Use Oracle Direct NFS with Backup and DR

In order to use Oracle Direct NFS (dNFS) with a backup/recovery appliance, the following requirements must be met:

  • Sufficient network bandwidth between database server and backup/recovery appliance

  • Use all Oracle required or recommended patches. Oracle maintains a list of required or recommended patches in the Oracle Support documentation.

Configure the management console for protecting and mounting virtual Oracle databases over dNFS

To perform dNFS-based backup, you must set the backup/recovery appliance staging disk format (disk preference) to NFS.

Use these instructions to set the staging disk format (disk preference) to NFS:

  1. Go to Manage > Hosts.

  2. Right-click the host and select Edit.

  3. At staging disk format, select NFS and then click Save.

Actions to be performed on the target host for dNFS to work

Perform these actions to ensure that dNFS is configured correctly:

  1. Check for the following message under DB Alert.log to confirm that dNFS is enabled:

    Oracle instance running with ODM: Oracle Direct NFS ODM Library Version 3.01.

    If dNFS is not enabled, then enable it:

    • NFS client packages must exist on the database host for protection jobs, and on any Oracle host on which you might mount a captured Oracle database via dNFS. For example, for Linux, the nfs-util package should exist on the host. Check with the following:

      rpm -qa |grep nfs-util

    • Enable dNFS on the Oracle host:

      cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib make -f dnfs_on

    • Restart the databases running on that ORACLE_HOME, then check for the following message under DB Alert.log to confirm that dNFS is enabled:

      Oracle instance running with ODM: Oracle Direct NFS ODM Library Version 3.0

  2. During the backup job, run the following query to check dNFS usage:

    select * from gv$dnfs_servers;

    You can see the NFS read/write stats for the happening I/O:

    select inst_id, PNUM, NFS_READ, NFS_WRITE, NFS_COMMIT, NFS_MOUNT from
    gv$dnfs_stats where NFS_READ>0 or NFS_WRITE>0 order by  inst_id, PNUM;

    We can see the dnfs channel process information.

    select c.inst_id, program, pid,pname, local, path from gv$process p,
    gv$dnfs_channels c where p.inst_id = c.inst_id and c.pnum =;

Troubleshoot dNFS: Database issues

This includes:

Alert log

The first stop for any debug operation is to check the alert log for dNFS related messages. A common issue observed on databases with dNFS is with the socket buffer size being limited. Oracle tries to adjust the size, but this can be limited by the O/S. In this case, an error like this one is found in the alert log:

    Direct NFS: Failed to set socket buffer size.wtmax=[1048576]\
    rtmax=[1048576], errno=-1

Other items to look for in the alert log include if the correct network cards are being used to communicate with the filer. This can be determined by looking for a message similar to the following:

    Direct NFS: channel id [0] path [] to filer [] via local [] is UP

Database trace files

If I/O issues are occurring, the following events can be set in the database to capture additional logging information. Set these events, wait for the incident to occur, then review to trace files.

    ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS '10298 trace name context forever, level 1'; # KSFD I/O tracing
    ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS '19392 trace name context forever, level 8'; # kgnfs  tracing
    ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS '19394 trace name context forever, level 8'; # skgnfs  tracing
    ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS '19396 trace name context forever, level 6'; # kgodm  tracing
    ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS '19398 trace name context forever, level 128';  # mount  tracing  errors

Database hang

If a database running on dNFS is hanging, then log in as SYSDBA via sqlplus and perform a hang analysis or dump:

    oradebug setmypid
    oradebug unlimited
    oradebug hanganalyze 3
    oradebug dump systemstate 266

If database is a RAC database, then add a -g option to the last two oradebug commands.

dNFS views

The dNFS client is actually in the database kernel. Therefore, several v$ views exist within the database to monitor and check the health of dNFS from within the database. Oracle provides a package that can be used to quickly monitor dNFS performance. This package is in the Oracle dNFS monitor package.

