
GoogleSQL for Bigtable supports operators. Operators are represented by special characters or keywords; they do not use function call syntax. An operator manipulates any number of data inputs, also called operands, and returns a result.

Common conventions:

  • Unless otherwise specified, all operators return NULL when one of the operands is NULL.
  • All operators will throw an error if the computation result overflows.
  • For all floating point operations, +/-inf and NaN may only be returned if one of the operands is +/-inf or NaN. In other cases, an error is returned.

Operator precedence

The following table lists all GoogleSQL operators from highest to lowest precedence, i.e., the order in which they will be evaluated within a statement.

Order of Precedence Operator Input Data Types Name Operator Arity
1 Field access operator STRUCT
Field access operator Binary
  Array subscript operator ARRAY Array position. Must be used with OFFSET or ORDINAL—see Array Functions . Binary
2 + All numeric types Unary plus Unary
  - All numeric types Unary minus Unary
  ~ Integer or BYTES Bitwise not Unary
3 * All numeric types Multiplication Binary
  / All numeric types Division Binary
  || STRING, BYTES, or ARRAY<T> Concatenation operator Binary
4 + All numeric types, DATE with INT64 Addition Binary
  - All numeric types, DATE with INT64 Subtraction Binary
5 << Integer or BYTES Bitwise left-shift Binary
  >> Integer or BYTES Bitwise right-shift Binary
6 & Integer or BYTES Bitwise and Binary
7 ^ Integer or BYTES Bitwise xor Binary
8 | Integer or BYTES Bitwise or Binary
9 (Comparison Operators) = Any comparable type. See Data Types for a complete list. Equal Binary
  < Any comparable type. See Data Types for a complete list. Less than Binary
  > Any comparable type. See Data Types for a complete list. Greater than Binary
  <= Any comparable type. See Data Types for a complete list. Less than or equal to Binary
  >= Any comparable type. See Data Types for a complete list. Greater than or equal to Binary
  !=, <> Any comparable type. See Data Types for a complete list. Not equal Binary
  [NOT] LIKE STRING and BYTES Value does [not] match the pattern specified Binary
  [NOT] BETWEEN Any comparable types. See Data Types for a complete list. Value is [not] within the range specified Binary
  [NOT] IN Any comparable types. See Data Types for a complete list. Value is [not] in the set of values specified Binary
  IS [NOT] NULL All Value is [not] NULL Unary
  IS [NOT] TRUE BOOL Value is [not] TRUE. Unary
  IS [NOT] FALSE BOOL Value is [not] FALSE. Unary
10 NOT BOOL Logical NOT Unary
11 AND BOOL Logical AND Binary
12 OR BOOL Logical OR Binary

For example, the logical expression:

x OR y AND z

is interpreted as:

( x OR ( y AND z ) )

Operators with the same precedence are left associative. This means that those operators are grouped together starting from the left and moving right. For example, the expression:

x AND y AND z

is interpreted as:

( ( x AND y ) AND z )

The expression:

x * y / z

is interpreted as:

( ( x * y ) / z )

All comparison operators have the same priority, but comparison operators are not associative. Therefore, parentheses are required to resolve ambiguity. For example:

(x < y) IS FALSE

Operator list

Name Summary
Field access operator Gets the value of a field.
Array subscript operator Gets a value from an array at a specific position.
Arithmetic operators Performs arithmetic operations.
Date arithmetics operators Performs arithmetic operations on dates.
Bitwise operators Performs bit manipulation.
Logical operators Tests for the truth of some condition and produces TRUE, FALSE, or NULL.
Comparison operators Compares operands and produces the results of the comparison as a BOOL value.
IS operators Checks for the truth of a condition and produces either TRUE or FALSE.
LIKE operator Checks if values are like or not like one another.
Concatenation operator Combines multiple values into one.

Field access operator

expression.fieldname[. ...]


Gets the value of a field. Alternatively known as the dot operator. Can be used to access nested fields. For example, expression.fieldname1.fieldname2.

Input values:


Return type

  • For STRUCT: SQL data type of fieldname. If a field is not found in the struct, an error is thrown.


In the following example, the field access operations are .address and .country.

    STRUCT('Yonge Street' AS street, 'Canada' AS country)
      AS address).address.country

 | country |
 | Canada  |

Array subscript operator

array_expression "[" array_subscript_specifier "]"

  { index | position_keyword(index) }



Gets a value from an array at a specific position.

