Query assets with SQL

You can query assets in your project, folder, or organization using a BigQuery SQL-compatible dialect.

Before you begin

  1. Enable the Cloud Asset Inventory API in the project you're running Cloud Asset Inventory commands from.

    Enable the Cloud Asset Inventory API

  2. Make sure your account has the correct role to call the Cloud Asset Inventory API. For individual permissions for each call type, see Permissions.


Tables you can query

You can query the following tables:

  • For RESOURCE content types, table names in the dataset correspond to the asset type name, assuming that asset type exists. For example, the compute_googleapis_com_Instance table contains Compute Engine instance metadata.

  • For non-RESOURCE content types, table names in the dataset correspond to the RPC/REST content type names. For example, ACCESS_POLICY.

  • To query resource standard metadata across resource types, use the table name STANDARD_METADATA. This includes all fields except resource.DATA, which is specific to each resource type.

Query asset metadata


To query the asset metadata for your project, folder, or organization, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Assets page in Security Command Center in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to Assets

  2. Change to the project, folder, or organization you want to query.
  3. Click the Asset query tab.
  4. To query asset metadata, either use a sample query or build your own:

    • To use a sample, click an entry in the Query library tab to preview the query. Click **Apply** to copy that sample into the Edit query box, then either edit the query, or click Run to execute it.
    • To build your own query, enter the query text directly into the Edit query box, then click Run to execute it. To assist in writing your own query, you can click a table in the Select table pane to preview its schema and content. See Query syntax to learn how to construct a query.

    The asset metadata matching the query is shown in the Query result tab.

  5. Optional: To download the query result sets in CSV format, click Export.

    The maximum size of the CSV file is 2 MB. If the download request fails because the file size exceeds this limit, a message appears with instructions for exporting the full results.


gcloud asset query \
    --SCOPE \
    --statement="SQL_SELECT_QUERY" \

Provide the following values:

  • SCOPE: Use one of the following values:

    • project=PROJECT_ID, where PROJECT_ID is the ID of the project that has the assets you want to query.
    • folder=FOLDER_ID, where FOLDER_ID is the ID of the folder that has the assets you want to query.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud folder

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud folder, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Search for your folder name. The folder ID is shown next to the folder name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud folder that's located at the organization level with the following command:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list \
          --organization=$(gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --format="value(name.segment(1))") \
          --filter='"DISPLAY_NAME":"TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME"' \

      Where TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME is a partial or full string match for the folder's name. Remove the --format flag to see more information about the found folders.

      The previous command doesn't return the IDs of subfolders within folders. To do so, run the following command using a top level folder's ID:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list --folder=FOLDER_ID
    • organization=ORGANIZATION_ID, where ORGANIZATION_ID is the ID of the organization that has the assets you want to query.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud organization

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud organization, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Click the All tab. The organization ID is shown next to the organization name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud organization with the following command:

      gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME --format="value(name.segment(1))"
  • TIMEOUT: Optional. The maximum time, in seconds, that a client should wait for the query to complete before continuing. Use timeouts to asynchronously run your query, and retrieve the results later with job references.

See the gcloud CLI reference for all options.


Run the following command to get the names and asset types of the first two Compute Engine instances in the my-project project.

gcloud asset query \
    --project=my-project \
        name, assetType
      LIMIT 2"

Finished job response

The following sample shows a response to the previous example query. The response contains a job reference and tells you whether the job has finished (done: true). If the job has finished, then the queryResult object is populated with the appropriate data, and the results are listed afterward.

done: true
jobReference: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  nextPageToken: ''
  totalRows: '2'

name: //compute.googleapis.com/projects/my-project/zones/us-central1-a/instances/instance-1
assetType: compute.googleapis.com/Instance

name: //compute.googleapis.com/projects/my-project/zones/us-central1-c/instances/instance-2
assetType: compute.googleapis.com/Instance

Unfinished job response

If you set a timeout in your request, the query is performed asynchronously and you are sent a response that indicates the job is unfinished (done: false). These sorts of responses contain a job reference and an unpopulated queryResult object:

done: false
jobReference: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  nextPageToken: ''
  totalRows: '0'

You can use the jobReference value to retrieve the query results later, after the job has completed and the data is available.


