Antes de começar
Conclua o codelab de configuração de API para configurar um projeto do Google Cloud e criar uma conta de serviço para chamar a API Cloud Channel.
Leia sobre as operações do Channel Services.
Recomendamos usar o Partner Sales Console de teste para este codelab.
Visão geral
O provisionamento de um cliente com um direito do Google Workspace envolve várias chamadas de API. O diagrama a seguir mostra as etapas gerais para provisionar o cliente.
Etapa 1: criar objetos de serviço com credenciais autenticadas
Como usar uma biblioteca de cliente
Neste codelab, presumimos que você está usando uma das bibliotecas de cliente para a API Cloud Channel.
Recomendamos usar uma biblioteca de cliente do Google para a integração. Essas bibliotecas fornecem uma interface natural e específica para a linguagem, oferecem melhor desempenho usando RPC em vez de HTTP e definem valores padrão para campos.
Para instalar a biblioteca:
Para instalar a biblioteca de cliente C++, consulte Como configurar um ambiente de desenvolvimento em C++.
Se você estiver usando o Visual Studio 2017 ou uma versão posterior, abra a janela do gerenciador de pacotes nuget e digite o seguinte:
Install-Package Google.Cloud.Channel.V1
Se você estiver usando as ferramentas da interface de linha de comando do .NET Core para instalar as dependências, execute o seguinte comando:
dotnet add package Google.Cloud.Channel.V1
go mod init YOUR_MODULE_NAME
go get
Se você usa o Maven, adicione o
seguinte ao arquivo pom.xml
. Para mais informações sobre BOMs, consulte
O BOM das bibliotecas do Google Cloud Platform.
Se você estiver usando o Gradle, adicione o seguinte às suas dependências:
implementation group: '', name: 'google-cloud-channel', version: '2.3.0'
Se você estiver usando o VS Code, o IntelliJ ou o Eclipse, poderá adicionar bibliotecas de cliente ao projeto usando estes plug-ins de ambiente de desenvolvimento integrado:
Os plug-ins oferecem outras funcionalidades, como gerenciamento de chaves de contas de serviço. Consulte a documentação de cada plug-in para ver mais detalhes.
npm install --save @google-cloud/channel
composer require google/cloud-channel
pip install google-cloud-channel
gem install google-cloud-channel
Se você optar por não usar uma biblioteca de cliente, recomendamos verificar se há uma biblioteca de cliente menor para processar a autenticação. Não recomendamos reescrever a camada de autenticação do zero.
Configurar credenciais para autenticação
A API Cloud Channel usa um tipo de autenticação que exige:
- Uma conta de serviço e o arquivo de chave JSON correspondente.
- Um superadministrador de domínio de revendedor para personificar usando a delegação em todo o domínio no cliente da conta de serviço.
Siga o codelab de configuração de API se estiver faltando algum pré-requisito. Para mais informações, consulte OAuth 2.0 para contas de serviço.
No código abaixo, preencha estas variáveis com suas informações:
: o caminho para o arquivo de chave JSON gerado quando você criou uma conta de serviço.resellerAdminUser
: o endereço de e-mail de um superadministrador de domínio de revendedor(de preferência do Partner Sales Console de teste).accountId
: o ID da sua conta, encontrado na página "Configurações" do Partner Sales Console.customerDomain
: o domínio do cliente final. Se você executar este codelab no Partner Sales Console de teste, verifique se o domínio segue as convenções de nomeação de domínio.
using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Api.Gax; using Google.Cloud.Channel.V1; using Google.Type; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.Linq; namespace Codelab { class Program { /***************** REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ********************************/ private static readonly string jsonKeyFile = "path/to/json_key_file.json"; private static readonly string resellerAdminUser = ""; private static readonly string accountId = "C012345"; private static readonly string customerDomain = ""; /*******************************************************************************/ private static readonly string accountName = "accounts/" + accountId; private static CloudChannelServiceClient client; static void Main(string[] args) { // Set up credentials with user impersonation ICredential credential = GoogleCredential.FromFile(jsonKeyFile) .CreateScoped(CloudChannelServiceClient.DefaultScopes) .CreateWithUser(resellerAdminUser); // Create the API client client = new CloudChannelServiceClientBuilder { TokenAccessMethod = credential.GetAccessTokenForRequestAsync }.Build();
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" channel "" "" "" "" channelpb "" "" "" ) // ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### const jsonKeyFile = "path/to/json_key_file.json" const resellerAdminUser = "" const accountID = "C012345" const customerDomain = "" // ################################################################ const accountName = "accounts/" + accountID func main() { ctx := context.Background() // Set up credentials with user impersonation jsonKey, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(jsonKeyFile) jwt, _ := google.JWTConfigFromJSON(jsonKey, "") jwt.Subject = resellerAdminUser tokenSource := jwt.TokenSource(ctx) // Create the API client client, _ := channel.NewCloudChannelClient(ctx, option.WithTokenSource(tokenSource))
import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; // ... public class Codelab { /***************** REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ********************************/ public static final String JSON_KEY_FILE = "path/to/json_key_file.json"; public static final String RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = ""; public static final String ACCOUNT_ID = "C012345"; public static final String CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = ""; /*******************************************************************************/ public static final String ACCOUNT_NAME = "accounts/" + ACCOUNT_ID; private static CloudChannelServiceClient client; private static final Gson gson = new Gson(); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { // Set up credentials with user impersonation FileInputStream jsonKeyFileStream = new FileInputStream(JSON_KEY_FILE); GoogleCredentials credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.fromStream(jsonKeyFileStream) .createScoped("") .createDelegated(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER); // Create the API client CloudChannelServiceSettings serviceSettings = CloudChannelServiceSettings.newBuilder() .setCredentialsProvider(FixedCredentialsProvider.create(credentials)) .build(); client = CloudChannelServiceClient.create(serviceSettings);
const {JWT} = require('google-auth-library'); const {grpc} = require('google-gax'); const {CloudChannelServiceClient} = require('@google-cloud/channel'); // ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### const jsonKeyFile = 'path/to/json_key_file.json'; const resellerAdminUser = ''; const accountId = 'C012345'; const customerDomain = ''; // ################################################################ const accountName = `accounts/${accountId}`; // Set up credentials with user impersonation const authClient = new JWT({ keyFile: jsonKeyFile, scopes: [''], subject: resellerAdminUser, }); const sslCreds = grpc.credentials.combineChannelCredentials( grpc.credentials.createSsl(), grpc.credentials.createFromGoogleCredential(authClient) ); // Create the API client const client = new CloudChannelServiceClient({sslCreds});
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Google\Auth\Credentials\ServiceAccountCredentials; use Google\Cloud\Channel; // ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### $JSON_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json'; $RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = ''; $ACCOUNT_ID = 'C012345'; $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = ''; // ################################################################ $ACCOUNT_NAME = 'accounts/' . $ACCOUNT_ID; // Set up credentials with user impersonation $credentials = new ServiceAccountCredentials( '', /* $scope */ $JSON_KEY_FILE, /* $keyFile */ $RESELLER_ADMIN_USER /* $sub */ ); // Create the API client $client = new Channel\V1\CloudChannelServiceClient([ 'credentials' => $credentials ]);
from import channel from google.oauth2 import service_account ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### JSON_KEY_FILE = "path/to/json_key_file.json" RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = "" ACCOUNT_ID = "C012345" CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = "" ################################################################ ACCOUNT_NAME = "accounts/" + ACCOUNT_ID # Set up credentials with user impersonation credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( JSON_KEY_FILE, scopes=[""]) credentials_delegated = credentials.with_subject(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER) # Create the API client client = channel.CloudChannelServiceClient(credentials=credentials_delegated)
