.log(`=== Created customer with id ${customer.name}`); console.info(customer);
// Create the Customer resource $customer = $client->createCustomer( $ACCOUNT_NAME /* parent */, new Channel\V1\Customer([ 'org_display_name' => 'Acme Corp', 'org_postal_address' => new Google\Type\PostalAddress([ 'address_lines' => ['1800 Amphibious Blvd'], 'postal_code' => '94045', 'region_code' => 'US', ]), 'domain' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. 'correlation_id' => 'CRMID012345', // Distributors need to pass the following field // 'channel_partner_id' => $channelPartnerLinkId ]) ); print '=== Created customer with id ' . $customer->getName() . PHP_EOL; print $customer->serializeToJsonString() . PHP_EOL;
# Create the Customer resource request = channel.CreateCustomerRequest( parent=ACCOUNT_NAME, customer={ "org_display_name": "Acme Corp", "domain": CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, "org_postal_address": { "address_lines": ["1800 Amphibious Blvd"], "postal_code": "94045", "region_code": "US" }, # Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. "correlation_id": "CRMID012345" }) # Distributors need to also pass the following field for the `customer` # "channel_partner_id": channel_partner_link_id customer = client.create_customer(request) print("=== Created customer with id ", customer.name) print(customer)
# Create the Customer resource request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateCustomerRequest.new( parent: ACCOUNT_NAME, customer: { 'org_display_name': 'Acme Corp', 'domain': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'org_postal_address': { 'address_lines': ['1800 Amphibious Blvd'], 'postal_code': '94045', 'region_code': 'US' }, # Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. 'correlation_id': 'CRMID012345' }) # Distributors need to also pass the following field for the `customer` # "channel_partner_id": channel_partner_link_id customer = CLIENT.create_customer(request) puts("=== Created customer with id " + customer.name) puts(customer.inspect)
有了客户后,您需要附加包含所需信息的 Cloud Identity,以便预配 Google Workspace 产品。
CloudIdentityInfo cloudIdentityInfo = new CloudIdentityInfo { AlternateEmail = "john.doe@gmail.com", LanguageCode = "en-US" }; AdminUser adminUser = new AdminUser { GivenName = "John", FamilyName = "Doe", Email = "admin@" + customerDomain }; ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest cloudIdentityRequest = new ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest { Customer = customer.Name, CloudIdentityInfo = cloudIdentityInfo, User = adminUser }; // This call returns a long-running operation. var operation = client.ProvisionCloudIdentity(cloudIdentityRequest); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. customer = operation.PollUntilCompleted().Result; Console.WriteLine("=== Provisioned cloud identity");
cireq := &channelpb.ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest{ Customer: customer.Name, CloudIdentityInfo: &channelpb.CloudIdentityInfo{ AlternateEmail: "john.doe@gmail.com", LanguageCode: "en-US", }, User: &channelpb.AdminUser{ GivenName: "John", FamilyName: "Doe", Email: "admin@" + customerDomain, }, } // This endpoint returns a long-running operation. op, _ := client.ProvisionCloudIdentity(ctx, cireq) // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. customer, _ = op.Wait(ctx) fmt.Println("=== Provisioned cloud identity")
CloudIdentityInfo cloudIdentityInfo = CloudIdentityInfo.newBuilder() .setAlternateEmail("john.doe@gmail.com") .setLanguageCode("en-US") .build(); AdminUser adminUser = AdminUser.newBuilder() .setGivenName("John") .setFamilyName("Doe") .setEmail("admin@" + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .build(); ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest cloudIdentityRequest = ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest.newBuilder() .setCustomer(customer.getName()) .setCloudIdentityInfo(cloudIdentityInfo) .setUser(adminUser) .build(); // This call returns a long-running operation. OperationFuture<Customer, OperationMetadata> operation = client.provisionCloudIdentityAsync(cloudIdentityRequest); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. customer = operation.get(); System.out.println("=== Provisioned cloud identity");
// This endpoint returns a long-running operation. // For other ways to get operation results, see // https://github.com/googleapis/gax-nodejs/blob/master/client-libraries.md#long-running-operations const [operation] = await client.provisionCloudIdentity({ customer: customer.name, cloudIdentityInfo: { alternateEmail: 'john.doe@gmail.com', languageCode: 'en-US', }, user: { givenName: 'John', familyName: 'Doe', email: `admin@${customerDomain}`, }, }); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. [customer] = await operation.promise(); console.log('=== Provisioned cloud identity');
// This endpoint returns a long-running operation. $operation = $client->provisionCloudIdentity( $customer->getName() /* customer */, [ 'cloudIdentityInfo' => new Channel\V1\CloudIdentityInfo([ 'alternate_email' => 'john.doe@gmail.com', 'language_code' => 'en-US', ]), 'user' => new Channel\V1\AdminUser([ 'given_name' => 'John', 'family_name' => 'Doe', 'email' => 'admin@' . $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, ]), ] ); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. $operation->pollUntilComplete(); $customer = $operation->getResult(); print '=== Provisioned cloud identity' . PHP_EOL;
cloud_identity_info = channel.CloudIdentityInfo( alternate_email="john.doe@gmail.com", language_code="en-US") admin_user = channel.AdminUser( given_name="John", family_name="Doe", email="admin@" + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) cloud_identity_request = channel.ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest( customer=customer.name, cloud_identity_info=cloud_identity_info, user=admin_user) # This call returns a long-running operation. operation = client.provision_cloud_identity(cloud_identity_request) # Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. customer = operation.result() print("=== Provisioned cloud identity")
cloud_identity_info = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudIdentityInfo.new( alternate_email: 'john.doe@gmail.com', language_code: 'en-US' ) admin_user = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::AdminUser.new( given_name: 'John', family_name: 'Doe', email: "admin@#{CUSTOMER_DOMAIN}" ) cloud_identity_request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest.new( customer: customer.name, cloud_identity_info: cloud_identity_info, user: admin_user ) # This call returns a long-running operation. operation = CLIENT.provision_cloud_identity(cloud_identity_request) # Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. CLIENT.operations_client.wait_operation(Google::Longrunning::WaitOperationRequest .new({ name: operation.name })) operation = CLIENT.operations_client.get_operation(Google::Longrunning::GetOperationRequest .new({ name: operation.name })) customer = operation.response puts("=== Provisioned cloud identity")
