Configuring permissions

This topic shows you how to configure the permissions and credentials that are required for calling the Cloud Asset Inventory API.


Before you can call the Cloud Asset Inventory API, you must authenticate as either an end user or as a service account. For more information about authentication, see Authentication overview.

Granting required permissions for the gcloud CLI

To use the gcloud CLI to access the Cloud Asset Inventory API, you must grant the necessary permissions on the target resource's parent, which can be either an organization, project, or folder. You must specify this parent in the parent field of your API requests.

If your account has the Cloud Asset Owner role (roles/cloudasset.owner) or the Owner basic role (roles/owner) on the resource's parent, it has sufficient permissions to call the Cloud Asset Inventory API and you can skip to Downloading credentials. For more information about Cloud Asset Inventory roles, see Roles.

Granting roles

To grant a role to an account, complete the following steps with the Google Cloud CLI. Learn how to install and initialize the gcloud CLI.

User account

To grant the necessary roles to a user account, complete the following steps.

  1. To log in with your user account, run the following command.

    gcloud auth login USER_ACCOUNT_EMAIL
  2. Grant your user account the Cloud Asset Viewer role (roles/cloudasset.viewer) or the Cloud Asset Owner role (roles/cloudasset.owner) on the root (parent) resource. This project can be the project where the Cloud Asset Inventory API is enabled.

    To grant your user account the Cloud Asset Viewer role, run the following command.

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding TARGET_PROJECT_ID \
        --member user:USER_ACCOUNT_EMAIL \
        --role roles/cloudasset.viewer

    You can add the --billing-project flag to the gcloud asset command to specify the billing project where the Cloud Asset Inventory API is enabled.

    --billing-project PROJECT_ID

    If you specify this flag, your account needs the permission on the project PROJECT_ID. See Understanding roles for a list of predefined roles that include this permission.

Service account

To grant the necessary roles to a service account, complete the following steps. For more information about service accounts, see Creating and managing service accounts.

  1. To create a new service account, run the following command. If you already have a service account in a project where the Cloud Asset Inventory API is enabled, you can skip this step.

    gcloud iam service-accounts create SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME \
        --display-name "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_NAME"
  2. Grant your service account the Cloud Asset Viewer role (roles/cloudasset.viewer) or the Cloud Asset Owner role (roles/cloudasset.owner) on the root (parent) resource. This project can be the same as the project where the Cloud Asset Inventory API is enabled.

    To grant your service account the Cloud Asset Viewer role, run the following command.

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding TARGET_PROJECT_ID \
        --member \
        --role roles/cloudasset.viewer