require 'google-cloud-channel' ################## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ################################ JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json' RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = '' ACCOUNT_ID = 'C012345' CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = '' ################################################################################ ACCOUNT_NAME = "accounts/#{ACCOUNT_ID}" # Set up credentials with user impersonation credentials = Google::Auth::ServiceAccountCredentials.make_creds( json_key_io:, scope: '' ) credentials.sub = RESELLER_ADMIN_USER # Create the API client CLIENT = Google::Cloud::Channel::cloud_channel_service do |config| config.credentials = credentials end
Etapa 2: escolher uma oferta da lista
PagedEnumerable<ListOffersResponse, Offer> offers = client.ListOffers(new ListOffersRequest { Parent = accountName }); // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, // but this is not a recommended model for your production integration string sampleOffer = "Google Workspace Business Standard"; PaymentPlan samplePlan = PaymentPlan.Commitment; Offer selectedOffer = offers.FirstOrDefault( o => o.Sku.MarketingInfo.DisplayName == sampleOffer && o.Plan.PaymentPlan == samplePlan); Console.WriteLine("=== Selected offer"); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(selectedOffer));
var selectedOffer *channelpb.Offer req := &channelpb.ListOffersRequest{ Parent: accountName, } it := client.ListOffers(ctx, req) // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another and // is not a recommended model for your production integration. for { offer, err := it.Next() if err == iterator.Done { break } if offer.Sku.MarketingInfo.DisplayName == "Google Workspace Business Standard" && offer.Plan.PaymentPlan == channelpb.PaymentPlan_COMMITMENT { selectedOffer = offer break } } fmt.Println("=== Selected offer") fmt.Println(protojson.Format(selectedOffer))
ListOffersRequest request = ListOffersRequest.newBuilder().setParent(ACCOUNT_NAME).build(); // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, // but this is not a recommended model for your production integration String sampleSkuName = "Google Workspace Business Standard"; String samplePlan = "COMMITMENT"; CloudChannelServiceClient.ListOffersPagedResponse response = client.listOffers(request); Offer selectedOffer = Offer.newBuilder().build(); Iterator<Offer> iterator = response.iterateAll().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Offer offer =; String skuName = offer.getSku().getMarketingInfo().getDisplayName(); String offerPlan = offer.getPlan().getPaymentPlan().name(); if (skuName.equals(sampleSkuName) && offerPlan.equals(samplePlan)) { selectedOffer = offer; break; } } System.out.println("=== Selected offer"); System.out.println(gson.toJson(selectedOffer));
const [offers] = await client.listOffers({ parent: accountName, }); // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, // but this is not a recommended model for your production integration const selectedOffer = offers.find(o => { return ( o.sku.marketingInfo.displayName === 'Google Workspace Business Standard' && o.plan.paymentPlan === 'COMMITMENT' ); }); console.log('=== Selected offer');;
$offers = $client->listOffers($ACCOUNT_NAME /* parent */); // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, // but this is not a recommended model for your production integration $sampleSku = 'Google Workspace Business Standard'; $samplePlan = Channel\V1\PaymentPlan::COMMITMENT; foreach ($offers as $offer) { if ($offer->getSku()->getMarketingInfo()->getDisplayName() == $sampleSku && $offer->getPlan()->getPaymentPlan() == $samplePlan) { $selectedOffer = $offer; break; } } print '=== Selected offer' . PHP_EOL; print $selectedOffer->serializeToJsonString() . PHP_EOL;
request = channel.ListOffersRequest(parent=ACCOUNT_NAME) offers = client.list_offers(request) # For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects # the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual # plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, # but this is not a recommended model for your production integration sample_offer = "Google Workspace Business Standard" sample_plan = "PaymentPlan.COMMITMENT" selected_offer = None for offer in offers: if offer.sku.marketing_info.display_name == sample_offer and \ str(offer.plan.payment_plan) == sample_plan: selected_offer = offer break print("=== Selected offer") print(selected_offer)
# For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects # the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual # plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, # but this is not a recommended model for your production integration request ={ parent: ACCOUNT_NAME }) offers = CLIENT.list_offers(request) sample_offer = 'Google Workspace Business Standard' sample_plan = :COMMITMENT offer = offers.detect { |offer| offer.sku.marketing_info.display_name == sample_offer && offer.plan.payment_plan == sample_plan } puts("=== Selected offer") puts(offer.inspect)
Etapa 3: criar um cliente para o espaço de trabalho do Google
Descobrir se o cliente tem uma identidade do Cloud
Só é possível provisionar produtos do Google Workspace para um cliente se ele não tiver uma identidade do Cloud ou se você já revender para ele.
Se o cliente tiver uma identidade de nuvem, você precisará transferir o cliente e os direitos dele.
Use o endpoint
para conferir se é possível provisioná-los como um novo cliente. Se o endpoint
retornar uma lista de identidades do Cloud existentes, transfira o cliente
// Determine if customer already has a cloud identity CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest request = new CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest { Parent = accountName, Domain = customerDomain }; CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistResponse response = client.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExist(request); if (response.CloudIdentityAccounts.Count > 0) { throw new Exception(@"Cloud identity already exists. Customer must be transferred. Out of scope for this codelab"); }
// Determine if customer already has a cloud identity req := &channelpb.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest{ Parent: accountName, Domain: customerDomain, } res, _ := client.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExist(ctx, req) // checkCloudIdentityAccountsExist always returns an array if len(res.CloudIdentityAccounts) > 0 { log.Fatal(`Cloud identity already exists; customer must be transferred [out-of-scope of this codelab]`) }
// Determine if customer already has a cloud identity CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest request = CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest.newBuilder() .setParent(ACCOUNT_NAME) .setDomain(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .build(); CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistResponse response = client.checkCloudIdentityAccountsExist(request); if (response.getCloudIdentityAccountsCount() > 0) { throw new Exception( "Cloud identity already exists. " + "Customer must be transferred. " + "Out of scope for this codelab"); }
// Determine if customer already has a cloud identity const [ cloudIdentityAccounts, ] = await client.checkCloudIdentityAccountsExist({ parent: accountName, domain: customerDomain, }); if (cloudIdentityAccounts.length > 0) { throw new Error( 'Cloud identity already exists; ' + 'customer must be transferred ' + '[out-of-scope of this codelab]' ); }
// Determine if customer already has a cloud identity $response = $client->checkCloudIdentityAccountsExist( $ACCOUNT_NAME /* parent */, $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN /* domain */ ); if (count($response->getCloudIdentityAccounts()) > 0) { throw new Error('Cloud identity already exists; \ customer must be transferred \ [out-of-scope of this codelab]' ); }
# Determine if customer already has a cloud identity request = channel.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest( parent=ACCOUNT_NAME, domain=CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) response = client.check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist(request) if response.cloud_identity_accounts: raise Exception( "Cloud identity already exists. Customer must be transferred." + "Out of scope for this codelab")
# Determine if customer already has a cloud identity request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest .new({ parent: ACCOUNT_NAME, domain: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }) response = CLIENT.check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist(request) if response.cloud_identity_accounts.count > 0 raise 'Cloud identity already exists. Customer must be transferred.'\ 'Out of scope for this codelab' end
Criar um cliente do Channel Services
Antes de criar direitos, você precisa criar um cliente dos Serviços de canal para o cliente revendido.