此调用将创建 Cloud Identity,包括客户的第一个超级用户。
第 4 步:创建 Google Workspace 使用权
创建客户及其 Cloud Identity ID 后,您现在可以预配 Google Workspace 使用权。
RenewalSettings renewalSettings = new RenewalSettings { // Setting renewal settings to auto renew EnableRenewal = true, PaymentPlan = PaymentPlan.Commitment, PaymentCycle = new Period { PeriodType = PeriodType.Year, Duration = 1 } }; CreateEntitlementRequest request = new CreateEntitlementRequest { Parent = customer.Name, Entitlement = new Entitlement { Offer = selectedOffer.Name, // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer Parameters = { new Parameter { Name = "num_units", Value = new Value { Int64Value = 5 } } }, CommitmentSettings = new CommitmentSettings { RenewalSettings = renewalSettings }, // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. PurchaseOrderId = "A codelab test" } }; // This call returns a long-running operation. var operation = client.CreateEntitlement(request); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. Entitlement entitlement = operation.PollUntilCompleted().Result; Console.WriteLine("=== Created entitlement"); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entitlement));
// This endpoint returns a long-running operation. req := &channelpb.CreateEntitlementRequest{ Parent: customer.Name, Entitlement: &channelpb.Entitlement{ Offer: selectedOffer.Name, // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer Parameters: []*channelpb.Parameter{ { Name: "num_units", Value: &channelpb.Value{ Kind: &channelpb.Value_Int64Value{Int64Value: 5}, }, }, }, // Setting renewal settings to auto renew CommitmentSettings: &channelpb.CommitmentSettings{ RenewalSettings: &channelpb.RenewalSettings{ EnableRenewal: true, PaymentPlan: channelpb.PaymentPlan_COMMITMENT, PaymentCycle: &channelpb.Period{ Duration: 1, PeriodType: channelpb.PeriodType_YEAR, }, }, }, // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. PurchaseOrderId: "A codelab test", }, } // This endpoint returns a long-running operation. op, _ := client.CreateEntitlement(ctx, req) // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. entitlement, _ := op.Wait(ctx) fmt.Println("=== Created entitlement") fmt.Println(protojson.Format(entitlement))
RenewalSettings renewalSettings = RenewalSettings.newBuilder() // Setting renewal settings to auto renew .setEnableRenewal(true) .setPaymentPlan(PaymentPlan.COMMITMENT) .setPaymentCycle( Period.newBuilder().setPeriodType(PeriodType.YEAR).setDuration(1).build()) .build(); CommitmentSettings commitmentSettings = CommitmentSettings.newBuilder().setRenewalSettings(renewalSettings).build(); Entitlement entitlement = Entitlement.newBuilder() .setOffer(selectedOffer.getName()) // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer .addParameters( Parameter.newBuilder() .setName("num_units") .setValue(Value.newBuilder().setInt64Value(5).build()) .build()) .setCommitmentSettings(commitmentSettings) // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. .setPurchaseOrderId("A codelab test") .build(); CreateEntitlementRequest request = CreateEntitlementRequest.newBuilder() .setParent(customer.getName()) .setEntitlement(entitlement) .build(); // This call returns a long-running operation. OperationFuture<Entitlement, OperationMetadata> operation = client.createEntitlementAsync(request); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. entitlement = operation.get(); System.out.println("=== Created entitlement"); System.out.println(gson.toJson(entitlement));
// This call returns a long-running operation. const [operation] = await client.createEntitlement({ parent: customer.name, entitlement: { offer: selectedOffer.name, parameters: [ // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer { name: 'num_units', value: { int64Value: 5, }, }, ], commitmentSettings: { // Setting renewal settings to auto renew renewalSettings: { enableRenewal: true, paymentPlan: 'COMMITMENT', paymentCycle: { duration: 1, periodType: 'YEAR', }, }, }, // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. purchaseOrderId: 'A codelab test', }, }); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. const [entitlement] = await operation.promise(); console.log('=== Created entitlement'); console.info(entitlement);
// This call returns a long-running operation. $operation = $client->createEntitlement( $customer->getName() /* parent */, new Channel\V1\Entitlement([ 'offer' => $selectedOffer->getName(), 'parameters' => [ new Channel\V1\Parameter([ // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer 'name' => 'num_units', 'value' => new Channel\V1\Value([ 'int64_value' => 5, ]) ]), ], 'commitment_settings' => new Channel\V1\CommitmentSettings([ // Setting renewal settings to auto renew 'renewal_settings' => new Channel\V1\RenewalSettings([ 'enable_renewal' => true, 'payment_plan' => Channel\V1\PaymentPlan::COMMITMENT, 'payment_cycle' => new Channel\V1\Period([ 'duration' => 1, 'period_type' => Channel\V1\PeriodType::YEAR, ]), ]), ]), // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. 'purchase_order_id' => 'A codelab test' ]) ); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. $operation->pollUntilComplete(); $entitlement = $operation->getResult(); print '=== Created entitlement' . PHP_EOL; print $entitlement->serializeToJsonString() . PHP_EOL;
request = channel.CreateEntitlementRequest( parent=customer.name, entitlement={ "offer": selected_offer.name, # Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer "parameters": [{ "name": "num_units", "value": { "int64_value": 5 } }], "commitment_settings": { "renewal_settings": { # Setting renewal settings to auto renew "enable_renewal": True, "payment_plan": "COMMITMENT", "payment_cycle": { "period_type": "YEAR", "duration": 1 } } }, # A string of up to 80 characters. # We recommend an internal transaction ID or # identifier for this customer in this field. "purchase_order_id": "A codelab test" }) # This call returns a long-running operation. operation = client.create_entitlement(request) # Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. entitlement = operation.result() print("=== Created entitlement") print(entitlement)