Once deployed, a DBA can perform the following to get information (parameters: dnfs_monitor(sleep time), dnfs_itermonitor (sleep time,number of times to check), sleep time is in seconds):

    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> set lines 200
    SQL> exec dnfs_monitor(60);
    Started at  01/18/2017 10:09:46 AM
    Finished at 01/18/2017 10:10:46 AM
    READ IOPS:                 2
    WRITE IOPS:                3
    TOTAL IOPS:                5
    READ Throughput:           0 MB/s
    WRITE Throughput:          0 MB/s
    TOTAL Throughput:          0 MB/s
    SQL> exec dnfs_itermonitor(2,10)
    Started at 01/18/2017 10:20:18 AM

    01/18/2017 10:20:20 AM  15         7          22           0            0           0

    01/18/2017 10:20:22 AM   2         3          5            0            0           0

    01/18/2017 10:20:24 AM   0         3          3            0            0           0

    01/18/2017 10:20:26 AM   2         2          4            0            0           0

    01/18/2017 10:20:28 AM   0         3          3            0            0           0

    01/18/2017 10:20:30 AM   2         3          5            0            0           0

    01/18/2017 10:20:32 AM   4         3          7            0            0           0

    01/18/2017 10:20:34 AM   0         3          3            0            0           0

    01/18/2017 10:20:36 AM   2         3          5            0            0           0

    01/18/2017 10:20:38 AM   2         3          5            0            0           0

    Finished at 01/18/2017 10:20:38 AM

The V$ views are:

  • V$DNFS_SERVER: Shows information for all NFS server connections (one for each NFS server). View is useful to verify connectivity and TCP socket settings.

  • V$DNFS_CHANNELS: Shows information for all network paths created to the NFS servers. Each dNFS client creates one channel per process per network path. If multiple paths exists (multiple NICs), the dNFS client load balances over all channels. Data reflects activity since last select.

  • V$DNFS_FILES: Shows files that are currently open via dNFS client.

  • V$DNFS_STAT: Performance metrics for dNFS client.

Column Description
DIRNAME Volume exported by NFS server
MNTPORT Local mount port
NFSPORT NFS server port
WTMAX Max write size for NFS server
RTMAX Max read size for NFS server
Column Description
PNUM Oracle process number (link to PID in v$process)
SVRNAME NFS server name
PATH Network path to server
CH_ID dNFS channel ID
SVR_ID dNFS server ID
SENDS Send operations over channel since last select.
RECVS Receive operations over channel since last select.
PINGS Ping operations over channel since last select.
Column Description
FILENAME Name of file.
FILESIZE Size of file.
PNUM Process ID (link to PID in v$process)
SRV_ID NFS server ID
Column Description
PNUM Oracle process number (link to PID in v$process)
NFS_NULL Null operations
NFS_GETATTR Get attribute operations
NFS_SETATTR Set attribute operations
NFS_LOOKUP Lookup operations
NFS_ACCESS Access operations
NFS_READLINK Read link operations
NFS_READ Read operations
NFS_WRITE Write operations
NFS_CREATE Create operations
NFS_MKDIR Make directory operations
NFS_MKNOD Make node operations
NFS_SYMLINK Symbolic link operations
NFS_REMOVE Remove operations
NFS_RMDIR Remove directory operations
NFS_RENAME Rename operations
NFS_LINK Link operations
NFS_READDIR Read directory operations
NFS_READDIRPLUS Read directory plus operations
NFS_FSSTAT File system status operation
NFS_FSINFO File system information operations
NFS_PATHCONF Path configuration operations
NFS_COMMIT Commit operations
NFS_MOUNT Mount operations

The Oracle dNFS monitor package

       (sleepSecs IN NUMBER)
       startTime       DATE;
       startReadIOPS   NUMBER;
       startWriteIOPS  NUMBER;
       startReadBytes  NUMBER;
       startWriteBytes NUMBER;
       endTime         DATE;
       endReadIOPS     NUMBER;
       endWriteIOPS    NUMBER;
       endReadBytes    NUMBER;
       endWriteBytes   NUMBER;
       readThr         NUMBER;
       writeThr        NUMBER;
       readIOPS        NUMBER;
       writeIOPS       NUMBER;
       elapsedTime     NUMBER;

       SELECT sysdate, SUM(stats.nfs_readbytes), SUM(stats.nfs_writebytes),
    SUM(stats.nfs_read), SUM(stats.nfs_write)
       INTO startTime, startReadBytes, startWriteBytes, startReadIOPS, startWriteIOPS
       FROM dual, v$dnfs_stats stats;

       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Started at  ' || TO_CHAR(startTime,'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS AM'));