// Create the Customer resource CreateCustomerRequest request = new CreateCustomerRequest { Parent = accountName, Customer = new Customer { OrgDisplayName = "Acme Corp", OrgPostalAddress = new PostalAddress { AddressLines = { "1800 Amphibious Blvd" }, PostalCode = "94045", RegionCode = "US" }, Domain = customerDomain, // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. CorrelationId = "CRMID012345" } }; Customer customer = client.CreateCustomer(request); Console.WriteLine("=== Created customer with id " + customer.Name); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(customer));
// Create the Customer resource req := &channelpb.CreateCustomerRequest{ Parent: accountName, Customer: &channelpb.Customer{ OrgDisplayName: "Acme Corp", OrgPostalAddress: &postaladdress.PostalAddress{ AddressLines: []string{"1800 Amphibious Blvd"}, PostalCode: "94045", RegionCode: "US", }, Domain: customerDomain, // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. CorrelationId: "CRMID012345", // Distributors need to pass the following value // ChannelPartnerId: channelPartnerLinkId }, } customer, _ := client.CreateCustomer(ctx, req) fmt.Println("=== Created customer with id " + customer.Name) fmt.Println(protojson.Format(customer))
// Create the Customer resource PostalAddress postalAddress = PostalAddress.newBuilder() .addAddressLines("1800 Amphibious Blvd") .setPostalCode("94045") .setRegionCode("US") .build(); CreateCustomerRequest request = CreateCustomerRequest.newBuilder() .setParent(ACCOUNT_NAME) .setCustomer( Customer.newBuilder() .setOrgDisplayName("Acme Corp") .setOrgPostalAddress(postalAddress) .setDomain(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. .setCorrelationId("CRMID012345") // Distributors need to pass the following field // .setChannelPartnerId(channelPartnerLinkId) .build()) .build(); Customer customer = client.createCustomer(request); System.out.println("=== Created customer with id " + customer.getName()); System.out.println(gson.toJson(customer));
// Create the Customer resource let [customer] = await client.createCustomer({ parent: accountName, customer: { orgDisplayName: 'Acme Corp', orgPostalAddress: { addressLines: ['1800 Amphibious Blvd'], postalCode: '94045', regionCode: 'US', }, domain: customerDomain, // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. correlationId: "CRMID012345", // Distributors need to pass the following field // channelPartnerId: channelPartnerLinkId }, }); console.log(`=== Created customer with id ${}`);;
// Create the Customer resource $customer = $client->createCustomer( $ACCOUNT_NAME /* parent */, new Channel\V1\Customer([ 'org_display_name' => 'Acme Corp', 'org_postal_address' => new Google\Type\PostalAddress([ 'address_lines' => ['1800 Amphibious Blvd'], 'postal_code' => '94045', 'region_code' => 'US', ]), 'domain' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. 'correlation_id' => 'CRMID012345', // Distributors need to pass the following field // 'channel_partner_id' => $channelPartnerLinkId ]) ); print '=== Created customer with id ' . $customer->getName() . PHP_EOL; print $customer->serializeToJsonString() . PHP_EOL;
# Create the Customer resource request = channel.CreateCustomerRequest( parent=ACCOUNT_NAME, customer={ "org_display_name": "Acme Corp", "domain": CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, "org_postal_address": { "address_lines": ["1800 Amphibious Blvd"], "postal_code": "94045", "region_code": "US" }, # Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. "correlation_id": "CRMID012345" }) # Distributors need to also pass the following field for the `customer` # "channel_partner_id": channel_partner_link_id customer = client.create_customer(request) print("=== Created customer with id ", print(customer)
# Create the Customer resource request = parent: ACCOUNT_NAME, customer: { 'org_display_name': 'Acme Corp', 'domain': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'org_postal_address': { 'address_lines': ['1800 Amphibious Blvd'], 'postal_code': '94045', 'region_code': 'US' }, # Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. 'correlation_id': 'CRMID012345' }) # Distributors need to also pass the following field for the `customer` # "channel_partner_id": channel_partner_link_id customer = CLIENT.create_customer(request) puts("=== Created customer with id " + puts(customer.inspect)
Provisionar uma identidade de nuvem
Depois de ter um cliente, é necessário anexar uma identidade do Cloud com as informações necessárias para provisionar os produtos do Google Workspace.
CloudIdentityInfo cloudIdentityInfo = new CloudIdentityInfo { AlternateEmail = "", LanguageCode = "en-US" }; AdminUser adminUser = new AdminUser { GivenName = "John", FamilyName = "Doe", Email = "admin@" + customerDomain }; ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest cloudIdentityRequest = new ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest { Customer = customer.Name, CloudIdentityInfo = cloudIdentityInfo, User = adminUser }; // This call returns a long-running operation. var operation = client.ProvisionCloudIdentity(cloudIdentityRequest); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. customer = operation.PollUntilCompleted().Result; Console.WriteLine("=== Provisioned cloud identity");
cireq := &channelpb.ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest{ Customer: customer.Name, CloudIdentityInfo: &channelpb.CloudIdentityInfo{ AlternateEmail: "", LanguageCode: "en-US", }, User: &channelpb.AdminUser{ GivenName: "John", FamilyName: "Doe", Email: "admin@" + customerDomain, }, } // This endpoint returns a long-running operation. op, _ := client.ProvisionCloudIdentity(ctx, cireq) // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. customer, _ = op.Wait(ctx) fmt.Println("=== Provisioned cloud identity")
CloudIdentityInfo cloudIdentityInfo = CloudIdentityInfo.newBuilder() .setAlternateEmail("") .setLanguageCode("en-US") .build(); AdminUser adminUser = AdminUser.newBuilder() .setGivenName("John") .setFamilyName("Doe") .setEmail("admin@" + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .build(); ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest cloudIdentityRequest = ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest.newBuilder() .setCustomer(customer.getName()) .setCloudIdentityInfo(cloudIdentityInfo) .setUser(adminUser) .build(); // This call returns a long-running operation. OperationFuture<Customer, OperationMetadata> operation = client.provisionCloudIdentityAsync(cloudIdentityRequest); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. customer = operation.get(); System.out.println("=== Provisioned cloud identity");
// This endpoint returns a long-running operation. // For other ways to get operation results, see // const [operation] = await client.provisionCloudIdentity({ customer:, cloudIdentityInfo: { alternateEmail: '', languageCode: 'en-US', }, user: { givenName: 'John', familyName: 'Doe', email: `admin@${customerDomain}`, }, }); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. [customer] = await operation.promise(); console.log('=== Provisioned cloud identity');
// This endpoint returns a long-running operation. $operation = $client->provisionCloudIdentity( $customer->getName() /* customer */, [ 'cloudIdentityInfo' => new Channel\V1\CloudIdentityInfo([ 'alternate_email' => '', 'language_code' => 'en-US', ]), 'user' => new Channel\V1\AdminUser([ 'given_name' => 'John', 'family_name' => 'Doe', 'email' => 'admin@' . $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, ]), ] ); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. $operation->pollUntilComplete(); $customer = $operation->getResult(); print '=== Provisioned cloud identity' . PHP_EOL;
cloud_identity_info = channel.CloudIdentityInfo( alternate_email="", language_code="en-US") admin_user = channel.AdminUser( given_name="John", family_name="Doe", email="admin@" + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) cloud_identity_request = channel.ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest(, cloud_identity_info=cloud_identity_info, user=admin_user) # This call returns a long-running operation. operation = client.provision_cloud_identity(cloud_identity_request) # Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. customer = operation.result() print("=== Provisioned cloud identity")
cloud_identity_info = alternate_email: '', language_code: 'en-US' ) admin_user = given_name: 'John', family_name: 'Doe', email: "admin@#{CUSTOMER_DOMAIN}" ) cloud_identity_request = customer:, cloud_identity_info: cloud_identity_info, user: admin_user ) # This call returns a long-running operation. operation = CLIENT.provision_cloud_identity(cloud_identity_request) # Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. CLIENT.operations_client.wait_operation(Google::Longrunning::WaitOperationRequest .new({ name: })) operation = CLIENT.operations_client.get_operation(Google::Longrunning::GetOperationRequest .new({ name: })) customer = operation.response puts("=== Provisioned cloud identity")
Essa chamada vai criar a identidade do Cloud, incluindo o primeiro superadministrador do cliente.