request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateEntitlementRequest.new( parent: customer.name, entitlement: { offer: selected_offer.name, # Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer parameters: [{ name: 'num_units', value: { int64_value: 5 } }], commitment_settings: { renewal_settings: { # Setting renewal settings to auto renew enable_renewal: true, payment_plan: 'COMMITMENT', payment_cycle: { period_type: 'YEAR', duration: 1 } } }, # A string of up to 80 characters. # We recommend an internal transaction ID or # identifier for this customer in this field. purchase_order_id: 'A codelab test' }) # This call returns a long-running operation. operation = CLIENT.create_entitlement(request) # Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. CLIENT.operations_client.wait_operation(Google::Longrunning::WaitOperationRequest .new({ name: operation.name })) operation = CLIENT.operations_client.get_operation(Google::Longrunning::GetOperationRequest .new({ name: operation.name })) entitlement = operation.response puts("=== Created entitlement") puts(entitlement)
可选:与 Workspace Admin SDK 集成
如果您计划与 Workspace Admin SDK 集成,其 API 需要 Google Workspace customerId
。Cloud Channel API 会将其作为 Customer
资源的 cloudIdentityId
string customerId = customer.CloudIdentityId; Console.WriteLine(customerId);
customerID := customer.CloudIdentityId fmt.Println(customerID)
String adminSDKCustomerId = customer.getCloudIdentityId(); System.out.println(adminSDKCustomerId);
const customerId = customer.cloudIdentityId; console.log(customerId);
$customerId = $customer->getCloudIdentityId(); print $customerId . PHP_EOL;
customer_id = customer.cloud_identity_id print(customer_id)
customer_id = customer.cloud_identity_id puts(customer_id)
用于为客户预配 Google Workspace 使用权的完整代码示例:
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Instructions for this codelab can be found on this page // https://cloud.google.com/channel/docs/codelabs/workspace/provisioning using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Api.Gax; using Google.Cloud.Channel.V1; using Google.Type; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.Linq; namespace Codelab { class Program { /***************** REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ********************************/ private static readonly string jsonKeyFile = "path/to/json_key_file.json"; private static readonly string resellerAdminUser = "admin@yourresellerdomain.com"; private static readonly string accountId = "C012345"; private static readonly string customerDomain = "example.com"; /*******************************************************************************/ private static readonly string accountName = "accounts/" + accountId; private static CloudChannelServiceClient client; static void Main(string[] args) { // Set up credentials with user impersonation ICredential credential = GoogleCredential.FromFile(jsonKeyFile) .CreateScoped(CloudChannelServiceClient.DefaultScopes) .CreateWithUser(resellerAdminUser); // Create the API client client = new CloudChannelServiceClientBuilder { TokenAccessMethod = credential.GetAccessTokenForRequestAsync }.Build(); Offer selectedOffer = SelectOffer(); CheckExists(); Customer customer = CreateCustomer(); Entitlement entitlement = CreateEntitlement(customer, selectedOffer); string customerId = customer.CloudIdentityId; Console.WriteLine(customerId); } static Offer SelectOffer() { PagedEnumerable<ListOffersResponse, Offer> offers = client.ListOffers(new ListOffersRequest { Parent = accountName }); // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, // but this is not a recommended model for your production integration string sampleOffer = "Google Workspace Business Standard"; PaymentPlan samplePlan = PaymentPlan.Commitment; Offer selectedOffer = offers.FirstOrDefault( o => o.Sku.MarketingInfo.DisplayName == sampleOffer && o.Plan.PaymentPlan == samplePlan); Console.WriteLine("=== Selected offer"); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(selectedOffer)); return selectedOffer; } static void CheckExists() { // Determine if customer already has a cloud identity CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest request = new CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest { Parent = accountName, Domain = customerDomain }; CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistResponse response = client.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExist(request); if (response.CloudIdentityAccounts.Count > 0) { throw new Exception(@"Cloud identity already exists. Customer must be transferred. Out of scope for this codelab"); } } static Customer CreateCustomer() { // Create the Customer resource CreateCustomerRequest request = new CreateCustomerRequest { Parent = accountName, Customer = new Customer { OrgDisplayName = "Acme Corp", OrgPostalAddress = new PostalAddress { AddressLines = { "1800 Amphibious Blvd" }, PostalCode = "94045", RegionCode = "US" }, Domain = customerDomain, // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. CorrelationId = "CRMID012345" } }; Customer customer = client.CreateCustomer(request); Console.WriteLine("=== Created customer with id " + customer.Name); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(customer)); CloudIdentityInfo cloudIdentityInfo = new CloudIdentityInfo { AlternateEmail = "john.doe@gmail.com", LanguageCode = "en-US" }; AdminUser adminUser = new AdminUser { GivenName = "John", FamilyName = "Doe", Email = "admin@" + customerDomain }; ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest cloudIdentityRequest = new ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest { Customer = customer.Name, CloudIdentityInfo = cloudIdentityInfo, User = adminUser }; // This call returns a long-running operation. var operation = client.ProvisionCloudIdentity(cloudIdentityRequest); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. customer = operation.PollUntilCompleted().Result; Console.WriteLine("=== Provisioned cloud identity"); return customer; } static Entitlement CreateEntitlement(Customer customer, Offer selectedOffer) { RenewalSettings renewalSettings = new RenewalSettings { // Setting renewal settings to auto renew EnableRenewal = true, PaymentPlan = PaymentPlan.Commitment, PaymentCycle = new Period { PeriodType = PeriodType.Year, Duration = 1 } }; CreateEntitlementRequest request = new CreateEntitlementRequest { Parent = customer.Name, Entitlement = new Entitlement { Offer = selectedOffer.Name, // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer Parameters = { new Parameter { Name = "num_units", Value = new Value { Int64Value = 5 } } }, CommitmentSettings = new CommitmentSettings { RenewalSettings = renewalSettings }, // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. PurchaseOrderId = "A codelab test" } }; // This call returns a long-running operation. var operation = client.CreateEntitlement(request); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. Entitlement entitlement = operation.PollUntilCompleted().Result; Console.WriteLine("=== Created entitlement"); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entitlement)); return entitlement; } } }