Input values:

  • array_expression: The input array.
  • position_keyword(index): Determines where the index for the array should start and how out-of-range indexes are handled. The index is an integer that represents a specific position in the array.
    • OFFSET(index): The index starts at zero. Produces an error if the index is out of range. To produce NULL instead of an error, use SAFE_OFFSET(index). This position keyword produces the same result as index by itself.
    • SAFE_OFFSET(index): The index starts at zero. Returns NULL if the index is out of range.
    • ORDINAL(index): The index starts at one. Produces an error if the index is out of range. To produce NULL instead of an error, use SAFE_ORDINAL(index).
    • SAFE_ORDINAL(index): The index starts at one. Returns NULL if the index is out of range.
  • index: An integer that represents a specific position in the array. If used by itself without a position keyword, the index starts at zero and produces an error if the index is out of range. To produce NULL instead of an error, use the SAFE_OFFSET(index) or SAFE_ORDINAL(index) position keyword.

Return type

T where array_expression is ARRAY<T>.


In following query, the array subscript operator is used to return values at specific position in item_array. This query also shows what happens when you reference an index (6) in an array that is out of range. If the SAFE prefix is included, NULL is returned, otherwise an error is produced.

  ["coffee", "tea", "milk"] AS item_array,
  ["coffee", "tea", "milk"][0] AS item_index,
  ["coffee", "tea", "milk"][OFFSET(0)] AS item_offset,
  ["coffee", "tea", "milk"][ORDINAL(1)] AS item_ordinal,
  ["coffee", "tea", "milk"][SAFE_OFFSET(6)] AS item_safe_offset

 | item_array          | item_index | item_offset | item_ordinal | item_safe_offset |
 | [coffee, tea, milk] | coffee     | coffee      | coffee       | NULL             |

When you reference an index that is out of range in an array, and a positional keyword that begins with SAFE is not included, an error is produced. For example:

-- Error. Array index 6 is out of bounds.
SELECT ["coffee", "tea", "milk"][6] AS item_offset
-- Error. Array index 6 is out of bounds.
SELECT ["coffee", "tea", "milk"][OFFSET(6)] AS item_offset

The following queries contain an array subscript operator that is applied to a column family called cell_plan in a table called [test_table][test-table]:

SELECT MAP_KEYS(cell_plan)[0] AS results FROM test_table LIMIT 1

 | results        |
 | data_plan_01gb |
SELECT MAP_KEYS(cell_plan)[1] AS results FROM test_table LIMIT 1

 | results        |
 | data_plan_05gb |
SELECT MAP_KEYS(cell_plan)[OFFSET(1)] AS results FROM test_table LIMIT 1

 | results        |
 | data_plan_05gb |
SELECT MAP_KEYS(cell_plan)[ORDINAL(0)] AS results FROM test_table LIMIT 1

 | results        |
 | data_plan_01gb |
SELECT MAP_KEYS(cell_plan)[SAFE_OFFSET(5)] AS results FROM test_table LIMIT 1

 | results        |
 | NULL           |

Arithmetic operators

All arithmetic operators accept input of numeric type T, and the result type has type T unless otherwise indicated in the description below:

Name Syntax
Addition X + Y
Subtraction X - Y
Multiplication X * Y
Division X / Y
Unary Plus + X
Unary Minus - X

NOTE: Divide by zero operations return an error. To return a different result, consider the IEEE_DIVIDE or SAFE_DIVIDE functions.

Result types for Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication:


Result types for Division:


Result types for Unary Plus:


Result types for Unary Minus:


Date arithmetics operators

Operators '+' and '-' can be used for arithmetic operations on dates.

date_expression + int64_expression
int64_expression + date_expression
date_expression - int64_expression


Adds or subtracts int64_expression days to or from date_expression. This is equivalent to DATE_ADD or DATE_SUB functions, when interval is expressed in days.

Return Data Type



SELECT DATE "2020-09-22" + 1 AS day_later, DATE "2020-09-22" - 7 AS week_ago

 | day_later  | week_ago   |
 | 2020-09-23 | 2020-09-15 |

Bitwise operators

All bitwise operators return the same type and the same length as the first operand.