Etapa 4: criar um direito do Espaço de trabalho do Google
Depois de criar o cliente e a identidade na nuvem, agora você pode provisionar um direito do Google Workspace.
RenewalSettings renewalSettings = new RenewalSettings { // Setting renewal settings to auto renew EnableRenewal = true, PaymentPlan = PaymentPlan.Commitment, PaymentCycle = new Period { PeriodType = PeriodType.Year, Duration = 1 } }; CreateEntitlementRequest request = new CreateEntitlementRequest { Parent = customer.Name, Entitlement = new Entitlement { Offer = selectedOffer.Name, // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer Parameters = { new Parameter { Name = "num_units", Value = new Value { Int64Value = 5 } } }, CommitmentSettings = new CommitmentSettings { RenewalSettings = renewalSettings }, // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. PurchaseOrderId = "A codelab test" } }; // This call returns a long-running operation. var operation = client.CreateEntitlement(request); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. Entitlement entitlement = operation.PollUntilCompleted().Result; Console.WriteLine("=== Created entitlement"); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entitlement));
// This endpoint returns a long-running operation. req := &channelpb.CreateEntitlementRequest{ Parent: customer.Name, Entitlement: &channelpb.Entitlement{ Offer: selectedOffer.Name, // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer Parameters: []*channelpb.Parameter{ { Name: "num_units", Value: &channelpb.Value{ Kind: &channelpb.Value_Int64Value{Int64Value: 5}, }, }, }, // Setting renewal settings to auto renew CommitmentSettings: &channelpb.CommitmentSettings{ RenewalSettings: &channelpb.RenewalSettings{ EnableRenewal: true, PaymentPlan: channelpb.PaymentPlan_COMMITMENT, PaymentCycle: &channelpb.Period{ Duration: 1, PeriodType: channelpb.PeriodType_YEAR, }, }, }, // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. PurchaseOrderId: "A codelab test", }, } // This endpoint returns a long-running operation. op, _ := client.CreateEntitlement(ctx, req) // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. entitlement, _ := op.Wait(ctx) fmt.Println("=== Created entitlement") fmt.Println(protojson.Format(entitlement))
RenewalSettings renewalSettings = RenewalSettings.newBuilder() // Setting renewal settings to auto renew .setEnableRenewal(true) .setPaymentPlan(PaymentPlan.COMMITMENT) .setPaymentCycle( Period.newBuilder().setPeriodType(PeriodType.YEAR).setDuration(1).build()) .build(); CommitmentSettings commitmentSettings = CommitmentSettings.newBuilder().setRenewalSettings(renewalSettings).build(); Entitlement entitlement = Entitlement.newBuilder() .setOffer(selectedOffer.getName()) // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer .addParameters( Parameter.newBuilder() .setName("num_units") .setValue(Value.newBuilder().setInt64Value(5).build()) .build()) .setCommitmentSettings(commitmentSettings) // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. .setPurchaseOrderId("A codelab test") .build(); CreateEntitlementRequest request = CreateEntitlementRequest.newBuilder() .setParent(customer.getName()) .setEntitlement(entitlement) .build(); // This call returns a long-running operation. OperationFuture<Entitlement, OperationMetadata> operation = client.createEntitlementAsync(request); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. entitlement = operation.get(); System.out.println("=== Created entitlement"); System.out.println(gson.toJson(entitlement));
// This call returns a long-running operation. const [operation] = await client.createEntitlement({ parent:, entitlement: { offer:, parameters: [ // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer { name: 'num_units', value: { int64Value: 5, }, }, ], commitmentSettings: { // Setting renewal settings to auto renew renewalSettings: { enableRenewal: true, paymentPlan: 'COMMITMENT', paymentCycle: { duration: 1, periodType: 'YEAR', }, }, }, // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. purchaseOrderId: 'A codelab test', }, }); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. const [entitlement] = await operation.promise(); console.log('=== Created entitlement');;
// This call returns a long-running operation. $operation = $client->createEntitlement( $customer->getName() /* parent */, new Channel\V1\Entitlement([ 'offer' => $selectedOffer->getName(), 'parameters' => [ new Channel\V1\Parameter([ // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer 'name' => 'num_units', 'value' => new Channel\V1\Value([ 'int64_value' => 5, ]) ]), ], 'commitment_settings' => new Channel\V1\CommitmentSettings([ // Setting renewal settings to auto renew 'renewal_settings' => new Channel\V1\RenewalSettings([ 'enable_renewal' => true, 'payment_plan' => Channel\V1\PaymentPlan::COMMITMENT, 'payment_cycle' => new Channel\V1\Period([ 'duration' => 1, 'period_type' => Channel\V1\PeriodType::YEAR, ]), ]), ]), // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. 'purchase_order_id' => 'A codelab test' ]) ); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. $operation->pollUntilComplete(); $entitlement = $operation->getResult(); print '=== Created entitlement' . PHP_EOL; print $entitlement->serializeToJsonString() . PHP_EOL;
request = channel.CreateEntitlementRequest(, entitlement={ "offer":, # Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer "parameters": [{ "name": "num_units", "value": { "int64_value": 5 } }], "commitment_settings": { "renewal_settings": { # Setting renewal settings to auto renew "enable_renewal": True, "payment_plan": "COMMITMENT", "payment_cycle": { "period_type": "YEAR", "duration": 1 } } }, # A string of up to 80 characters. # We recommend an internal transaction ID or # identifier for this customer in this field. "purchase_order_id": "A codelab test" }) # This call returns a long-running operation. operation = client.create_entitlement(request) # Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. entitlement = operation.result() print("=== Created entitlement") print(entitlement)
request = parent:, entitlement: { offer:, # Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer parameters: [{ name: 'num_units', value: { int64_value: 5 } }], commitment_settings: { renewal_settings: { # Setting renewal settings to auto renew enable_renewal: true, payment_plan: 'COMMITMENT', payment_cycle: { period_type: 'YEAR', duration: 1 } } }, # A string of up to 80 characters. # We recommend an internal transaction ID or # identifier for this customer in this field. purchase_order_id: 'A codelab test' }) # This call returns a long-running operation. operation = CLIENT.create_entitlement(request) # Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. CLIENT.operations_client.wait_operation(Google::Longrunning::WaitOperationRequest .new({ name: })) operation = CLIENT.operations_client.get_operation(Google::Longrunning::GetOperationRequest .new({ name: })) entitlement = operation.response puts("=== Created entitlement") puts(entitlement)
Opcional: integrar com o SDK Admin do Workspace
Se você planeja fazer a integração com o
SDK Admin do Workspace, as APIs
exigem um customerId
do Google Workspace. A API Cloud Channel retorna
isso como o cloudIdentityId
no recurso Customer
string customerId = customer.CloudIdentityId; Console.WriteLine(customerId);
customerID := customer.CloudIdentityId fmt.Println(customerID)
String adminSDKCustomerId = customer.getCloudIdentityId(); System.out.println(adminSDKCustomerId);
const customerId = customer.cloudIdentityId; console.log(customerId);
$customerId = $customer->getCloudIdentityId(); print $customerId . PHP_EOL;
customer_id = customer.cloud_identity_id print(customer_id)
customer_id = customer.cloud_identity_id puts(customer_id)
Como tudo funciona em conjunto
O exemplo de código completo para provisionar um cliente com um direito do Google Workspace:
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Instructions for this codelab can be found on this page // using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Api.Gax; using Google.Cloud.Channel.V1; using Google.Type; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.Linq; namespace Codelab { class Program { /***************** REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ********************************/ private static readonly string jsonKeyFile = "path/to/json_key_file.json"; private static readonly string resellerAdminUser = ""; private static readonly string accountId = "C012345"; private static readonly string customerDomain = ""; /*******************************************************************************/ private static readonly string accountName = "accounts/" + accountId; private static CloudChannelServiceClient client; static void Main(string[] args) { // Set up credentials with user impersonation ICredential credential = GoogleCredential.FromFile(jsonKeyFile) .CreateScoped(CloudChannelServiceClient.DefaultScopes) .CreateWithUser(resellerAdminUser); // Create the API client client = new CloudChannelServiceClientBuilder { TokenAccessMethod = credential.GetAccessTokenForRequestAsync }.Build(); Offer selectedOffer = SelectOffer(); CheckExists(); Customer customer = CreateCustomer(); Entitlement entitlement = CreateEntitlement(customer, selectedOffer); string customerId = customer.CloudIdentityId; Console.WriteLine(customerId); } static Offer SelectOffer() { PagedEnumerable<ListOffersResponse, Offer> offers = client.ListOffers(new ListOffersRequest { Parent = accountName }); // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, // but this is not a recommended model for your production integration string sampleOffer = "Google Workspace Business Standard"; PaymentPlan samplePlan = PaymentPlan.Commitment; Offer selectedOffer = offers.FirstOrDefault( o => o.Sku.MarketingInfo.DisplayName == sampleOffer && o.Plan.PaymentPlan == samplePlan); Console.WriteLine("=== Selected offer"); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(selectedOffer)); return selectedOffer; } static void CheckExists() { // Determine if customer already has a cloud identity CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest request = new CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest { Parent = accountName, Domain = customerDomain }; CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistResponse response = client.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExist(request); if (response.CloudIdentityAccounts.Count > 0) { throw new Exception(@"Cloud identity already exists. Customer must be transferred. Out of scope for this codelab"); } } static Customer CreateCustomer() { // Create the Customer resource CreateCustomerRequest request = new CreateCustomerRequest { Parent = accountName, Customer = new Customer { OrgDisplayName = "Acme Corp", OrgPostalAddress = new PostalAddress { AddressLines = { "1800 Amphibious Blvd" }, PostalCode = "94045", RegionCode = "US" }, Domain = customerDomain, // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. CorrelationId = "CRMID012345" } }; Customer customer = client.CreateCustomer(request); Console.WriteLine("=== Created customer with id " + customer.Name); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(customer)); CloudIdentityInfo cloudIdentityInfo = new CloudIdentityInfo { AlternateEmail = "", LanguageCode = "en-US" }; AdminUser adminUser = new AdminUser { GivenName = "John", FamilyName = "Doe", Email = "admin@" + customerDomain }; ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest cloudIdentityRequest = new ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest { Customer = customer.Name, CloudIdentityInfo = cloudIdentityInfo, User = adminUser }; // This call returns a long-running operation. var operation = client.ProvisionCloudIdentity(cloudIdentityRequest); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. customer = operation.PollUntilCompleted().Result; Console.WriteLine("=== Provisioned cloud identity"); return customer; } static Entitlement CreateEntitlement(Customer customer, Offer selectedOffer) { RenewalSettings renewalSettings = new RenewalSettings { // Setting renewal settings to auto renew EnableRenewal = true, PaymentPlan = PaymentPlan.Commitment, PaymentCycle = new Period { PeriodType = PeriodType.Year, Duration = 1 } }; CreateEntitlementRequest request = new CreateEntitlementRequest { Parent = customer.Name, Entitlement = new Entitlement { Offer = selectedOffer.Name, // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer Parameters = { new Parameter { Name = "num_units", Value = new Value { Int64Value = 5 } } }, CommitmentSettings = new CommitmentSettings { RenewalSettings = renewalSettings }, // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. PurchaseOrderId = "A codelab test" } }; // This call returns a long-running operation. var operation = client.CreateEntitlement(request); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. Entitlement entitlement = operation.PollUntilCompleted().Result; Console.WriteLine("=== Created entitlement"); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entitlement)); return entitlement; } } }
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Instructions for this codelab can be found on this page // package main import ( "context" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" channel "" "" "" "" channelpb "" "" "" ) // ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### const jsonKeyFile = "path/to/json_key_file.json" const resellerAdminUser = "" const accountID = "C012345" const customerDomain = "" // ################################################################ const accountName = "accounts/" + accountID func main() { ctx := context.Background() // Set up credentials with user impersonation jsonKey, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(jsonKeyFile) jwt, _ := google.JWTConfigFromJSON(jsonKey, "") jwt.Subject = resellerAdminUser tokenSource := jwt.TokenSource(ctx) // Create the API client client, _ := channel.NewCloudChannelClient(ctx, option.WithTokenSource(tokenSource)) selectedOffer := selectOffer(ctx, client) checkExists(ctx, client) customer := createCustomer(ctx, client) _ /* entitlement */ = createEntitlement(ctx, client, customer, selectedOffer) customerID := customer.CloudIdentityId fmt.Println(customerID) } func selectOffer(ctx context.Context, client *channel.CloudChannelClient) *channelpb.Offer { var selectedOffer *channelpb.Offer req := &channelpb.ListOffersRequest{ Parent: accountName, } it := client.ListOffers(ctx, req) // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another and // is not a recommended model for your production integration. for { offer, err := it.Next() if err == iterator.Done { break } if offer.Sku.MarketingInfo.DisplayName == "Google Workspace Business Standard" && offer.Plan.PaymentPlan == channelpb.PaymentPlan_COMMITMENT { selectedOffer = offer break } } fmt.Println("=== Selected offer") fmt.Println(protojson.Format(selectedOffer)) return selectedOffer } func checkExists(ctx context.Context, client *channel.CloudChannelClient) { // Determine if customer already has a cloud identity req := &channelpb.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest{ Parent: accountName, Domain: customerDomain, } res, _ := client.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExist(ctx, req) // checkCloudIdentityAccountsExist always returns an array if len(res.CloudIdentityAccounts) > 0 { log.Fatal(`Cloud identity already exists; customer must be transferred [out-of-scope of this codelab]`) } } func createCustomer(ctx context.Context, client *channel.CloudChannelClient) *channelpb.Customer { // Create the Customer resource req := &channelpb.CreateCustomerRequest{ Parent: accountName, Customer: &channelpb.Customer{ OrgDisplayName: "Acme Corp", OrgPostalAddress: &postaladdress.PostalAddress{ AddressLines: []string{"1800 Amphibious Blvd"}, PostalCode: "94045", RegionCode: "US", }, Domain: customerDomain, // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. CorrelationId: "CRMID012345", // Distributors need to pass the following value // ChannelPartnerId: channelPartnerLinkId }, } customer, _ := client.CreateCustomer(ctx, req) fmt.Println("=== Created customer with id " + customer.Name) fmt.Println(protojson.Format(customer)) cireq := &channelpb.ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest{ Customer: customer.Name, CloudIdentityInfo: &channelpb.CloudIdentityInfo{ AlternateEmail: "", LanguageCode: "en-US", }, User: &channelpb.AdminUser{ GivenName: "John", FamilyName: "Doe", Email: "admin@" + customerDomain, }, } // This endpoint returns a long-running operation. op, _ := client.ProvisionCloudIdentity(ctx, cireq) // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. customer, _ = op.Wait(ctx) fmt.Println("=== Provisioned cloud identity") return customer } func createEntitlement(ctx context.Context, client *channel.CloudChannelClient, customer *channelpb.Customer, selectedOffer *channelpb.Offer) *channelpb.Entitlement { // This endpoint returns a long-running operation. req := &channelpb.CreateEntitlementRequest{ Parent: customer.Name, Entitlement: &channelpb.Entitlement{ Offer: selectedOffer.Name, // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer Parameters: []*channelpb.Parameter{ { Name: "num_units", Value: &channelpb.Value{ Kind: &channelpb.Value_Int64Value{Int64Value: 5}, }, }, }, // Setting renewal settings to auto renew CommitmentSettings: &channelpb.CommitmentSettings{ RenewalSettings: &channelpb.RenewalSettings{ EnableRenewal: true, PaymentPlan: channelpb.PaymentPlan_COMMITMENT, PaymentCycle: &channelpb.Period{ Duration: 1, PeriodType: channelpb.PeriodType_YEAR, }, }, }, // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. PurchaseOrderId: "A codelab test", }, } // This endpoint returns a long-running operation. op, _ := client.CreateEntitlement(ctx, req) // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. entitlement, _ := op.Wait(ctx) fmt.Println("=== Created entitlement") fmt.Println(protojson.Format(entitlement)) return entitlement }