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Instructions for this codelab can be found on this page // https://cloud.google.com/channel/docs/codelabs/workspace/provisioning package main import ( "context" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" channel "cloud.google.com/go/channel/apiv1" "golang.org/x/oauth2/google" "google.golang.org/api/iterator" "google.golang.org/api/option" channelpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/channel/v1" "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/type/postaladdress" "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protojson" ) // ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### const jsonKeyFile = "path/to/json_key_file.json" const resellerAdminUser = "admin@yourresellerdomain.com" const accountID = "C012345" const customerDomain = "example.com" // ################################################################ const accountName = "accounts/" + accountID func main() { ctx := context.Background() // Set up credentials with user impersonation jsonKey, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(jsonKeyFile) jwt, _ := google.JWTConfigFromJSON(jsonKey, "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order") jwt.Subject = resellerAdminUser tokenSource := jwt.TokenSource(ctx) // Create the API client client, _ := channel.NewCloudChannelClient(ctx, option.WithTokenSource(tokenSource)) selectedOffer := selectOffer(ctx, client) checkExists(ctx, client) customer := createCustomer(ctx, client) _ /* entitlement */ = createEntitlement(ctx, client, customer, selectedOffer) customerID := customer.CloudIdentityId fmt.Println(customerID) } func selectOffer(ctx context.Context, client *channel.CloudChannelClient) *channelpb.Offer { var selectedOffer *channelpb.Offer req := &channelpb.ListOffersRequest{ Parent: accountName, } it := client.ListOffers(ctx, req) // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another and // is not a recommended model for your production integration. for { offer, err := it.Next() if err == iterator.Done { break } if offer.Sku.MarketingInfo.DisplayName == "Google Workspace Business Standard" && offer.Plan.PaymentPlan == channelpb.PaymentPlan_COMMITMENT { selectedOffer = offer break } } fmt.Println("=== Selected offer") fmt.Println(protojson.Format(selectedOffer)) return selectedOffer } func checkExists(ctx context.Context, client *channel.CloudChannelClient) { // Determine if customer already has a cloud identity req := &channelpb.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest{ Parent: accountName, Domain: customerDomain, } res, _ := client.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExist(ctx, req) // checkCloudIdentityAccountsExist always returns an array if len(res.CloudIdentityAccounts) > 0 { log.Fatal(`Cloud identity already exists; customer must be transferred [out-of-scope of this codelab]`) } } func createCustomer(ctx context.Context, client *channel.CloudChannelClient) *channelpb.Customer { // Create the Customer resource req := &channelpb.CreateCustomerRequest{ Parent: accountName, Customer: &channelpb.Customer{ OrgDisplayName: "Acme Corp", OrgPostalAddress: &postaladdress.PostalAddress{ AddressLines: []string{"1800 Amphibious Blvd"}, PostalCode: "94045", RegionCode: "US", }, Domain: customerDomain, // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. CorrelationId: "CRMID012345", // Distributors need to pass the following value // ChannelPartnerId: channelPartnerLinkId }, } customer, _ := client.CreateCustomer(ctx, req) fmt.Println("=== Created customer with id " + customer.Name) fmt.Println(protojson.Format(customer)) cireq := &channelpb.ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest{ Customer: customer.Name, CloudIdentityInfo: &channelpb.CloudIdentityInfo{ AlternateEmail: "john.doe@gmail.com", LanguageCode: "en-US", }, User: &channelpb.AdminUser{ GivenName: "John", FamilyName: "Doe", Email: "admin@" + customerDomain, }, } // This endpoint returns a long-running operation. op, _ := client.ProvisionCloudIdentity(ctx, cireq) // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. customer, _ = op.Wait(ctx) fmt.Println("=== Provisioned cloud identity") return customer } func createEntitlement(ctx context.Context, client *channel.CloudChannelClient, customer *channelpb.Customer, selectedOffer *channelpb.Offer) *channelpb.Entitlement { // This endpoint returns a long-running operation. req := &channelpb.CreateEntitlementRequest{ Parent: customer.Name, Entitlement: &channelpb.Entitlement{ Offer: selectedOffer.Name, // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer Parameters: []*channelpb.Parameter{ { Name: "num_units", Value: &channelpb.Value{ Kind: &channelpb.Value_Int64Value{Int64Value: 5}, }, }, }, // Setting renewal settings to auto renew CommitmentSettings: &channelpb.CommitmentSettings{ RenewalSettings: &channelpb.RenewalSettings{ EnableRenewal: true, PaymentPlan: channelpb.PaymentPlan_COMMITMENT, PaymentCycle: &channelpb.Period{ Duration: 1, PeriodType: channelpb.PeriodType_YEAR, }, }, }, // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. PurchaseOrderId: "A codelab test", }, } // This endpoint returns a long-running operation. op, _ := client.CreateEntitlement(ctx, req) // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. entitlement, _ := op.Wait(ctx) fmt.Println("=== Created entitlement") fmt.Println(protojson.Format(entitlement)) return entitlement }
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Instructions for this codelab can be found on this page // https://cloud.google.com/channel/docs/codelabs/workspace/provisioning import com.google.api.gax.core.FixedCredentialsProvider; import com.google.api.gax.longrunning.OperationFuture; import com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials; import com.google.auth.oauth2.ServiceAccountCredentials; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.AdminUser; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistResponse; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.CloudChannelServiceClient; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.CloudChannelServiceSettings; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.CloudIdentityInfo; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.CommitmentSettings; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.CreateCustomerRequest; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.CreateEntitlementRequest; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.Customer; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.Entitlement; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.ListOffersRequest; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.Offer; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.OperationMetadata; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.Parameter; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.PaymentPlan; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.Period; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.PeriodType; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.RenewalSettings; import