Name Syntax Input Data Type Description
Bitwise not ~ X Integer or BYTES Performs logical negation on each bit, forming the ones' complement of the given binary value.
Bitwise or X | Y X: Integer or BYTES
Y: Same type as X
Takes two bit patterns of equal length and performs the logical inclusive OR operation on each pair of the corresponding bits. This operator throws an error if X and Y are bytes of different lengths.
Bitwise xor X ^ Y X: Integer or BYTES
Y: Same type as X
Takes two bit patterns of equal length and performs the logical exclusive OR operation on each pair of the corresponding bits. This operator throws an error if X and Y are bytes of different lengths.
Bitwise and X & Y X: Integer or BYTES
Y: Same type as X
Takes two bit patterns of equal length and performs the logical AND operation on each pair of the corresponding bits. This operator throws an error if X and Y are bytes of different lengths.
Left shift X << Y X: Integer or BYTES
Y: INT64
Shifts the first operand X to the left. This operator returns 0 or a byte sequence of b'\x00' if the second operand Y is greater than or equal to the bit length of the first operand X (for example, 64 if X has the type INT64). This operator throws an error if Y is negative.
Right shift X >> Y X: Integer or BYTES
Y: INT64
Shifts the first operand X to the right. This operator does not do sign bit extension with a signed type (i.e., it fills vacant bits on the left with 0). This operator returns 0 or a byte sequence of b'\x00' if the second operand Y is greater than or equal to the bit length of the first operand X (for example, 64 if X has the type INT64). This operator throws an error if Y is negative.

Logical operators

GoogleSQL supports the AND, OR, and NOT logical operators. Logical operators allow only BOOL or NULL input and use three-valued logic to produce a result. The result can be TRUE, FALSE, or NULL:

x y x AND y x OR y
x NOT x


The examples in this section reference a table called entry_table:

 | entry |
 | a     |
 | b     |
 | c     |
 | NULL  |
SELECT 'a' FROM entry_table WHERE entry = 'a'

-- a => 'a' = 'a' => TRUE
-- b => 'b' = 'a' => FALSE
-- NULL => NULL = 'a' => NULL

 | entry |
 | a     |
SELECT entry FROM entry_table WHERE NOT (entry = 'a')

-- a => NOT('a' = 'a') => NOT(TRUE) => FALSE
-- b => NOT('b' = 'a') => NOT(FALSE) => TRUE
-- NULL => NOT(NULL = 'a') => NOT(NULL) => NULL

 | entry |
 | b     |
 | c     |
SELECT entry FROM entry_table WHERE entry IS NULL

-- a => 'a' IS NULL => FALSE
-- b => 'b' IS NULL => FALSE

 | entry |
 | NULL  |

Comparison operators

Compares operands and produces the results of the comparison as a BOOL value. These comparison operators are available:

Name Syntax Description
Less Than X < Y Returns TRUE if X is less than Y. This operator supports specifying collation.
Less Than or Equal To X <= Y Returns TRUE if X is less than or equal to Y. This operator supports specifying collation.
Greater Than X > Y Returns TRUE if X is greater than Y. This operator supports specifying collation.
Greater Than or Equal To X >= Y Returns TRUE if X is greater than or equal to Y. This operator supports specifying collation.
Equal X = Y Returns TRUE if X is equal to Y. This operator supports specifying collation.
Not Equal X != Y
X <> Y
Returns TRUE if X is not equal to Y. This operator supports specifying collation.

Returns TRUE if X is [not] within the range specified. The result of X BETWEEN Y AND Z is equivalent to Y <= X AND X <= Z but X is evaluated only once in the former. This operator supports specifying collation.

LIKE X [NOT] LIKE Y See the `LIKE` operator for details.
IN Multiple See the `IN` operator for details.

The following rules apply to operands in a comparison operator:

  • The operands must be comparable.
  • A comparison operator generally requires both operands to be of the same type.
  • If the operands are of different types, and the values of those types can be converted to a common type without loss of precision, they are generally coerced to that common type for the comparison.
  • A literal operand is generally coerced to the same data type of a non-literal operand that is part of the comparison.
  • Struct operands support only these comparison operators: equal (=), not equal (!= and <>), and IN.

The following rules apply when comparing these data types:

  • Floating point: All comparisons with NaN return FALSE, except for != and <>, which return TRUE.
  • BOOL: FALSE is less than TRUE.
  • STRING: Strings are compared codepoint-by-codepoint, which means that canonically equivalent strings are only guaranteed to compare as equal if they have been normalized first.
  • NULL: Any operation with a NULL input returns NULL.
  • STRUCT: When testing a struct for equality, it's possible that one or more fields are NULL. In such cases:

    • If all non-NULL field values are equal, the comparison returns NULL.
    • If any non-NULL field values are not equal, the comparison returns FALSE.

    The following table demonstrates how STRUCT data types are compared when they have fields that are NULL valued.