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Instructions for this codelab can be found on this page // import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; /** * This is a basic example of provisioning a Google Workspace customer. */ public class Codelab { /***************** REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ********************************/ public static final String JSON_KEY_FILE = "path/to/json_key_file.json"; public static final String RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = ""; public static final String ACCOUNT_ID = "C012345"; public static final String CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = ""; /*******************************************************************************/ public static final String ACCOUNT_NAME = "accounts/" + ACCOUNT_ID; private static CloudChannelServiceClient client; private static final Gson gson = new Gson(); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { // Set up credentials with user impersonation FileInputStream jsonKeyFileStream = new FileInputStream(JSON_KEY_FILE); GoogleCredentials credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.fromStream(jsonKeyFileStream) .createScoped("") .createDelegated(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER); // Create the API client CloudChannelServiceSettings serviceSettings = CloudChannelServiceSettings.newBuilder() .setCredentialsProvider(FixedCredentialsProvider.create(credentials)) .build(); client = CloudChannelServiceClient.create(serviceSettings); Offer selectedOffer = selectOffer(); checkExists(); Customer customer = createCustomer(); Entitlement entitlement = createEntitlement(customer, selectedOffer); String adminSDKCustomerId = customer.getCloudIdentityId(); System.out.println(adminSDKCustomerId); } private static Offer selectOffer() { ListOffersRequest request = ListOffersRequest.newBuilder().setParent(ACCOUNT_NAME).build(); // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, // but this is not a recommended model for your production integration String sampleSkuName = "Google Workspace Business Standard"; String samplePlan = "COMMITMENT"; CloudChannelServiceClient.ListOffersPagedResponse response = client.listOffers(request); Offer selectedOffer = Offer.newBuilder().build(); Iterator<Offer> iterator = response.iterateAll().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Offer offer =; String skuName = offer.getSku().getMarketingInfo().getDisplayName(); String offerPlan = offer.getPlan().getPaymentPlan().name(); if (skuName.equals(sampleSkuName) && offerPlan.equals(samplePlan)) { selectedOffer = offer; break; } } System.out.println("=== Selected offer"); System.out.println(gson.toJson(selectedOffer)); return selectedOffer; } private static void checkExists() throws Exception { // Determine if customer already has a cloud identity CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest request = CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest.newBuilder() .setParent(ACCOUNT_NAME) .setDomain(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .build(); CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistResponse response = client.checkCloudIdentityAccountsExist(request); if (response.getCloudIdentityAccountsCount() > 0) { throw new Exception( "Cloud identity already exists. " + "Customer must be transferred. " + "Out of scope for this codelab"); } } private static Customer createCustomer() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { // Create the Customer resource PostalAddress postalAddress = PostalAddress.newBuilder() .addAddressLines("1800 Amphibious Blvd") .setPostalCode("94045") .setRegionCode("US") .build(); CreateCustomerRequest request = CreateCustomerRequest.newBuilder() .setParent(ACCOUNT_NAME) .setCustomer( Customer.newBuilder() .setOrgDisplayName("Acme Corp") .setOrgPostalAddress(postalAddress) .setDomain(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. .setCorrelationId("CRMID012345") // Distributors need to pass the following field // .setChannelPartnerId(channelPartnerLinkId) .build()) .build(); Customer customer = client.createCustomer(request); System.out.println("=== Created customer with id " + customer.getName()); System.out.println(gson.toJson(customer)); CloudIdentityInfo cloudIdentityInfo = CloudIdentityInfo.newBuilder() .setAlternateEmail("") .setLanguageCode("en-US") .build(); AdminUser adminUser = AdminUser.newBuilder() .setGivenName("John") .setFamilyName("Doe") .setEmail("admin@" + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .build(); ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest cloudIdentityRequest = ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest.newBuilder() .setCustomer(customer.getName()) .setCloudIdentityInfo(cloudIdentityInfo) .setUser(adminUser) .build(); // This call returns a long-running operation. OperationFuture<Customer, OperationMetadata> operation = client.provisionCloudIdentityAsync(cloudIdentityRequest); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. customer = operation.get(); System.out.println("=== Provisioned cloud identity"); return customer; } private static Entitlement createEntitlement(Customer customer, Offer selectedOffer) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { RenewalSettings renewalSettings = RenewalSettings.newBuilder() // Setting renewal settings to auto renew .setEnableRenewal(true) .setPaymentPlan(PaymentPlan.COMMITMENT) .setPaymentCycle( Period.newBuilder().setPeriodType(PeriodType.YEAR).setDuration(1).build()) .build(); CommitmentSettings commitmentSettings = CommitmentSettings.newBuilder().setRenewalSettings(renewalSettings).build(); Entitlement entitlement = Entitlement.newBuilder() .setOffer(selectedOffer.getName()) // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer .addParameters( Parameter.newBuilder() .setName("num_units") .setValue(Value.newBuilder().setInt64Value(5).build()) .build()) .setCommitmentSettings(commitmentSettings) // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. .setPurchaseOrderId("A codelab test") .build(); CreateEntitlementRequest request = CreateEntitlementRequest.newBuilder() .setParent(customer.getName()) .setEntitlement(entitlement) .build(); // This call returns a long-running operation. OperationFuture<Entitlement, OperationMetadata> operation = client.createEntitlementAsync(request); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. entitlement = operation.get(); System.out.println("=== Created entitlement"); System.out.println(gson.toJson(entitlement)); return entitlement; } }