HTTP method and URL:

POST https://cloudasset.googleapis.com/v1/SCOPE_PATH:queryAssets

Request JSON body:

  "statement": "SQL_SELECT_QUERY",
  "timeout": "TIMEOUTs",
  "pageSize": "PAGE_SIZE",
  "pageToken": "PAGE_TOKEN"

Provide the following values:

  • SCOPE_PATH: Use one of the following values:

    The allowed values are:

    • projects/PROJECT_ID, where PROJECT_ID is the ID of the project that has the assets you want to query.
    • projects/PROJECT_NUMBER, where PROJECT_NUMBER is the number of the project that has the assets you want to query.

      How to find a Google Cloud project number

      Google Cloud console

      To find a Google Cloud project number, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Welcome page in the Google Cloud console.

        Go to Welcome

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box, and then search for your project name. The project name, project number, and project ID are shown near the Welcome heading.

        Up to 4,000 resources are displayed. If you don't see the project you're looking for, go to the Manage resources page and filter the list using the name of that project.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve a Google Cloud project number with the following command:

      gcloud projects describe PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)"
    • folders/FOLDER_ID, where FOLDER_ID is the ID of the folder that has the assets you want to query.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud folder

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud folder, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Search for your folder name. The folder ID is shown next to the folder name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud folder that's located at the organization level with the following command:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list \
          --organization=$(gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --format="value(name.segment(1))") \
          --filter='"DISPLAY_NAME":"TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME"' \

      Where TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME is a partial or full string match for the folder's name. Remove the --format flag to see more information about the found folders.

      The previous command doesn't return the IDs of subfolders within folders. To do so, run the following command using a top level folder's ID:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list --folder=FOLDER_ID
    • organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID, where ORGANIZATION_ID is the ID of the organization that has the assets you want to query.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud organization

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud organization, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Click the All tab. The organization ID is shown next to the organization name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud organization with the following command:

      gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME --format="value(name.segment(1))"
  • TIMEOUT: Optional. The maximum time, in seconds, that a client should wait for the query to complete before continuing. Use timeouts to asynchronously run your query, and retrieve the results later with job references.
  • PAGE_SIZE: Optional. The number of results to return per page. The maximum is 500. If the value is set to 0 or a negative value, an appropriate default is selected. A nextPageToken is returned to retrieve subsequent results.

  • PAGE_TOKEN: Optional. Long request responses are separated over multiple pages. When pageToken isn't specified, the first page is returned. Subsequent pages can be called by using the previous response's nextPageToken as the pageToken value.

See the REST reference for all options.

Command examples

Run one of the following commands to get the names and asset types of the first two Compute Engine instances in the my-project project.

curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell)

curl -X POST \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
     -d '{
            "statement": "
                name, assetType
              LIMIT 2"
          }' \

PowerShell (Windows)

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token

$headers = @{ 
  "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred"

$body = @"
  "statement": "
      name, assetType
    LIMIT 2"

Invoke-WebRequest `
  -Method POST `
  -Headers $headers `
  -ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
  -Body $body `
  -Uri "https://cloudasset.googleapis.com/v1/projects/my-project:queryAssets" | Select-Object -Expand Content

Finished job response

The following sample shows a response to the previous example query. The response contains a job reference and tells you whether the job has finished ("done": true). If the job has finished, then the queryResult object is populated with the appropriate data.

Query results are split into rows, an array that contains asset metadata, and schema, an object which describes the schema for each asset in the rows array. This is done to minimize duplication of field names and types in large responses.

Similarly, f and v are used in the rows array instead of fields and value to keep responses as small as possible.

  "jobReference": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "done": true,
  "queryResult": {
    "rows": [
        "f": [
            "v": "//compute.googleapis.com/projects/my-project/zones/us-central1-a/instances/instance-1"
            "v": "compute.googleapis.com/Instance"
        "f": [
            "v": "//compute.googleapis.com/projects/my-project/zones/us-central1-a/instances/instance-2"
            "v": "compute.googleapis.com/Instance"
    "schema": {
      "fields": [
          "field": "name",
          "type": "STRING",
          "mode": "NULLABLE",
          "fields": []
          "field": "assetType",
          "type": "STRING",
          "mode": "NULLABLE",
          "fields": []
    "nextPageToken": "",
    "totalRows": "1"

Unfinished job response

If you set a timeout in your request, the query is performed asynchronously and you are sent a response that indicates the job is unfinished ("done": false). These sorts of responses contain a job reference and an unpopulated queryResult object:

  "jobReference": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "done": false,
  "queryResult": {
    "rows": [],
    "schema": {
      "fields": []
    "nextPageToken": "",
    "totalRows": "0"

You can use the jobReference value to retrieve the query results later, after the job has completed and the data is available.

