Bibliotecas cliente

AutoML client libraries are built on Google Cloud Client Libraries. This common infrastructure provides functionality for API-specific library implementations, but it also provides types and methods that you may use directly when using any Cloud API.

Install the client libraries


If you are using Maven, add this to your pom.xml file:


If you are using Gradle, add this to your dependencies:

      compile ''

If you are using SBT, add this to your dependencies:

       libraryDependencies += "" % "google-cloud-automl" % "0.86.0-beta"

For more information, see the Client reference.


Before installing the library, make sure you've prepared your environment for Node.js development.

npm install --save @google-cloud/automl


Before installing the library, make sure you've prepared your environment for Python development.

For information about the AutoML Python client library, see the AutoML Client reference.

The client library for AutoML Tables includes additional Python methods that simplify using the AutoML Tables API. These methods refer to datasets and models by name instead of id. Your dataset and model names must be unique. The additional methods automate common usage patterns, such as setting a column as the "label" column to serve as ground truth for training, uploading data directly from a Pandas DataFrame, looking up resources by their human-readable display names, and so on. This client is specific to Python, and is intended to improve the experience for users of IPython notebooks.

For more information about the Tables Python client library, see the Tables Client reference.

pip install google-cloud-automl