com.google.cloud.channel.v1.Value; import com.google.gson.Gson; import com.google.type.PostalAddress; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; /** * This is a basic example of provisioning a Google Workspace customer. */ public class Codelab { /***************** REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ********************************/ public static final String JSON_KEY_FILE = "path/to/json_key_file.json"; public static final String RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = "admin@yourresellerdomain.com"; public static final String ACCOUNT_ID = "C012345"; public static final String CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = "example.com"; /*******************************************************************************/ public static final String ACCOUNT_NAME = "accounts/" + ACCOUNT_ID; private static CloudChannelServiceClient client; private static final Gson gson = new Gson(); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { // Set up credentials with user impersonation FileInputStream jsonKeyFileStream = new FileInputStream(JSON_KEY_FILE); GoogleCredentials credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.fromStream(jsonKeyFileStream) .createScoped("https://www.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order") .createDelegated(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER); // Create the API client CloudChannelServiceSettings serviceSettings = CloudChannelServiceSettings.newBuilder() .setCredentialsProvider(FixedCredentialsProvider.create(credentials)) .build(); client = CloudChannelServiceClient.create(serviceSettings); Offer selectedOffer = selectOffer(); checkExists(); Customer customer = createCustomer(); Entitlement entitlement = createEntitlement(customer, selectedOffer); String adminSDKCustomerId = customer.getCloudIdentityId(); System.out.println(adminSDKCustomerId); } private static Offer selectOffer() { ListOffersRequest request = ListOffersRequest.newBuilder().setParent(ACCOUNT_NAME).build(); // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, // but this is not a recommended model for your production integration String sampleSkuName = "Google Workspace Business Standard"; String samplePlan = "COMMITMENT"; CloudChannelServiceClient.ListOffersPagedResponse response = client.listOffers(request); Offer selectedOffer = Offer.newBuilder().build(); Iterator<Offer> iterator = response.iterateAll().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Offer offer = iterator.next(); String skuName = offer.getSku().getMarketingInfo().getDisplayName(); String offerPlan = offer.getPlan().getPaymentPlan().name(); if (skuName.equals(sampleSkuName) && offerPlan.equals(samplePlan)) { selectedOffer = offer; break; } } System.out.println("=== Selected offer"); System.out.println(gson.toJson(selectedOffer)); return selectedOffer; } private static void checkExists() throws Exception { // Determine if customer already has a cloud identity CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest request = CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest.newBuilder() .setParent(ACCOUNT_NAME) .setDomain(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .build(); CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistResponse response = client.checkCloudIdentityAccountsExist(request); if (response.getCloudIdentityAccountsCount() > 0) { throw new Exception( "Cloud identity already exists. " + "Customer must be transferred. " + "Out of scope for this codelab"); } } private static Customer createCustomer() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { // Create the Customer resource PostalAddress postalAddress = PostalAddress.newBuilder() .addAddressLines("1800 Amphibious Blvd") .setPostalCode("94045") .setRegionCode("US") .build(); CreateCustomerRequest request = CreateCustomerRequest.newBuilder() .setParent(ACCOUNT_NAME) .setCustomer( Customer.newBuilder() .setOrgDisplayName("Acme Corp") .setOrgPostalAddress(postalAddress) .setDomain(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. .setCorrelationId("CRMID012345") // Distributors need to pass the following field // .setChannelPartnerId(channelPartnerLinkId) .build()) .build(); Customer customer = client.createCustomer(request); System.out.println("=== Created customer with id " + customer.getName()); System.out.println(gson.toJson(customer)); CloudIdentityInfo cloudIdentityInfo = CloudIdentityInfo.newBuilder() .setAlternateEmail("john.doe@gmail.com") .setLanguageCode("en-US") .build(); AdminUser adminUser = AdminUser.newBuilder() .setGivenName("John") .setFamilyName("Doe") .setEmail("admin@" + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .build(); ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest cloudIdentityRequest = ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest.newBuilder() .setCustomer(customer.getName()) .setCloudIdentityInfo(cloudIdentityInfo) .setUser(adminUser) .build(); // This call returns a long-running operation. OperationFuture<Customer, OperationMetadata> operation = client.provisionCloudIdentityAsync(cloudIdentityRequest); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. customer = operation.get(); System.out.println("=== Provisioned cloud identity"); return customer; } private static Entitlement createEntitlement(Customer customer, Offer selectedOffer) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { RenewalSettings renewalSettings = RenewalSettings.newBuilder() // Setting renewal settings to auto renew .setEnableRenewal(true) .setPaymentPlan(PaymentPlan.COMMITMENT) .setPaymentCycle( Period.newBuilder().setPeriodType(PeriodType.YEAR).setDuration(1).build()) .build(); CommitmentSettings commitmentSettings = CommitmentSettings.newBuilder().setRenewalSettings(renewalSettings).build(); Entitlement entitlement = Entitlement.newBuilder() .setOffer(selectedOffer.getName()) // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer .addParameters( Parameter.newBuilder() .setName("num_units") .setValue(Value.newBuilder().setInt64Value(5).build()) .build()) .setCommitmentSettings(commitmentSettings) // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. .setPurchaseOrderId("A codelab test") .build(); CreateEntitlementRequest request = CreateEntitlementRequest.newBuilder() .setParent(customer.getName()) .setEntitlement(entitlement) .build(); // This call returns a long-running operation. OperationFuture<Entitlement, OperationMetadata> operation = client.createEntitlementAsync(request); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. entitlement = operation.get(); System.out.println("=== Created entitlement"); System.out.println(gson.toJson(entitlement)); return entitlement; } }