Retrieve query results later

To retrieve a request later that has taken time to complete, make one the following requests.


gcloud asset query \
    --SCOPE \

Provide the following values:

  • SCOPE: Use one of the following values:

    • project=PROJECT_ID, where PROJECT_ID is the ID of the project that has the assets you want to query.
    • folder=FOLDER_ID, where FOLDER_ID is the ID of the folder that has the assets you want to query.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud folder

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud folder, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Search for your folder name. The folder ID is shown next to the folder name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud folder that's located at the organization level with the following command:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list \
          --organization=$(gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --format="value(name.segment(1))") \
          --filter='"DISPLAY_NAME":"TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME"' \

      Where TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME is a partial or full string match for the folder's name. Remove the --format flag to see more information about the found folders.

      The previous command doesn't return the IDs of subfolders within folders. To do so, run the following command using a top level folder's ID:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list --folder=FOLDER_ID
    • organization=ORGANIZATION_ID, where ORGANIZATION_ID is the ID of the organization that has the assets you want to query.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud organization

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud organization, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Click the All tab. The organization ID is shown next to the organization name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud organization with the following command:

      gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME --format="value(name.segment(1))"
  • JOB_REFERENCE: The job reference value returned in a previous response.


Run the following command to get the results of a previously run query in the my-project project.

gcloud asset query \
    --project=my-project \


HTTP method and URL:

POST https://cloudasset.googleapis.com/v1/SCOPE_PATH:queryAssets

Request JSON body:

  "jobReference": "JOB_REFERENCE",
  "pageToken": "PAGE_TOKEN"

Provide the following values:

  • SCOPE_PATH: Use one of the following values:

    The allowed values are:

    • projects/PROJECT_ID, where PROJECT_ID is the ID of the project that has the assets you want to query.
    • projects/PROJECT_NUMBER, where PROJECT_NUMBER is the number of the project that has the assets you want to query.

      How to find a Google Cloud project number

      Google Cloud console

      To find a Google Cloud project number, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Welcome page in the Google Cloud console.

        Go to Welcome

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box, and then search for your project name. The project name, project number, and project ID are shown near the Welcome heading.

        Up to 4,000 resources are displayed. If you don't see the project you're looking for, go to the Manage resources page and filter the list using the name of that project.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve a Google Cloud project number with the following command:

      gcloud projects describe PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)"
    • folders/FOLDER_ID, where FOLDER_ID is the ID of the folder that has the assets you want to query.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud folder

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud folder, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Search for your folder name. The folder ID is shown next to the folder name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud folder that's located at the organization level with the following command:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list \
          --organization=$(gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --format="value(name.segment(1))") \
          --filter='"DISPLAY_NAME":"TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME"' \

      Where TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME is a partial or full string match for the folder's name. Remove the --format flag to see more information about the found folders.

      The previous command doesn't return the IDs of subfolders within folders. To do so, run the following command using a top level folder's ID:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list --folder=FOLDER_ID
    • organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID, where ORGANIZATION_ID is the ID of the organization that has the assets you want to query.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud organization

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud organization, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Click the All tab. The organization ID is shown next to the organization name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud organization with the following command:

      gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME --format="value(name.segment(1))"
  • JOB_REFERENCE: The job reference value returned in a previous response.
  • PAGE_TOKEN: Optional. Long request responses are separated over multiple pages. When pageToken isn't specified, the first page is returned. Subsequent pages can be called by using the previous response's nextPageToken as the pageToken value.

