Bare Metal Solution API

Provides ways to manage Bare Metal Solution hardware installed in a regional extension located near a Google Cloud data center.


The Service name is needed to create RPC client stubs.

CreateInstance Create an Instance.
CreateNfsShare Create an NFS share.
CreateVolumeSnapshot Takes a snapshot of a boot volume.
DeleteNfsShare Delete an NFS share.
DeleteVolumeSnapshot Deletes a volume snapshot.
DetachLun Detach LUN from Instance.
EvictLun Skips lun's cooloff and deletes it now.
EvictVolume Skips volume's cooloff and deletes it now.
GetInstance Get details about a single server.
GetLun Get details of a single storage logical unit number(LUN).
GetNetwork Get details of a single network.
GetNfsShare Get details of a single NFS share.
GetOperation Get details about an operation.
GetVolume Get details of a single storage volume.
GetVolumeSnapshot Returns the specified snapshot resource.
ListInstances List servers in a given project and location.
ListLuns List storage volume luns for given storage volume.
ListNetworks List network in a given project and location.
ListNfsShares List NFS shares.
ListVolumeSnapshots Retrieves the list of snapshots for the specified volume.
ListVolumes List storage volumes in a given project and location.
RenameInstance RenameInstance sets a new name for an instance.
ResetInstance Perform an ungraceful, hard reset on a server.
RestoreVolumeSnapshot Uses the specified snapshot to restore its parent volume.
StartInstance Starts a server that was shutdown.
StopInstance Stop a running server.
UpdateInstance Update details of a single server.
UpdateNetwork Update details of a single network.
UpdateNfsShare Update details of a single NFS share.
UpdateVolume Update details of a single storage volume.

GetLocation Gets information about a location.
ListLocations Lists information about the supported locations for this service.


CancelOperation Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation.
DeleteOperation Deletes a long-running operation.
GetOperation Gets the latest state of a long-running operation.
ListOperations Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request.
WaitOperation Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at most a specified timeout, returning the latest state.