    Struct1 Struct2 Struct1 = Struct2

IS operators

IS operators return TRUE or FALSE for the condition they are testing. They never return NULL, even for NULL inputs, unlike the IS_INF and IS_NAN functions defined in Mathematical Functions. If NOT is present, the output BOOL value is inverted.

Function Syntax Input Data Type Result Data Type Description
X IS TRUE BOOL BOOL Evaluates to TRUE if X evaluates to TRUE. Otherwise, evaluates to FALSE.
X IS NOT TRUE BOOL BOOL Evaluates to FALSE if X evaluates to TRUE. Otherwise, evaluates to TRUE.
X IS FALSE BOOL BOOL Evaluates to TRUE if X evaluates to FALSE. Otherwise, evaluates to FALSE.
X IS NOT FALSE BOOL BOOL Evaluates to FALSE if X evaluates to FALSE. Otherwise, evaluates to TRUE.
X IS NULL Any value type BOOL Evaluates to TRUE if X evaluates to NULL. Otherwise evaluates to FALSE.
X IS NOT NULL Any value type BOOL Evaluates to FALSE if X evaluates to NULL. Otherwise evaluates to TRUE.
X IS UNKNOWN BOOL BOOL Evaluates to TRUE if X evaluates to NULL. Otherwise evaluates to FALSE.
X IS NOT UNKNOWN BOOL BOOL Evaluates to FALSE if X evaluates to NULL. Otherwise, evaluates to TRUE.

LIKE operator

expression_1 [NOT] LIKE expression_2


LIKE returns TRUE if the string in the first operand expression_1 matches a pattern specified by the second operand expression_2, otherwise returns FALSE.

NOT LIKE returns TRUE if the string in the first operand expression_1 does not match a pattern specified by the second operand expression_2, otherwise returns FALSE.

Expressions can contain these characters:

  • A percent sign (%) matches any number of characters or bytes.
  • An underscore (_) matches a single character or byte.
  • You can escape \, _, or % using two backslashes. For example, \\%. If you are using raw strings, only a single backslash is required. For example, r'\%'.

This operator supports collation, but caveats apply:

  • Each % character in expression_2 represents an arbitrary string specifier. An arbitrary string specifier can represent any sequence of 0 or more characters.
  • A character in the expression represents itself and is considered a single character specifier unless:

    • The character is a percent sign (%).

    • The character is an underscore (_) and the collator is not und:ci.

  • These additional rules apply to the underscore (_) character:

    • If the collator is not und:ci, an error is produced when an underscore is not escaped in expression_2.

    • If the collator is not und:ci, the underscore is not allowed when the operands have collation specified.

    • Some compatibility composites, such as the fi-ligature () and the telephone sign (), will produce a match if they are compared to an underscore.

    • A single underscore matches the idea of what a character is, based on an approximation known as a grapheme cluster.

  • For a contiguous sequence of single character specifiers, equality depends on the collator and its language tags and tailoring.

    • By default, the und:ci collator does not fully normalize a string. Some canonically equivalent strings are considered unequal for both the = and LIKE operators.

    • The LIKE operator with collation has the same behavior as the = operator when there are no wildcards in the strings.

    • Character sequences with secondary or higher-weighted differences are considered unequal. This includes accent differences and some special cases.

      For example there are three ways to produce German sharp ß:

      • \u1E9E
      • \U00DF
      • ss

      \u1E9E and \U00DF are considered equal but differ in tertiary. They are considered equal with und:ci collation but different from ss, which has secondary differences.

    • Character sequences with tertiary or lower-weighted differences are considered equal. This includes case differences and kana subtype differences, which are considered equal.

  • There are ignorable characters defined in Unicode. Ignorable characters are ignored in the pattern matching.

Return type



The following examples illustrate how you can check to see if the string in the first operand matches a pattern specified by the second operand.

-- Returns TRUE
SELECT 'apple' LIKE 'a%';
-- Returns FALSE
SELECT '%a' LIKE 'apple';
-- Returns FALSE
SELECT 'apple' NOT LIKE 'a%';
-- Returns TRUE
SELECT '%a' NOT LIKE 'apple';
-- Produces an error
-- Produces an error

The following example illustrates how to search multiple patterns in an array to find a match with the LIKE operator:

Concatenation operator

The concatenation operator combines multiple values into one.

Function Syntax Input Data Type Result Data Type
ARRAY<T> || ARRAY<T> [ || ... ] ARRAY<T> ARRAY<T>