Command examples

Run one of the following commands to get the results of a previously run query.

curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell)

curl -X POST \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
     -d '{
            "jobReference": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
          }' \

PowerShell (Windows)

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token

$headers = @{ 
  "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred"

$body = @"
  "jobReference": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

Invoke-WebRequest `
  -Method POST `
  -Headers $headers `
  -ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
  -Body $body `
  -Uri "https://cloudasset.googleapis.com/v1/projects/my-project:queryAssets" | Select-Object -Expand Content

Export query results to BigQuery

Query results are returned as Query Assets API responses. To export the results to your own BigQuery table, specify a BigQuery destination in the request. If you don't already have one, you must create a BigQuery dataset before making these requests.


gcloud asset query \
    --SCOPE \
    --billing-project=BILLING_PROJECT_ID \
    --statement="SQL_SELECT_QUERY" \
    --bigquery-table=projects/BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID/datasets/DATASET_ID/tables/TABLE_NAME \

Provide the following values:

  • SCOPE: Use one of the following values:

    • project=PROJECT_ID, where PROJECT_ID is the ID of the project that has the asset metadata you want to export with an SQL query.
    • folder=FOLDER_ID, where FOLDER_ID is the ID of the folder that has the asset metadata you want to export with an SQL query.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud folder

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud folder, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Search for your folder name. The folder ID is shown next to the folder name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud folder that's located at the organization level with the following command:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list \
          --organization=$(gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --format="value(name.segment(1))") \
          --filter='"DISPLAY_NAME":"TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME"' \

      Where TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME is a partial or full string match for the folder's name. Remove the --format flag to see more information about the found folders.

      The previous command doesn't return the IDs of subfolders within folders. To do so, run the following command using a top level folder's ID:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list --folder=FOLDER_ID
    • organization=ORGANIZATION_ID, where ORGANIZATION_ID is the ID of the organization that has the asset metadata you want to export with an SQL query.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud organization

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud organization, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Click the All tab. The organization ID is shown next to the organization name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud organization with the following command:

      gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME --format="value(name.segment(1))"
  • BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID: The ID of the project that the BigQuery table is in that you want to export to.
  • DATASET_ID: The ID of the BigQuery dataset.
  • TABLE_NAME: The BigQuery table you're exporting your metadata to. If it doesn't exist, it's created.
  • WRITE_METHOD: Specifies the behavior if the BigQuery destination table or partition already exists. The following values are supported:

    • write-empty: Default. If the existing table contains data, a duplicate error is returned in the job result.
    • write-append: Appends data to the table or the latest partition.
    • write-truncate: Overwrites the entire table or all partitions data.


Run the following command to get the names and asset types of the first two Compute Engine instances in the my-project project, and export the results to the my-table BigQuery table in the my-project project, overwriting the entire table if it already exists.

gcloud asset query \
  --project=my-project \
      name, assetType
    LIMIT 2" \
  --bigquery-table=projects/my-project/datasets/my-dataset/tables/my-table \


HTTP method and URL:

POST https://cloudasset.googleapis.com/v1/SCOPE_PATH:queryAssets



Request JSON body:

  "statement": "SQL_SELECT_QUERY",
  "outputConfig": {
    "bigqueryDestination": {
      "dataset": "projects/BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID/datasets/DATASET_ID",
      "table": "TABLE_NAME",
      "writeDisposition": "WRITE_METHOD"
  "pageSize": "PAGE_SIZE"

Provide the following values:

  • SCOPE_PATH: Use one of the following values:

    The allowed values are:

    • projects/PROJECT_ID, where PROJECT_ID is the ID of the project that has the asset metadata you want to export with an SQL query.
    • projects/PROJECT_NUMBER, where PROJECT_NUMBER is the number of the project that has the asset metadata you want to export with an SQL query.

      How to find a Google Cloud project number

      Google Cloud console

      To find a Google Cloud project number, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Welcome page in the Google Cloud console.

        Go to Welcome

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box, and then search for your project name. The project name, project number, and project ID are shown near the Welcome heading.

        Up to 4,000 resources are displayed. If you don't see the project you're looking for, go to the Manage resources page and filter the list using the name of that project.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve a Google Cloud project number with the following command:

      gcloud projects describe PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)"
    • folders/FOLDER_ID, where FOLDER_ID is the ID of the folder that has the asset metadata you want to export with an SQL query.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud folder

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud folder, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Search for your folder name. The folder ID is shown next to the folder name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud folder that's located at the organization level with the following command:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list \
          --organization=$(gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --format="value(name.segment(1))") \
          --filter='"DISPLAY_NAME":"TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME"' \

      Where TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_NAME is a partial or full string match for the folder's name. Remove the --format flag to see more information about the found folders.