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Instructions for this codelab can be found on this page // const {JWT} = require('google-auth-library'); const {grpc} = require('google-gax'); const {CloudChannelServiceClient} = require('@google-cloud/channel'); // ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### const jsonKeyFile = 'path/to/json_key_file.json'; const resellerAdminUser = ''; const accountId = 'C012345'; const customerDomain = ''; // ################################################################ const accountName = `accounts/${accountId}`; // Set up credentials with user impersonation const authClient = new JWT({ keyFile: jsonKeyFile, scopes: [''], subject: resellerAdminUser, }); const sslCreds = grpc.credentials.combineChannelCredentials( grpc.credentials.createSsl(), grpc.credentials.createFromGoogleCredential(authClient) ); // Create the API client const client = new CloudChannelServiceClient({sslCreds}); async function main() { const selectedOffer = await selectOffer(); await checkExists(); const customer = await createCustomer(); const entitlement = await createEntitlement(customer, selectedOffer); const customerId = customer.cloudIdentityId; console.log(customerId); } async function selectOffer() { const [offers] = await client.listOffers({ parent: accountName, }); // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, // but this is not a recommended model for your production integration const selectedOffer = offers.find(o => { return ( o.sku.marketingInfo.displayName === 'Google Workspace Business Standard' && o.plan.paymentPlan === 'COMMITMENT' ); }); console.log('=== Selected offer');; return selectedOffer; } async function checkExists() { // Determine if customer already has a cloud identity const [ cloudIdentityAccounts, ] = await client.checkCloudIdentityAccountsExist({ parent: accountName, domain: customerDomain, }); if (cloudIdentityAccounts.length > 0) { throw new Error( 'Cloud identity already exists; ' + 'customer must be transferred ' + '[out-of-scope of this codelab]' ); } } async function createCustomer() { // Create the Customer resource let [customer] = await client.createCustomer({ parent: accountName, customer: { orgDisplayName: 'Acme Corp', orgPostalAddress: { addressLines: ['1800 Amphibious Blvd'], postalCode: '94045', regionCode: 'US', }, domain: customerDomain, // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. correlationId: "CRMID012345", // Distributors need to pass the following field // channelPartnerId: channelPartnerLinkId }, }); console.log(`=== Created customer with id ${}`);; // This endpoint returns a long-running operation. // For other ways to get operation results, see // const [operation] = await client.provisionCloudIdentity({ customer:, cloudIdentityInfo: { alternateEmail: '', languageCode: 'en-US', }, user: { givenName: 'John', familyName: 'Doe', email: `admin@${customerDomain}`, }, }); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. [customer] = await operation.promise(); console.log('=== Provisioned cloud identity'); return customer; } async function createEntitlement(customer, selectedOffer) { // This call returns a long-running operation. const [operation] = await client.createEntitlement({ parent:, entitlement: { offer:, parameters: [ // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer { name: 'num_units', value: { int64Value: 5, }, }, ], commitmentSettings: { // Setting renewal settings to auto renew renewalSettings: { enableRenewal: true, paymentPlan: 'COMMITMENT', paymentCycle: { duration: 1, periodType: 'YEAR', }, }, }, // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. purchaseOrderId: 'A codelab test', }, }); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. const [entitlement] = await operation.promise(); console.log('=== Created entitlement');; return entitlement; } main().catch(err => { console.error(err.message); process.exitCode = 1; }); process.on('unhandledRejection', err => { console.error(err.message); process.exitCode = 1; });
<?php // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Instructions for this codelab can be found on this page // require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Google\Auth\Credentials\ServiceAccountCredentials; use Google\Cloud\Channel; // ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### $JSON_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json'; $RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = ''; $ACCOUNT_ID = 'C012345'; $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = ''; // ################################################################ $ACCOUNT_NAME = 'accounts/' . $ACCOUNT_ID; // Set up credentials with user impersonation $credentials = new ServiceAccountCredentials( '', /* $scope */ $JSON_KEY_FILE, /* $keyFile */ $RESELLER_ADMIN_USER /* $sub */ ); // Create the API client $client = new Channel\V1\CloudChannelServiceClient([ 'credentials' => $credentials ]); $selectedOffer = selectOffer(); checkExists(); $customer = createCustomer(); $entitlement = createEntitlement($customer, $selectedOffer); $customerId = $customer->getCloudIdentityId(); print $customerId . PHP_EOL; function selectOffer() { global $client, $ACCOUNT_NAME; $offers = $client->listOffers($ACCOUNT_NAME /* parent */); // For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects // the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual // plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, // but this is not a recommended model for your production integration $sampleSku = 'Google Workspace Business Standard'; $samplePlan = Channel\V1\PaymentPlan::COMMITMENT; foreach ($offers as $offer) { if ($offer->getSku()->getMarketingInfo()->getDisplayName() == $sampleSku && $offer->getPlan()->getPaymentPlan() == $samplePlan) { $selectedOffer = $offer; break; } } print '=== Selected offer' . PHP_EOL; print $selectedOffer->serializeToJsonString() . PHP_EOL; return $selectedOffer; } function checkExists () { global $client, $ACCOUNT_NAME, $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN; // Determine if customer already has a cloud identity $response = $client->checkCloudIdentityAccountsExist( $ACCOUNT_NAME /* parent */, $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN /* domain */ ); if (count($response->getCloudIdentityAccounts()) > 0) { throw new Error('Cloud identity already exists; \ customer must be transferred \ [out-of-scope of this codelab]' ); } } function createCustomer() { global $client, $ACCOUNT_NAME, $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN; // Create the Customer resource $customer = $client->createCustomer( $ACCOUNT_NAME /* parent */, new Channel\V1\Customer([ 'org_display_name' => 'Acme Corp', 'org_postal_address' => new Google\Type\PostalAddress([ 'address_lines' => ['1800 Amphibious Blvd'], 'postal_code' => '94045', 'region_code' => 'US', ]), 'domain' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, // Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. 'correlation_id' => 'CRMID012345', // Distributors need to pass the following field // 'channel_partner_id' => $channelPartnerLinkId ]) ); print '=== Created customer with id ' . $customer->getName() . PHP_EOL; print $customer->serializeToJsonString() . PHP_EOL; // This endpoint returns a long-running operation. $operation = $client->provisionCloudIdentity( $customer->getName() /* customer */, [ 'cloudIdentityInfo' => new Channel\V1\CloudIdentityInfo([ 'alternate_email' => '', 'language_code' => 'en-US', ]), 'user' => new Channel\V1\AdminUser([ 'given_name' => 'John', 'family_name' => 'Doe', 'email' => 'admin@' . $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, ]), ] ); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. $operation->pollUntilComplete(); $customer = $operation->getResult(); print '=== Provisioned cloud identity' . PHP_EOL; return $customer; } function createEntitlement($customer, $selectedOffer) { global $client; // This call returns a long-running operation. $operation = $client->createEntitlement( $customer->getName() /* parent */, new Channel\V1\Entitlement([ 'offer' => $selectedOffer->getName(), 'parameters' => [ new Channel\V1\Parameter([ // Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer 'name' => 'num_units', 'value' => new Channel\V1\Value([ 'int64_value' => 5, ]) ]), ], 'commitment_settings' => new Channel\V1\CommitmentSettings([ // Setting renewal settings to auto renew 'renewal_settings' => new Channel\V1\RenewalSettings([ 'enable_renewal' => true, 'payment_plan' => Channel\V1\PaymentPlan::COMMITMENT, 'payment_cycle' => new Channel\V1\Period([ 'duration' => 1, 'period_type' => Channel\V1\PeriodType::YEAR, ]), ]), ]), // A string of up to 80 characters. // We recommend using an internal transaction ID or // identifier for the customer in this field. 'purchase_order_id' => 'A codelab test' ]) ); // Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. $operation->pollUntilComplete(); $entitlement = $operation->getResult(); print '=== Created entitlement' . PHP_EOL; print $entitlement->serializeToJsonString() . PHP_EOL; return $entitlement; }
