Using Ethereum blockchain nodes

This page describes how to call the Ethereum node API. Before you can access the Ethereum blockchain node, you will need to know the API key and node endpoint URL. Follow the using blockchain nodes guide to determine these, if you have not already done so.


This section describes querying an Ethereum blockchain node's JSON-RPC API.

Example execution client RPC

You can query the execution client (Geth for full nodes or Erigon for archive nodes) via JSON-RPC. See Ethereum API specification for the generic JSON-RPC specification, or the Geth RPC documentation for Geth-specific documentation.

For example, to call the eth_getBlockByNumber() method:

curl -H POST \
  -H "X-goog-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "method": "eth_getBlockByNumber",
    "params": ["0x1", true]
  }' \


  • id is an identifier set by the client--the originator of the request. For example, 1.
  • jsonrpc is the JSON-RPC version. For example, 2.0.
  • method is the name of the method. For example, eth_getBlockByNumber.
  • params are values to be used with method.
  • YOUR_NODES_URL is the address returned in Get the blockchain node URLs. For example,
  • YOUR_API_KEY is the key you created in Create an API key.

See JSON-RPC2.0 Specification for more information on the format of the Request object.

Here's a sample response to the above command:

   "id" : 1,
   "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
   "result" : {
      "difficulty" : "0x3ff800000",
      "extraData" : "0x476574682f76312e302e302f6c696e75782f676f312e342e32",
      "gasLimit" : "0x1388",
      "gasUsed" : "0x0",
      "hash" : "0x88e96d4537bea4d9c05d12549907b32561d3bf31f45aae734cdc119f13406cb6",
      "logsBloom": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "miner" : "0x05a56e2d52c817161883f50c441c3228cfe54d9f",
      "mixHash" : "0x969b900de27b6ac6a67742365dd65f55a0526c41fd18e1b16f1a1215c2e66f59",
      "nonce" : "0x539bd4979fef1ec4",
      "number" : "0x1",
      "parentHash" : "0xd4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3",
      "receiptsRoot" : "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421",
      "sha3Uncles" : "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347",
      "size" : "0x219",
      "stateRoot" : "0xd67e4d450343046425ae4271474353857ab860dbc0a1dde64b41b5cd3a532bf3",
      "timestamp" : "0x55ba4224",
      "totalDifficulty" : "0x7ff800000",
      "transactions" : [],
      "transactionsRoot" : "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421",
      "uncles" : []

Beacon node RPC

Blockchain Node Engine also exposes the Ethereum consensus client endpoint. For example to request the state of the validator at slot 1:

curl \
-H "X-goog-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY" "Content-Type: application/json" \

You may also provide your API key as an HTTP header instead of a query parameter. The query below is equivalent:

curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Further Explained:

Here's a sample response to the above command:

  "execution_optimistic": false,
  "data": {
    "index": "1",
    "balance": "36835614902",
    "status": "active_ongoing",
    "validator": {
      "pubkey": "0x1234abcd",
      "withdrawal_credentials": "0x1234abcd",
      "effective_balance": "32000000000",
      "slashed": false,
      "activation_eligibility_epoch": "0",
      "activation_epoch": "0",
      "exit_epoch": "18446744073709551615",
      "withdrawable_epoch": "18446744073709551615"


To subscribe to data feeds rather than poll for data, you can use the WebSocket API of the blockchain node's execution client.

For example, to subscribe to new chain heads:

wscat -c wss://ws.YOUR_NODES_URL?key=YOUR_API_KEY
Connected (press CTRL+C to quit)
> {"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id": 1, "method": "eth_subscribe", "params": ["newHeads"]}

The execution client will respond with an identifier for the subscription, such as:


Thereafter the client will send details of each new chain head block as it occurs. Here's a sample event from the above subscription:

   "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
   "method" : "eth_subscription",
   "params" : {
      "result" : {
         "baseFeePerGas" : "0x4bdc620b8",
         "difficulty" : "0x0",
         "extraData" : "0x496c6c756d696e61746520446d6f63726174697a6520447374726962757465",
         "gasLimit" : "0x1c9c380",
         "gasUsed" : "0xe24dae",
         "hash" : "0xbde840749c4d9086d17d66079d5f7d3d568ed4572329691e5b4a70f44a551816",
         "logsBloom": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000",
         "miner" : "0xb4c9e4617a16be36b92689b9e07e9f64757c1792",
         "mixHash" : "0xf68eb0b3ec50e1543de1cc7f09c7735ba20fa252124511756857078a3ff9a7cf",
         "nonce" : "0x0000000000000000",
         "number" : "0x109e280",
         "parentHash" : "0x54f78faba9fde0d15d7a9d6b80c4569435c7fdc5f1fef3255110373b66ce14de",
         "receiptsRoot" : "0x876bcb5772f8597fee4b063c57b7a51209eb428034efabf4cdf39a46901681b4",
         "sha3Uncles" : "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347",
         "stateRoot" : "0xfc5daf9608c8f2b9944bcfe0b9182148d85b1a6ad4dc52d3eb522dd02687c7e0",
         "timestamp" : "0x647fd287",
         "transactionsRoot" : "0x0acaef87e4609ea6075d88fdd404b3fbd25d796af9044522beefd3c708d37af8",
         "withdrawalsRoot" : "0x7adfc670253572678769e7d80db8c4c94b5d14d4e014274f39b679fdb5e72d98"
      "subscription" : "0xf47df962ae9ba250ba9e9fb239b6894f"


Ethereum nodes provide a number of metrics on the operational state of the node. Typically these would be consumed by a tool such as Prometheus or Grafana.

To fetch the metrics exposed by a beacon client you can use a command such as:

curl https://bc-mc.YOUR_NODES_URL/metrics/prometheus?key=YOUR_API_KEY

This produces an output similar to the following:

# HELP async_tasks_count Total number of async tasks spawned using spawn
# TYPE async_tasks_count gauge
async_tasks_count{async_task_count="addr_broadcast"} 0
async_tasks_count{async_task_count="beacon_node"} 0
async_tasks_count{async_task_count="beacon_processor_manager"} 1
async_tasks_count{async_task_count="beacon_processor_reprocess_queue"} 1
async_tasks_count{async_task_count="beacon_processor_worker"} 0
async_tasks_count{async_task_count="discv5"} 4
async_tasks_count{async_task_count="el_fork_choice_update"} 0
async_tasks_count{async_task_count="eth1"} 1

There are separate metrics endpoints for the execution client and beacon client. For the execution client these are typically prefixed ec-mc and for the beacon client they are typically prefixed bc-mc (as in the example above).

You can read more about metrics from each client software at:

Private Service Connect Port Reference Guide

Private Service Connect enabled nodes use a user generated static IP address along with the designated port to generate an endpoint. Use the appropriate mapping in the following table.

Port Type Port Number
JSON RPC API Endpoint 8545
Geth Websocket API Endpoint 8546
Erigon Websocket API Endpoint 8545
Beacon API Endpoint 5052
Beacon Prometheus Metrics API Endpoint 5054
Execution Client Prometheus Metrics API Endpoint 8647