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Instructions for this codelab can be found on this page // https://cloud.google.com/channel/docs/codelabs/workspace/provisioning const {JWT} = require('google-auth-library'); const {grpc} = require('google-gax'); const {CloudChannelServiceClient} = require('@google-cloud/channel'); // ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### const jsonKeyFile = 'path/to/json_key_file.json'; const resellerAdminUser = 'admin@yourresellerdomain.com'; const accountId = 'C012345'; const customerDomain = 'example.com'; // ################################################################ const accountName = `accounts/${accountId}`; // Set up credentials with user impersonation const authClient = new JWT({ keyFile: jsonKeyFile, scopes: ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order'], subject: resellerAdminUser, }); const sslCreds = grpc.credentials.combineChannelCredentials( grpc.credentials.createSsl(), grpc.credentials.createFromGoogleCredential(authClient) ); // Create the API client const client = new CloudChannelServiceClient({sslCreds}); async function main() { const selectedOffer = await selectOffer(); await checkExists(); const customer = await createCustomer(); const entitlement = await createEntitlement(customer, selectedOffer); const customerId = customer.cloudIdentityId; console.log(customerId); } async function selectOffer() { const [offers] = await client.listOffers({ parent: accountName, }); // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, // but this is not a recommended model for your production integration const selectedOffer = offers.find(o => { return ( o.sku.marketingInfo.displayName === 'Google Workspace Business Standard' && o.plan.paymentPlan === 'COMMITMENT' ); }); console.log('=== Selected offer'); console.info(selectedOffer); return selectedOffer; } async function checkExists() { // Determine if customer already has a cloud identity const [ cloudIdentityAccounts, ] = await client.checkCloudIdentityAccountsExist({ parent: accountName, domain: customerDomain, }); if (cloudIdentityAccounts.length > 0) { throw new Error( 'Cloud identity already exists; ' + 'customer must be transferred ' + '[out-of-scope of this codelab]' ); } } async function createCustomer() { // Create the Customer resource let [customer] = await client.createCustomer({ parent: accountName, customer: { orgDisplayName: 'Acme Corp', orgPostalAddress: { addressLines: ['1800 Amphibious Blvd'], postalCode: '94045', regionCode: 'US', }, domain: customerDomain, // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. correlationId: "CRMID012345", // Distributors need to pass the following field // channelPartnerId: channelPartnerLinkId }, }); console.log(`=== Created customer with id ${customer.name}`); console.info(customer); // This endpoint returns a long-running operation. // For other ways to get operation results, see // https://github.com/googleapis/gax-nodejs/blob/master/client-libraries.md#long-running-operations const [operation] = await client.provisionCloudIdentity({ customer: customer.name, cloudIdentityInfo: { alternateEmail: 'john.doe@gmail.com', languageCode: 'en-US', }, user: { givenName: 'John', familyName: 'Doe', email: `admin@${customerDomain}`, }, }); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. [customer] = await operation.promise(); console.log('=== Provisioned cloud identity'); return customer; } async function createEntitlement(customer, selectedOffer) { // This call returns a long-running operation. const [operation] = await client.createEntitlement({ parent: customer.name, entitlement: { offer: selectedOffer.name, parameters: [ // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer { name: 'num_units', value: { int64Value: 5, }, }, ], commitmentSettings: { // Setting renewal settings to auto renew renewalSettings: { enableRenewal: true, paymentPlan: 'COMMITMENT', paymentCycle: { duration: 1, periodType: 'YEAR', }, }, }, // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. purchaseOrderId: 'A codelab test', }, }); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. const [entitlement] = await operation.promise(); console.log('=== Created entitlement'); console.info(entitlement); return entitlement; } main().catch(err => { console.error(err.message); process.exitCode = 1; }); process.on('unhandledRejection', err => { console.error(err.message); process.exitCode = 1; });
<?php // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Instructions for this codelab can be found on this page // https://cloud.google.com/channel/docs/codelabs/workspace/provisioning require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Google\Auth\Credentials\ServiceAccountCredentials; use Google\Cloud\Channel; // ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### $JSON_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json'; $RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = 'admin@yourresellerdomain.com'; $ACCOUNT_ID = 'C012345'; $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = 'example.com'; // ################################################################ $ACCOUNT_NAME = 'accounts/' . $ACCOUNT_ID; // Set up credentials with user impersonation $credentials = new ServiceAccountCredentials( 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order', /* $scope */ $JSON_KEY_FILE, /* $keyFile */ $RESELLER_ADMIN_USER /* $sub */ ); // Create the API client $client = new Channel\V1\CloudChannelServiceClient([ 'credentials' => $credentials ]); $selectedOffer = selectOffer(); checkExists(); $customer = createCustomer(); $entitlement = createEntitlement($customer, $selectedOffer); $customerId = $customer->getCloudIdentityId(); print $customerId . PHP_EOL; function selectOffer() { global $client, $ACCOUNT_NAME; $offers = $client->listOffers($ACCOUNT_NAME /* parent */); // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, // but this is not a recommended model for your production integration $sampleSku = 'Google Workspace Business Standard'; $samplePlan = Channel\V1\PaymentPlan::COMMITMENT; foreach ($offers as $offer) { if ($offer->getSku()->getMarketingInfo()->getDisplayName() == $sampleSku && $offer->getPlan()->getPaymentPlan() == $samplePlan) { $selectedOffer = $offer; break; } } print '=== Selected offer' . PHP_EOL; print $selectedOffer->serializeToJsonString() . PHP_EOL; return $selectedOffer; } function checkExists () { global $client, $ACCOUNT_NAME, $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN; // Determine if customer already has a cloud identity $response = $client->checkCloudIdentityAccountsExist( $ACCOUNT_NAME /* parent */, $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN /* domain */ ); if (count($response->getCloudIdentityAccounts()) > 0) { throw new Error('Cloud identity already exists; \ customer must be transferred \ [out-of-scope of this codelab]' ); } } function createCustomer() { global $client, $ACCOUNT_NAME, $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN; // Create the Customer resource $customer = $client->createCustomer( $ACCOUNT_NAME /* parent */, new Channel\V1\Customer([ 'org_display_name' => 'Acme Corp', 'org_postal_address' => new Google\Type\PostalAddress([ 'address_lines' => ['1800 Amphibious Blvd'], 'postal_code' => '94045', 'region_code' => 'US', ]), 'domain' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. 'correlation_id' => 'CRMID012345', // Distributors need to pass the following field // 'channel_partner_id' => $channelPartnerLinkId ]) ); print '=== Created customer with id ' . $customer->getName() . PHP_EOL; print $customer->serializeToJsonString() . PHP_EOL; // This endpoint returns a long-running operation. $operation = $client->provisionCloudIdentity( $customer->getName() /* customer */, [ 'cloudIdentityInfo' => new Channel\V1\CloudIdentityInfo([ 'alternate_email' => 'john.doe@gmail.com', 'language_code' => 'en-US', ]), 'user' => new Channel\V1\AdminUser([ 'given_name' => 'John', 'family_name' => 'Doe', 'email' => 'admin@' . $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, ]), ] ); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. $operation->pollUntilComplete(); $customer = $operation->getResult(); print '=== Provisioned cloud identity' . PHP_EOL; return $customer; } function createEntitlement($customer, $selectedOffer) { global $client; // This call returns a long-running operation. $operation = $client->createEntitlement( $customer->getName() /* parent */, new Channel\V1\Entitlement([ 'offer' => $selectedOffer->getName(), 'parameters' => [ new Channel\V1\Parameter([ // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer 'name' => 'num_units', 'value' => new Channel\V1\Value([ 'int64_value' => 5, ]) ]), ], 'commitment_settings' => new Channel\V1\CommitmentSettings([ // Setting renewal settings to auto renew 'renewal_settings' => new Channel\V1\RenewalSettings([ 'enable_renewal' => true, 'payment_plan' => Channel\V1\PaymentPlan::COMMITMENT, 'payment_cycle' => new Channel\V1\Period([ 'duration' => 1, 'period_type' => Channel\V1\PeriodType::YEAR, ]), ]), ]), // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. 'purchase_order_id' => 'A codelab test' ]) ); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. $operation->pollUntilComplete(); $entitlement = $operation->getResult(); print '=== Created entitlement' . PHP_EOL; print $entitlement->serializeToJsonString() . PHP_EOL; return $entitlement; }
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Google Workspace Provisioning codelab. Instructions for this codelab can be found on this page: https://cloud.google.com/channel/docs/codelabs/workspace/provisioning """ from google.cloud import channel from google.oauth2 import service_account ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### JSON_KEY_FILE = "path/to/json_key_file.json" RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = "admin@yourresellerdomain.com" ACCOUNT_ID = "C012345" CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = "example.com" ################################################################ ACCOUNT_NAME = "accounts/" + ACCOUNT_ID # Set up credentials with user impersonation credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( JSON_KEY_FILE, scopes=["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order"]) credentials_delegated = credentials.with_subject(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER) # Create the API client client = channel.CloudChannelServiceClient(credentials=credentials_delegated) def main(): offer = select_offer() check_exists() customer = create_customer() _ = create_entitlement(customer, offer) customer_id = customer.cloud_identity_id print(customer_id) def select_offer(): """Selects a Workspace offer. Returns: A Channel API Offer for Workspace """ request = channel.ListOffersRequest(parent=ACCOUNT_NAME) offers = client.list_offers(request) # For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects # the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual # plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, # but this is not a recommended model for your production integration sample_offer = "Google Workspace Business Standard" sample_plan = "PaymentPlan.COMMITMENT" selected_offer = None for offer in offers: if offer.sku.marketing_info.display_name == sample_offer and \ str(offer.plan.payment_plan) == sample_plan: selected_offer = offer break print("=== Selected offer") print(selected_offer) return selected_offer def check_exists(): """Determine if customer already has a cloud identity. Raises: Exception: if the domain is already in use """ # Determine if customer already has a cloud identity request = channel.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest( parent=ACCOUNT_NAME, domain=CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) response = client.check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist(request) if response.cloud_identity_accounts: raise Exception( "Cloud identity already exists. Customer must be transferred." + "Out of scope for this codelab") def create_customer(): """Create the Customer resource, with a cloud identity. Returns: The created Channel API Customer """ # Create the Customer resource request = channel.CreateCustomerRequest( parent=ACCOUNT_NAME, customer={ "org_display_name": "Acme Corp", "domain": CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, "org_postal_address": { "address_lines": ["1800 Amphibious Blvd"], "postal_code": "94045", "region_code": "US" }, # Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. "correlation_id": "CRMID012345" }) # Distributors need to also pass the following field for the `customer` # "channel_partner_id": channel_partner_link_id customer = client.create_customer(request) print("=== Created customer with id ", customer.name) print(customer) cloud_identity_info = channel.CloudIdentityInfo( alternate_email="john.doe@gmail.com", language_code="en-US") admin_user = channel.AdminUser( given_name="John", family_name="Doe", email="admin@" + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) cloud_identity_request = channel.ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest( customer=customer.name, cloud_identity_info=cloud_identity_info, user=admin_user) # This call returns a long-running operation. operation = client.provision_cloud_identity(cloud_identity_request) # Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. customer = operation.result() print("=== Provisioned cloud identity") return customer def create_entitlement(customer, selected_offer): """Create the Entitlement. Args: customer: a Customer resource selected_offer: an Offer Returns: The created Channel API Entitlement """ request = channel.CreateEntitlementRequest( parent=customer.name, entitlement={ "offer": selected_offer.name, # Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer "parameters": [{ "name": "num_units", "value": { "int64_value": 5 } }], "commitment_settings": { "renewal_settings": { # Setting renewal settings to auto renew "enable_renewal": True, "payment_plan": "COMMITMENT", "payment_cycle": { "period_type": "YEAR", "duration": 1 } } }, # A string of up to 80 characters. # We recommend an internal transaction ID or # identifier for this customer in this field. "purchase_order_id": "A codelab test" }) # This call returns a long-running operation. operation = client.create_entitlement(request) # Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. entitlement = operation.result() print("=== Created entitlement") print(entitlement) return entitlement if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Instructions for this codelab can be found on this page # https://cloud.google.com/channel/docs/codelabs/workspace/provisioning require 'google-cloud-channel' ################## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ################################ JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json' RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = 'admin@yourresellerdomain.com' ACCOUNT_ID = 'C012345' CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = 'example.com' ################################################################################ ACCOUNT_NAME = "accounts/#{ACCOUNT_ID}" # Set up credentials with user impersonation credentials = Google::Auth::ServiceAccountCredentials.make_creds( json_key_io: File.open(JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE), scope: 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order' ) credentials.sub = RESELLER_ADMIN_USER # Create the API client CLIENT = Google::Cloud::Channel::cloud_channel_service do |config| config.credentials = credentials end def main offer = select_offer check_exists customer = create_customer create_entitlement(customer, offer) customer_id = customer.cloud_identity_id puts(customer_id) end def select_offer # For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects # the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual # plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, # but this is not a recommended model for your production integration request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListOffersRequest.new({ parent: ACCOUNT_NAME }) offers = CLIENT.list_offers(request) sample_offer = 'Google Workspace Business Standard' sample_plan = :COMMITMENT offer = offers.detect { |offer| offer.sku.marketing_info.display_name == sample_offer && offer.plan.payment_plan == sample_plan } puts("=== Selected offer") puts(offer.inspect) offer end def check_exists # Determine if customer already has a cloud identity request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest .new({ parent: ACCOUNT_NAME, domain: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }) response = CLIENT.check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist(request) if response.cloud_identity_accounts.count > 0 raise 'Cloud identity already exists. Customer must be transferred.'\ 'Out of scope for this codelab' end end def create_customer # Create the Customer resource request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateCustomerRequest.new( parent: ACCOUNT_NAME, customer: { 'org_display_name': 'Acme Corp', 'domain': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'org_postal_address': { 'address_lines': ['1800 Amphibious Blvd'], 'postal_code': '94045', 'region_code': 'US' }, # Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. 'correlation_id': 'CRMID012345' }) # Distributors need to also pass the following field for the `customer` # "channel_partner_id": channel_partner_link_id customer = CLIENT.create_customer(request) puts("=== Created customer with id " + customer.name) puts(customer.inspect) cloud_identity_info = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudIdentityInfo.new( alternate_email: 'john.doe@gmail.com', language_code: 'en-US' ) admin_user = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::AdminUser.new( given_name: 'John', family_name: 'Doe', email: "admin@#{CUSTOMER_DOMAIN}" ) cloud_identity_request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest.new( customer: customer.name, cloud_identity_info: cloud_identity_info, user: admin_user ) # This call returns a long-running operation. operation = CLIENT.provision_cloud_identity(cloud_identity_request) # Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. CLIENT.operations_client.wait_operation(Google::Longrunning::WaitOperationRequest .new({ name: operation.name })) operation = CLIENT.operations_client.get_operation(Google::Longrunning::GetOperationRequest .new({ name: operation.name })) customer = operation.response puts("=== Provisioned cloud identity") customer end def create_entitlement(customer, selected_offer) request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateEntitlementRequest.new( parent: customer.name, entitlement: { offer: selected_offer.name, # Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer parameters: [{ name: 'num_units', value: { int64_value: 5 } }], commitment_settings: { renewal_settings: { # Setting renewal settings to auto renew enable_renewal: true, payment_plan: 'COMMITMENT', payment_cycle: { period_type: 'YEAR', duration: 1 } } }, # A string of up to 80 characters. # We recommend an internal transaction ID or # identifier for this customer in this field. purchase_order_id: 'A codelab test' }) # This call returns a long-running operation. operation = CLIENT.create_entitlement(request) # Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. CLIENT.operations_client.wait_operation(Google::Longrunning::WaitOperationRequest .new({ name: operation.name })) operation = CLIENT.operations_client.get_operation(Google::Longrunning::GetOperationRequest .new({ name: operation.name })) entitlement = operation.response puts("=== Created entitlement") puts(entitlement) entitlement end main