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Google Workspace Provisioning codelab. Instructions for this codelab can be found on this page: """ from import channel from google.oauth2 import service_account ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### JSON_KEY_FILE = "path/to/json_key_file.json" RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = "" ACCOUNT_ID = "C012345" CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = "" ################################################################ ACCOUNT_NAME = "accounts/" + ACCOUNT_ID # Set up credentials with user impersonation credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( JSON_KEY_FILE, scopes=[""]) credentials_delegated = credentials.with_subject(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER) # Create the API client client = channel.CloudChannelServiceClient(credentials=credentials_delegated) def main(): offer = select_offer() check_exists() customer = create_customer() _ = create_entitlement(customer, offer) customer_id = customer.cloud_identity_id print(customer_id) def select_offer(): """Selects a Workspace offer. Returns: A Channel API Offer for Workspace """ request = channel.ListOffersRequest(parent=ACCOUNT_NAME) offers = client.list_offers(request) # For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects # the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual # plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, # but this is not a recommended model for your production integration sample_offer = "Google Workspace Business Standard" sample_plan = "PaymentPlan.COMMITMENT" selected_offer = None for offer in offers: if offer.sku.marketing_info.display_name == sample_offer and \ str(offer.plan.payment_plan) == sample_plan: selected_offer = offer break print("=== Selected offer") print(selected_offer) return selected_offer def check_exists(): """Determine if customer already has a cloud identity. Raises: Exception: if the domain is already in use """ # Determine if customer already has a cloud identity request = channel.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest( parent=ACCOUNT_NAME, domain=CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) response = client.check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist(request) if response.cloud_identity_accounts: raise Exception( "Cloud identity already exists. Customer must be transferred." + "Out of scope for this codelab") def create_customer(): """Create the Customer resource, with a cloud identity. Returns: The created Channel API Customer """ # Create the Customer resource request = channel.CreateCustomerRequest( parent=ACCOUNT_NAME, customer={ "org_display_name": "Acme Corp", "domain": CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, "org_postal_address": { "address_lines": ["1800 Amphibious Blvd"], "postal_code": "94045", "region_code": "US" }, # Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. "correlation_id": "CRMID012345" }) # Distributors need to also pass the following field for the `customer` # "channel_partner_id": channel_partner_link_id customer = client.create_customer(request) print("=== Created customer with id ", print(customer) cloud_identity_info = channel.CloudIdentityInfo( alternate_email="", language_code="en-US") admin_user = channel.AdminUser( given_name="John", family_name="Doe", email="admin@" + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) cloud_identity_request = channel.ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest(, cloud_identity_info=cloud_identity_info, user=admin_user) # This call returns a long-running operation. operation = client.provision_cloud_identity(cloud_identity_request) # Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. customer = operation.result() print("=== Provisioned cloud identity") return customer def create_entitlement(customer, selected_offer): """Create the Entitlement. Args: customer: a Customer resource selected_offer: an Offer Returns: The created Channel API Entitlement """ request = channel.CreateEntitlementRequest(, entitlement={ "offer":, # Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer "parameters": [{ "name": "num_units", "value": { "int64_value": 5 } }], "commitment_settings": { "renewal_settings": { # Setting renewal settings to auto renew "enable_renewal": True, "payment_plan": "COMMITMENT", "payment_cycle": { "period_type": "YEAR", "duration": 1 } } }, # A string of up to 80 characters. # We recommend an internal transaction ID or # identifier for this customer in this field. "purchase_order_id": "A codelab test" }) # This call returns a long-running operation. operation = client.create_entitlement(request) # Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. entitlement = operation.result() print("=== Created entitlement") print(entitlement) return entitlement if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Instructions for this codelab can be found on this page # require 'google-cloud-channel' ################## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ################################ JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json' RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = '' ACCOUNT_ID = 'C012345' CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = '' ################################################################################ ACCOUNT_NAME = "accounts/#{ACCOUNT_ID}" # Set up credentials with user impersonation credentials = Google::Auth::ServiceAccountCredentials.make_creds( json_key_io:, scope: '' ) credentials.sub = RESELLER_ADMIN_USER # Create the API client CLIENT = Google::Cloud::Channel::cloud_channel_service do |config| config.credentials = credentials end def main offer = select_offer check_exists customer = create_customer create_entitlement(customer, offer) customer_id = customer.cloud_identity_id puts(customer_id) end def select_offer # For the purpose of this codelab, the code lists all offers and selects # the first offer for Google Workspace Business Standard on an Annual # plan. This is needed because offerIds vary from one account to another, # but this is not a recommended model for your production integration request ={ parent: ACCOUNT_NAME }) offers = CLIENT.list_offers(request) sample_offer = 'Google Workspace Business Standard' sample_plan = :COMMITMENT offer = offers.detect { |offer| offer.sku.marketing_info.display_name == sample_offer && offer.plan.payment_plan == sample_plan } puts("=== Selected offer") puts(offer.inspect) offer end def check_exists # Determine if customer already has a cloud identity request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest .new({ parent: ACCOUNT_NAME, domain: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }) response = CLIENT.check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist(request) if response.cloud_identity_accounts.count > 0 raise 'Cloud identity already exists. Customer must be transferred.'\ 'Out of scope for this codelab' end end def create_customer # Create the Customer resource request = parent: ACCOUNT_NAME, customer: { 'org_display_name': 'Acme Corp', 'domain': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'org_postal_address': { 'address_lines': ['1800 Amphibious Blvd'], 'postal_code': '94045', 'region_code': 'US' }, # Optional. Add the CRM ID for this customer. 'correlation_id': 'CRMID012345' }) # Distributors need to also pass the following field for the `customer` # "channel_partner_id": channel_partner_link_id customer = CLIENT.create_customer(request) puts("=== Created customer with id " + puts(customer.inspect) cloud_identity_info = alternate_email: '', language_code: 'en-US' ) admin_user = given_name: 'John', family_name: 'Doe', email: "admin@#{CUSTOMER_DOMAIN}" ) cloud_identity_request = customer:, cloud_identity_info: cloud_identity_info, user: admin_user ) # This call returns a long-running operation. operation = CLIENT.provision_cloud_identity(cloud_identity_request) # Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. CLIENT.operations_client.wait_operation(Google::Longrunning::WaitOperationRequest .new({ name: })) operation = CLIENT.operations_client.get_operation(Google::Longrunning::GetOperationRequest .new({ name: })) customer = operation.response puts("=== Provisioned cloud identity") customer end def create_entitlement(customer, selected_offer) request = parent:, entitlement: { offer:, # Setting 5 seats for this Annual offer parameters: [{ name: 'num_units', value: { int64_value: 5 } }], commitment_settings: { renewal_settings: { # Setting renewal settings to auto renew enable_renewal: true, payment_plan: 'COMMITMENT', payment_cycle: { period_type: 'YEAR', duration: 1 } } }, # A string of up to 80 characters. # We recommend an internal transaction ID or # identifier for this customer in this field. purchase_order_id: 'A codelab test' }) # This call returns a long-running operation. operation = CLIENT.create_entitlement(request) # Wait for the long-running operation and get the result. CLIENT.operations_client.wait_operation(Google::Longrunning::WaitOperationRequest .new({ name: })) operation = CLIENT.operations_client.get_operation(Google::Longrunning::GetOperationRequest .new({ name: })) entitlement = operation.response puts("=== Created entitlement") puts(entitlement) entitlement end main