Backup policy detail logs

This page explains how to view the backup policy details logs created in Cloud Logging for backup/recovery appliances. These logs provide insight into the configured backup policy details and the count of resources being protected using the specific backup policies.

Permissions and roles

You need the IAM permission roles/logging.viewer to view the backup policy details logs. The Logs Viewer role gives you read-only access to view backup policy details logs of all backup/recovery appliances in the specified project.

For more information about the IAM permissions and roles that apply to backup policy details logs data, see Access control with IAM.

View policy details logs

You can view policy details logs in Cloud Logging by using the Google Cloud console and the Google Cloud CLI.


In the Google Cloud console, you can use the Logs Explorer to retrieve the backup policy details log entries for your backup/recovery appliances:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logging > Logs Explorer.
  2. Select an existing Google Cloud project.
  3. In the Query builder pane, select gcb_backup_rule_policy_details from the Select log name drop-down.


The Google Cloud CLI provides a command-line interface to the Logging API.

To read backup policy details entries of backup/recovery appliances in a project, go to Activate cloud shell, click Open editor, and run the following command:

  gcloud logging read "logName : projects/PROJECT_ID/logs/gcb_backup_rule_policy_details"\

Backup Policy details log format

Backup Policy details log entries include the following fields:

Field Description
appliance_name The name of the appliance associated with the backup policy.
appliance_id The id of the appliance associated with the backup policy.
backup_plan_policy_template The name of the template of which the backup policy is part of.
backup_plan_policy_template_id The id of the template of which the backup policy is part of.
backup_rule_policy_type The type of the backup policy. This can take two possible values: "Local Replication" or "Remote Replication"
backup_rule_policy_name The name of the backup policy.
backup_rule_policy_id The ID of the backup policy.
backup_consistency This represents the kind of backup configured for the policy. Possible values are Crash consistent, Take application consistent backup or Take crash consistent backup on last try.
protected_resources_count Count of resources protected with the given template.
schedule_disabled_resources_count Count of resources protected with the given template but with the schedule in disabled state.
backup_frequency_in_days The configured schedule frequency in days for the given backup
log_backup_frequency_in_minutes The frequency at which database logs are backed up in minutes. This field is applicable only for database type applications, otherwise it is reported as 0 by default.
backup_retention_period_in_days Retention period of backups in days. This field is in decimal format and shows up to 2 decimal places.
backup_window_start_time Backup Window Start time in HH:MM format. This field is applicable only for windowed schedule types. It will be "N/A" by default for continuous backup schedule type.
backup_window_end_time Backup Window End time in HH:MM format. This field is applicable only for windowed schedule types. It will be by default "23:59" for continuous backup schedule type.
backup_schedule_type Backup Schedule Type. It can be WINDOWED or CONTINUOUS.

The following sample is an example policy details log entry.

  "insertId": "49980724_142868351806",
  "jsonPayload": {
    "backup_rule_policy_type": "Local Replication",
    "appliance_name": "sky-full-82959",
    "backup_plan_policy_template_id": 13509,
    "backup_plan_policy_template": "testtemplate",
    "log_backup_frequency_in_minutes": 0,
    "backup_frequency_in_days": 1,
    "schedule_disabled_resources_count": 17,
    "backup_rule_policy_id": 13511,
    "backup_consistency": "Crash Consistency Backup",
    "protected_resources_count": 16,
    "backup_schedule_type": "WINDOWED",
    "backup_rule_policy_name": "testPolicy1",
    "backup_window_end_time": "07:00",
    "backup_window_start_time": "19:00",
    "appliance_id": "142868351806",
    "backup_retention_period_in_days": 2
  "resource": {
    "type": "",
    "labels": {
      "location": "us-central1",
      "management_server_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "resource_container": "projects/652683419448"
  "timestamp": "2024-07-26T04:34:46.504Z",
  "logName": "projects/PROJECT_ID/logs/",
  "receiveTimestamp": "2024-07-26T04:36:29.496918995Z"

Sample queries

You can write custom queries in the query section to view selected logs.

Use the following query to view all the backup policy details logs associated with backup/recovery appliances for a given PROJECT_ID:


Use the following query for specific appliance backup policy details.


Use the following query for backup policy details for a specific backup template.


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