       SELECT sysdate, SUM(stats.nfs_readbytes), SUM(stats.nfs_writebytes), SUM(stats.nfs_read), SUM(stats.nfs_write)
       INTO endTime, endReadBytes, endWriteBytes, endReadIOPS, endWriteIOPS
       FROM dual, v$dnfs_stats stats;

       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Finished at ' || to_char(endTime,'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS AM'));

       elapsedTime := (endTime - startTime) * 86400;
       readThr := (endReadBytes - startReadBytes)/(1024 * 1024 * elapsedTime);
       writeThr := (endWriteBytes - startWriteBytes)/(1024 * 1024 * elapsedTime);
       readIOPS := (endReadIOPS - startReadIOPS)/elapsedTime;
       writeIOPS := (endWriteIOPS - startWriteIOPS)/elapsedTime;

       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('READ IOPS:        ' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(readIOPS, '999999999'), 10, ' '));
       '999999999'), 10, ' '));
       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('TOTAL IOPS:       ' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(readIOPS + writeIOPS, '999999999'), 10, ' '));
       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('READ Throughput:  ' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(readThr, '999999999'), 10, ' ') || ' MB/s');
       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('WRITE Throughput: ' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(writeThr,
       '999999999'), 10, ' ') || ' MB/s');
       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('TOTAL Throughput: ' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(readThr + writeThr, '999999999'), 10, ' ') || ' MB/s');

    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE dnfs_itermonitor
       (sleepSecs IN NUMBER,
        iter      IN NUMBER)
       startTime       DATE;
       startReadIOPS   NUMBER;
       startWriteIOPS  NUMBER;
       startReadBytes  NUMBER;
       startWriteBytes NUMBER;
       endTime         DATE;
       endReadIOPS     NUMBER;
       endWriteIOPS    NUMBER;
       endReadBytes    NUMBER;
       endWriteBytes   NUMBER;
       readThr         NUMBER;
       writeThr        NUMBER;
       readIOPS        NUMBER;
       writeIOPS       NUMBER;
       i               NUMBER;
       elapsedTime     NUMBER;


           LPAD('TIMESTAMP', 15, ' ')||
           LPAD('READ IOPS', 33, ' ')||
           LPAD('WRITE IOPS', 15, ' ')||
           LPAD('TOTAL IOPS', 15, ' ')||
           LPAD('READ (MB/s)', 15, ' ')||
           LPAD('WRITE (MB/s)', 15, ' ')||
           LPAD('TOTAL (MB/s)', 15, ' '));

       FOR i IN 1..iter
       SELECT sysdate, SUM(stats.nfs_readbytes), SUM(stats.nfs_writebytes), SUM(stats.nfs_read), SUM(stats.nfs_write)
       INTO startTime, startReadBytes, startWriteBytes, startReadIOPS, startWriteIOPS
       FROM dual, v$dnfs_stats stats;


       SELECT sysdate, SUM(stats.nfs_readbytes), SUM(stats.nfs_writebytes), SUM(stats.nfs_read), SUM(stats.nfs_write)
       INTO endTime, endReadBytes, endWriteBytes, endReadIOPS, endWriteIOPS
       FROM dual, v$dnfs_stats stats;

       elapsedTime := (endTime - startTime) * 86400;
       readThr := (endReadBytes-startReadBytes)/(1024 * 1024 * elapsedTime);
       writeThr := (endWriteBytes-startWriteBytes)/(1024 * 1024 * elapsedTime);
       readIOPS := (endReadIOPS - startReadIOPS)/elapsedTime;
       writeIOPS := (endWriteIOPS - startWriteIOPS)/elapsedTime;

           TO_CHAR(endTime, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')||
           LPAD(TO_CHAR(readIOPS, '999999999'), 15, '') ||
           LPAD(TO_CHAR(writeIOPS, '999999999'), 15,' ') ||
           LPAD(TO_CHAR(readIOPS + writeIOPS, '999999999'),15, ' ') ||
           LPAD(TO_CHAR(readThr, '999999999'), 15, '') ||LPAD(TO_CHAR(writeThr, '999999999'), 15, '
    ') ||
    LPAD(TO_CHAR(readThr + writeThr, '999999999'), 15, ' '));
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Finished at ' || to_char(endTime, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS AM'));


The Oracle DBA Guide