REST Resource: projects.locations.caPools

Resource: CaPool

A CaPool represents a group of CertificateAuthorities that form a trust anchor. A CaPool can be used to manage issuance policies for one or more CertificateAuthority resources and to rotate CA certificates in and out of the trust anchor.

JSON representation
  "name": string,
  "tier": enum (Tier),
  "issuancePolicy": {
    object (IssuancePolicy)
  "publishingOptions": {
    object (PublishingOptions)
  "labels": {
    string: string,


Identifier. The resource name for this CaPool in the format projects/*/locations/*/caPools/*.


enum (Tier)

Required. Immutable. The Tier of this CaPool.


object (IssuancePolicy)

Optional. The IssuancePolicy to control how Certificates will be issued from this CaPool.


object (PublishingOptions)

Optional. The PublishingOptions to follow when issuing Certificates from any CertificateAuthority in this CaPool.


map (key: string, value: string)

Optional. Labels with user-defined metadata.

An object containing a list of "key": value pairs. Example: { "name": "wrench", "mass": "1.3kg", "count": "3" }.


Defines controls over all certificate issuance within a CaPool.

JSON representation
  "allowedKeyTypes": [
      object (AllowedKeyType)
  "backdateDuration": string,
  "maximumLifetime": string,
  "allowedIssuanceModes": {
    object (IssuanceModes)
  "baselineValues": {
    object (X509Parameters)
  "identityConstraints": {
    object (CertificateIdentityConstraints)
  "passthroughExtensions": {
    object (CertificateExtensionConstraints)

object (AllowedKeyType)

Optional. If any AllowedKeyType is specified, then the certificate request's public key must match one of the key types listed here. Otherwise, any key may be used.


string (Duration format)

Optional. The duration to backdate all certificates issued from this CaPool. If not set, the certificates will be issued with a notBeforeTime of the issuance time (i.e. the current time). If set, the certificates will be issued with a notBeforeTime of the issuance time minus the backdateDuration. The notAfterTime will be adjusted to preserve the requested lifetime. The backdateDuration must be less than or equal to 48 hours.

A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".


string (Duration format)

Optional. The maximum lifetime allowed for issued Certificates. Note that if the issuing CertificateAuthority expires before a Certificate resource's requested maximumLifetime, the effective lifetime will be explicitly truncated to match it.

A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".


object (IssuanceModes)

Optional. If specified, then only methods allowed in the IssuanceModes may be used to issue Certificates.


object (X509Parameters)

Optional. A set of X.509 values that will be applied to all certificates issued through this CaPool. If a certificate request includes conflicting values for the same properties, they will be overwritten by the values defined here. If a certificate request uses a CertificateTemplate that defines conflicting predefinedValues for the same properties, the certificate issuance request will fail.


object (CertificateIdentityConstraints)

Optional. Describes constraints on identities that may appear in Certificates issued through this CaPool. If this is omitted, then this CaPool will not add restrictions on a certificate's identity.


object (CertificateExtensionConstraints)

Optional. Describes the set of X.509 extensions that may appear in a Certificate issued through this CaPool. If a certificate request sets extensions that don't appear in the passthroughExtensions, those extensions will be dropped. If a certificate request uses a CertificateTemplate with predefinedValues that don't appear here, the certificate issuance request will fail. If this is omitted, then this CaPool will not add restrictions on a certificate's X.509 extensions. These constraints do not apply to X.509 extensions set in this CaPool's baselineValues.


Describes a "type" of key that may be used in a Certificate issued from a CaPool. Note that a single AllowedKeyType may refer to either a fully-qualified key algorithm, such as RSA 4096, or a family of key algorithms, such as any RSA key.

JSON representation

  // Union field key_type can be only one of the following:
  "rsa": {
    object (RsaKeyType)
  "ellipticCurve": {
    object (EcKeyType)
  // End of list of possible types for union field key_type.

Union field key_type.

key_type can be only one of the following:


object (RsaKeyType)

Represents an allowed RSA key type.


object (EcKeyType)

Represents an allowed Elliptic Curve key type.


Describes an RSA key that may be used in a Certificate issued from a CaPool.

JSON representation
  "minModulusSize": string,
  "maxModulusSize": string

string (int64 format)

Optional. The minimum allowed RSA modulus size (inclusive), in bits. If this is not set, or if set to zero, the service-level min RSA modulus size will continue to apply.


string (int64 format)

Optional. The maximum allowed RSA modulus size (inclusive), in bits. If this is not set, or if set to zero, the service will not enforce an explicit upper bound on RSA modulus sizes.


Describes an Elliptic Curve key that may be used in a Certificate issued from a CaPool.

JSON representation
  "signatureAlgorithm": enum (EcSignatureAlgorithm)

enum (EcSignatureAlgorithm)

Optional. A signature algorithm that must be used. If this is omitted, any EC-based signature algorithm will be allowed.


Describes an elliptic curve-based signature algorithm that may be used in a Certificate issued from a CaPool.

EC_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_UNSPECIFIED Not specified. Signifies that any signature algorithm may be used.
ECDSA_P256 Refers to the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm over the NIST P-256 curve.
ECDSA_P384 Refers to the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm over the NIST P-384 curve.
EDDSA_25519 Refers to the Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm over curve 25519, as described in RFC 8410.


IssuanceModes specifies the allowed ways in which Certificates may be requested from this CaPool.

JSON representation
  "allowCsrBasedIssuance": boolean,
  "allowConfigBasedIssuance": boolean


Optional. When true, allows callers to create Certificates by specifying a CSR.



Optional. When true, allows callers to create Certificates by specifying a CertificateConfig.


Options relating to the publication of each CertificateAuthority's CA certificate and CRLs and their inclusion as extensions in issued Certificates. The options set here apply to certificates issued by any CertificateAuthority in the CaPool.

JSON representation
  "publishCaCert": boolean,
  "publishCrl": boolean,
  "encodingFormat": enum (EncodingFormat)


Optional. When true, publishes each CertificateAuthority's CA certificate and includes its URL in the "Authority Information Access" X.509 extension in all issued Certificates. If this is false, the CA certificate will not be published and the corresponding X.509 extension will not be written in issued certificates.



Optional. When true, publishes each CertificateAuthority's CRL and includes its URL in the "CRL Distribution Points" X.509 extension in all issued Certificates. If this is false, CRLs will not be published and the corresponding X.509 extension will not be written in issued certificates. CRLs will expire 7 days from their creation. However, we will rebuild daily. CRLs are also rebuilt shortly after a certificate is revoked.


enum (EncodingFormat)

Optional. Specifies the encoding format of each CertificateAuthority resource's CA certificate and CRLs. If this is omitted, CA certificates and CRLs will be published in PEM.


Supported encoding formats for publishing.

ENCODING_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED Not specified. By default, PEM format will be used.
PEM The CertificateAuthority's CA certificate and CRLs will be published in PEM format.
DER The CertificateAuthority's CA certificate and CRLs will be published in DER format.



Create a CaPool.


Delete a CaPool.


FetchCaCerts returns the current trust anchor for the CaPool.


Returns a CaPool.


Gets the access control policy for a resource.


Lists CaPools.


Update a CaPool.


Sets the access control policy on the specified resource.


Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.