      The previous command doesn't return the IDs of subfolders within folders. To do so, run the following command using a top level folder's ID:

      gcloud resource-manager folders list --folder=FOLDER_ID
    • organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID, where ORGANIZATION_ID is the ID of the organization that has the asset metadata you want to export with an SQL query.

      How to find the ID of a Google Cloud organization

      Google Cloud console

      To find the ID of a Google Cloud organization, complete the following steps:

      1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

        Go to the Google Cloud console

      2. Click the switcher list box in the menu bar.
      3. Select your organization from the list box.
      4. Click the All tab. The organization ID is shown next to the organization name.

      gcloud CLI

      You can retrieve the ID of a Google Cloud organization with the following command:

      gcloud organizations describe ORGANIZATION_NAME --format="value(name.segment(1))"
  • BILLING_PROJECT_ID: The project ID that the default Cloud Asset Inventory service agent is in that has permissions to manage your BigQuery datasets and tables. Read more about setting the billing project.

  • BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID: The ID of the project that the BigQuery table is in that you want to export to.
  • DATASET_ID: The ID of the BigQuery dataset.
  • TABLE_NAME: The BigQuery table you're exporting your metadata to. If it doesn't exist, it's created.
  • WRITE_METHOD: Specifies the behavior if the BigQuery destination table or partition already exists. The following values are supported:

    • WRITE_EMPTY: Default. If the existing table contains data, a duplicate error is returned in the job result.
    • WRITE_APPEND: Appends data to the table or the latest partition.
    • WRITE_TRUNCATE: Overwrites the entire table or all partitions data.
  • PAGE_SIZE: Optional. The number of results to return per page. The maximum is 500. If the value is set to 0 or a negative value, an appropriate default is selected. A nextPageToken is returned to retrieve subsequent results.

Command examples

Run one of the following commands to get the names and asset types of the first two Compute Engine instances in the my-project project, and export the results to the my-table BigQuery table in the my-project project, overwriting the entire table if it already exists.

curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell)

curl -X POST \
     -H "X-Goog-User-Project: BILLING_PROJECT_ID" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
     -d '{
            "statement": "
                name, assetType
              LIMIT 2",
            "outputConfig": {
              "bigqueryDestination": {
                "dataset": "projects/my-project/datasets/my-dataset",
                "table": "my-table",
                "writeDisposition": "WRITE_TRUNCATE"
          }' \

PowerShell (Windows)

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token

$headers = @{ 
  "X-Goog-User-Project" = "BILLING_PROJECT_ID";
  "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred"

$body = @"
  "statement": "
      name, assetType
    LIMIT 2",
  "outputConfig": {
    "bigqueryDestination": {
      "dataset": "projects/my-project/datasets/my-dataset",
      "table": "my-table",
      "writeDisposition": "WRITE_TRUNCATE"

Invoke-WebRequest `
  -Method POST `
  -Headers $headers `
  -ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
  -Body $body `
  -Uri "https://cloudasset.googleapis.com/v1/projects/my-project:queryAssets" | Select-Object -Expand Content

Additional SQL query examples

The following code samples show specific SQL queries you can use to search for assets, to help you construct your own queries.

Compute Engine VM instances in a specific region

Additionally, return their name and when they were created.

  resource.location LIKE '%asia%'

How many BigQuery datasets are in each project

    ancestor AS project,
    UNNEST (ancestors) AS ancestor
    ancestor LIKE '%project%'
    2 DESC

How many Compute Engine VM instances are in each region


Name and assetType of all resources in a region

  resource.location LIKE '%asia%'

Publicly available Cloud Storage buckets

Additionally, return their name.

  UNNEST(iamPolicy.bindings) AS binding
  ('allUsers' IN UNNEST(binding.members)
  OR 'allAuthenticatedUsers' IN UNNEST(binding.members))
  AND assetType = 'storage.googleapis.com/Bucket'

Subnetworks that don't have attached VM instances

  compute_googleapis_com_Subnetwork AS subnetwork_table
    interface.subnetwork AS subnetwork
    UNNEST(resource.DATA.networkInterfaces) AS interface) AS instance_table
  SUBSTR(subnetwork_table.name, 25) = SUBSTR(instance_table.subnetwork,38)
  instance_table.subnetwork IS NULL
  AND NOT subnetwork_table.name LIKE '%default%'