Bibliothèques clientes – Démarrage rapide de Cloud Build

Guide de démarrage rapide pour utiliser l'API Cloud Build

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Exemple de code

Pour vous authentifier auprès de Cloud Build, configurez le service Identifiants par défaut de l'application. Pour en savoir plus, consultez Configurer l'authentification pour un environnement de développement local.

async function quickstart(
  projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID', // Your Google Cloud Platform project ID
  triggerId = 'YOUR_TRIGGER_ID', // UUID for build trigger.
  branchName = 'BRANCH_TO_BUILD' // Branch to run build against.
) {
  // Imports the Google Cloud client library
  const {CloudBuildClient} = require('@google-cloud/cloudbuild');

  // Creates a client
  const cb = new CloudBuildClient();

  // Note: for Private Pools, you'll have to specify an API endpoint value
  // For example:
  // const cb = new CloudBuildClient({ apiEndpoint: '<YOUR_POOL_REGION>' });

  // Starts a build against the branch provided.
  const [resp] = await cb.runBuildTrigger({
    source: {
      dir: './',
  });`triggered build for ${triggerId}`);
  const [build] = await resp.promise();

  const STATUS_LOOKUP = [
  for (const step of build.steps) {
      `step:\n\tname: ${}\n\tstatus: ${STATUS_LOOKUP[build.status]}`

Pour vous authentifier auprès de Cloud Build, configurez le service Identifiants par défaut de l'application. Pour en savoir plus, consultez Configurer l'authentification pour un environnement de développement local.

import google.auth
from import cloudbuild_v1

def quickstart() -> None:
    """Create and execute a simple Google Cloud Build configuration,
    print the in-progress status and print the completed status."""

    # Authorize the client with Google defaults
    credentials, project_id = google.auth.default()
    client =

    # If you're using Private Pools or a non-global default pool, add a regional
    # `api_endpoint` to `CloudBuildClient()`
    # For example, '<YOUR_POOL_REGION>'
    # from google.api_core import client_options
    # client_options = client_options.ClientOptions(
    #     api_endpoint=""
    # )
    # client =

    build = cloudbuild_v1.Build()

    # The following build steps will output "hello world"
    # For more information on build configuration, see
    build.steps = [
        {"name": "ubuntu", "entrypoint": "bash", "args": ["-c", "echo hello world"]}

    operation = client.create_build(project_id=project_id, build=build)
    # Print the in-progress operation
    print("IN PROGRESS:")

    result = operation.result()
    # Print the completed status
    print("RESULT:", result.status)

Étape suivante

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